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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 16, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news not from button for the last key saves, he holds to, for default, towards what he calls a just peace as an international summit, end of ending the war opens in switzerland. ukrainian president packed the mold and 90 international delegation, taking thoughts. prussia was not among them. and breton celebrates king charles's birthday with the military parade. as the princess of wales makes her 1st public appearance since how counsel diagnosis the
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i'm the head. jodie. welcome to the program, lead roles and diplomats from 100 countries and institutions out in switzerland trying to map out default to ending the conflict and ukraine. restaurant is not at the conference, i need the results goals, largest back of china. despite the prominence no shows ukraine's president for the meals events, k was optimistic of reaching consensus around a piece. black of representatives from over 90 countries, gathered to try and forge a peace plan for you. cream, notably, absent is russian president vladimir putin who was not invited. the decision to exclude a warring party was met with criticism from some countries including skepticism from a close ally, ukraine, 2nd largest donor germany, chancellor, olaf schultz, that negotiation was crucial, but stressed that it was russia that chose war. no country wants peace more than
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you queen, but let us be on this piece is more than the absence of bull. it is true peace and jew cream cannot be achieved without involving russia. but that does not forget that as we speak russian and continues is to rent in please the wage. it's proved too long. so lensky defended the decision to exclude russia and said moscow would be informed when the time was right. there is no russia here. why? because if russia was interested in fees, that would be no war. we must decide together what adjust this means for the world and how each can be achieved in its ruling last week. so lensky was hoping us president joe biden would attend. instead, vice president camella harris, joint leaders pledging on wavering support for you cream and shooting down a so called piece proposal made by putin on the ease of the summit. he claimed
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russia would end the war if you crean agreed to give up for eastern regions. and dropped its nito ambitions and let nothing about the end of this war be decided with out ukraine. by contrast, however, yesterday students put forward a proposal. but we must speak. truth is not calling for negotiations as calling for surrender walk. countries like germany and finland save the summit as a 1st step to lasting peace. it's not expected to result in a real breakthrough in the absence of russia. so what can we expect from the summit, given the low expectations fuels, dw, chief political correspondent need to have yeah. lowered expectations. indeed, germantown solar shows a compared to today to
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a small pond that needs watering. so we're hearing that a document is indeed in the making a bunch of clothes. the wording is going to be very tricky. indeed. your training president of the landscape is also here in switzerland today. and he tried to remind everybody that it's really russia, that is the address that you train is the victim. and that the people need to be reminded of this and do your training president has a 3 topics that he wants to discuss here, where he thinks that it's got the potential to find minimal consensus amongst all those countries in terms of the ban on the use of nuclear weapons, fit fruit security and the issue of deported children from ukraine. those are issues where he is hoping that the can be of an agreement between all the countries around the world that they reassign. but these things need to be sorted out, need to be dealt with. so that, that they can re, if i'm the commitment to the un tata, for example,
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that some countries all saying russia has violated. but of course, the details and other topics. let's trick here. when we hear that a william root of, for example, room can ya says that to rest as well needs to be condemned. for the same time, you says all parties to the what needs to soften depositions. a month ago, ukraine lowered a straw stage from $27.00 to $25.00. to use a fighting golf brochure, i was invasion, have taken a heavy toll on tooth numbers, and the next generation is already getting ready for battle. dw and ss visited one group of youngsters practicing the skills they lead asked mutual soldiers. molly, from the commander distributes rifles to the separate tactical group, replicates. that is troops here only teenagers. so i'm not even that old yet. this is an after school club for the kids have shut the teeth, couldn't western ukraine. they need 3 times a week to prepare for life in
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a country at wal. mad in that that i took a junior sergeant and an air defense unit is the only adult here. she founded the program in 2015 with funding from donations grants and the local government of the senior. after russia launched its full scale invasion in 2022, the clubs activities took on a new urgency. but elaina says her mission is bigger than just training future soldiers. so when you accept today, you want to invest the maximum and bringing up this generation watson because the future depends on the uniform. she always, they correctly understand who they are, who you think that they are citizens of ukraine, yet they are needed here so that they can develop the country and was what was the only then will there be a future here? and when you go in the next, mostly as a supervisor, as the older kids teach, the younger ones, hard military skills, like how to assemble a real kalashnikov, then they use wouldn't rifles for the drills, but there's no playing around. they're fully aware that their life may some day
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depend on this training. the enforced discipline and relish difficult conditions like a brief down, pour the trenches the field today. the 16 year old and yellow is one that the younger kids look up to go. both his parents serve in the military and he's committed to doing the same on the forward. she allows whether i'm ready to go and fight on the front line in the hot spot. i think so, yes, for one thing. sure, because this is my gmc is a citizen of ukraine, so you know, i dang, basic skills get that will help me my training in the future. positive and obviously and help me push the enemy out of our control. the reporter to the has the last reason. at 12 step on is the 2nd youngest. when the group put him up, he hopes to take a different religion. just thought the name simply be said by you think you'd ever want to be a soldier. that's too much, i have no idea what's wrong with it. i know what those to some of which anything can happen to know. but if i want to study for a civilian job,
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there are hundreds of youth groups like this and ukraine, and that number has grown significantly since the full scale invasion. that's according to the youth and sports ministry, which provides direct financial support to the larger ones. in the last 2 years, the ministry held conferences for youth groups across the country that involved 74000 young people probably will create any subordinate now in ukraine. it's a time of internal reflection looking life. i'm the one day's notice. i haven't. so rethinking the question of how to raise the children, but also that they are citizens of an independent and white and capable country social. the other one is the last night from was 9th grade and the after 2 hours of exercises spirits are high. but the walls are covered with sobering reminders of more. these young men are graduates. the programs of died on the front lines. several other graduates are still they're fighting. but as of all you yeah, i would worry check it for the when we chat. i know they can't immediately go
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online and read. my message is what you're talking about. but i'm always checking the messages to see if they've read what i sent them to, whether they've been online, whether everyone is there, they don't all answer right away. see you. but if they read the messages earlier than everything is fine on this, but they'll send all of it out as the change back into their civilian clothes. members of the separate tactical group are just kids. once again. some of them still have 5 or 6 years before they become adults and have to make adult decisions for others. that milestone is just a few months away. let's take a look now what some of the stories making headlines around the world. as well as military saves 8 of the soldiers were killed during the operations and before in southern gauze, on these with some of the heaviest losses since the start of these rarely ground the sold that followed. the hum off 10 roost attacks. come off, sol. so say israel's offensive has killed more than $37000.00 people in golf of
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sweden, an arrow, and have completed a controversial present to swap it wrong has released to swedish. so the rules arrested on national security charges. sweden handed over how many newly who was sentenced to life in prison by a swedish quote for his fault in the most killing of it on in decisions in the 1918 as many as a 1000000 and a half most lim, pilgrim's braving sweltering change to prey on mound out of thoughts and saw the arabian, as visio of hutch reaches its climax of the out of thoughtful grimsley, collect bevels to carry out the symbolic stoning of the devil ritual in nina. on sunday. now rallies have been held across problems to protest against the far right. the demonstrations go ahead of snap solomon treat elections cold for later this month by president emanuel monroe and p. racism groups joined french unions to march to the streets of paris. they feel marine left,
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penn national riley potty could meet the falls fall right government seats. the 2nd world war, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators turned out. nationwide dw sonya fall. liquor is in paris, she explained what rolled so many protest those to turn out as well. these are definitely some of the biggest demonstrations against the far right that we've seen so far. ever since president mccaul, call those a snap and make sure i'm missing, you know, reports of positive people. now i'm not just in the capital of virus but also the city of marcy earlier today. we support this by your in the south in valencia and in the notes that a big part as applied to model in neil as well. i think what is essentially driving many of these demonstrators to come out in big numbers, i think is boats. you don't kind of angle as well as feel that the snap elections could potentially give the far right. it's best shot to the governing fronds. since the machine regime of one to 2, we have to remember that the far right measured riley. this is
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a nationalistic populist party which you know, has and team aggression that it's, um, it as its main platform and it's spent, you know, in the past to spend decades of the political fringes because it's, it's founder, was convicted of racism and puts 9 the whole the cost and the body to the it has re branded itself under the marine defend, it has cleaned up its image. but a lot of speakers to be at these riley's set, but the far right really hasn't changed. it's stripes. and one that, you know, press freedoms the right to demonstrate and mobilize and treat the dns would even be a threat if it's default right. can develop. thousands braced the rain in central london to watch king charles's animals book. they parade the tubing off the color. and to see the princess of wales make a false public appearance. since the counsel diagnose o'neill, this you the, the tree being of the kind of a, some of the display of minute treat pageantry that mocks the king's official
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birthday. the annual event near bucking impala seize troops in full ceremonial regalia parade past the king displaying the regimental flag, also known as the color. the sea of the occasion was especially poignant. a show of stability by the monkey of to months in which both the king and the princess of wales have been sidelined by cancer treatment. and this is what many on lucas had been waiting. so the 1st glimpse of the princess of wales since she disappeared from public life. no december. in march, the princess revealed she taken a step back from her royal duties to one to go tense the treatment. then in a statement released on friday, she signed the public for that kindness, said she was making good progress, but admitted she was quite knocked out of the wood. yet. royal funds break the weather tonight and the read some campaign over night to ensure the best view of
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the princess is arrival. so it's amazing in the carriage that went by. so it's amazing to come stay as old as old, and we thank you so much. or when i had the new zip to the i was so gloves and i'll come with this year. we're going to me and think the king or kate would be here. and so when we found that they were both going to be here and it, it was like, beyond the blessing me, it was like so exciting. i this is my day is made lighting our trail. our try so hard in our trip to london is made off to the ceremony. finally, for many royal funds, the highlights of the day, the princess of wales joined the king and royal family on the balcony of buckingham palace to watch a spect taxi less to my post by the royal air force. the
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wel, that's all for now. i'm day has already from me and the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. good by the you'll see about the video that goes in the media. amiga will go up every time i get, i will stop into that and i'll give you the order. would you be able to order that up, joe made any, a dog coloring key, more people than eval on the world wide in search of a job. you ever use men and they can t method do it only like goes how do you, how do you find out about on the story and from icons the coming 0 same 6. 03 trans people. stories is kind items that feed us complex stores. sometimes some of the sort of additional.


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