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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news alive from the, the summers on peace and ukraine has closed with a 300 supporting the final declaration. it community k o does the territorial integrity of ukraine and the return of abducted children as the political prisoners for some agent and on the line states chose not to support the statement. also on the program, the carol succeeds on the sidelines of gym and celebrations that the euro 2024 football tournament was policing humbugs, shoes of mine, they say was threatening offices with the hama, the petrol bought the
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. i feel good. you're welcome to the program. the to day 70 to own piece in ukraine has drawn to a close in switzerland. the vast majority of the more than 90 countries and other groups taking part, supposed to define will communicate reaffirming commitments to ukraine's territorial integrity and the return of abducting children and political prisoners . the more than a dozen countries chose not to endorse the declaration. this with summit was the 1st high level form focused on a pathway to ping, 1st of all, the war effort. it was also an attempt by the west to involve the countries in peace efforts based on international little this is not about why or left political ideas. this is not about northern or seldom countries. this is about respect
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of international lo i'm human rights, as foundational principles. before leaving together, the consequences of the invasion go far beyond the confines of your. indeed, in many ways, africa has been the great victim of the confidence of the blockade of the black sea . have had devastating impacts on our economy and i'll standards of living. the documents signed by 84 countries and other groups calls for concrete action on 3 major issues. this 3 shannon just have been analyzed in detail and divorced the assignment, nuclear safety for the security. and the release of prisoners as deportees, including thousands, thousands of children. abducted by rush went home. the delegates were clear about
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the summit limits. russia wasn't invited, but days before the meeting, president vladimir putin laid out his own vision for peace. he's insisting on cup potato lation, he's insisting on seating ukrainian territory, even territory that to date does not, is not occupied by him. he's insisting on this arming ukraine, leaving it vulnerable to future. the russian or no country would ever accept these outrageous terms. the t nations did not induce the documents including freaks, members, india found the radio in south africa, and several countries accused west the nations of absorbing a double standard. with regards to other conflicts. we could not be talking about peace and here we joining selves, africa without mentioning other your money inside the jews as the $1.00 taking place in jackson,
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international knowing that you're in charge or must be respected in every case. there was no consensus on how russia should be brought to the negotiating table. but zalinski said he was already in tones with several nations about the hosting a 2nd summit to continue to push for you. craig zuber ration. a lot of correspond that rosy butch odd was at the conference and sent this assessment. so as the helicopters takeoff and leaders make their way back down from this 1st resort, tucked in the mountains, ukraine says these talks were a big success and they were the 1st of their kind at the highest level yet where the 90 countries gathered to talk about peace and ukraine, among them more than 65 heads of state or government. ukraine really sees as a diplomatic when, but it was quite the slum don't cook kids was hoping for because that's not the whole story. i was in the press room as these talks through to
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a close and suddenly our own screens all around the room flush the names of countries which signed up to a fatal joy communicate. and there were some notable absences there, particularly key players from the so called global sites including indonesia, india, so to africa, countries which were present here in some way either by sending envoys or ministers, but chose not to sign up to be final joy communicate of the summit so a table of sick to summit and some extent ukraine. absolutely saying that is coming away from this feeling more supported than ever, but still divisions to some extent on the world on show here. and of course, in the battle field, the war rate is on the felina chapter. rosa is a jet political strategist and former director of the austrian institute for european and security policy as to what this to day summers had achieved, as well, obviously, from ukraine's perspective. so this has been a big diplomatic success. the 1st piece summit i'm discussing a lot of,
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i actually critical points that are entailed in ukraine's piece plan as well. now on the other side to the story, we are already leaving in a cold for 2.0 in a bifurcated global world. because very important international players from the so called global south did not sign the final communicate of the peace conference. and this countries are actually countries that are, you know, part of breaks and other regional formats which excludes the west. now let me focus on the positive side, and that is that ukraine, so of wide of what's successful week, not only in terms of the bi summit, but also in terms of the g 7 decision to support ukraine. we uh, for the $50000000000.00 us dollars alone,
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the deal with the united states and so on. okay. those countries that didn't sign up for to, to this during that they went to the trouble of actually going on. so that must have taken a lot of people that must have taken the organizers by surprise when they said, yeah, we're not going to sign up today. so what do we take from that? do we take that they are against dates or do we take that? they don't want to pick a side? as i take from that, that they don't want to pick a site that they are ult, collating between distorts. the why i'm being, you know, guided, led by the west. uh, and this is so obviously an initiative that has been organized by the west. uh, i mean the be summit. um, but at the same time, uh, they also do not want to or worse from their relation sweet, the russia and by extension. china is an old, china did not attend the peace summit. and in fact, prior to the peace summit, china and brazil actually proposed an alternative piece of it. so what we're going
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to witness next is that we will have uh, you know, one track of the piece process being organized and facilitated by the west and on the other side. uh, 2nd track of, uh, let's say piece. and you should do some diplomatic initiatives being organized, not only by russia, but actually by partners. so for a shot we can do switching over formats such as breaks and just trying to high organization for um, you know, for him, um, uh, the cs hill, sorry. right. okay, so we have these, these, these 2 trots going on and, and we've had a presence that landscape talking about the next of these conferences . so given that be, seems to be more about signaling than actually achieving anything. what needs to happen in order for that the, for this,
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the next stage of this conference to take place, what will need to happen are actually merely to reflects on the ground. because the world we decided in the end by actually by fact some of the ground and the war will continue as i've been already saying, also here that it's going to less be on page 252020. so this diplomatic, if a, you know, efforts are very important and we will see fluid or such tracts. so, you know, be so made to negotiations. but in reality, so long as you crane and russia are not sitting um, you know, at the same table, we will not see any progress in terms of negotiations. i guess how much for joining us, that your political structure, somebody to check it over. thank. thank to take a look at the most doors,
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making headlines around the walls in cave is hosting its 1st prize defensive system versus full scale invasion lives. monitoring the several 100 members, if you kind of forces with positive b m g p, t to community their role and the ministry during the conflicts is trying to think with helping shift public attitudes and socially conservative country israel is military, has announced that daily 11 hour tactical pause is in a southern gauze. the item is to get more humanitarian aid through the car. i'm shalom crossing beyond me says the pulls that should not be seen as the cessation of hostilities gauze how master on health ministry says israel. so offensive. this kills more than 37000 people since october. officials in saudi arabia say at least 14 people have died during the annual hodge pilgrimage. many of the depths which it has heat strength, several others missing one, some 1800000 pilgrims of converge on make us holy sites and the temperatures of 45
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degrees celsius and above. the police in the drum and city of honda shot, the man who threatened offices in the pedestrians though, where football funds were gathering ahead of a you know, 24 match offices. 5, several times of the month was cag assignments, and the petrol bumps, police say, the suspect is not receiving medical treatment. the result was a jeweler south, at least following the story. welcome julia. what more do we know? yeah, so we know that this didn't happen exactly where the official found zone is or where the stadium is. this was about a kilometer away from the official fans zone. but the incident happened along the roads that had been closed because of fans from the netherlands, who were about to play their game, or heading towards the stadium. and it involved a 39 year old man. and police have said that he might have been experiencing a mental health crisis. while the incident happened,
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he reportedly came out of the bar and gave it, went towards a police officers holding a tool, a kind of hammer with a blunt edge and a sharp edge of which looks quite threatening. and a home made petro bomb and the officers tried to get him to put down his weapons. and when he didn't, they start at him, shot at him in the leg, and he has reported we now in hospital being treated and a we know that police have not associated him with any terrorist organization or with any hooligan groups. but a police spokeswoman gave us statements and we can have a listen to what she said as long as my fist and it seems that it has nothing to do with football. this is a case that could have happened in everyday life. that's the assumption for now. and then, excuse me, but of course there was a large football crowd here in the neighborhood of that. there were a lot of dutch fans here by us on cnn. you that initial fence. you had a julia that was security concerns here in germany. i had of the euro, so how tied
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a secure was the most? this is. so it is a very big event. there aren't expected over $2500000.00 fans just going to the games in the stadiums plus many other people going to other events. so across germany, so clearly german, all stories had been on the alerts and they have um, seen the main threats, possibly coming from terrorism or from hooligan groups that get violence ahead or after the games. and they have implemented some measures to try to obviously keep all of this at bay. one of them is that they have create increased a big police presence outside the stadiums. they have on average around $1000.00 police officers in and around the stadiums for each game. they also have a police officers from other european countries working with them in germany on the ground, but also in a special coordination center where they share expertise and knowledge to try to prevent anything and for happening. and also at the moment, germany has introduced border checks on all its borders, where can also try to stop any possible violence from coming into the country.
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thanks for that to julia. thank as well. the incident didn't dump in the spirits of dutch fans or some 50000 down to support that team. that's out in the unmistakable national color, the so called orange army to go the streets of handbook and about up to the gates. what looked like a pretty well rehearsed dance routine. the national squan was just as well behind us were, may faced off against poland and the euro. 24, open it and they beat the polls to one. today's other matches produce the 1st surprise of the tournament. denmark based 75 moves at the last 2 rows, were held to a wonderful jewel by slovenia, a disappointment for the danes, but the good news full group favorites, england. a 1st tough goal by june bellingham was enough to give them a one little victory over sub you and set you up today. more world news at the top
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of the our next on big w. a reports that meets a trans continental capital who travel all the way from europe to engineer, to get timely plastic, have a good day the we are all set and we're watching closely. all the to bring you the story behind the news. we rolled about unbiased information for 3 months worth i mean, i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs things straightened out by the.


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