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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  June 17, 2024 12:02am-12:30am CEST

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bronze legs and instagram versus reality are barcelona. same is sites really picture perfect. these stories and more coming up on your own max, the but we started off in the u. k, where no one matthews, my tops. he has become the 1st actor with down syndrome to play a leading role in a disney film. the young bread was chosen over many other applicants who auditioned when he's not acting, he advocates for others. born with down syndrome acting clauses. playing the piano and beach was this is a band, a life of a 16 year old, you know, next year from the coastal town of shore and by sea, in the southeast of england. and whiskey. my name is
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noah, not face my toss k. i have most incurred to life so far. we know what is the 1st actor with down syndrome to play a leading role and it is the sound. yes, we all go. i play slightly in the new destiny. pham p depending on when day it was amazing. i lost it, been ever since you edition for his 1st role. no one has had one big dream. and i want to become an ice famous well known act uh back in 2022 edition for his dream role as the leader of the lost boys from these nice feature, peter pan. anyway, this he's been around 6 months filming in canada, where he had his own trailer, had to learn how to sort fight,
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and even navigate a pirate ship. wow, that's so many good scenes, i would say receive funding hon. i'll start down on a, on one, not finding a moment every week. no one takes drama classes in an inclusive theater school. we're confused at home. somebody that just upset that students have some kind of additional need her mental health problem. anxiety issues with the agenda. everyone is k to to if they've called particular need, the needs to be dealt with. it's just dealt with quietly. we don't have a 2nd. okay to special needs cross or additional needs cloth. everybody just works together. amanda is noah's theater school teacher. she started working with him about 5 years ago when he 1st began acting he has a massive understanding of how others are feeling. and he's always somebody that is able to adjust the way he is all the way he's performing or behaving. when he can see that it's not fixing that all the people, and that's really bad and tonight,
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just but for now it's just something he said was not truly has a lot pain or not. because i know that off do an acting class. as we do done, this was done this one music cove send in, i'm or so after 10 o'clock morning, logged on stuff. so i find to find the acting is not his only passion and it's free time. he sits down behind the piano and place sometimes 4 hours at a time. in between acting and playing the piano. no one has turned into a bit of a celebrity in his hometown. so well i came by just go f 11. it's a photo one more drop off may or some he said knows mother cage is brought of his acting journey. chose that goes with him also
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a film sets and interviews. the well. no, as long as that. uh, so he's rarely where say he's, he's out for anything. he's just on cheesy aspect about life. he just has this magic about him when he just seems to find his way. and i think, i think the last going to be pretty good and now was enthusiasm doesn't stop with himself. he has a message. so what i mean, you will if you haven't doing well, i'm vision, go for it though not something code to back. why do why you want, as i knew see for best in life alone sign old visioning for new acting rows, noise also num. bassett, or for down syndrome u k. lot been, i am positive job to help kids with dogs and drive to effect waves.
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and what about noah's dream? it's quite simple. my way is to being asked to off on i'm have a best time. would it be more bedrooms on tv shows? who knows? who offers a month. oh. have you ever dreamed about driving on the famous german autobahn in a fast car with no chance of getting pulled over by the police where there's more to it than meets the eye as i found out on a recent ride along someone's once from 125 from 21, should we help you bring the traffic to a stop understood or whatever. so for something so you guys ready the moment, it's worth in the back then in the front. normally i do everything to avoid the
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police. but today i'm riding along. did you know that the german autobahn has its own police force? tillman har tone. seeing here on the left and alex flattened off work is autobahn police officers. they monitor traffic on a 220 kilometers stretch of highway in the german state of testing. and this is the car, they use a bmw w 530 diesel with 265 horse power. they also carry guns and we're bullet proof that are now on a mission to find out what's happening currently there's an accident on the highway . we drive through what the germans call is actually scottsdale or a special emergency lane may buy drivers on the autobahn. luckily, only cars were total remarkably, the driver's head. only minor injuries. can we be of help? no, not really. traffic was getting heavy. oh, i'm everyone breaks. one person didn't as well. okay. what's your mission on the
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autobahn? but out of one of the sides, valves as highly officers were mainly responsible for handling traffic accidents and the duty of course we also checked vehicles. we check whether the drivers have the necessary licenses, whether they've been drinking alcohol or may have taken drugs, that i told them to norma. among the international traffic is a truck from poland, which attracts the officers attention. they quickly react to remove it from the road and bring it to a spot where a routine vehicle checks are taking place. after reviewing the driver's papers, checking his freight and conducting a urine test, it turns out that he was indeed in violation of a few traffic was kinda he hasn't recorded his driving and rough times. he also doesn't have notes on where he started or where he stopped his mileage and so on. we can't track his movements. that's
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a pretty serious infraction when it comes to transporting freight. gimme a chevy computer or potentially costly mistake for this truck driver. is told me that already told us, one of their main job is to check drivers for alcohol consumption. i have some german snaps. now that i'm just gonna put in my mouth and swirled around and see if it makes any difference. the surprisingly it does make a difference. so the tests continue, not the case in germany for drivers under $21.00. there is a 0 out the whole tolerance policy, or after that drivers with a blood alcohol level from 0.5 are considered unfit for the road. so that looks fine. nothing suspicious here for right now, we're back on the highway. we're heading out on the next mission and once
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again, very fast. played on drive of these speeds in the us. do they are comments? no active. we reach 219 kilometers per hour. that's a 136 miles per hour. i feel bad about this or trying to get out of the work there's debris on the autobahn officer. hard to him performs a maneuver to stop the traffic behind us so his partner can remove it safely. the so as police officers and as fast the drivers are you for or against a general speed limit in the country as what if you bought them? i don't personally, i don't think a speed limit on the highway is a bad thing. busy i don't drive particularly fast myself in my private life bought by and when i'm on duty, i see time and again that accidents are often caused by excessive speed. when fellow voices submit to who i could spend his guides to know the speed limit debate
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in germany has been going on for decades about 65 percent of the entire audubon network currently has no limit. well, that was more excitement than i bargained for what impressed me the most policies officers is how quickly they react it into the action on the autobahn and also how cool they remained under pressure. i definitely have a renewed respect for the work they do. what do you dare to eat frog legs? in france, it's quite normal. around $4000.00 tons are consumed there every year. fortunately for the frogs, they are protected by a strict rules. so where do all of these frog legs come from? frog legs are a classic dish. a french cuisine ma, everyone here has already had frog legs at least one. it's a very well known feature of french gastronomy, there served in high end gastronomy also as
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a simple ditch made at home. you can't be afraid of getting your hands dirty, but it's worth it that will go for me. so it's a party snack and it's very good. the french are crazy about fraud legs. they consume nearly $4000.00 tons per year, often simply prepared in a pan with butter and parsley. but no matter how much the french loved their frog legs, many, if not most of it. tidbits are tainted by uncertainty. there is hardly any way to trace where these legs come from, the trees. we'll explain how frog farms can help solve the problem. and we'll show you how to prepare frog legs. bolted book uses restaurant really own is an institution of french cuisine. of course they offer frog legs on the menu. chef olivia co van has created his own recipe. he got the idea for it. am i looking at the ponds near the restaurant? like when we frog legs taste a little bland on so they have to be well season was one of the seasonal as
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tradition dictates. the 1st law takes them with fresh parsley. he has his own method for judging the prox quality. all this stuff, you look at the color of the bone. you can see if it had time to grow, so the frog could develop well list. all said you have a piece on the on the, the restaurant gets its frog legs from a farm and turn on to the south of france. a cruise francois was the 1st to create a breeding farm and 20 ton somebody or you have a pool of tadpoles. he dreams of creating a fraud, reading industry in france at present only 3 funds are producing frogs for consumption. i think that it will be more and more difficult to find them in nature . well, only breeding will be able to counter this to a degree of phones. the vast majority of frog legs, even in france, are imported, which is problem attic for several reasons. we went to 5 supermarkets and found out
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that the package frogs always have the same countries of origin, vietnam, and indonesia. in early 2024, a group of environmental organizations and scientists signed a letter to french president them on with my call to demand better protection for products abroad. in accordance with the strict differential rules to says to pass, the international trade is not subject to any kind of monitoring could be due to have some more news. there's no way to trace the origin of the frog legs, how they're caught in their natural habitats or come or how they're slaughtered. i don't know that you could wisely did treat the organizations that sent a letter, denounced the killing of frogs without putting them to sleep. they are also concerned about the disappearance or certain species in asia because of their being hunted for the frog like trade. loosely, but i'm only frogs are the best friends of both farmers and doctors. it didn't make fun so they may have stuff cuz they eat the mosquitoes that carry diseases like dan gave fever and do and malaria, victoria to jump bags, they'll prune
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a dog or 30 scientists hope that permits will be made compulsory for the import and export of frogs, back of the frog farm, the more than 130000 frogs and the water filled basins put on a real concert. that's a good lease. products are about one month old boy. nice say that's the tricky part of raising them is teaching them to eat stationary food or food that's not moving. i most is the most people from patrice uses a special kind of frog that was trained to eat fish poets. i'm a 1990 used by french agronomist the fed up. it's the evil $92.00 variety of the ron already boned species of fraud, classified as domestic and excessive. after 8 to 12 months of breathing, the fonts are put to sleep by lowering the temperature and then slaughtered. but 3 cells as products to restaurants. at the potable cues restaurants,
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patrice as products are served with smoked carp implants to garlic. the last step is a home made sauce made with watercress. pause for the finishing touch. we had our sauce in front of the customer. we'd never offer this all a cart dish at most. you bought a book who is using frogs imported from abroad, and it's important to us that it's a french product, subject to regulation and transparency on where it comes from all support program mission. but fond frogs alone can not meet the demand in france. so frog legs are destined to remain a luxury food. if input regulations are tightened in the future, many french people will have to make due with less of their beloved delicacy. this is how barcelona looks on social media and sony relaxed and colorful. but is the spanish metropolis just as beautiful in real life. we carried out a reality check on social media bonsa. lona seems like a sunny,
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relaxed city. best thing with colors, but does the spanish metropolis live up to this image? let's find out and this instagram versus reality check the box. lona is bang 2nd largest city with roughly $10000000.00 overnight stays per year. it's 11 of the most popular tourist destinations in europe. we're going to visit 3 of the most popular insta spots in the canceled on capital to see if they've evolved to the high reality check. number one false alarm is a grotto familiar cathedral, a veritable tourist magnet that looks great, tony and stuff in real life. it's so crowded that it's difficult to get a good picture of the cathedral. to guide philippe, it shows visitors this a grotto familia several times a week. he's seen 1st hand how the church has had
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a profound impact on people. i've seen people driving, i've seen people are smiling infinitely ice. i mean, i've seen people dreaming of visiting this place for more than 50 years. people who were racing the states when they were to live in. they were talking about this talk about us on media and they only could visit this building when they would 80 or when they were 70. so has to be like the name of that last 4 of them. so yes, this is not really such in place. this is rather familia is also one of the most visited construction science in the wild. you had it right. it's been under construction since $1882.00 and will be one of the toilet churches in the world when it's completed in 2026. the pacific is design, is inspired by religious symbols and don't panic shapes. it's considered the mazda piece of capital and architects and tony county, but more on his architect, just like to be sure that if he would be compared to a manual renters, i'm saying he was able to understand technics and generating nature. and that to me,
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science even i could speak. so he was a man who tried to understand everything. i'm on with infinity curiosity. we definitely recommend you to go inside to buy your tickets online in advance, so you don't have to wait long to enter the so one side conclusion charges even more incredible in real life that even pictures. let's move on to ass 2nd, reality check. sponsor loan is famous. pedestrian street rambler full last round glass, top the 1st impression, lots of construction work on the east end of the prominent of the christopher columbus. scott youth. the boone about isn't looking great, but i'm black is over 1.2 kilometers long and runs east to west troop also learners, old town. each section of the street has its own character amongst visits in the middle of the lot. i'm black, is the medical tele boca?
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yeah, a mock. it's usually cold level credit. yeah. with more than $200.00 stalls. it's the largest market in barcelona. whether you're looking for sea food, or regional delicacies, you can get your money's worth hit on weekdays, from 8 am to 8 30 pm out to take a left or right to an off the main promo not to walk down a quieter street where you'll still find beautiful architecture book, few of people. so let's continue to on next destination. pock, puerto park is a hotspots, but insta picks himself as it turns out to taking a photo without other people in the frame is virtually impossible. at least in the middle of the day. one of the most crowded places is this famous mosaic bench, but it's panoramic view. but we think it's also what seems the less crowded stone columns nearby dowdy, designed to pock which open to the public in 1926. his dawn is characterized by
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vibrant colors and organic shapes that correspond with the surrounding landscape. architecture of fine should definitely check it out. but if you're looking for somebody to relax, you can save yourself the 10 euro engine's feet and find a quiet to park. so what side conclusion, if you want to experience the hot spots and take beautiful pictures yourself, you should take the long wait times and crowns into accounts. on number one, recommendation is the 2nd round of familiar. sometimes it's easier and more sustainable to renovate buildings that already exist, then construct new ones. that's exactly what an architect do of, from the czech republic is doing even every day. items like plastic chairs take on a new role. what can we do with buildings that are pulsed they prime just demolish
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them or keep them on? transform them? 3 is new life into then. the way architect on the she big tasks we really believe to to, to keep as much as possible. it's the smart way of us. know his story. distant future saving old buildings has become a mission for the architects on today. she big and me call kush stuff they found at the architecture of them in 2012 based in the north check here about 200 kilometers south east of proc. this building is also in the know it was put up in 1992 and served as a car dealership. today, a check furniture company uses it as a shows in the cabinet. the facade with $900.00 of that plastic chest was inexpensive and energy efficient. and became a kind of symbol for the company. inside the building was goswick and modernized
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the furniture company to slice its range of products and 3, partitioned off areas. this renovation was far more economical then putting up a whole new building. but for the architects that wasn't the decisive fact. i believes that also to them only such ro, fresh buildings as something crazy. right? something, something unsustainable that the, because of our architectural approach we, we save this building, we saved all the material that we can see here. and this building is now known as a symbol, it's something what may be and nobody gonna then we'll, if any more the architects have a team of, of, of 50 people to work on their projects, most of which are in europe, among them on new buildings such as one for this vineyard news, knowing the southern check in levels have been working on the estrada tow. it had a plan,
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$235.00 meet his. what will be check is tool is building is cited for completion in 2027, but redesigning all the buildings remains close to that hans civilization . so we learn to build and off i would say. and what i really like is to, to reflect on something existing to try to understand what the most economical, social, and environmental context of the, of the past and how to transform it, or how to, how to add something contemporary into its buildings. history and what that has to say about the time it was built is also meaningful even when it comes to relatively unloved structures, like but no central bus station and it's brutal this style. many people associated with the countries socialist era. they have certain beauty and they are part of our
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history and just to demolition them means that we, we just skipped this part of our, our history. and it's incorrect in my opinion, for lack of trust and maintenance. the central bus terminal completed, the 1988 had deteriorated, and the architects had used it themselves. the students in 2011, they decided to contact the owner. i felt very a shame that in 21st century and obviously they could be such an important public place in such a terrible condition. and i'm happy to be held to improve it. they invested a total of $5000000.00 euros and the renovation among the alterations they have to re support painted want installed new light fixtures, built in new passenger holes and reconfigure the passenger will place for longer should be, gets most, an architectural mazda piece, but
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a building that benefits the city. i have to believe as an, as an professional, as an architect, that we have this search and power in our hands. and if you look purple, and if you work um successfully, it could help to change the society to, to something something maybe measure she big and chris stuff showed that there are creative ways to turn the old into the new and with that we wrap up another edition of your own max. be sure to follow us on social media for more fun stories from the world of culture and lifestyle in europe . as always, thanks for tuning in until next week. it's good by end of you does name the
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may the force be with the georgia, the venture specialist st. george lucas made movie history. presenting to visionaries. nice to know on d, w. it's time for vision or a little
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so for horsepower the it's time to the mobo revolution. in 60 minutes on the w, the daniels index you belong to the 77 percent comes who i just got on 65. last, last those top 5 years, 3 reasons why 11. since we're here to help you make up your mind, we are here on please find your mind. so all of the topics i'm much up to you from couple talk fixed a new culture, and in 15 minutes,
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let's say together parts of our community life on the research is now on the i this is george lucas and welcome to hollywood. luckiest directors. his 1st film was cheques $1130.00 i produced by francis ford coppola, next up american graffiti which today has crushed over $140000000.00. then came star wars, the pop culture satisfaction that changed everything and spoke to franchise i went through u. s. c. film school, i didn't know anything about making movies. i wasn't anthropology, major.


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