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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from ballad dot and it boots in lens and north korea seeking support for his war. and ukraine is arrived in john young, where he was welcomed by jim jones on the to am to help each other or to overcome international sections during pollutants. first visit to north korea in 24 years. also coming off in thailand, the senate votes overwhelmingly, in favor of a marriage, equality bill clearing the way for thailand to become the 1st nation in southeast asia to allow same sex couples to tie them and the un struggles to help civilians
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and saddam facing starvation often more than a year of civil war, with millions displaced by the conflict, money to help them is running out the . i'm good, how about is to those joining us on p. b as in the united states and to all of us. and we'll rush as president vladimir putin has arrived in the north korean capital town young to meet later king john. or it's a rep is it to the isolated nation by ahead of states. fusion is believed to be seeking more munitions for his war against ukraine. for kim, it's a chance to cultivate a powerful ally against the west and south korea. russian president isn't not going out of the 24 you of as a fish that reflects not code. yes,
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going strategic importance for us, you know, 40 is believe to be providing badly needed step in for the shields one and the green. a motivation for both and to keep the country close down young is also embracing the russian leader with open arms as food and expense corporation with the leader who faces isolation from the west. russia and north code yet denied to think um, which is banned under united nations sanctions. but the best an official claim done for veterans law school still live in technology for north korean missiles and new programs. a situation that is drinking alarm bells in the west. truth is wasted, so north korea all demonstrates unconfirmed. so the close alignment between russia on the old sort of tired and states like multiple now, but also try and law on the,
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on the wrong on the this also demonstrates that our security is not the regional. it's, it's global life happens in europe, matters for a showing what happens and they show up this for all semester to try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that it started against to craig, north korea is providing significant munitions to, to russia. but it's a criticism that must go acknowledge. and sure times we believe is our right to develop good relations with our neighbors should not be a concern to anyone. and it cannot and should not be challenged by anyone. remember the bush beyond jen and law school work or bought a life the relationship to to, to get it after the disintegration of the soviet union. the western isolation has brought them close again. just show because if it's what a new cream and north korea,
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because if it's in vicious nuclear weapons program that's making many west and bob was extremely anxious. when i joined henry, how i got to form a senior state department official who lived in. so in south korea for more than 10 years, and also went on several diplomatic missions to north korea and henry king john own receipts of prominent guests. but are you much stronger from this meeting? i mean, kim will definitely get a boost for well, for this, having this visit, this is a big deal for him. it shows up. and he's really looking to leverage all the a that he's given to russia. but i think the more important part of this visit is a clear choice by putting to institutionalize his international isolation to institutionalize his choice, to partner with bryan nations like north korea. now what is kim hoping to get out of this? a deepening his deepening ties with pushing, as well as your,
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as your over border, sad. and as so, as i mentioned, he's really looking to get maximize a and standardize aid in response or an exchange for the munitions that he has provided. he's looking for food, a energy aid and support for his satellite programs, and otherwise he's looking into as the standard is the institutionalized is this relationship with russia. he can look to avoid over alliance with china in the coming years. and it really can this and hope to boost his domestic standing by having a major, quote unquote major power like russia coming in seen to be being shown to be a partner. now approaching has price tongue support of its war and ukraine. what kind of support has must go receive from john young so far? is it very important for the worth? it it is significant. uh that as you've seen in the pressure parts,
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they've talked of hundreds of thousands of metric tons of munitions and related material. this is critical for both on a tillery and ballistic missiles, is critical for russia to continue its illegal and barbaric war and ukraine. so north korea knows how critical it support is and is really going to miss kim is going to be looking to maximize its return on that investment. so i expect that uh uh, kim will pledge further aid because there are millions and millions of virtually around in north korea. so i expect you will pledge more of that, and he will look to maximize them. but more than maximize love to institutionalize this a. so we can have a clear partner in russia, we're source of aid over the coming years. that will again, as i said, it help balance and avoid and over alliance on china. and especially on south korea
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or the west. me. now if this sounds increasing, lot increasing and i liked this could be a partnership on i level sorry. between food and camp. yes. for sure. yeah, i think that's exactly right there. looked into sign as opposed to just having an informal or ad hoc meetings train meeting here, phone call. they're. they're really open. i'm sure that kim is, is looking very much forward to the types of treaties on trade space technology military to come out of this in a much stronger position and a much formal, more formal position. and again, all of that just underscores rushes. we're choice to turn away from the international system and these 2 partners while they're trading in this. and this summit, they're trading a technology and weapons in order to wage an illegal war. and in order to use these
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stabilize and threaten its neighbors and north korea. well that's happening. you look across down across the 30th parallel and south korea working with japan, the united states, other allies and partners to increase in advanced security and prosperity. so it's really, really a stark contrast. this summit lays out and you mentioned that the tim is seen to reduce its rely and his reliance on, on china. what's china's position to this? so i, i, am i, again, speculation here, but i expect that china is, uh, you know, holding its nose and, and it will, it doesn't have a doesn't have a veto as it were. but, but i, as i assume that they are looking at this with their usual kind of not, not the same but they, they, they're not really always a fan of what the young young is up to the young young beijing partnership is. it
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is a tricky one. and i think this will make it even trickier and rag of a full i'm a senior state department official. thank you very much. thank you. to toddler now, which is about to become the 1st country in the southeast asia to legalize same sex marriage. senators overwhelming the pasta landmark equality built. the vote has been hailed as a victory by containers and members of the eligibility to community, many of whom gather the parliament to welcome the vote. families in thailand waited, hopefully as votes were tallied, celebrating as the final accounts came through, the senators voted to those a welding lee in favor of legalizing same sex marriage. my wife and i are going to marry, it's come to joy at our wedding in november. company during the 16 day of activities because the human ride defend us that was sent abrasions in parliament
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to administer the specials and then passed. it is not the occasion that the government house royalty spread vision, the house they voted, would be striving towards how success today. last but not least, i'm saying this to the well is you want is you want to get married. 3 times the thailand is only the 3rd country in asia to allow same sex marriage off to taiwan on to nicole, the law will now grown full legal, financial and medical rights to own marriage partners, regardless of sex, to me, leaving the bed for 17 years, maybe in reading more legal to my right now,
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the new legislation will now go to the king for approval and will coming to full a 120 days off. the publication in the royal gives that activate hope, the 1st weddings to be celebrated as early as october. the 7th though, some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. thailand's phone, a prime minister, talk soon she mailbox on has been formally invited for allegedly insulting the mama key back in 2015. so, you know, our trust only recently returned to thailand see, was jail shortly after arriving on separate charges and had been given a royal part of a series of high profile political legal cases are going on in thailand this week. a process fall, right?
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national riley policy. it has a solid lead in poles. the head of snacks, complimentary elections on june 30th. the harvest, attractive pole, shows them with such a full sense support ahead of the left as popular front coalition with 22 percent president, a bundle of my calls centralist, ponti trails, and 3rd place was 19 percent. thousands of protesters have rallied outside the israeli parliament to jerusalem for a 2nd day, calling for a new government and the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they also demanded that the government step up efforts to gain the release of hostages held in garza the ceo of boeing houses, apologize to families who lost loved ones and 2737, max crashes doing a us senate hearing dave kaluan said the i across america took responsibility for a faulty software system crashes and indonesia and easy hope. you killed 346 people
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public in 20182019. and i want you to know we are to sit down now where the un says the civil was displaced more than 10000000 people within the countries borders. and that number is rising. the u. s. has pledged more than $300000000.00 us dollars in an effort to head off of famine. but the u. n. says the money is running out. lots of the violence is taking place in the long suffering. the full region where ordinary people paying the price, war rages and so done as the power military rapids support forces fight to the government to control of the country. a conflict that has been going on for over a year. now, the contest in western region of the floor has been a major flash point. still scott, by a genocide that took place 20 years ago, also committed by militias. the medical charity doctors without borders says the city of al sasha's last functioning hospital was forced to close up to receive
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militants open fire on medical stuff, and patients. the international criminal court says it's investigating possible war crimes. the evidence my office is collected to date seems to show credible, repeated, expanding. continuous allegations of attacks against the civilian population. in particular, attacks direct to the gains comes for internally displaced persons. it seems to show the wide spread prevalent use of rate and other forms of sexual violence. multiple attempts by the us to stop the fighting have failed, as both sides seem to still think they can win. meanwhile, the union has full in fashion with its goal in an appeal for humanitarian funds, while semen looms for more than 2 thirds of the population. or what doesn't. my lee is a legal advisor,
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the route of all about center for human rights. and i often what proof there is at the rapid support support forces are committing genocide against non our groups in the doc for region. i think uh, as you indicated, a report um uh, clearly indicated that there was a support for us as part of military militia that involved in i'm going to stop is to the side again committing another genocide again, the same ethnic groups and all 4 of them so lead in was that for in particular and the evidence that we have prime oh, lying on open source information wide and then also some of the victims tests and one is especially those who recently fled to um, to address in eastern chat. there was a mounting mounting evidence that clearly indicated the honors of intended to annihilate the messiah lead from their land. that is actually the opposite. now is responsible for on an ongoing, a trust that is against other non arrows in,
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in the knows the forest stage. another 5, sure. and so there is really substantial evidence, right, including some of the publicly available reporting such as, uh uh you know, statements uh, segments from the us special adviser and the prevention of get aside other humor wise organizations, humor weiss was and the like. and so there's really a lot of images to say that the are a self has committed then, as is actually committing genocide within, tend to annihilate that are groups and or for me. now we are talking about possible crimes and crimes against humanity. he bought legal action can be taken now and by whom, in order to stop these crimes. when it goes out, i mean, there are many uh, international crimes that are uh you know, are unfolding ray, the genocide will crowds of crimes against humanity now disuse,
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even wise violations, unfortunately. so then there is no accountability mechanism that is possible to pursue. right. uh so therefore, we believe that there is a need for other ways, you know, all and international accountability making isn't that big is by the number one target is sizes against perpetrators and their neighbors. as a report indicated that there are 4 actors, including the united arab emirates that involved in the um they'll kabbalistic in beginners that i guess then are open to so late in english stuff. and so basically, we can think of the international cause of justice, right, for complicity in the, in the places of the genocide convention. we can also single the eyes to see if to use or was words for the international crimes that are committed. these crimes are within the jurisdiction of guys as each gas has a monday to investigate an accident investigating us, your referrals indicated,
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and therefore, i think that's like another accountability mechanisms and then also stored. we can think of origin or because and perhaps the african union or uh, numerous accountability mckenna subdivision level could be a special tribunal for, for trusted who committed sudan a. so yes, the said the really, very practical ways to hop preparatory account. but i do think that targeted human rights and i'm tied corruption sciences to cut off perpetrators from the funding sources that allow for the continuation of the atrocities and war is key to haul the ongoing atrocities. what does it need that way? the rollinback center for human rights in washington, d. c. thank you very much. i us and the way it goes heavy slot in brazil is now facing massive wall fires in the countries punch in our region. 9, the climate change and the out in any of weather phenomenon have increased the risk of devastating fires that out. let's take
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a look at all residents and some of the largest tropical wetlands in the world. on dealing with a situation. an ominous orange backdrop looms over brazil, sponsor now wetlands. it reminds residents that the fire season has started earlier and with more fury than usual. the price to guthrie years ago. the continental wasn't like this. it was supposed to be flooded and this year it didn't that complicated things. up until now which a sandwich between brazil, bolivia, and paraguay is the largest tropical wetland in the world. it's a mass of carbon sink and it's home to thousands of plants and animal species, many of them endangered in other biomes. it's normal for the region to have rein periods where the wetlands flood and dr. periods were some man made wildfire as breakout. but according to the results national institute for space research, the number of fires is especially high this year. it has increased by more than
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1000 percent so far in 2024 compared to the same period last year. to keep it a full sofa. now a key basically what's worry, some about the pump. so now is that due to climate change, the bottom has seen more dr. periods discharge is going to because of that oxygen vegetation that would usually burn at a certain period is burning more frequently. it came by the edge of june and through sacked the video and let me pull my off the queen and these fires are much bigger and much harder to control. and i said, we to space is pointed you faces you're going through uh, climates ridge can make droughts more likely and more intense in some parts of the world as we burn fossil fuels, the warranty atmosphere. and there's more of operation from land and the warmer episode can affect rain patterns to so that it rains more in short birth that makes it harder for the ground to retain sol moisture over a longer period of time. for sale has also felt the effects of
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a natural phenomenon new. this complex windham temperature pattern in the pacific ocean can make the weather in parts of the country, hotter and dryer, all in all the perfect conditions to make the woodlands highly flammable several months too early to reach for me. so people at others are we already started the season badly. the fun is it propagating very quickly. and we're worried about how the situation will progress in august, september and october of this year, experts urged the government to educate residents about the dangers of starting fires for small scale agricultural activities. because there is no knowing the damage they may cause as climate conditions. first of all, this story, i'm not joined by marianne on a public channel. she's a strategy director of the world wildlife fund in brazil. murray under the funds have serious consequences for the ecosystem and biodiversity in the pond. so now what exactly is it stake here, or yeah, i mean cyrus have
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a strong in pads, not only the budget taishan in the water in the rivers in desoto, but also invited to proceed on one, but had similar fires back in 2020 on scientists to assist and made to that's the last directly to fire, for 7 things being done. and im, vertebrates small and large rachel rates and all these was direct impacts. you can imagine what was also last after the fires. really assume it's one to drop it by your factory 2020 and this year you're seeing similar for a strong this tried that you guys had that's 4 years ago. now we know that climate change and l menu play a role here. but do we know what actually stops at the font as a sort of these have been talking about the awesome yeah. 0 on the are some indications that the fires were started by human interventions.
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it can be accidental or claim, you know, fires. so there are a lot of inc and, you know, investigations go and know when to spend what's talked to the file. but the challenge is that the pitch of patient is sold, try the climate to try. temperatures are high, that this fire, eking mates very fast, sweet, and we lose control. so it's really hard for the fire brigades to really cold back this fire outbreaks, me. now as we've heard, files are not unusual in the pond to now. how adaptable are the animals and plants this whole ecosystem to these extreme conditions? and secondly, how long will it recover? it takes yeah, animals, canada tapped to fire. and depending on vince pens, the key and the extent of this fires, and also the frequency of these buys, we are seeing a lot of increasing, extremely passed into a fun time. now treatments fires fires. that's cool,
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but it's more than one showed up the value of the p t in the period adults 3 to 4 years. it's really has for so many population to recover entirely. not only because of the fires, but also because of all the threats that these animals space, such as the voice patient and all the threats. so in, in the long term, of course, 5 years are a significant source of the threat to some of the more vulnerable spacious. now finally, is the government doing enough to protect the pantano on? i think that after 2020 there was a much more awareness about the danger and the types of fire. and there is a collective effort from the golf met and she'll know co go up to really prevent and fight this fire. so there's a lot more break. gates that are a sleep it and people train, it suddenly does not to x x only when the fire happens. we really need to have on
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planning systems in place and prevent, despite has to have one of the thing is that is the main social files is because the draft this year was very severe. and one of the reasons for this is because of the headwaters of the bumper now, which are actually in the bio 0 is it had our sabrina, which is called 4 types. so we need to really to protect the headquarters of the foot. now make sure that we protect the most sensitive areas and have and very strong systems of fire prevention and seem to great it's fire. thank you very much. marianna metal, a ton of them. thank you. thank you. and here in germany, football fans up in trent stopped down for pregnancy, euro 2020 full match between turkey and georgia. heavy rain breach the roof of
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documents is acknowledged, do not pock stadium soaking the stands and forcing stuff to intervene. to stop the pitch. becoming a water locked tempest also fled with a broadly rupturing between rival fans, wood traded blows until arrive please stepped in. heavy rain and thunder storms have affected several told them and host it is the stream whether it has also for some public viewing funds owns across germany to close until wins. and germany will face the 2nd game of the your championships on wednesday when they face off against hungry. it comes off to a $51.00 wind over scotland to the opening match of the tournament last week. and according to volta and oracle, around no time at the zoo endorsement, germany will emerge victorious once again. when faced with
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a choice of scoffs and his enclosure both of shows, the german comes 35 year old prime it correctly took germany's when over scotland as well. now this hope i'll be back after a short break to take you through the day. until then. thanks for watching the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the last i came quickly, but they were faster. the residence of queen the vic in iceland. after the volcano erupted, they managed to escape, but had to leave their houses behind. will they ever be able to return the volcano below close in 45 minutes. on d, w,
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the west indies i know the wi fi, i might just do it. and i'm hosting dw new podcasts. thanks. trace amount, but there's no actually about move. joining us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk to that. just to subscribe already. listen to podcasts and we'll take you along to the right. so what did you do to leave the tenant? she survived. oh sure. it's thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conduct during the is more in the the gender to
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women and children killed and out and pending famines,


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