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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw news line from bella and vladimir putin lands in north korea seeking support for his war. and ukraine is arrived in town young when he was well comes by, came john on the 2. i am to help each other overcome international sanctions during hooton's 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. also coming off in thailand, the senate votes overwhelmingly in favor of a marriage equality built. there was a way for thailand to become the 1st nation in southeast asia to allow same sex couples to type in plastic sites when it's over euro 2020 full,
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full mattress in germany. but there's one tournament that has emission players who have been homeless. i'll tell you the guy that with as well, comes with the program process. president settlement 14 has arrived in the north korean capital chung young to meet lead of kim jong and it's a red visits to the eye. so those of nation by the head of states put in is believe to be seeking more munitions for his war against ukraine. for kim, it's a chance to cultivate that powerful ally against the us and south korea. there's russian president is in north dakota after 24 years. a visit that reflects north go yes. going strategic and buttons for the show is not kodiaks is believe to be
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providing badly needed stepan's for the she has wash and you clean a multi ration for 14 to keep the country close down. gang is also embracing production leader with open arms as food and expands corporation with the leader who faces isolation from the west. russia and northward, yet denied to think which is bound on the united nations sanctions, but best and offers his claim. in return for veterans was still living technology for north korean missiles and new programs. a situation that is drinking alarm bells in the west truth is wasted. so north korea all demonstrates unconfirmed. so that a close alignment between russia on the old sort of tired and states like multiple now, but also try and law on the, on the wrong. on the this also demonstrates that our security is not the regional.
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it's, it's global life happens in europe, matters for a showing what happens an issue. i'm not this for all semester to try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that it started against you . craig, north korea is providing significant munitions to, to russia. but it's a criticism that must go acknowledge and sure times we believe those are right to develop good relations with our neighbors should not be a concern to anyone. and it cannot and should not be challenged by anyone else in the bush. beyond gang and law school work or bar elyse, the relationship to, to, to get it after the disintegration of the soviet union. but the western isolation has brought them close, like in the shop because if it's what a new cream and north go to. because if it's a big shift nuclear weapons program,
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that's making many wesson's ball was extremely anxious. and have you ever spoke to henry, how good he's a former state department official lifting. south korea visited north korea on many diplomatic missions. and we often, if kim really much from this visit strong, i mean kim will definitely get a boost for well, for this having this visit, this is a big deal for him. it shows up. and he's really looking to leverage all the a that he's given to russia. but i think the more important part of this visit is a clear choice by putting to institutionalize his international isolation to institutionalize his choice, to partner with bryan nations like north korea. now what is kim hoping to get out of this? a deepening his deepening ties with pushing was what, as your reward are sad. and as a, as i mentioned, he's really looking to get maximize and standardize aid in response
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or, and in exchange for the munitions that he has provided. he's looking for food, a energy aid and support for his satellite programs. and otherwise, he's looking into as the standard, as he institutionalized, as of his relationship with russia, he can look to avoid over alliance with china in the coming years. and it really can this and hope to boost his domestic standing by having a major, quote unquote major power like russia domain and seen to be being shown to be a partner. now, a protein has price turning on support of its war and ukraine. what kind of support has must go receive from john young so far? is it very important for the worth? it it is significant that as you've seen in the press reports, they've talked of hundreds of thousands of metric tons of munitions and related material. this is critical for both on a tillery and ballistic missiles,
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is critical for russia to continue its illegal and barbaric war and ukraine. so north korea knows how critical it's support is and is really going to miss kim is going to be looking to maximize its return on that investment. so i expect that kim will pledge further aid because there are millions and millions of virtually around in north korea. so i expect he will pledge more of that and he will look to maximize can, but more than maximize loved to institutionalize this a. so we can have a clear partner in russia, we're source of aid over the coming years. that will again, as i said, it help balance and avoid and over alliance on china. and especially on south korea or the west. and now this sounds increasing lot increasing and i liked this could be a partnership on i level sorry. between food and care. yes. sure
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. yeah, i think that's exactly right. they're looking to sign as opposed to just having an informal or ad hoc meetings. the train meeting here a phone call. they're. they're really hoping, i'm sure that kim is, is looking very much forward to the types of treaties on trade space technology military to come out of this in a much stronger position and a much formal, more formal position. and again, all of that just underscores rushes. we're choice to turn away from the international system and these 2 partners while they're trading in this. and this summit, they're trading a technology and weapons in order to wage an illegal war. and in order to use these stabilize and threaten its neighbors in north korea. well that's happening. you look across down across the 30th parallel and south korea working with japan,
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the united states, other allies in partners to increase in advanced security and prosperity. so it's really, really a stark contrast. this summit lays out and you mentioned that the tim is seen to reduce its rely and his reliance on, on china. what's china's position to this? so i, i, am i, again, speculation here, but i expect the china is uh, you know, holding its nose and, and it will, it doesn't have a doesn't have a veto as it were. but, but i, as i assume that they are looking at this with their usual kind of, uh, not not disdain, but they, they, they're not really always a fan of what young young is up to the young young beijing. a partnership is it is a tricky one, and i think this will make it even trickier and rag of a full. i'm a senior state department official. thank you very much. thank you. on to thailand
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now, which is about to become the 1st country in southeast asia to legalize same sex marriage sentences over. busy in the past, a landmark equality built, the vote has been held as a victory by containers and members of the eligibility to community. many of from gathered up parliaments to welcome the vote. families in thailand waited, hopefully as votes were tallied, celebrating as the final accounts came through senators voted overwhelmingly in favor of legalizing same sex marriage. my wife and i are going to merits come to enjoy our wedding in november property during the 16 day of activities. because the human ride defend us that was sent abrasions in parliament to administer the specials and then passed. it is not the
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occasion that government house royalty would like to express. as in sam reshay's in the house, they buddhist would be striving towards the house except today. last but not least, i'm saying this is you want to come to southeast asia. if you want to get married. congratulations everyone. the thailand is only the 3rd country in asia to allow same sex marriage off to taiwan on to the pool. the law will now grown full legal, financial, and medical rights to own marriage partners, regardless of sex, to me, leaving the bed for 17 years. they've been reading more legal to my husband right now. and the new legislation will now go to the king for approval and will, coming to full
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a $120.00 days off to publication in the royal gazette activate to the 1st weddings to be celebrated as early as october. no, that's uh take you a quick look at some of the other stories making headlines around the well today us presidents, joe biden has announced a new program to provide a tough to citizenship, to half a 1000000 migraines, who are married to us citizens and have been in the country for more than a decade earlier this month, the 5 not ministration unveiled a crackdown on asylum at the southern boda with mexico. germany is johnson, the show it says border controls put in place for the european football championship. needs to be extended to you in a meeting with german who's state premier, as you said, efforts to limit irregular migration. we're already having an impact and c would do
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everything to ensure that this trend, continuous list of tools and from the far right, national riley ponti. it has a solid lead and polls. i had a complimentary elections on june 30th. the recent poll shows them with 30 full percent support. head off the left is pump to the front coalition with 22 percent. president. amount of of my cos, centrist potty trails, insert place with 19 percent. so this, the ceo of bullying has apologize to the families who lost loved ones in 2737, next crashes while you were in the us centers. hearing dave colored and said the aircraft make a took responsibility for a faulty software system. crashes in indonesia, underneath the up, you killed 346 people in 20181990 their mom
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while the 02024 football championship is in full swing here in germany, there's another tournament going on at the same time, but it's a different version of the beautiful game. the teams are made up of homeless people don't like. the game is the same. the patient is the same, but inside hum to expands on your 2020 for a different type of tournament is underway. there's no glitz and no dilemma nor other 1000000 euro salaries. these plans will experience homelessness. and the really to get here hasn't always been easy. i used to play all my life, you football. but the when i, when i started taking drugs, i spoke to the director of importing that football. bought the api, i stopped the game. yeah, the now i stopped the company,
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but i changed all my life. i stopped a football game organized by a local charity and funded by donations 8 teams competing. they play for aside games with 27 minute tubs to so many football has given them a fresh start. i think that's, that's what the soonest see. we have as a full point community in germany. now the country said football is a place where people come together with so many different lives, which probably was fortunate like like always maybe one does lucky as, as we are, maybe i'm to have football. it's such a unifier to, to come together to celebrate the game we love and said, so i'll just just be hopefully be, be playing football. i think that's the purpose of this event. since from the launch, the euro tournament have turned out to show the support the week long the vein gives a chance for the so called beautiful game to bridge divides. c 7 and for players
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from old backgrounds to she a and a love of the spirit. and that's it from me and the news. the for now don't go away . close up is up next finding out of residence, of an ice landing town, shut down by of whole kind of your options. but as we'll be able to return home, you have us in berlin for me on the team. not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand this is the day i'm in the look at these events analyzed by experts and critical thinking is this is with the weekdays on dw, the
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on january 14th, 2024.


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