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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 19, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from to live flat. i'm a code lance in north korea seeking support for his boy in ukraine. these arrived in pyongyang where he was welcomed by can jump on the to, i'm to help each other. i become international sanctions. dream put in space to north korea in 24 years. also coming on us president, george varden opens a path to citizenship. for half a 1000000 migrants move comes off the face of the criticism for an aggressive crackdown on lockwood set. the self in board in thailand, the senate votes overwhelmingly in favor of
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a marriage. the quote was he built clearing the wife of thailand to become the 1st nation in southeast asia to allow same sex couples to type in the i'm anthony out, welcome. russian president vladimir couldn't is on a site visit to north korea as he seeks to boost the defense cause as he continues his will in ukraine. north korea is a major supply of ammunition full that for, for the north korean leader can jump on. it's a chance to cultivate a powerful ally against the us and south korea. there's russian president in north korea after 24 years. a visit that reflects north go yes. going strategic and buttons for the show is not kodiaks is believe to be providing badly needed
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stepan's for the she has wash and you clean a motivation for voting to keep the country close down. gang is also embracing production leader with open arms. as lieutenant expanse corporation with a leader who faces isolation from the west. russia and northwood yet denied to think of which is bound under united nations sanctions. but the best and official claim in return for veterans law school is the different technology for north korean missiles and the programs a situation that is drinking alarm bells in the west truth is wasted. so north korea all demonstrates unconfirmed. so the very close alignment between russia on the old sort of tired and states like multiple now, but also try and law on the, on the wrong. on the this also demonstrates that our security is not the regional. it's, it's global wealth happens in europe, matters for
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a showing what happens and they shall not just, for all russia try in desperation to develop and to strengthen relations with countries that can provide it with what it needs to continue the war of aggression that it started against you, craig, north korea is providing significant munitions to, to russia. but it's a criticism that most ignores. and sure times we believe those are right to develop good relations with our neighbors should not be a concern to any one. and it cannot and should not be challenged by anyone. remember the bush beyond jen and law school work or bought a life the relationship to to, to get it after the disintegration of the soviet union or to western isolation has brought them close. like in the shop because if it's what a new crane and north go to y'all, because if it's in vicious nuclear weapons program, as that's making many lessons, bob was extremely anxious. well, henry, how good is
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a phone like us state department official who worked in his country's embassy in south korea. he gave us his assessment opinions, visit to north korea. all of that just underscores. russia's. we're choice to turn away from the international system. and these 2 partners, while they're trading in this, and this summit, they're trading a technology and weapons in order to wage an illegal war. and in order to use these stabilize and threaten its neighbors and north korea. well that's happening. you look across down across the 30th parallel and south korea working with japan, the united states, other allies and partners to increase in advanced security and prosperity. so it's really, really a stark contrast that this summit lays out we use presidential, i bought and has opened a pathway to american citizenship for up to half a 1000000 people living illegally in the country, buttons, new plans come to immigrants,
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married to us citizens. he announced the move on the 12th anniversary of the obama here at deka program, which gave the prospect of american citizenship to people known as dreams that came to the us as children applause for this use. the news. these parents moved to the us when he was on the 3 . i am agreement. rolling up and documented was not easy. like thousands of other immigrants. my parents endured hard labor in order to provide for the family. they are a symbol of the american dream. have yet as a recipient of the decided action for childhood arrivals, program known as deca for the programs 12th anniversary, the by the administration announced an additional measure. hello. he said his
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spouse is if you a citizen to apply for permanent residence without having to leave the country for the from the current process and documented spouse with us, citizens must go back to the home country. for example, and mexico, for example, to fill out paperwork, obtain long term legal status. they have to leave their families in america with no assurance to the bill out back in the united states. so they stay in america. but in the shadows, living in constant fear of deportation, without the ability to legally work, while the biden administration says that up to 500000 people would benefit republicans have criticized the announcement. i think all of these are both him trying to have his cake needed to, and the one sense saying he's going to shut the motor down. but another sense, reassurance, progressive. after that, he's still going to be sensitive to letting people in this new policy aims to balance an executive order assigned by president biden. earlier this month, tightening the us mexico board is something that drew criticism from pro
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immigration a n g o's, but also from fellow democrats, it'd be questionnaire will be how this new policy will be implemented right from washington. let's take a look now some of the other stories making headlines around about. so the c o a boeing has apologized with families. they lost loved ones in the 737 max crisis. during your us senate hearing dave calhoun said the aircraft and i get took responsibility for a faulty software system. crashes in indonesia. and if your po killed 346 people in 201829 degrees, thousands of heart testers have rallied outside the is riley problem in, in jerusalem for 2nd day. cooling for a new government and the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they also demanded that the government step off, if it's to gain the release of hostages held in gaza. blistering hate the top to $48.00 degrees celsius,
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caused the death of hundreds of worship destroying the sea as hodge pro pilgrimage and saudi arabia. thousands more were affected by hate storm. nearly $2000000.00 muslims from $22.00 countries to pop in the pilgrimage this year, which ended with the ritual assembling, accomplish, try and make a running. another pay surprised laureate in august mohammed b has been sentenced to a year in prison. authorities accuse her of publishing propaganda against the states. the active list has been in jail since 2021, for protesting against the obligatory head job for women. it's just to live this delta in full campaigning for human rights in rock. island is about to become the 1st country in south east asia to legalize same sex marriage. sentences overwhelmingly passed a landmark, a quality bill. the vote has been hailed as a victory by campaign is and the members of the l. g. b t q. community,
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many of whom gathered at parliament to welcome as many families in thailand waited, hopefully as votes were tallied, celebrating as the final accounts came through. and it is very to those of welding lee in favor of legalizing same sex marriage. my wife and i are going to marry, it's come to joy to our wedding in november company during the 16 day of activities because the human rights defend us that was sent abrasions in parliament to administer as the specials and then passed. it is not the occasion it the government house royalty spread vision to all stakeholders who are being striving towards how success today. last but not least, i'm saying this is you want to is you want to get married?
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please try to congratulate everyone. thailand is only the 3rd country in asia to allow same sex marriage off to taiwan on to the pool below will now grown full legal, financial and medical rights to own marriage partners, regardless of sex to me, leaving the bed for 17 years, maybe in reading more legal to my right now, the new legislation will now go to the king for approval and will coming to full a 120 days off. the publication in the royal gives that activate hope, the 1st weddings to be celebrated as early as october. now in the wake of heavy floods,
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brazil is now facing massive wild flies in the country's punting outrage. and man made climate change and the nino where the phenomena and have increased the risk of devastating 5 stay. let's take a look now at how residents in some of the largest tropical wetlands in the world, dealing with the situation. an ominous orange backdrop looms over brazil, sponsor now wetlands. it reminds residents that the fire season has started earlier and with more fury than usual. the price to guthrie years ago, the continental wasn't like this. it was supposed to be flooded and this year it didn't that complicated things. up until now which a sandwich between brazil, bolivia, and paraguay is the largest tropical wetland in the world. it's a mass of carbon sink and it's home to thousands of plants and animal species, many of them endangered in other biomes. it's normal for the region to have rein periods where the wetlands flood and dr. periods were some man made wildfire as
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breakout. but according to brazil's national institute for space research, the number of fires is especially high this year. it has increased by more than 1000 percent so far in 2024 compared to the same period last year. to keep it a hold the now a key basically what's worry, some about the punter now is that due to climate change, the bottom has seen more dr. periods is charges and want to because of that as a patient that would usually burn at a certain period is burning more frequently. that came out in june. if the room set to bed, you do a like came equal mile for the queen and these fires are much bigger and much harder to control. and i said we to space is going to just faces you're going through. uh, climate change can make droughts more likely and more intense in some parts of the world. as we burn fossil fuels, the worse the atmosphere. and there's more of operation from land and the warmer
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episode or can affect rain patterns to so that it rains more in short birth that makes it harder for the ground to retain sol moisture over a longer period of time. for sale has also felt the effects of a natural phenomenon new. this complex windham temperature pattern in the pacific ocean can make the weather in parts of the country, hotter and dryer, all in all the perfect conditions to make the woodlands highly flammable several months too early. to reach for me for people and others. uh, we already started the season badly. the fun is it propagating very quickly and we're worried about how the situation will progress in august, september and october. this year, experts urge the government to educate residents about the dangers of starting fires for small scale agricultural activities. because there's no knowing the damage they may cause as climate conditions where it's a turkey fans in germany have been celebrating a winning stop for that same that the you were a 24 tournament turkey bay, georgia,
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31 and one of the most thrilling matches. so i thought that victory sort of jubilant things in the city of goldman where the match was played. germany has a large turkish michael community making this something of a hard match for the turkey sense is what some of them at the site. i think it was great. it was very entertaining. i never got bored. i thought it was great. and yeah, i'm very happy we would have it, we can assess tough when we turn things around in the 2nd, then this is the 31 when when the full section is say, and i'm gonna say we deserve to wait, go out a go. uh, we could do it, we can do anything. and from giblin took offense, let us take a reminder of the top story with following for you this out. to buy some presidents . automated food in is making a state visit to north korea, a major supply of weapons for russia's war new price. it's britain's 1st trip to pm game in 24 years. that's why we'll
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leave it for this alex. i'm next i documentary on. so if you had a or a funk, cuz in georgia, and i figured the website as they have all the latest news at any time, you need a that's a d, w dot com. likewise, how social media channels on instagram, and explain to me how that's why for now the good news innovation. green the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if they care about something, something subscribe to those channels. every friday subscribe to plan, it's a good
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