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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 19, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the w news coming to live from berlin. russia's president receives a state, welcome. in north korea. vladimir putin arrives in town dang, for his 1st visit in 24 years. moscow says it wants to reshape decades of russia, north korea relations by strengthening todds. also coming up us present joe by opens a path to citizenship for half a 1000000 immigrants. the move comes after he faced criticism for an aggressive crack down on my friends as the southern board and plans to hike taxes and kenya
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spark, major demonstrations. the government gives in the face of popular pressure, the hello i'm terry martin. good to have you with this north korean leader kim jong and has received russian president vladimir putin on his 1st state visit to the country in 24 years. but as the leaders are seeking to expand cooperation with good teams looking to boost defense ties as he continues as more new cream, north korea has already supplied russia with artillery and other munition. after a lavish welcoming ceremony, the russian present expressed his gratitude for north korea support. instead, the 2 leaders signed an agreement to further bolster ties. the w's east. laser correspondent james traitor, is following for james is to north korea. james protein is in pyongyang. what's on
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his program today? that's right, sorry. well, in the last few hours we started to see these 1st images of 2000 state visit. so you're telling me on coming in and they make for pretty striking, viewing this uh, the streets and tell me on lines with flags, all of russia and also north korea. the image of putin side by side wave came joe, moving on in the main square and showing younger symbol. of course, that came, joan is many behind russia and its invasion of ukraine. but also that they said that skepticism of what they view isn't going, but or the dominated by the united states as to what's to come later in the day we understand person is now holding one on one towards we've came join. there's understood to be a t policy, it moves, so a garland bang creates later in the day, but also there's one on one communication, communications and tools. that's going to be the really key moments. that's where
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we expect a new strategic scholarship pads. it'd be hash doubts, and that's what we'll be looking at later in the day to see how much this alliance has developed. james, what do we know about the support that north korea has provided for russia's war against ukraine so far and what more protein is hoping for? it's absolutely well us and south korean officials, as a recent months, have been reiterating that they believe north korea has been supplying russia with munitions, ford's ongoing invasion of ukraine, some estimates of some millions of munitions have been supplied to most go actually providing much needed support for most good wants to west, also conduct states are known as transfers to ukraine. and that's why you've seen an a secretary general agend stilton velgrove. and i trying to make this very clear connection between the security picture in your eye. but then also in asia saying that these 2 dynamics, all the things, and that's why we have to monitor what's going on so closely in north korea for how
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it could impact the ongoing situation in ukraine. the bigger question really looking ahead. so this, some of this has been what north korea is going to get in return. we understand that most go has been providing north crew with more oil than is allowed under un mandate spreads deeper concern, really that most care to provide support phone with chris spice satellite program and potentially it's weapons programs to so it is china view proteins visit james china is, after all, nor 3 is most important, international support it's absolutely what we had a statement from china is foreign ministry over nicer and lead them to this visits . it's saying that it welcomes russia through cements and grows highs with countries that they have a traditional friendship with. remember, the fast overseas trip all persons the new presidential time was to paging that red compet welcome. he received way of the shooting ping, giving a hug,
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and so she's been paying a symbol of course of the depth of that partnership too. but in, in the media or environment's in china, we've seen a bit more of a stronger response to this meeting. one editorial in the global times volunteering that's a, it's an on surprising development. what we now seeing between rusher and showing young, given what they view is the us bring it, finalized close that together in the, in the pacific and threatening security of both north korea and russia. and that's what we're really going to be looking at. will western leaders are really going to be looking at the and the also most of these tools because that concerned about of conversions between these 3 countries. one of which i have expressed deep skepticism about the global order as it currently stands. and where we seeing that most evidently, plants as of course, in russia's invasion of ukraine, both of these countries, if notes, uh no condemning the invasion itself, it seems also providing support to most good. james,
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thank you. that was our east asia correspondence. james, trader in taipei sketchup on a few other stories making headlines around the world today. at least 9 people have been killed in floods and landslides, after heavy rains in southern china, more than a dozen people had been reported missing. authorities in the south western long to providence of issued flood warnings for around 25000 people across 10 con, accounting spring fire out of military. i munition depot in chads capital in jemina has triggered a series of explosions. government officials say at least one person has been killed in several wounded. the president has promised an investigation into the par . columbia is giving legal status to more than half a 1000000 venezuelan migrants. the law applies to people who are acting as guardians to children. columbia believes more than 2800000 venezuelan migrants are
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in the country after clean political and economic turmoil at home. us present, joe biden has opened a pathway to american citizenship for up to half a 1000000 people living illegally in the united states. biden's new plans cover immigrants married to us citizens. he announced the move on a, on the 12th anniversary of the, a bama or a doc, a program which gave the prospect of american citizenship to people known as dreamers who came to the us as children applause for this use to knows these herds move to the us when he was on the 3, i am agreement growing up and documented was not easy. like thousands of other immigrants, my parents in dirt hard labor in order to provide for the family as
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they are a symbol of the american dream, have yet as a recipient of the decided action for childhood arrivals, program known as deka. for the programs 12th anniversary. the by the administration announced an additional measure hello, he said his spouse is if you a citizen to apply for permanent residence without having to leave the country for the from the current process on the document and spouse with us, citizens must go back to the home country, for example, and mexico for example, to fill out paperwork, obtain long term legal status. they have to leave their families in america with no assurance to the bill out back in the united states. so they stay in america, put in the shadows, living in constant fear of deportation without the ability to legally work. while the biden administration says that up to 500000 people would benefit republicans have criticized the announcement. but i think all these are both him trying to have
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his cake needed to, and the one sense saying he's going to shut the motor down. but another sense, reassurance, progressive enough that, that he's still going to be sensitive to letting people in this new policy aims to balance an executive order assigned by president biden. earlier this month, tightening the us mexico board is something that drew criticism from pro immigration a n g o's, but also from fellow democrats. it'd be questionnaire will be how this new policy will be implemented. stay in the us. the head of us aircraft maker, boeing has apologized for relatives of victims killed in, crashes involved involving the company's planes c, e. o. date. calhoun was giving testimony of hearings in the us. senate, 346. people were killed in accidents involving 2737 macs, 8 planes in 201829 team. they were caused by problems with the flight control software. i think the families of victims who were killed into playing crashes
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involving boeing 737 max jets, got the on capital hill. they are cooling for justice for boeing. c o, david calhoun, to take responsibility for what they say. well known problems with a cross to that were in service. my being here is so that calhoun can see my father's face and see the cost of his decisions. i mean, if we all here living in this nightmare that doesn't seem to end of what has now become our lives, why should the people who made decisions continue to not face the people that they let down? all i could think is the 6 minutes and 4 seconds of my daughter on the boeing 37 months. it's a great for me to know that will be there's lots and wrap it. someone called their fans. so go
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home, bullying ceo management. did you hear my daughter? cried the hearing began by calhoun, addressing the family members present. i would like to apologize on behalf of all of our goal and associates spread throughout the past and present for your last, before he saw to face the grinning by senators. will come door. i think the truth is mr. calhoun, you're not focused on safety. you're not focused on quality. you're not focused on transparency. all of this is in the record, but boeing's ongoing production problems with in the spotlight again in january this year. off to a dual panel fellow from the alaska airlines. boeing 737 plane made to flight calhoun defends bearing safety records and denies obligations that the company
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ignored concerns of whistle blowers. but little make to say there is overwhelming evidence that the us justice department should pass to prosecution against boeing the canyon government test scrap plans to introduce new taxes as a way of financing next year's budget. the proposed changes included levies on brad in cars. the spark protest and the capital i robi police have been criticized for arresting hundreds of people out there is demonstrations. the protests that for 10 years government to drop major tax reforms including a 16 percent tax on brad hundreds, mostly young people assembled to voice their off as ition near the parliament building basically came out to show our representatives that we are not powerless that we have a voice and that voice is through the votes,
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we give it to them, and we can recall it. police responded with tear gas firing rounds, to disperse the crowds, and detained hundreds of the crack down, described by local rights groups as unnecessarily violent they will do to just giving you feedback. you just need your car and also show the b maturity inside government. and that's why we have these issues, they should sit down with one on to actually put them there. it's not the same for you to you. i've got your own people. the cash draft government had claimed the tax hikes were necessary measured to alleviate that. some protesters said they're already struggling with the cost of living crisis. that is for the country crisis that has left nearly one in 3 canyons living in poverty.
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would i be paying taxes? and then you do that too. i think they're not doing much each one a. so how can you trust them with more? how can we? the government says it is heard their demands. and as amending the bill dropping some of the tax levy, the revised tax is due to be passed before june 30th after debate. turkey fans and germany have celebrated a winning star for their team of the euro. 24, the tournament turkey beat georgia, 31 in the, in one of the most thrilling matches so far. that victory set off sugarland scenes in the city of dawson, where the match was played. germany has large turkish migrant community making the something of a home match for the turkey funds. here's what some of them had to say. i think it was great. it was very entertaining. i never got bored. i thought it was great. and yeah, i'm very happy. we would have it, we can assess tough when we turn things around in the 2nd, then this of the 31 when wonderful such and, and say,
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and i'm gonna say we deserve to wait, go out a go, uh, we could do it. we can do anything as you're watching dw news from berlin, and of course we'll be back to the top, the next hour with another full bulletin. i'm terry martin from me and all of us here at the w news. thanks for watching the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the production? here's a hands on the real media. now on youtube. this is europe's battle tank of the future. but only on paper right now . the main ground combat system.


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