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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 19, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the, the, you know, who's going to live from berlin, the leader of lebanon's has the law militia threatens, no rules strikes on israel is a broader war of routes. assigning us raul also threatens cypress, if it cooperates with the, is rarely military. this after israel approves plans for a military operation against has full law in southern lap and on. also coming up on the show, russia and north korea sign, a mutual defense passed this as approach and makes is the 1st official visit to north korea in 24 years. and germany is the 1st team to advance to be non count stage of the european
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championship after their victory over hungry. the great richardson, welcome tensions are soaring in the middle east after the leader of the pro iranian hezbollah militia threatened a fight with no risk. if a brother conflict is rel, breaks out in a televised address as below a leader has on, now's rolla, warned that no where it is wrong would be safe. in the event of an all out war, he also threatened to attack site for us if it open just airports and bases to as rarely forces earlier as well, threatens and destroy has the law, the as rarely army and has war and has blah have clashed almost daily since the start of the war in garza in october and dw is tonya kramer has the latest
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on cross border attacks between israel and has the law. but we've seen such close for the attacks actually since october. a 7 the, tara tex then and they have escalated between a husband, the end is wrote in recent weeks. now they reached deep uh, you know, his bullet attacks have reached deeper insight as well. but also is rarely a tax have reached depot inside. and they've been on and then on tuesday has been law, has published a video footage that shows a 9 minutes long video that shows a high for the northern is rarely city. a major city the in the north and showing a sensitive side such as the port, such as residential areas and other sites and very much detail of the city. and of that is basically a senior, as a message by his beloved be, can reach everywhere that is of great concern to is really,
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is that something like that could actually happen. and of course best rates went up again. officer that'd be heard before and administer is very cuts as saying the time is close to decision that there could be an all out war. and now we heard of course, house on the scholar. also a speaking uh from living on that husband. i could reach anywhere and no such vessel rates. it's not something new between husband on israel, but it comes at this particular time. it's very much a very tense time here between has blah and israel. and of course a in israel adding to that, you know, since october 7, tens of thousands of his babies have been relocated from the border areas that is simple ghost towns in northern israel. and that's something is where i cannot list with a for the long term. that has been diplomatic. of course attendance we had seen on monday and tuesday still us and boy almost hoaxed in he was in the region, israel,
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the engine living on trying to defuse the tensions. but also of he's been hearing from is very officials, there would be favoring a diplomatic solution. but at the same time, we've been hearing also very strong calls in be some greeks that if such a diplomatic solution could not be reached, the only solution would be a military and invasion or military solution to this problem. tanya kramer with that update for us from jerusalem. thank you so much as always. so how likely is a war between israel and has belie, put that question to marina moran, a military expert, a king's college london. well, what we're seeing right now is the height of the tensions between the is israel and the house blocks, especially after the appearance of the drain fruit, the to which made east row feel more vulnerable. it is not known, but the one that footage was recorded. however, it shows that high school a has the ability to penetrate is fairly defenses and might reach it's um,
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critical infrastructure meetings at east rose feeling knowledge, strategical in our ability and wants to preempt any potential work with hassle. but is it a good time for israel to commit to a new war and open a new front of it is questionable. and i think it will depend a lot on the outside play. yours who might try and help mediate some sort of agreement in order to avoid expanding this work toward us live alone or into that very much goes to my next question as well. of course of fighting the war and gaza . if, if this does turn into a war, it would mean fighting on 2 fronts. what would that mean from israel's perspective? i think it's going to be very difficult for israel. firstly, we have to understand the bulls from us and has the law have adjusted their modus
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operandi. they have improved design, or if they've been logical skills and specifically hospitalized. it's one of the best, our non state actors up to date. this means that it will be not as easy or as hasn't been easy for each route. the phrase come off and go. so it will be even more difficult for the id f to face the house full of fighters on their own turf. and some reports estimates a passport has some $100000.00 fighters has, will also receive support from around. so it's quite a powerful force. we have to understand that. and we'd have to understand that the is really military is now also being exhausted from its operations and gaza. it's not in the, in and opening another form in the new words, fighting in lebanon might not bring about the desired results. i don't think that
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the miller tree is a correct tool here to look for a solution to our political problem. we still cannot, has the law as a well armed non state actor, but, but what about lab and on of the lebanese government? is it possible to say how they would factor in here swell? it is possible that the lead on these armed forces would provide some sort of support because they are thoughts was hast blah and they have been for many years. and the united states has been providing health is will even use armed forces. however, i don't think that they play and they can play a major role in this equation in terms of their military capabilities. therefore, i don't think that we should count on the fact that the east rarely idea will be closely coordinating 0 ration with with. so when the police armed forces, all right, i thank you. as always, that is no true expert marina marana. turning out his mother names and rushes
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vladimir putin and north korea's leader. it came from on have signed a new agreement. the details of mutual aid should either country be attacked. the deal also includes partnerships on trade investment and cultural and communitarian ties. it comes as brute and made his 1st visit to pyongyang in 24 years. and as both countries face escalating stand offs with the west, it's $35.00 and of course want 8. our defense pledge, north gloria and the former soviet union, signed a comprehensive treaty back in 1961. but the deed was discarded after the phone of the item garden. then in the year 2000, the 2 countries signed a new agreement. but the security assurances were somewhat weak. more than 2 tickets on i felician from the west has struck the 2 fort allies closer than ever of having a powerful country like russia, as
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a strategic partner is an immense source of pride and a great achievement for us. the fact that just you to eat, if i, the country face are submitted to regression, the not good in leaders already believe to be supplying the shop with large amounts of munitions for its worth in ukraine. and return the russian president. it's set to be hope things are going to have smithson and space surveillance programs. but the state of these big for relationship even higher just because the thing is, the russian federation does not roll out the development of military technical co operation with the democratic people's republic of korea by the documents signed the footage from north cordial show us the 20 does one thing at the very bus 11, but the partnership is also about the business. but the restaurant in north we got trying to get around rest infections. dyslexia,
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the russian mid august limousine was gifted with the north korean leader. but it's the military alliance between him and button that is causing an hour in the west. you can bring you up to speed now with some other world. new stories. south africa's a serial remo post that has been sworn in for a 2nd term as president. last month's elections are remote poses, party b, a n. c loses absolute majority in parliament for the 1st time. but it has now struck a deal to form what it calls a government of national unity. firefighters in greece are battling walls, fires, fanned by strong winds. on the outskirts of athens, authorities have issued evacuation orders for 2 nearby villages. thousands of places have broken out in greece in recent days, and it's scorching summer temperatures much they were extinguished before causing extensive damage. the police in britain went to arrests after environmental activists sprayed what they called orange one flower on stonehenge in southern
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england, members of just stock oil to face the 4500 year old monument. on the eve of, of the summer solstice, when thousands are together at the sight, prime minister she select called the instant a disgraceful act, vandalism, and child's present. and how much interest debbie has visited the site of the deadly explosion in the capital and dropping off at least 9 people were killed and thousands of wounded after a fire triggered at the blast. an ammunition depot on tuesday, the president called for future military storage sites. to be located outside of cities and turning now to football and germany have advanced to the knockout stage of the european championship after defeating hungry to nail in their group stage match, instruct scott, and the 1st goal gave me the 22nd minutes from jamal. it was, was the, i'll bring the ball in the roof of the net and after the break of germany continued on the offensive, adding a 2nd to go in the 67th minute courtesy of captain el coyote good one.
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and our reporter daniel barcelona, told us more about germany's performance. yes. so it was such an import is when for germany today, i mean 2 games, 2 wins and 2 unbelievable performances. okay. the game against scotland was a little bit easier for them, but today hungry they really had to show their character hungry was the sides that germany had struggled to play against. in the past. there is a lot of players are playing the boost because they know each other very well. so these kinds of wins are super important for team moving forward in a tournaments, they build character, they boost morales. they give players confidence and speaking of causative players like do, mom was yeah, like young players, some of the brightest stars in world football. coming up a goal today, a goal in the last game. so germany looking very good moving forward. they basically qualified for the next round. everybody is really happy here and probably
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in the whole country. there i can imagine so is that is all that then translate into into how you watch the match. what was the atmosphere like there in the berlin sand zone? i'm not gonna lie at the beginning, i was a little bit nervous because it was pretty empty. today it rained essentially the entire day leading up to the match and actually yesterday the vandals were close because of the weather. but in sugarland fashion, his son came out and the band jones were absolutely packed to capacity. there's amazing app is you're totally electric. i mean the crowds are already changing. germany is going to be championed german is the best team. so here absolutely. european championship 5. perfect and it can only get better moving forward as germany continues to win and build momentum. so it is germany going to be the new champion. you thank you think there's a tournament favorite at this stage? well the people here in the fans was definitely think that they're going to be
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champions, are ready. now of course, they are a favorite in this tournament for sure, because to engine 2 games and the way they want it sent a very clear signal to the rest of the pack, of course. so if we talked about david's, i was at the portugal game last by myself. portugal also has a very good squad. we have to mention france as well as england. we have incredible depth and experience in their squads. although their 1st matches were not super convincing. one thing is very sure though it will be a fantastic summer football, and maybe we might even see an upset this year say that these daniel barcelona reporting from the fan zone in berlin there. just before we go, we can bring you a reminder of the top story that we're following for you. russian president vladimir putin and north korean leader kim jong and have signed a strategic partnership agreement and john yang. both leaders seeking to expand cooperation with pollution looking to boost defense ties as he continues as war and ukraine. your news update at this hour?
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