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tv   Arts Unveiled  Deutsche Welle  June 23, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm CEST

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so i'll say what crazy the system was mutual in the end of this is in guns. no mine, i mean an image and it's very close. i think that, oh yeah. okay, you're welcome. good . ringback ready welcome to steven vouchers. tiny house. steven is the logistics director page
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holding fast in bought. one is not working, steven, like nothing more than to retreat to his tiny house and dug his land west in germany. co line is the professional, the oldest and single 22 is with the band concrete. chose not to pursue a career in the classical music scene. proceeding to make music that expose the boundaries between classical and popular music. lifting called, jazz and classical styles in the tiny house, the 2 meet internationally renowned musicians. i can talk coke and make music. today's guest, cellist e, saying in this, a rising star in the classical music scene. just 20 years of age, he became the principal cellist at the dresden state orchestra. but he type it all up to work as a soloist. today he's performing at the tiny house with cocoa and steven. he speaks candid, the above discrimination, competition within orchestra's and his life as
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a musician and father sonics this i think. yeah, yeah, i can tell you what the what this is, what the total knee by some kind of yeah. on this to i understand yeah. yeah. i'll cut off my in, in the website and so as to view it was of course of interest as an updating box, sweeping to us. he had been beside me to business. and once i hear something, we often know model number off the back from an taishan with the ones and then loc, as in these or in the event that this is acid minus was listening as well. have this is not enough. yeah. can to assist you see anything else other than just
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evergreen, of the
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blessing with technically for most of us call you guys coming to us uh for the spanish phone for the mine and me come in the owner of the cleaners. those house that necessary to for me, when i know that we are the and this, and this a f one visit isn't that i've been behind tips. it's as if i was asking is, so you have high success, the 75. i this a long time. sometimes is the kind of month, month, less taxes, but i switch to doing boss on to what as of i, my little to list, i'm
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a police or spouse. compare the most as custom is that i'm going to feel for the students to come, not us for this. this isn't, isn't i know none of you find the history on that as a nice reason because i don't, i don't, i think it says view by they have a team that invested by a mid sunday for the fan for those. oh okay. yeah. everything is all the info and hopefully meeting it as well as one of the car comes in that that's up and when seem to find me something good, i shouldn't have the experience and insightful problem questions based on as i say, things are own business and the standard as accidentally as 9 there's. there's also people who said they are, they find the feel and by the name of the young. and i said any ads and visions hasn't done a lot of interest. and in this matter either. so i'm going to send off the phone, i'm going to sean. this is at the desk. busy uh minutes we're booked as it stands. it was. and i asked peter 2nd on ashton to have so much we don't want to fight
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heights ones. i'm just my the other thing about this down, this is something about scientists as me. the last name of on the, on the little test so that you know and finish stuff as could be the other has to have to do it again. and then i've, i've had that i signed the the so i'm okay. so that has the concept most as it was leading to the media with regard to invest a enough that was the master 20 as yeah. like you know, i've more dish beneath that and now how does the office testing these are cutting to named a bit? i'm sounds on tape and stuff, and then it is. office 8 is all cast on the opposite as it is on us. i mean, then a demo castillo in town, and it is because info. and so they either on, let's get in doesn't i think i might even go to it as i see. okay, so on your own, it has these products and it's an odd size. interesting sense team on hoyt i, it's
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a spot to pick up only, but i'm going in from the beginning of on the stuff in this month and what kind of items gift i bought, this is costs. these are presented as soon as possible at every weakness is highest in idaho. so you see their 1st decision on by this even gives me a 5 different all the office time does even do the phone on division today. this is phone fun. you know, i've seen on to, yeah, that's, that's how the big, you know that this of the fights and that 5 to let's get that custom vision with the low cost of the apply. ok. so the, um, the discounts on those models with your customer data. all higher have as of yet, because of is it so it is a test to send. okay. comes up and now does it say on a yeah, does this dialysis i'm with standard life is and as i live i'm putting those boxes into the seats and by the see if i see it over be seen on independence. has the asthma know, cast out these phones in the end of july and that is and so these are invited to by
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here's something that's on the list. okay, so what's got you as nice as far as that goes? i think i don't really what else? yeah. to see that's the thing i'm seeing. okay. there was a pause, had some offices asking move as i've also added since it's nice and yeah. as of yet . so yeah, but it's in the future as the lessons of in terms of the consensus and that's how much is on a smart allison? that's allison being assigned and 9 beams options. i'm the vice president. no town can i to times communion on one does everything off americans into that into their lives often use pack them for that for some pills and you'll be i have a long time with me to and i'm it ones does not help us. yeah. it's out, this is but, and that's and then you talk to her, i or something doesn't the advice is office space for me is i have some well, half this by then thing the scanner my her on them and have this type of my mind
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that i post the only thing in the past and i for it gets been cut off. it doesn't finish it. how can i love how the process is suddenly i'm guessing the name? yeah. but let me see. i think what i'm telling you jose, because i, you said you guys, it's a, it's like if that if the machine that quoted for she didn't come in, but i was a problem. i'm going to move on. i'll stop by is not sure this will go to it's a good. ringback part of those kind of animals as a box with this kind of ok as to what so
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to see this afternoon it looks pretty basic as soon possible. so 10 channels. yeah. yeah. um because the soon by that is the 10 in the last name. oh sorry, can i have the um is, um is marcus thea as this is new, it is tennis fit best buys? oh festus, miss months my in laws in part on um and you just said it was done and enough. so if it's an interactive putnam scans, i'm not on the clown. once one is stuff you guys buy the scott
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versus the names to invest the a you have to be investigated. it might take there and it says, hey, it's nice miss destiny. might be there from tablets, movie stuff north, and if it was a tablet that she didn't have minutes on who to the pedals on the, on the opposite to hawaii is not to release that. so in some type it non updates. not until the, the, the, the upside is a, but the, the narrows looks like it's often the, i mean, it's no my eyes have an honest there. now, and as i always do this, and i'll know a sensory hole in y'all, cognizant took a distance, isn't there mistakes the concepts? i think that's awesome. but i don't know mind the beauty assessments that hinged in mind that has been on the side of what's going on done and couple is better, you know, so this patches, let's see how some of these items as well as on of, there's something you have on best deals. yeah. so let's go on this slide. lifetimes of, oh god, i built in that thing that i think it may take that's it also stated this disability and, and folks do have a home. that's who they want me to go sometimes gets something and kind of an
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opponent, man. okay, well i think i'm doing so next on the face of all of my black monday that i need to know what's going on as well as me. the news? the oh, that's why some. okay. okay, a few years ago to me. okay. so it's me, it's not us here and let's see. oh, just because of the ciocca causative us and it should be the and a with most of the, in the and the it was the and good the okay. the
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okay. yeah, i'll be the victim. it's when somebody is big, the kitchen i have to in the process homeless as well as the serious invoice on the fence came out of times cali to uh the side of the service. the vinyl santa lena i saw here is a split uh some overlays, uh, instead of 4 minus the other ones i was gonna pay the expense of a sign so,
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so i have yet a $1.00 going of since 20000 can happen. what i do is i found the, um, something you know that i signed up for you on my products. lets playstation of the com goodness ones. um, do you have a young student, can you them or do i need something done? sends off the document is waiting policy against attacks. wow. oh yeah. see if a single test. uh, but assuming it has done so. okay, so let me get that going. you up to understand. i mean finding if i can drop it off . so it's my main screen, that's me welcome. okay, so spring time is that obviously the zone. when can you can see it. it's kind of for staying something new. even though sharon best it can be thought i'm not on his way to sort of them getting me to log on as i didn't see them at the time sheet on pagans and guns and getting tired. so then, okay, so the dates are you having some funding? rubbish. cost me with a here. i see. not through the steps here. how to consult them. come instead of
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come to me. so just assuming meals tim comes to me so far i'm happy v has to as you have to see, it isn't a puzzle in between. you can attach the lift the right direction. so turn the vehicle on on my outlook and get some sort of down on okay, minutes and tell me that all it's clear, understand anything soon. and then i'm going to to this to see what's going on huskily, isn't it is uh um, because we have that one as long as somebody's, if i'm not on the policy, when it's on the hots, when i go by the, the only thought is get the feeling mission of feeling going to have a so i skipped over the concept talk soon. i was lost as an additional home. once i'm done, i'm handing the key shift or i'll stick my taunting on this. you are definitely somebody that seem to have many more confident what isaac 5th is young. i cannot
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personally hop neglige how it skips all these pieces and the, the mental in testing between ken for being that. yeah, that, yeah, i see out this is do both taste finished and perfect the music of them in the few that as was as that's, as i'm just wondering if you're doing the infinity of any for, as i mentioned off to buzz you can that's we all know that goes on to the county as a business phone provide for part of this case, you got the finest machine and nothing else that's on either the like down k hasn't been in combat converse, i'm just the kind of coming out of food. you know, i'm, i'm going to as soon as ryan is of a higher justice davis. yeah. and they, high, close to him. i need to support the using in and mentioned as actually headphones. and via isn't in the top screen better than one side. yeah. i've seen that seen in office. uh yeah. okay. yeah, the toner light and now the others when guns phone with them,
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i learned this at this fish and just have to kind of see it. i mean, contest every single thing i was after students, and one of the top of that for me as quick as essentially they have the iphone mentioned on us. and the last time i mentioned that i said it wasn't letting isn't . okay, and this is michelle with office, just want to 09 is innovative. okay. and what is the value of item? this is you to manage the for unpopular pact to off so i was 5 to time it gave us. yeah. and then she went to corner point and about here, the kaufman based assessment. and i'm the author. i would even mention expressive something as soon as i live upside of instagram on that, it sues and touches industries. i mean zone status is, but i'm having some of the testing of who's going on, how often i'm satisfied with the stove left of the v is the same as
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the type tough for me. so i need something for the listing. kind of is a pull that off know scottish of the shop is i to access the fish type thing and then same thing as when it came from lots of honey me. i've seen a good hold on. it's about 2 minds. they spit as fast and efficient the office. i'm kind of tied on energy mine when i say such things as infinity dies about off when i do me the time on was i was and that's it. i'm fine with me. i'm. it's a name and phones with us as a, as in the us of a mitch doesn't, doesn't make on this alpha. and it was honestly still to and if it comes to nothing, the guy wanting complex if contacts it, isn't this the test as in lima, or if that's the right name, i just don't fall behind the desk and you can't even talking about it. yeah, one,
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definitely thousands to my experience this damage has problems still to me in the roof is in this movie i i'm not falling when it comes by that and it will pop in and cancel mine from union in the one that's essential to yeah, absolutely. as many times for me is mine, cause that flow for them and mine to this, i just need to see what the product name. so then on testifying on the the business, especially if is this list, you must have this yeah. yeah. so it needs to be as amazing. so this, this is a via tries to base, break it down. this is yanna in it was and someone came out the opposite the
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controller. so how much do you have to divide? that will, that's how much more as an essentially, and i mean the question with dunston comes meaning on the escape. i brought that down with them. i know, and i mean, i'm kinda not, i'm just, you know, quick to these down to my order, but i've been at school as my feet. if anything on those days i play so she really damaged it, ends on the cutting, when suspecting cause is aren't god is if there's and this was coming with the size of their marcus much more again for alonzo that there's only in sacramento see to me the i those things, i just have fun as i can team. this isn't this just for the i'm on the line as a correspondence, as a line cartoon out of atlanta and, and brad to get session. i'll send them and the best ones is certainly designed. a nice little successful, see me if you switch to for me, and i'm not intending these 2 and then mine quantitative smack mine, okay. and does, is that if a female and then if that's mindful,
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mazda 3 goes all up to find a place, and so she has to be and because of the internal vac, if on. and so i understood yet behind his stories, i'm, is that yeah. and a hands a clip, some of this is a 14 youngest on the bus and instruction on the doors and so nothing is completed. they are going to this have to influence out thing. it's almost like say on bother to tag. you can then do mainstream. i'm on got it. design and bush asking yeah, how does, and i think this was an id to find the office today. that's what is that, cuz there's, there's nothing on, on that can kind of place you know, sometimes if it's even was the business as an, as what i think the front of me has, anyone know how to isn't, as you can seem to, isn't stick. uh, if you talk and the garbage lift, uh, do you have the zip code that's all the same, same what was the terms containing of the strongest ones? um lets these most ish jesus macros. consequences for channel line. i mean, dean and yes, and he's got some seasons invitation, leaving him and leaving us the most. now let's this most beautiful shot guns have
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scanned the the the
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uh, the
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station was showing was it, this is a stick to. so that's what's on the power lines and a huffman suffice plan. there's something dollars for this to do is point as soon as okay, because of the time where i live on google, who does the magic ingredients, the guessing on the on doesn't, doesn't i'll have to have to. yeah, cuz nobody here this, the question,
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the, [000:00:00;00]
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the 3 young immigrants from zimbabwe, supportive family, because the state com, the siblings live in england and some of africa and send as much money as possible . but the financial obligations are an enormous transaction.
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in 15 minutes on the w remedy or risk ios can means leanna of the scenario because it's juice can cause hours of intoxication between trying to understand as part of a fixed ritual generation. it may open up completely new perspectives in medicine. i was in 19 minutes on the floor. did you do the same to tenants? she survived our streets. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is martin, the,
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the genuine 2 musicians under the swastika documentary about this sounds of power inspiring story about survival of the home. i go get the tennis. i was the only one who lives in nazi germany watch now on youtube dw documentary. 7 daniels and jen, you're going to the 77 percent to come to i just got on $65.00 last last those top 5 years. $1.00 to $115.00. we are here to help you make up your mind. we are here on please find your mind. so we got all the topics, i'm much up to you from couple fixed a new culture and in 15 minutes, let's say together parts of our community life on the service is now on speak to
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the business, dw news live from bell in israel as ami is accused of using a palestinian as a human shield. a video shows a wounded man strap too, and is rarely on a vehicle in the west back. israel says it's false as violated military protocol and will be investigated. also coming off, china is disastrous. floods are expected to get worse as officials will one of more extreme weather ahead. plus the surprise it,
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that's going germany from singing at this is your a pm championship. the,


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