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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news live from berlin. israel's army is accused of using a palestinian and as a human shield, a video shows a wounded man strive to and is really army vehicle in the west bank. israel says it's force has violated military protocol and will be investigated also. and to show one years since the wagner and mercenary group sees pars to russia and username, we ask how secure vladimir putin hold on power really is. and fans of germany out in force in frankfort as their team gets set to take on switzerland, in the european football championship, the
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american. evan. stan, thanks for joining me. these really armies says it's investigating the conduct of some of its soldiers after a wounded palestinian man was tied to the hood of a military vehicle during a rate and the occupied west bank. the israel defense forces confirmed the incident engine in after a video of it circulated on social media, the demand strep to the bone itself. this is riley on a vehicle, barely moves witnesses and the israeli military say he was injured during an arrest right in jeanine. but that's where the corroboration stops. it's rarely defense supposed to say the man was a suspect wounded in an exchange of fire. his relatives painted different picture much ahead was here how she was on the bed to my own committee. they opened the
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door and started shooting. so it was special forces which it had got up and was about to run, but he was short in the legs. i didn't have the family say, they repeatedly requested an ambulance, which i had as me. but none came on, we told them he wants to an ambulance with the wounded person in the vain. they told us to bring it into them all. we got to mount the side, and for about an hour or half an hour, we kept asking for an amber then. then we called 115 minutes late to to jeep skein, and they got him in here. they told us to turn around and not to look too bad. they put him on the hood of the jeep and then we were told that they'd handed him over to the government hospital. just a couple of me and is really military statement provided to the reuters news agency said the individual was transferred to medic. so treatment. but it didn't give an explanation for a glaring detail in the video that the on the vehicle drive past 2 ambulances.
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without any apparent interaction. it's let to accusations which i had as rate was being used as a human shield, a hash tag, human shielding and action. that's what the un special rubber to on the occupied palestinian territories wrote on x, further accusing israel of tiny international low on its head. israel frequently sites human shielding by palestinian militants as the cause of the huge death toll in gaza. and so civilian casualties inflicted during its operations and the occupied westbank and its statement that is rarely military set of soldiers had violated military protocol. and janine and that it would investigate and deal with the incident let's bring in journal is biling slow dean. he joins us now from tel aviv welcome to the w. so public, i'd like to begin with the video that we just saw in that report. how much attention
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has there been on this incident with an israel but it's got to as well here in israel. lots of attention is ready. the media as a matter of course, the pull to print out and of course is ready. the public has that responded to that, so i need depends where you are on the political. i would say that if you are on the right say, or even reply, right? you would say that this action is actually necessary for to human late to be spelled as b as in order to deter them from taking any actions against is really if you are to the left that i've seen the lots of people from a different organizations saying that this will not bring just any security and these are not our values to do that. um, but the estimation here is of that, this is a, just a break list of action by some soldiers that will be investigated. and of course the, the people who are responsible for this will be treated, but again, the profession, especially in these times,
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is very important for these read the army. and it comes with the context of $9000.00 even more than $9000.00 are risk that are happening in the west bank. something that could lead to some sort of, uh, a default, or some sort of, uh, uh, collections between the public fitness and b is very the army. something though, of course, is not the preferable by the is ready to populate for now. all right, well turning to god and now there are reports that several people were killed today in and this really ears try close to an 8th center. what can you tell us about that? yes so but this is happening over and over again and uh it depends. um, uh, i mean i speak too many goals of the going to meet that there. many militants, many armed people, uh that belong to homos. are these lemme jihad use some of these? uh, units are we on the zones it would have to, um, they hide in order to, uh, um, they conduct operation against these for 80 soldiers and uh,
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in this case. so of course the criticism goes for these, but the thing is that, of course, for the is way the army that the doesn't hesitate to target them even so that the, they say leads it sometimes 2 or many times they actually to, i'm involved being killed. the wounded as a result of that, that the in terms of what is happening now in regards of the trip, i guess it is some sort of button acceleration in the rough operation, which means that israel and it has been some reports about this, that might even announced the end of the operations as we see them right now. also gun. i'm going to transfer as, as, talk about this to day in his, uh, a wait a to washington may be transferring to the 3rd phase of the war. which means that israel will be on the philadelphia car door underneath settings, cut a door and conduct precise operations, not a fee of war as we see it right now. that was journalist biling, studying reporting from tel aviv. thank you so much. we appreciated. thank you.
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well today marks one here since you're getting paid goes in the lead to the wagner mercenary group and uprising against the kremlin precaution called off the coup attempt after only a few hours. but it still was the most serious challenge, the russian president vladimir putin z rule since he took power in 1999. exactly to us later, a planned carrying precaution and his top associates crashed, killing everyone on board. the kremlin denies any involvement we can now speak to carol smith, he's a political scientist, an expert on russian domestic politics, and he joins us from the point in capital illness. welcome to the w. so we know that there are experts who say that pre collision failed. rebellion hasn't had any impact on to teams grip on power. do you agree with that assessment?
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thank you for helping me. yes, i agree with this assessment then. moreover, i'm from say that they always send the conversion because at the end of surgery, political status and what's worse and having no real illusion is having an elder pollution. and what it means that the criminal learn the lessons. it's a analyze the weaker spots and they've always come to me through that system. and now it's stronger than it was before the big garden scrutiny, because you remember completely back a year ago. not a single member of the lead support that they needed to me. yeah, they knew it's we stayed in the barracks or on the front side and supplies into your premiums and pre garden with himself, with such a person. that's not only you repeat, it actually is cured member. so the lead because it wasn't very onto elegy as far as soon as she permits, you know, to punish corrupt the leads. and of course, people in moscow requires afraid of him. now he's gone and there is only while you save the credit and learned from this failed rebellion. so is there any potential in the future for some sort of challenge to put into 45 years?
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well, it depends on the uh, on the situation on the front lines, the, to the situation with a word against you to pray. if the kremlin does not see any significant political success in ukraine, this will cause norm as truck rates across the russian police, persistent with the military and security. the problem is because they have been the best, it's so much completing their life. and actually, nothing would be a problem for now. russia is conducting offensive operations on you in ukraine, and ukraine is on the defensive. and it shows that there is a start. the stronger side is currently russia, but we'll see what's going to happen next year as well. if we look back a year ago, there were many people who were cheering as pretty goes and in his wagner forces were marching towards moscow. so what has happened to all those people who showed support for this rebellion? i would be careful to say that there were, for many people cheering for this because the garden was a mess for having
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a very effective media, empire, and social media empire. this was working to popularized is emetrius feeder at the show is a m, as a, as a, a, a mess, you know, an successful competition and to be honest, really are. and i think they're all stuff. reason. yes. there were people, bystanders. curious about the one was, i mean, but this, the leader, we saw the evidence that actually charge of the transmission there also fund done is a big city, a state and a home and very natural, a terrified to what's happened. what's more important at all seen this or is your system is not the actual the, you know, just for generate people because they have no worries such as someone like. and it was the members of the lease. and the 2 most important people, the in, uh, what was the pricing with your company, weren't there because, and it's kind of political leader or it's manager. so really a manager of the company and the if the military had the nines and what he was, both of them are killed in the, in the,
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in the india. and when's the last and when the aircraft, what explode is in the uh, in the oh, the referenced there, there. yeah. so this kind of ended the history of the barn under the divorce, and that was gabriel shania of thank you so much for all of your insight. thank is turning now to some sports news and it's day 10 of the european football championship. and german fans are in a festive mood as their team gets ready to play their final group stage game against switzerland and frank. for tonight. now germany have not beaten switzerland since 2008 while they have already qualified for the next round. germany are hoping to match their 2012 feet of winning all 3 groups stage matches all right from the frank for football party, straight over to an even bigger one, the berlin family zone, where our sports calling daniel barcelona, is
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a standing by for us right now donna organizers were expecting to 70000 visitors for the germany match. are you seeing that many people there for real and tell us about the party as well right now. as you guys can see, i am in the band zone in berlin, right in front of the german parliament, which you can see behind me. and fans have been coming out in numbers and through this whole tournament so far, the atmosphere here has been absolutely electric. now, couple of times they did actually close them because of the weather. and i don't want to change anything because we know this is berlin. but the weather has been fantastic today, and there are so many fans started to come out and numbers. now they're so excited . last time germany played, you are absolutely right. the fans always were packed to capacity. that means here and in front of brandenburg tour and they were not letting anybody else in and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger as the momentum keeps growing as germany keep
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winning. so i talked to some family friends actually just now before we came on and they told me that for them, jeremy will in the european championships. so the out of here is amazing. okay, well before we win, you know, winning the entire championship. let's talk about the match that's about to take place this evening. german again, switzerland. daniel, what can we expect? this is a germany was the 1st team to qualify for the now. so i would say just other tournament to with frontier game now for them tonight. maybe a little bit less pressure than another situation, but they want to keep winning. so tonight, in order for them to finish person or group, they just need to not lose. now switzerland, they also want to qualify for the next round and they need to also not lose feel, well the, an easy match. these 2 teams, they know each other very well. a lot of the players play together in the german going to so you got so it won't be a difficult match. now,
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for teams in germany situation, sometimes managers are tempted to, you know, rest some of their players going into the game. but usually, and that wasn't, it has said he will not make any changes to his team. he wants to keep the rhythm go and he wants the players to build their confidence. he wants to win the game and keep the momentum that shows us a little bit of the mentality of his german team in this tournament. all right, there's another group, a game between scotland and hungry, both women, but both still with a chance to advance just quickly daniel, what can we expect from that match? yeah, this is actually going to be a pretty big match because both of these 2 can still qualify and in order to qualify the need to win. so we can expect to see a really hard thought battles. now scotland could qualify for the not go stages of a major 10 minutes for the 1st time. and actually they're one of the band favorites here. their fans are out of numbers all the time and people really loved them. so
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not only would it be historic, it would be really fun in terms of them is here. here in the van zone, that was daniel barcelona from the berlin found zone. thanks so much danielle and yours to date on d. w. news. thanks for watching the sky there, you see. so it's a lot say what the can you see what the old co tires have to do with the production? here's a hands.


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