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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 23, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CEST

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the the, this is the double you news line from berlin. israel's army is accused of using a palestinian as a human shield. video shows the wounded man trapped who is really army vehicle in the west banks. israel says it's forced as violate, as military protocol and will be investigated. also coming up one years since the wagner mercenary groups these parts of russia and username. how secure is vladimir putin told us how our we take a look and, and environmental success story in sweden, fish pastries that has not been seen there in over a century is swimming once again and look, pulled rivers the
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a marion evans dean. it's good to have you with us. these really armies says it's investigating the conduct of some of its soldiers. after a wounded palestinian man was tied to the hood of a military vehicle during a rate of the occupied west bank, the israel defense forest has confirmed the incident and jeanine, after video of it circulated on social media, the demand strep to the bone itself. this is riley on a vehicle barely moves. witnesses and the is riley military say he was injured during an arrest, straightened jeanine. but that's where the corroboration stops. they is rarely defend supposed to say the man was a suspect wounded in an exchange of fire. his relatives painted different pictures much ahead was here, action was on the bed and my own coolant teeth. they opened the door and started
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shooting. so it was special forces which it had cut up and was about to run, but he was short in the legs. and in the hand, the family say they repeatedly requested an ambulance, which i had as me, but none came we told that we wants to an ambulance with a wounded person in the vain. they told us to bring it into them all. we caught the mountainside, and for about an hour or half an hour, we kept asking for a number, and then we called 115 minutes late to, to jeeps game. and they go to me and here they told us to turn around and not to look to buy them. they put him on the hood of the jeep and then we were told that they'd handed him over to the government hospital. just a couple of me. and it's really mandatory statement provided to the reuters news agency said the individual was transferred to medic. so treatment. but it didn't give an explanation for a glaring detail in the video that the on the vehicle drive past 2 ambulances. without any apparent interaction. it's that to accusations which i had as rate was
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being used as a human shield, a hash tag, human shielding and action. that's what the un special rubber to on the occupied palestinian territories wrote on x, further accusing israel of tiny international low on its head. israel frequently sites human shielding by palestinian militants as the coolest of the huge death toll in gaza and suppose to billy and casualties inflicted during its operations and the occupied westbank. and its statement that is rarely military set of soldiers had violated military protocol. and janine and that it would investigate and deal with the incident journal is biling slug, dean joined me earlier from tel aviv and i asked him how much attention this incident has drawn. israel would go to as well here. israel lots of attention
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is really the media as a matter of course, the pull to print out and of course is ready. the public has the responded to that . so i need depends where you are on the political. i would say that if you are on the right say, or even reply, right? you would say that this action is actually necessary for to human late to be spelled as b as in order to deter them from taking any actions against is really if you, on the left that i've seen the lots of people from different organizations saying that this will not bring us any security and these are not our values to do that. um, but the estimation here is that this is a just a break list of action by some soldiers that will be investigated. and of course the, the people who are responsible for this will be treated but to, again, to be fission, especially in these times, is very important for these read the army. and it comes with the context of $9000.00 even more than $9000.00 are risk. those are happening in the west bank
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something that could lead to some sort of, uh, 80 photo or some sort of, uh, uh, collections between the public fitness and b is right. the army. something though, of course, is not the um, uh, preferable by the is ready uh, probably for now. today marks one years since russian mercenary chief, he's getting pretty. gordon launched the most serious challenge to vladimir putin in his nearly quarter century rule. angered by a lack of ammunition in the war against ukraine, his wagner group, military forces advanced unopposed, into raw stuff in southern russia, on june 23rd of last year. and from there, they then turned their sights on moscow. hope all would you do not a year ago, russia was jolted by the news of an armed uprising, a march led by one of putin's closest allies. you had any provision had been complaining for months that the russian military was denying his locker and
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mercenary forces munition and ukraine. on the 23rd of june 2023, he ordered his soldiers to take over russia's southern military headquarters. enough where the exhibits were at the headquarters. it's 7 30 am military objects of rest of are under control, including the airfield. out of the room for goshen. then ordered his forces to roll toward moscow to unseat his foes. blockades were set up a run to capital, and pigeons response was swift. 6 of all those who deliberately set out on the path of betrayal who prepared and armed rebellion to undertook black male and terrorist methods, you will suffer inevitable punishment and will answer both to the law and to our people. and that from that was all. and um, the studio brokerage by byler rushing leader, alexander lucas, shang cold in which the mercenary forces were offered. a choice of moving to belarus, brought an abrupt and anticlimactic end to the greatest challenge to pretends rule
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. get experts say he has suffered very little lasting damage to his authority. we have not seen kind of the loss of confidence in the crumbling that we might have expected to see from among, or to the russian lead ends with the rich and powerful of men, mostly around around portland. which might, in fact signal that the criminal, the stronger than we think, right? that it can afford a certain amount of chaos and, and just function. and yet the core holds solid as perform goshen. exactly 2 months after his failed could attempt, a plane carrying him on his top associates crashed, killing everyone on board. the kremlin has denied involvement. let's take a look now. some of the other stories making news around the world. a gunman and rushes dog as don region have attacked us synagogue, and to orthodox christian churches, authority say
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a priest and 6 police officers were killed and the synagogue was set on fire. local media said 2 of the attackers have been shot dead and then gun fights with police are still ongoing. heavy rains have triggered flash flooding in somalia is capital mogadishu, causing significant damage to homes and infrastructure. residents waited through the high water in certain areas. the frequency and severity of floods in the city have increased in recent years, raising concerns about the impact of climate change. identity is presidents. have your malay has been welcomed to berlin by chance, or all of shows. germany is malays 2nd stop, but a short trip to europe. plans for a reception with military honors were scrapped after malay requested a simple working meeting and tea malay protesters were also on hand. the saudi health minister has said that more than 1300 people died during this year's hodge pilgrimage,
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as temperatures sword above 51 degrees celsius. he added that the majority of fatalities were an authorized kilograms harsh is one of the 5 pillars of islam. every muslim is expected to perform it at least once. well, the president of the philippines is heading back in beijing after a clash with the chinese coast guard, left several filipino sailors injured. the incident took place near the 2nd thomas show in the dispute is south china sea president ferdinand mark of junior said his country would not be intimidated and would not yield to any foreign power. the president furden on marcus junior attends the ceremony to award medals to ac filipino sailors. they were part of this month submission to resupply and i post on the hotly contested 2nd time i show they clashed with chinese coast guard, who injured filipino sailors and damage to military boats using the chefs. he's
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axes and hammers. the laces ties, steak skirmish and set china c, i n my we will never be intimidated or expressed by any one guy. but i knew i knew the a b officers and boots who sailed the waters and exercise the great this string of beads, incense, propagation. confrontations between chinese and philippine ships in the area are escalating as being steps up its efforts to push its claims to nearly all of the strategic located waterway. for some of the growing tensions in the south china sea or a greater threat to regional stability, then china is growing assertiveness and military pressure on self rule. taiwan. again, trying to claims almost all of the south china sea, the philippines, vietnam, malaysia and bruna. i all have competing claims to the waterway around one 3rd of
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global shipping passes through these waters. and it's also taught to contain boss deposits of oil and gas. the 2nd time a show lies about 200 kilometers and the western island province impala one. it's more than a 1000 kilometers in china is near as major land mass height on island. china has built a series of mine, made islands a top rapes in the maritime region to press its claims. some of these islands are fully weaponized with pfizer jets on to ship systems and other military facilities . in 2016, an international tribunal ruled in favor of the philippines and said china as claims in the south china sea had no legal basis. beijing has refused to accept this decision. now, the philippines has filed a claim with the united nations to extend its continental shelf and the south china sea, vietnam and malaysia say they're ready to discuss their overlapping claims. china hazards the un not to ruin on the bid. and again,
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it started at supper and t over the whole of the south china sea. in europe far north is often thought of as having christine nature, teaming with wild life. but parts of scandinavia have also suffered pollution and have a tap, los in the past. well now a team of researchers in sweden has reintroduced a fish species that it has not been seen in local rivers for over a century. the start of was hyped will be a come back in sweden. biologist, dan called the runs that it's been his dreams since he was 11 years old to see atlantic sturgeon and local rivers again called ronan fellow project collaborators released 100 young sturgeon into the good a river earlier this month, hoping they'll take to their new habitat this is really, really something good. they are saving here and this is a good start. 100 does not make a population, but with the ongoing work we will build up
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a strong population. atlantic . sturgeon were once made of the swedish rivers, but then disappeared in the early 20th century to the over fishing and poor water quality. in recent times, the only memory, the magic sturgeon here have been these specimens, preserved gotham bergs natural history museum. the idea to reintroduce them in sweden has been years in the making with present day conditions. no deemed as suitable for the species. a consortium in part of the 1st batch of 100 young sturgeon from a breeding facility in germany. and gave them time to acclimate before being released into the wild. the atlantic sturgeon have also been fitted with transmitters, so that researchers can study their movement patterns as,
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as finding sturgeon spend the 1st years of life in fresh water. then margaret out to see when they're bigger, but they returned to rivers to spawn for local anglers who might be curious, what the fish tastes like. the mayor says they're off limits and i looks no fussing . and there is a no new like a station starting today. that's a, it's a legal to officially says, darian. and if you catch it, you'll have to release the hook. very, very careful, and put it back in the reporting project. collaborators acknowledge it'll be years before they know whether they're experiment is the success. but they say it shows it is possible to try and reverse losses to local habitats. some sports news now and that's get us to as cricket team has pulled off a dream upset of a t 20 world cup and stunned australia and a thrilling match and kept alive there fairy tale hopes of reaching this. and the final australia had been beaten in the tournament,
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but could not overcome an early death, as instead by the asking and that's the latest on the w news. this our a, mary, anna evans teen. i'll have more headlines for you at the top of the hour. thanks for watching the not just another day. so much is happening all at once. we take time to understand. this is the day i'm in the snow gets current, use events analyzed by experts and critical thinking is this is with the weekdays on dw, my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that.


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