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tv   Shift  Deutsche Welle  June 24, 2024 8:15am-8:30am CEST

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so says it's looking at what it might cost you if you use your face to pay for products. i'm clear. richardson in for lynn for me. i'm a whole team. thank you so much for watching. the name isn't the calls back. said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it loud mass. would it be nosy bay? like good everyone to king to check out the award winning called call. don't hold back. can you see what old car has to do with the production? here's a hands on the
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really indeed the snow on youtube. what do you want to pay for your groceries or coffee with your face? that seems pretty convenient, but is it said kill lauren this in a moment also on the sho, families of victims of us school shooting, assuming a gaming company on the social media platform. and he waves all scorching the globe tech might help us talk well, the problem will show you the latest development. these other topics that i'm moving the tech world. have you ever paid in the shop simply by showing your face? johnson's odd that you will suit biometric payments on the rise re such as full cost of a $3.00 trillion us dollars worth of biometric payments next year. and lots of those payments will come it's on say, scans and a shop or restaurant,
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but is it safe? what happens to the data, and can i charge my sisters credit card instead of mine? if you haven't done it yourself, you've most likely seen someone unlock the phone with that face. apple for example, already offers the circles based. i did. it works just like a fingerprint scanner on his phone except that your face is your biometric identification. put chinese financial service provider pay has push this to the next level payment by showing your face only. you don't need to present a bank card or so you're fine. are now big financial players like jp morgan and mazda cod, pushing pay by stays as well as online giants like amazon is expected. that within the next is more and more pay by face systems will be established. how does it work? well, it's very simple. first, you capture your biometrics by activating your camera or even with a simple sophie. the face is then broken down into data points which is stored and
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so called token. so there is no photo of the stored on a server, some what the tokens are enough to identify your face. then you need to connect your face data to your bank account or credit card. if you are in a store or restaurant that supports pay by face, they simply press a button on the payments having on the device, scan to your face and was just paid with your face. meaning you've gone to the restaurant permission to debit the payment from your bank account. is it secure? biometric authentication is a lot safer technology than passwords or pins. a face scan is also also kills and other biometrics like a fingerprint, according to manufacturer, as a face, comedy has like a password. the systems also have extra security layers, and that will con, be easily tricked by a photo of person or even by mosque. the technology isn't perfect though. it's not recommended for children under the team, because that facial features may not be fully developed. and how about people that look just like the sibling, say twins with a twin,
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be able to use their own face to make payments, and the siblings name without the knowledge? well, pay by face companies at least convo that outs. if you have a twin, i'm not concerned about them using your account. without your authorization, you should immediately set a custom pin after you create your pop id account. that's what phase payment service pump id says. but what is the catch? as often your convenience comes with the exposure of your data. biometric tokens make it not charge for criminals to hacked your accounts. but security active as a warning, the biometrics theft is becoming more common placed on the barriers. even multi consider some political regimes try to track and identify people using facial recognition systems in order to identify say, protested they need a data base to compare the data to. so they could be very interested in, you'll pay by face data and even low tech companies assure us that our data is encrypted and still securely. we have seen companies hand out data to governments
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before. so definitely make sure that you trust any company. you use this technology with the 2 big names in tech, a being sued over the alleged role in the us school shooting one is activision, the company that makes the 1st person shooter games cool of duty for you is the player. use a weapon yourself and the game. this ego perspective is what gives the genre it's made ego shoot to the other. a is meant to parent company of instagram on facebook . families of victims are accusing the tech funds of collaborating with the fire arms industry. the claim, the best some responsibility for the shooting is what you need to know. in may 20, 2218 year old salvador ramos, a former student, a rock elementary school, say to they show 19 students and 2 teachers. 17 others were injured, but survived. ramos was shot on site by police officers. this tragic incident re ignited heated discussions about american gun culture and violence. now families of
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the victims claim that gaming company, activision, and social media company, meta bass, some responsibility in a separate law suit. they also swing fire manufacturer, daniel defense, which made the rightful used and the shooting spin diamond reeves over the last 15 years, 2 of america's largest technology companies have collaborated with the fi um the district. that's the serious accusation, isn't that promoting guns and the ego shooters to and getting those into tell us as well. the scientific verdicts on the last not to is rather clear that is no causal link between playing video games and gun violence in real life. that's according to a majority of scientists and a recent review of 82 medical research articles on the topic drew the same conclusion. but the plaintiff, i'm not targeting this link between gaming and violence, they are targeting a special feature of color due to what the weapons in the game mimic real life weapons. basically,
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they are claiming the games to just play is how to handle firearms. then diamond states, but even though killing is parts of many games, the look and feel of the gums and cool of j t is extremely realistic backups people, especially young ones, interested in buying real weapons. the fictional weapon in the game called of j t, cold m for a one, is strongly based on existing a off of the models. the sheer to solve with a ramos use such a weapon and you've all the, and a off of things have also been involved. and 10 of the us is 17 dead list. my shootings since 2012 and other titles of the cool of daisy franchise activism. actually had licensing deals with gun manufacturer as a use real gun names of the legal problems they decided to work with lookalikes for the plaintiff. that is simply not good enough. they've made some serious allegations. the defendants bear responsibility for this profound corruption of our children in concert with certain fi um manufacturer as they have groomed a generation of young man who
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a socially vulnerable and secure about the masculinity and eager to show strength on a set dominance. defendants have spent is positioning the counterparts and the gun industry as the answer to those problems. the summit up to the trial is not about the question of why the 1st person, shooter games and site violence, but about where the coolant unity is promoting. guns. teaching people how to handle them, selling guns by social media. the accusations against metal a similar met the social media of instagram office by all manufacturer. something even cool of gc kind of the supervise child has been directly to mind those in the home of school, even in the middle of the night, according to the law says you've all the she to was talking to the instagram via daniel defense lessons manufacturer that produces a all 15 bicycles. daniel defense is also being sued by the plaintive because officially guns sales also been an unmet. in reality, the company discloses little information about how it in full since that's an
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investigation by the washington post even revealed the guns buyers and sellers on facebook to violate the rules 10 times before they got kicked all apart from that method. insufficient regulation of it's at it for system has been heavily criticized. but yet it's hard to predict how all of this will play out in court. but what do you think of these valid arguments? let us know your opinion. fucking bucket these days. you're not alone. he way of us got shame the glove this year. that's already been rec, what? breaking temperatures in india, mexico, and more and regions like south america and south east asia have been hit with a wave tube. it's a huge button for people, a nature. when temperature has regularly exceed 40 degrees celsius, the number of people exposed to extreme heat is growing rapidly. nearly half a 1000000 lives a loss to it each year. the situation is grim, i'm gonna need solutions. the climate crisis fast, but how can we deal with this heat, full tech solutions that might help?
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first, some, a regulatory closing bit of a mouthful to say, versus scientists have developed a fabric keys in graphing, scroll down in hot weather and we'll see of when it's cold. so how does it work? well, a buddy is radiated heat in the form of electromagnetic waves. graphing can help regulate body temperature, either keeping the heat in or releasing it, whether it warms or cold can be changed by applying electricity to the fabric doesn't sound like the most practical solution when you're out and about and the weather changes. another group of research has proposed flaps that respond to a temperature thing close when it's cold and bending to release excess heat. when it's hot, the good thing about this solution. you don't need external electricity to tell the fabric that keep the heat in or release it. the 2nd solution cooling paints, american research has developed a paint that reflects 98 percent of sunlight cooling services, up to 10 degrees celsius below ambien temperature. meanwhile, and is really starts up, is working on a multi lead coating the cools when hit by sunlight. the sunlight is absorbed by
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the layers and re admitted with less energy. the remaining energy causes hate to admit from the lower layer, which cools it down. it could be used to co rules, but also other things like cos. thirdly, sunglasses for windows and china research has created a transparent film that changes color block sunlight. unlike traditionally tempted windows. this film can switch back to being transparent as single light in when it's needed. on finally, heat map, they essentially show you when it's hot away, you might find a cooler place. this works by sensors around the city mapping the heat. citizens could view such mountains by a smartphone ops upon that route accordingly. additionally, he maps could provide further information like where to find the next pulling sentence. a cooling center is an ad conditioned quiet room where people can recover from heat stress for a few hours. in addition to the cool uh, that's a supply of drinking water as a particularly high risk of dehydration. when it's hot sounds pretty nice,
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but why come we'll just use conditioning? it's been, i'll go to solutions to combat thing hate. but as conditioning is simply not sustainable ac units or energy hawks, leading to higher electricity consumption and more greenhouse gas emissions, which accelerate global warming, that brings us to the real problems bottling heat. waves is only bustling the symptoms. as long as we're not doing everything we can to slow down climate change, they will only get with. so how can we use ac sustainably? well 1st the energy use to power air conditioners needs to be sustainable. when so, uh, what's your name? a lot grades good then optimized energy distribution, reducing losses, and allowing more devices to be pilot. this works by using a i lots of data gathered from sensors around cities. let's say for example, the temperatures are rising and a so it's an area for small system within distribution will power to that sound
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because it expects people to turn on that ac units. sounds good. but when we actually get that, well, even though these technologies have potential, widespread adoption is still a long way off. firstly, that price is not every city can afford to build a smart grid or houses with cooling, paint, or some come, but don't want to invest the money. secondly, old infrastructure needs to be updated, which takes time. result says a big workforce. and lastly, regulatory hurdles can delay the implementation of the tax. what's your take on this content knowledge you really helped tackle climate change, or is it just dropping the ocean that us? no, that's it from me. see you next time. the african is that, uh from the aquinos also within this in the past. you know,
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so also with citizens of the world. how can we contribute preventing i'm raising awareness about environmental destruction, along with many of this stuff done is tackling plastic trash. next on dw, as soon as you're log onto social media, we've got lots of recommendations on how to become more beautiful. but did you ever ask yourself for decide, so wouldn't be able to if you feel like every day there's a new product that everyone is talking about. the people globally invest up to 4 hours stated into their beauty routine, have gone to find them going to the 77 percent in 60 minute, phone d, w. we are all set and we're watching closely in
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to bring you the story behind the news. we're rolling about unbiased information for 3 months. the what's the, what's the heat is wastewater and shipping content is i've been coming. unlikely, as it sounds, the old, off of brilliant and efficient ways to change our lives for the better. welcome to eco africa. i am christa lens, illegals nigeria and i am son, drug of homes that we know video right to come pull out uganda. yes. today we are looking into some.


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