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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, the, the news live from the land, russia points the thing or at the us after a ukrainian missile attack. and occupied crimea, astride on suggestible kills at least 5 people and leaves over a $150.00 injured the kremlin. blame the us for supplying themselves and vows to respond cause on the program. germany's foreign minister calls for a permanent and to violence and gaza at the end of the bulk levels, criticism and israel's conduct of the war. and was that rising international anger only serves from us
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the and i'm told me all that people welcome to the program. russia is blaming the us for ukrainian attack on the crimea smocks and new escalation intentions, which in russia and the west must go as someone's the us and boss of the, the one that it will retaliate. at least 4 people were supposedly killed in the attack on sunday. and over a 150 wounded, russia claims long range ac a mass themselves were used like those seen in the images. the crumbling says the weapons was supplied by washington and programmed by us specialist. the pentagon denies responsibility. arguing that ukraine makes its own targeting decisions and conducts its own operations. it's
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russian investigators have describe a series of deadly shootings in the countries southern vegas down region. as acts of terror, at least 20 people were killed during coordinator the tax in the cities of mechanical and debbie and gunmen targeted to synagogues to orthodox churches and a police traffic post. no one has claimed responsibility for the killings, but the attacks of renewed fee is on a resurgence, is limited violence in the region. investigators search for clues, while soldiers secure the area after the deadly attacked these orthodox church in the synagogue and the city of durban, where they mount the targets the govern. nope, douglas doug came to see the asked him up for himself. what do i get supposed to be able to search and investigative meshes will continue
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. they will continue until all of the members of a sleeper. so was that was certainly sets up, including those members from a broad all identified over the phone. and what is the functionally is for this from eye witnesses capture to this current mission between gunman and security forces. and doug, as does k, but on the couch color, most of the dead were police officers. and this will be relevant services and law enforcement agencies working quickly. but unfortunately there were losses with the offer. austin said condolences to the families and friends who sons and brothers died already 120 kilometers separate the bent and not catching color. both cities came under a tech for several hours a while no one has claimed responsibility. the republic of doug it's done has been targeted by islamic militants in the past. rushes investigative committee has
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called the attacks acts of terror. so quick look at some of those stories making headlines around the world. a foreign ministers have approved a 1400000000. you're a ministry aid package for. can you. crane is the 1st time that proceeds from frozen russian central bank assets will be used to finance age to key. if the use top diplomat, joseph burrell, said the funds need to reach ukraine quickly and avoid any blockage. you know, that would include in kenya, 400 police officers, sets a head up a un back commission to hate and you have received a fat wrist ceremonials fell from president william. brutal expect it to leave a hazy on tuesday. the task will be to help qual, gang violence, kindness plates to send 1000 offices and all just along side forces from other countries. you are fresh unrest has broken out in new caledonia for testers
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in the french pacific territory. class of police throughout the day. and many schools remain closed last month, friends send hundreds of police to new caledonia after i propose electoral reform triggered in protest and calls for independence. german foreign minister analynn available has repeated her calls for a 2 state solution during a visit to israel. the 8th since the october 7 tires attacked by hamas in a policy speech, she focused on the wall and was wanting to mind here in crisis and gaza. while reiterating that she was a friend of israel financed a criticized its approach to the war that can prevent that like also smoke all the impacts. images of the wall we're having around the world of these images from gaza at traveling the globe sparking strong emotions in the arab world. but
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also in the us in europe. and my country everywhere. disbelieves sadness, anger. and as a friend of each row, i want to be frank. this angle is not helping each real. to me that security needs to the confer you. it only serves how most send echo drive to provoke for the escalation. we honest dw chief, let's go ahead. it's a michelle cook, now who's accompanying the fine minister on the trip. while the box was mancha shift in jimmy's position in the conflict, to note germany as to the not the policy from its pos being close at israel side having to catch israel security as reason of state of one of its fundamental principles of the southern states. but what's available here in tennessee
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is mapping out that being a friend means telling your friends that some things might be bad news. choose on use the outs, focus here at talking about a loan. the last thing to see what some of the slides for in this friendship and that, that also means is neural to recognize that there is no val, i'm gas equals is at the high number of civilian casualties in gaza. and that is something that needs to be fasted. it's also interesting lease on a pop with the us box for that is cooling for a longer term sign, telling israel to listen to our voices whose vows to also help rebuild garza. but only if there is a toss to a lossing piece this 2 states. cindy said she also pulls out very easy psyche
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allegations against israel and coles on israel to show that it lives up to its democratic values on international human rights. so she's on use the specific in her criticism, while at the same time stressing that germany remains after israel side. but clearly, together with the united states, germany wants to see some movement, not just in the nets and yahoo supplements. but also in how israel thinks about its own pizza and its tonsils for a long good last sing piece are returning to talk. story rushes, blaming the us will a ukrainian attack on a crime here. and for more, we are joined by cynthia cook's director of the defense industrial initiatives group at the center for strategic and international studies, joins us from washington. welcome to dw cynthia. now, russia says,
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the us bad responsibility for this attack on crime in which us supplied miss oswell used. why do you think this statement comes now? russia is trying to deter the united states from providing weapons and other forms of security assistance to ukraine. they have issue these statements throughout the war that they are connecting us assistance to specific attacks. and it's a reminder that they are watching. but in this case, russia may be trying to up escape some of the blame for the results. the russian m . o d claim that 5 attackers were fired into the crime in peninsula. the news is that 4 were intercepted in the 5th detonated after being struck and the debris hit people on the ground. so it's a failure of their own defensive systems which cause the injury in the depths, blaming us, distracts from this. but the, the us says ukraine makes its own decisions on how to conduct it's managerial
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operations. but the us also supplies these, these, these weapons. so can it really deny involvement you how do you interpret the, the us as response to this? that's a great question. arms supplying nations do particularly do typically provide guidance on how their weapons can be used. the guidance that the u. s. provides student to ukraine lakes the use of u. s. provided weapons to ukrainian self defense. we can use a notional example of russians massing on their borders, waiting until the attack moves over the border, loses the 1st move or advantage when it's clearly the russians are clearly getting ready to attack. however, in this case, it's worth pointing out that ukraine fired the missiles into ukrainian territory, the crime in peninsula which russia illegally occupied in 2014. they're trying to get russia out of their own territory so they can reclaim it. right,
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and now the criminal and threatening consequences. how likely is it to retaliate and in what form do you think this will take? well, every and increase in capability that the allies have provided to ukraine have led to the same saber rattling public statements. in this case, russia has said time will tell, so they are not being specific about the actions that they're taking. we expect or think of, of kinetic attack when we think of what rusher might do. but i would argue that we have now appear to have lost fee and the consequences in a more, in a different kind. how russia has seen that us as, uh sorry, cynthia, we have periods of lost your last. and so then we've run out of time. but i'll have
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to leave at the finance and take a look with the center for strategic and international studies. thank you. thank you. this now is a technology developing at break neck speed exploits a warning of an explosion of deep faked videos online. many people have fallen victim with identities used to create digital content without a consent. and sometimes a devious motives dw has met with a woman whose face has been used to make thousands of fake videos. about a month after olga lloyd started who youtube channel, she began receiving some very strange messages. people were asking her if she spoke mandarin. the 21 year old ukrainian initially thought it was a joke, but then she decided to watch some of the videos. people were sharing with her and i saw that this is literally like by face speaking mandarin and on the
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background and seeing kremlin in most go. and i'm like talking about things like how great russia and china are. oh, does image has been used to spread russian propaganda to sell russian products in china? yeah, she translates one of the videos into english for really appreciate china. well, everyone else is moving away from rochelle and the chinese behind the flag support . when other countries reject russian stuff. it's your supports to help her. she needed some you didn't. all get has discovered she has multiple digital delta gang is none of whom actually exist. one of them appears to be a russian woman named natasha, says she wants to support russia's war by selling products from a homeland. 40000 a downturn should you? those are the only reason. i don't even know what your needs are all good says one company in china told her that some 5000 videos have been created with the face on
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the platform alone. ex mall is a company in china. the developed advanced a i technology. it says the tech behind such the pike videos is very common in china. the company was not involved in lawyer situation, but the c o jim tri says the video showed just how easy deep fakes to produce one. when you walk into, it's actually the only i technology i used to is lips thinking. so if ordinary people don't pay attention to the lips, they may not notice the difference. so we'll catch up with the explosion and the number of deep stake videos appearing online. clearly demonstrates how easy they are to produce an expert, say as the technology improves, the problem is only going to get even bigger. that's. that's it from us for now, but don't go away. planet a is next looking at the drawbacks of your big bags on hydrogen, that's after
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a short break. i'm told me a lot to go for myself and the team likes watching the imagine that you're eating a hamburger. and as you're biting into this juicy bird or your dining companion says to you, actually the hamburger is not made from cows. it's me from golden retrievers. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals with edible and all the rest they classify as disgusting. a donkey series about our complex relationship.


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