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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 3:00am-3:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from the then juliana sons out of prison. we can, each says it's founder has left the u. k. court documents, so he's agreed to plead guilty to violate and us espionage low. is deal limits are centers to the 5 is, is already serves. also coming up russia points the finger at the us after ukrainian missile attack in occupied crime in the kremlin, blames the us for supplying themselves in vows to respond. plus, germany is a foreign minister calls for a permanent end to violence and guys,
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and the babel levels, criticism of israel's conduct of the war. and once the rising international angle lease of how much the annual welcome to the program, i am totally online before we begin with breaking news. we can leeks reports that is fonda, julia and assigned has left a british prison and as flown out of the country. this comes after the release of us court documents showing us sanchez agreed to plead guilty to violating as soon as low. the deal results are long running legal battle between us on and the us government. it was wanted for publishing classified us military files and documents . and the week unique's platform, which he founded in 2006,
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had been fighting extradition to the us in the british courts where he spent the past 5 years and a high security prison. so let's get more off of my washington bureau chief in his poll is what's the latest in this long running sag? oh, well this is actually really quite a spectacular turn. we have to keep in mind that julian has also spent more than a decade in confinement 1st, and then the embassies and then in prison. no other case has this uh, taken this traumatic turn and expedition to the u. s. indeed is apparently no longer under discussion. so to tell us more about this, the plea deal and what led to the agreement. right, so you're not solved with founder uh, because leaks that, as you just mentioned, agreed on monday to plead guilty to a singles telling me condo,
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illegally obtaining and disclosing national security material in exchange for his release from this previous prison vs really. and could then return to his home country and actually be seduced already. and now instead of someone's already has to lift a person by plane. so he heads where, where is he heading? what to expect to happen next? well, so the agreement apparently stipulates that assault will plead guilty in a court in the us territory of the mariana islands and the sentence that's what we hear is currently set at uh 6 t a 2 months and will be considered as already served according to news agencies such as writers, this hearing is scheduled for a wednesday at 9 am local time then, and this remind us watching amazon has such
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a controversial character on why the us one to me in the 1st place. now that's a good question. so you know, so supporters really see him as a brave visual blower who exposed wrong doing and kind of empowers citizens. critics on the other side onto that just actions really endangered lives and compromise national security. i had the chance to interview john balls and for example, this is the former national security adviser under donald trump just a couple of weeks ago. and you told me in this interview for d. w that he supports the death penalty for you as you assigned. and then we also have to keep in mind that in addition to his work with beacon dix sauce has faced legal issues in 2010. he was actually accused of sexual assault in sweden and saw the asylum in the ecuadorian embassy in london. so a really controversial siggler in many, many levels, dw,
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and washington bureau chief and his full thank you for bringing us up to speed. russia is blaming the us for a ukrainian attack on crime you smocks. a new escalation intentions between russia and the west. moscow has someone's a us and bassett, or to warn that it will retaliate. and these 4 people were fortunately killed in the attack on sunday. and over a 151, good questions and blasted up to the un claims a long range attack on miss out. miss holloway used to permanent says, the weapons was supplied by washington and programmed by us specialist. the pentagon denies responsibility arguing that ukraine makes its own decisions and conducts its own operations. cynthia cook is director of the defense industrial initiatives group at the center for strategic and international
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studies. and we also are about the thinking behind rushes statement as russia is trying to deter the united states from providing weapons and other forms of security assistance to ukraine. they have issued these statements throughout the war. 2 or that they are connecting us assistance to specific attacks. and as a reminder that they are watching. but in this case, rushing may be trying to up escape some of the blame for the results. the russian m . o. d claim that 5 attack ends were fired into the crime in to the, to the news is that for were intercepted in the 5th detonated after being struck and the debris hit people on the ground. so it's a failure of their own defensive systems which cause the injury in the depths, blaming us distracts from this what the us says, ukraine makes its own decisions on how to conduct its military operations. but the
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us also supplies these, these, these weapons. so can it really deny involvement you how do you interpret the, the us as response to this? that's a great question. arm supplying nations do particularly do typically provide guidance on how their weapons can be used. the guidance that the u. s. provides did to ukraine links the use of us providing weapons to ukrainian self defense. we can use a notional example of russians massing on their borders, waiting until the attack moves over the border, loses the 1st move or advantage when it's clearly the russians are clearly getting ready to attack. however, in this case, it's worth pointing out that ukraine fired the missiles into ukrainian territory, the crime in peninsula which russia illegally occupied in 2014. they're trying to get russia out of their own territory so they can reclaim it. a cynthia coats that from the center for strategic and international studies. now let's take
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a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world. you foreign ministers of approved a 1400000000. your military aid package for ukraine is the 1st time that proceeds from foreign from frozen russian central bank assets will be used to finance aids, to q of the use top different matchers, upper l. a. set the funds need to reach ukraine quickly and avoid any blockage. you know that the intent of 400 police officers set to head up a u. n. back commission to hate to you have received a ceremonial farewell from president william routes, so they're expected to leave for haiti on tuesday. the task will be to help qual, gang violence. kenya's plan to send 1000 offices and all to 7 long side forces from other countries from the refresh and rest of the, broken out in new caledonia testers in the french pacific territory. classroom police throughout the day, and many schools remain closed last month from send hundreds of police to new
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caledonia after proposed electoral reform trigger process and calls for independence. german foreign minister at atlanta bell bulk has repeated a calls for 2 state solution during a visit to israel at ace since the october 7th terrace attack. by how much for the policy speech she focused on the war and was needing humanitarian crisis and gaza, reiterating that she was a friend of israel. the other with foreign minister, criticized with the approach to the war. more book also spoke of the impact of the images that the images of the war well having around the world. these images from gaza at traveling the globe sparking strong emotions in the arab world. but also in the us, in europe and my country everywhere. to disbelieve sadness, anger, and as a friend of israel,
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i want to be frank. this anger is not helping each real to me that security needs to the con for you. it only serves how most cynical drive to provoke further escalation. we also don't need chief political ahead, it's michelle a cliff now who's accompanying the foreign minister on a trip where the box was mancha shift in germany's position in the conflict, to note germany as to the not the policy from its pos being close at israel side having to cut israel security as reason of state of one of its fundamental principles of the southern states. but what i know is that babel you see here in 10 of these is mapping out that being a friend means telling your friends that some things might be bad news. choose
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on, usually out spoken here. a talking about a loan, the last the see. see what some of the slides for in this friendship and that, that also means is neural to recognize that there is no val, i'm gas equals is at the high number of civilian casualties in gaza. and that is something that needs to be fasted. it's also interesting lease on a pop with the us box for that is cooling for a longer term sign, telling israel to listen to our voices whose vows to also help rebuild garza but only if there is a cost to a lossing piece this to states cindy said she also pulls out very easy psyche allegations towards the, against israel and holes on israel to show that it lives up to its democratic values on international human rights. slow, seize on,
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use the specific in her criticism, while at the same time, stressing that germany remains after israel side. but clearly, together with the united states, germany wants to see some movement, not just in the nothing yahoo governments, but also in how israel thinks about its own pizza and its tonsils. for a longer lossing piece, special investigators, i've described a series of deadly shootings in the countries southern diag as done region as acts of terror. at least 20 people were killed during coordinated attacks in the cities of much mechanical law. and debbie and government targeted to synagogues to orthodox churches and a police traffic post. no one has claimed responsibility for the killings, but the attacks of renewed fee is of a resurgence in its limits. violence in the region.
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investigators search for clues, while soldiers secure the area after the deadly attacked these orthodox church in the synagogue in the city of durban, where they mounted the targets the govern. no douglas done, came to see the estimates for himself. what do i get supposed to be able to search and investigate? this meshes will continue. they will continue until all of the members of a sleeper. so it was that that was certainly sets up including phase members from a broad all identified. don't forget about it, but it's going to ease of use for this from eye witnesses capture to this current mission between gunman and security forces in douglas, dunce, capital my coach color. most of the dead were police officers and this will be relevant services and law enforcement agencies working quickly. but unfortunately
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there were losses within the ve offer. austin said condolences to the families and friends with sons and brothers died already 120 kilometers, separate the event and not catch color. both cities came under a tech for several hours. the while no one has claimed responsibility. the republic of doug it's done has been targeted based. lemme militants in the past. rushes investigative committee has called the attacks acts of terror. as a reminder of the top story following this, our we can makes says it's found juliana sanchez left a bridge prison that has flown out of the country court documents show us on has agreed to plead guilty to violating us espionage low. he was wanted for publishing classified military files and documents on the weekend leeks.
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that's it for now, but stay with us. so i'm next on the documentary follows journalist founding the 1st independent radio station in iraq. and told me all that evolved from myself and the team for the why do humming does not get drunk. why do gravitational waves squeeze all bodies? how much do we need to put a pond? print to help find the offices get smaller on dw science outtake talk channel.


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