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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 11:00am-11:16am CEST

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the, the does indeed have the news live from berlin that julian assigned out of prison and out of the okay, the work you weeks founder is expected to plead guilty to violating us espionage law. and he's now on his way to a us pacific island. also coming off on our show, germany's foreign minister calls for a permanent end to violence in gaza. i'm elaina bal, box criticizes as well as conduct of war and florence that growing international anchor only serves how much and can you send hundreds of police officers to haiti as part of a you went back to mission their task, tackle ram, sense of gang violence, and help for support border in the caribbean nation,
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the . i'm quite richardson. welcome. juliet sanchez, flowing out of the u. k. after agreeing to a plea deal, which will see him go free. the what you weeks founder is being moved to the north or marianna islands and the pacific where he's expected to plead guilty. so violating us as you know, as long as andras wanted for publishing classified us military files on the wiki leaks platform, which he founded in 2006. he had been fighting expedition to the us and britain where he spent the past 5 years and a high security present as long as ultimate destination is australia, his home countries. there's a little bit of what australian prime minister anthony alban, easy have to say about the a parent end of the as long as case. and i've been very clear as by the
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live deleda a, an opposition, but also as prime minister. that regardless of the views that people have about mr . assigns is activities, the cases dragged on for too long. and i spoke earlier to dw reporter and joel. all right. and sydney for the lady as latest. angelina sanchez, police he's on his way to the know the mariana islands. the marietta islands are a territory of the united states. they like between australia and japan, and it's not exactly the kind of place you might expect a high profile case like these to be heard was. the reason is, according to the united states department of justice, that is, the julia massage was fearful of going to the united states that he preferred to go to this territory which is closer to his home country. australia is not exactly clear whether the northern area on the islands or any kind of legal advantage to join us on because they are still part of the us justice system. but in any case,
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they are close to $200.00. and so what happens now? well, uh tomorrow morning is due to size the us federal court on those islands. and he's expected to be prostituted incentives on the same day, a pleading guilty to one charge under the espionage act of receiving, passing on publishing state secrets. and if all goes according to plan, it could be on his way back to australia as soon as later this week, as our veterans, as andras and self australian. and we heard there also from the prime minister to tell us how else people in australia have been reacting to this news. the different big news use cases and follow really closely right from the start. and he has quite a degree of sympathy here in australia where many people feel this case is going on for too long. the start of the impala earlier this year passed the resolution. owing for his release, the prime minister has lobbied the united states and the united kingdom for his release. as he said today that i have been using all the diplomatic channels to try
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and secure his way out of prison. one politician said that he shouldn't be judged for excepting a plea deal because he had to do whatever he could to get out of prison. his long been concerned about his health is mental and physical health. and there are some people here who think what he did was not a crime and that he should not have been prosecuted at all. but what he did was legitimate, joe is releasing state secrets revealing the us crimes in the war on terror in iraq . the strictly in general is do you need has welcomed his release, saying that he basically was doing reporting and that's what he should be. do see what he was doing should be celebrated. and this is to underline concerns about what might happen to him if he were to go to the united states. so it concerns that you might face the potential death penalty. and today a fall that you as president of the vice president, sorry, mike pens between the same that he thinks this is a miscarriage of justice and the san should have sized the full extent of the law, which presumably clearly included the death penalty. but here in australia, there is a sense of relief that this
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a deal which has been going on now for 14 years is almost the end of the science deserves to come home. child. all right, with the perspective from sydney, australia, thank you so much. and then the u. k. river correspondent beer gets mazda. she told me more about julian sanchez. extend is legal battle to it's been a long breath language course, but not only enbridge bridge quotes because julian sons was hiding in the ecuadorian embassy. and that, i think was what made him really almost a celebrity here in the u. k. so whenever you were in in knights bridge, there was police presence outside the ecuadorian embassy with julian hassan, gwen, and had a basically look for assign them soon. he was supposed to go to sweden, the allegations of rape, another station he said he wouldn't size if had tried in sweden, he was always afraid that he would then be extradited to the us. so he was hiding
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in the ecuadorian embassy and he had many celebrities visiting him that he had a slow is visiting him that always. also, fans of myra, supporters of he's outside on the streets. you sometimes gave appearances on the balcony. so that went on for 7 years, then the ecuadorian embassy, you basically let bridges police insight and then he went to bel most prison. and since then, since the last 5 years, he's fought against the extradition to the united states. he's always maintained that he would not got a sad trial in front of the us court. so interesting that now he has agreed to go to a use court. maybe you could argue a little bit on his own towns, but it's definitely being eventful. his time here in, in britain and he's always had a lot of support whenever he had, quote appearances that, well, i'm this, the international,
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the other human rights organization, journalist, organization, of course, his team, his wife has family and people from all over the world to really came and for whom he is a journalist and he should never have been job. so that was always basically the battle cry office support as he should never have been in jail. thank you so much. that is the w as big as most for us in london. to germany's foreign minister and alana bare bach has warrant of an endless cycle of violence in the middle east and called for the palestinian authority to play a role in a post work. also on a short trip to the region, bearable has held fox with allison, already prime minister mohammed and stuff in ramallah. the 2 affordably discuss potential points of reform within the p. a verba also plans to meet with her as really, counterparts as round caps in jerusalem. i'm it concerns of an escalation and the conflict between israel and the pro iranian hezbollah militia and nothing on.
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she'll fly onto 11 on for talks. nice prime minister. bear block repeated calls for a 2 state solution and forced criticism of israel's conduct to the war and gaza. these images from gaza are traveling the globe, sparking strong emotions in the arab world. but also in the us in europe. and my country everywhere. disbelieves sadness, anger, and as a friend of israel, i want to be frank. this anger is not helping each real to meet that security needs . to the contrary, it only serves how much cynical drive to provoke further escalation, dw, as tanya kramer's introduce them. i asked her what fair bulk is trying to achieve
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on this. her 8 visit to israel since the start of the war. as a 1st of all, it's a very short trip. i mean, it's under 24 hours. she's here in the region though. she gave that speech of the has the security conference on monday night, but this morning she was visiting with the palestinian prime minister. there also may be a signal to israel saying that germany sees the posting authority that they might or they should a payroll. when it comes to the day off to scenarios in garza, she's done expected to meet with the is really a foreign minister this morning before then assigned to live in on and what you just heard the as well. i mean, it is the humanitarian situation in gaza, but also of course, the scenarios of what could be off to this war. and this, that's on the agenda. but also 1st and foremost, the escalation in a northern israel between has the law and as well,
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where the german 4 minister certainly trying to de escalate to bring maybe some messages back and forth. we heard their bare bach for the stressing that germany is a friend of israel's. do you think nation, yahoo and his government are listening to to her other warnings? well i'm not so sure how much impact german foreign policy has uh on the government, on and on prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself, i mean, if you're looking at is as close as the us. this relationship has been very straightened. know german is seen as an important partner, an important partner of like some in the european union for as well. and also of course, it's very much appreciated. the support it gives a to is read also now during war time. but at the same time, it's not seen as having a too much leverage on the government and too much impact on the decisions that are
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currently being made here. sonya cramer for us in jerusalem. many thanks and we can take a quick look now at some other world news headlines. you are a secretary of state and to be blake and called on israel to avoid further escalation and 11 on during a meeting with the is really defense minister. you'll have kalonde. he is visiting washington to discuss efforts to reach a deal to free hostages and casa visit comes as prime minister netanyahu chastise this request for allegedly, delaying weapons deliveries to as well. so you got them from the owner of the south korean left him factory that caught fire on monday has issued a public apology. he offered his condolence as to the families of the 23 workers who were killed. he said the company had complied with all required safety for, for these are still investigating the case. and protesters in nairobi have gathered for the demonstration against new tax hikes in kenya. there's
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a heavy police presence with officers walking access to parliament. opposition to the new bill has come mainly from young tenants for frustrated by he already high cost of the thing. and $400.00 kenyan police officers are heading off to haiti today as part of the un box mission to try to qual, ongoing violence. there. can you have pledge to send a total of 1000 officers to serve along side force from other countries? canyon president william rudo has held the mission as an important step for storing stability on the for the island. but human rights groups are questioning, which the messy states has been overrun by game violence since the end of february, when criminal groups coordinated plans to try to overthrow from then on minister aria on re suzanne. you'd have to down the country before the canyon officers left and i wrote, they were given a ceremonial farewell. and they were addressed by president william rudo
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ceremonial. good bye for 400 canyon groups. before the deposit on a you and beck commission to take on bob a forward flight and gangs in haiti like president william rudo hayes the mission by his nation soldiers as an important step into the storing stability on the cat. it'd be an island you undertaking a bite permission that transcends bored us and purchase your presence in haiti, we bring hope and relief to communities torn apart by violence and rubbed by these old deadly violence. a spike didn't lead february this year in haiti. the u. n. said more than 1500 people had been killed and several 100 injured in the 1st 3 months was they didn't need it for asian prime minister audio audrey was
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forced to design would say, yes, you couldn't, you, you and the 9 member position of calls of what's the learning patients best thing, political tom or, and gang violence had mixed views of the deployment of florida and police officers in the country of the sort do you know, law forces most arise, they must be everywhere in the country. so the haitian people can have some freed up tenure, only about the foreigners one, solve our problems. it's up to us to come up with solutions. but we still accept the house because we can't go anywhere. we can't, these people are sleeping in the streets and children can't go to school. if they come to help us. i say yes. can. yeah. has blessed to send a total of $1000.00 officers, 9 of the nations,
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the spending the little problem. but now these 2, bob, those said they would join the multinational emission and that is your news update at this hour. i'm quite richardson in berlin. many things watching the my name is the polls bag. save. wow. thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold bad. a lot of people do that. it's all about saying it aloud. that's what it being nosy, bad. it gets everyone to king's healthy award winning called called the called back .


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