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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 25, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the, the news coming to live from roland. joining us on freed from prison in the u. k. the way he leeks found or is expected to plead guilty to violating americans espionage law is now on his way to the us pacific on the tenuous parliament in flames as thousands storm. the building police far live rounds of protesters opposing tax. it increases several or confirm dead in violent clashes. plus germany's 4 administered unattainable boxes,
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the palestinian authority should play a role in post or casa, the hello and terry martin. thanks for joining us. julie. the song has left the u. k. under a plea deal with united states, the way he likes founder will appear in court in the northern marianna islands in the pacific. he's expected to plead guilty to violating us espionage law. the song was wanted for publishing classified military files on the wiki leaks platform, which he found in 2006. he bought extra addition to the us in britain where he has spent the past 5 years in a high security prison. a 14 year fight for freedom is finally pots and end after julianna's song agreed to us. please deal people to the plane on monday,
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the found to the us tirade trade of the know the mariana islands in the pacific that will go on to return. the ones fugitive to his native australia. his brother said the family was overwhelmed. i'd been speaking to him this week and just go through all the details with him and you know, very anxious, very excited. and he's looking forward to spending time with his family and, and think for a been able to have the sun shine on on his i see that the go for a swim in the ocean back in australia. so it's very much looking forward to that for over a decade, the australian, how could send whistle blow a has divided public opinion. hey, old is a champion, a free pressed by many condemned as
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a trade to buy his detractors. it was in 2010. he became world famous. after his company we kelly, published a tribe of files and diplomatic cables. they included a video of an attack fine american apache helicopter to any rock but left 11 dead, including 2 journalists. and for some, his actions with a hallmark of a free price, the description of what it is, but so many of those the link. so nothing shots of treason and a song, an enemy of the states. and down here, a swedish arrest warrant for rate and sexual assault. so assange take refuge in london's ecuadorian embassy. he would stay there for the next 7 years. this is a victory by the time and kudos president, we vote sanchez, asylum status. it was united states where he was a wanted mon,
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a t c is the fault, is extradition to the us from inside the british prison. but the plea deal means a sound while as a controversial last be a free mon from war and this, let's talk too much under this. he's a human rights lawyer and former chair of the you in a working group on arbitrary detention in this capacity also dealt with the assigned case. welcome to the program that you are highly critical to son. just attention describing it in the past as unlawful. are you glad that he's now appears to be on his way to freedom? absolutely, very, very piece that he's now in the process of being released and being able to tell it back to is to just night table straight to all supposed secure to him because the cheating effective this is enormous. who in the right mind would have done well, students, holland has done sacrifice,
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is life family and being detained and prosecute just movies 14. yes, it is. all of them much. and i really hope that scrutiny, what has gone and civil society will continue to push you investigate on that. you did this on to his day, trying to get a compensation through the quotes through the different human rights and civil courts making this. we have been in sweden, in the u. k. in mill, apparently julian assigned it has agreed to a plea deal in which she admits being guilty of espionage. what do you think of this plea deal that he apparently has agreed to do reason why
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he has agreed to this is it's hard to is that both of them nothing up till now. the reason they offered him this is because the u. k. on the freedom of speech protection switch would be open to him and to us because of falling off in the us with their 1st amendment than church, freedom of expression rights, they limit thoughts so that the heart of the citizens and important affordances. non us citizen, the caliber old may be denied. it's right to remember that. go on talking about bank procedures around uh hey this corpus. and what rights do you have against arbitrate attention? if you are a tire is suspect that on the go outside the us dusting all the us supreme court that calls us corrected here in the us also is cannot guarantee that he wouldn't be accorded the freedom of speech guarantee. so the american
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constitution of the appeal would have gone on the right, but not for a shoot for of you all. so many aspects of the case. so the us so far because they have for fox i'm as you get closer to get him show, i would have, if i've been in his situation, how long usual is it from a legal point of view that someone who has spent years protesting or innocent suddenly turns around and pleads guilty. it is you get the opportunity to plead guilty on some new sentence as an alternative to continuing this car to have as high as getting going on for 14 years. which crude and i did not with him standing trial in the us court and getting a very long time sentence under extremely restrictive at present conditions. well then, but that is unusual,
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closer to 4 kinds of you and the solve to 14. yes. and this is unusual, but the person who meets video might be open might be us. so it's hard to say that the us and accepts it while that's just common sense. and the cycle he didn't top wounded pride, it between himself and the marsh. when did practically himself with this, i took the deal. i must say i'm so please let you know, it seems to be on his way to illustrate my to under this. thank you very much for talking with this stuff. was human rights were up in a we apologize for the quality of the line we had there. now let's take a quick look at a few other stories making headlines around the world. today. the international criminal cortez issued arrest warrants for the former russian defense minister, sergey sugar, and the military's chief of general staff bodily. good, awesome. all the warrants are for alleged more crimes in ukraine. they joined
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president vladimir putting on the courts wanted literature. the greek health minister has issued a warning to visitors over the current heat wave, at least 10 ford taurus to either died or gone missing a hiking. in 40 degree temperatures, grease has been hit by its earliest summer heat, with the owner of a south korean lithium battery factory, the called fire has apologize to the families of 23 workers killed in the blaze. he said the company complied with all safety rules. doherty's are investigating now to israel, where the supreme court has ruled that the military must start drafting ultra orthodox men. the decision ends, a decades old system that exempted ultra orthodox man from military service. most jewish men and women in israel are required to serve in the armed forces. judge's said there is no legal basis for exempting the ultra orthodox ruling while the fact
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around $63000.00 men are correspondent in jerusalem. tanya cramer told us more about this landlord court ruling as well. i think it's, it's unique and uh for many different reasons. uh, it is, uh, it has been years years of political and legal battle. and now the high court of justice has made the decisions on 9 judges. where for them made an actually decisions not just a temporary arrangement, but you've seen in the past years. and they have basically said that the policy of allow orthodoxy, shiva students of not a being drafted to the armies actually illegal discrimination and that should not be allowed. they also said that she was that would, that these are religious schools should not receive cause government funding if the students are not in listing. so this is not an actual ruling that we are seeing.
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also, the conservative a judges on the panel was in favor of this. and this of course comes at a time of more and there is a consensus here in israel that the burden should be shared and that everybody here should be drafted to the army. now this morning also says however, that because it's very complex, it give some time to the government to actually implement this ruling. speaking of the government. so we're saying that this ruling could lead to the collapse. so the ness and yahoo government, uh, how likely is that as well? absolutely. because um, you know, if the government now goes ahead to implement this, we could expect that you will get a run into problems with the us or orthodox parties, office coordination, or government as well as you might see, it must protest by you. she's a students that are certainly don't want to go to the army, and this is of course, no also especially problematic for
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a prime minister benjamin netanyahu after the centrist benny dunn's left, also the a will covenant, and the government. however, he would also run into trouble if he doesn't to implement it because it's not just a secular liberal is really is who want to see the us for orthodox of being a drafted. it's also part of his face, the national nationalist, religious writing that might want to see uh, the also orthodox drafted. so uh, you know, so whatever happens next, i mean the government could also, uh try to, uh, put some that just listening to overview this ruling by the high court of justice. but it's not quite clear if that would then go back to the high court of justice and then whether this could then satisfy, you know, the high court and also they also also talks parties. 20, thank you very much. our correspondent tony kramer there in jerusalem. meanwhile,
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unoccupied east jerusalem is really authorities of a carried out, a new wave of demolitions following a mazda is october some terror attacks during previous guys, awards officials appointed scaling up such demolitions to avoid increasing attention transients. and at this time, as the w's a bringing reports in or actually me, well, i know you're comfortable this piece of paper turn. how much does life upside down? it's in order to demolish his home, build without and is really permit. she was here with his parents, weiss and brothers family. i love, she tells me there's was just for the 13 demolition orders is really of torn. he's issued in the area that day because they are, they told me either you demolish the house or we will come and do it for you. it's mohammad and his family lives in east jerusalem israel occupied in the 1967 before an annex did in 1980 declaring the whole city. it's
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a terminal on divided copy. most of the international community does not recognize this and palestinians claim east through slim as the capital of a future independent state. and majority of jerusalem's 360000 palestinians lived here to get a spine getting permits to build homes virtually impossible. according to the un, it says is really authorities own little land for palestinian development while facilitating the expansion is really settlements. that's also the experience of these to tar steve. he's a researcher at your, i mean and is really non profit that focuses on the is really posting and conflict in jerusalem. the permits regime is being controlled by the municipality, a based on zoning plans that are controlled by the government. and both of these bodies are making sure that the zoning plans do not allow enough permits,
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fitting for the size of the population. andwhen palestinian communities in jerusalem, initiate zoning plants. most of the times these are blocked the road rejected. given the situation, how much did not even apply for a permit. he says he knew people never get to simply build his house on his land and turns out of the penalty for doing that is demolition which right, scripts say is really, authorities have expanded since the october 7th terrace. they don't want a lot of arabs. they want to reduce us that's an accusation, the routine, the jerusalem, deputy mayor and settler leader, be a mental you projects to him. the increase in hong demolitions simply about enforcing the law. he insists permits are issued without discrimination against palestinian residents. if we want the baby to create a environmental pushing them out,
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we would not invest the for palestinian in tide. demolition. active as tough yet. would you have none of that investment kings mentioned it's for his community standing in the ruins of his home. she says, the jewish settler community, living in his east choose the neighborhood of some one, has no trouble building. well is really our stories, demolished his house in february, and then we'll have the monthly demolished my lives a lot of my pocket stone or my mother was here and then she gave birth to me. here . under this revel, there was a 50 year old picture of me and my mother come see and i'm and you know, there is nothing that can bring that in fact uh we are the uh, monitors the visa, terse keys writes group your, i mean the years this way to demolitions pets spark of violence in jerusalem. he tells me that during israel's previous words, and casa, is really authorities often hold to demolitions. to prevent tensions bubbling over
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here. this time we see a opposite. it's a policy. we understand that this government eh, sees a conflagration, not as a risk. it's an opportunity to allows it to carry out more and more violence and drastic measures. she says that's because this tied for right nationalist each more thing here is minister of national security in charge of the police force needed to force demolitions to jerusalem, deputy mayor or a king mr. bank. if you're is doing the right thing, we are not demolishing enough in east to the center. as you wait for the bulldozer to come and demolish his home, tells me what his plans are. if they demolish the house we will pitch attend and sit here. we will not leave, i'll have them. so i handed to chris in the what the name dorothy us now to kenya,
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where we have a breaking story to tell you about the parliament building. there is on fire. after thousands of protesters storm the building, several people been shot dead in the most direct assault all the government and decades. tv, but it showed the governors office and city hall were also on fire. right, again, as parliament deliberated a controversial tax bill that the protesters said would increase the cost of living . lawmakers were evacuated when the building was breached. a dw corresponded felix marine good joins us now from nairobi. phoenix, bring us up to date on the protest. what's happening there? so it has been a busy day in the can copy tool and other major cities within the country and they know more uh process for last week. we so i relatively peaceful today. there was a little bit of
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a scuffle between the police and the protest eyes. and if you remember last week, the process toward relatively easy and there was a low to approval case on by the police under protest, eyes by the protest. eyes of just straight into themselves from oxy, but to be by the numbers or the number of their protests as increased. but there was a huge, huge number of participants who came to the central business district. at some point you could see police retreating because they all they want overwhelmed by that protest as and as a result, we need time. the police would through to identify the protest of the protest as with a better time, the t, i guess, or the even touch it now pelting students now just a correct so, and they can and probably meant was not on file, but the areas around people leads a tie as, as some of the wood instructors around here. well, also put on fire about the kitchen problem and to go to on file. um, there was
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a police truck that was bunch just next to the apartment building. so it was, it was a busy day, a lot of um, the backend for a number of drug test and have lost their lives. they couldn't, they're red cross. and as i imagine this obviously had been rescuing both inside but suddenly those who lost their lives. why take into a nearby and what's area which is tom, the city wants every where they'll talk, sees will be conducted and the governmental knows the next steps on uh, the people who lost their lives at the c there you're saying that the parliament building has not been set on fire, contrary to some of the reports have been getting here, but we understand that lawmakers have been fleeing the parliament. so what more can you tell us about them? of the so actually just a few minutes before the slave
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and i'm afraid we're going to have to leave it there in the course. we'll bring you any updates we have on that continuing story. the developing story, and now i roby the in the canyon capital. where cautious between police and protesters over the cost of living crisis in that country. and then ongoing a number of people are reported debt. now, germany is making a further 19000000 euros available for humanitarian aid to gauze. a foreign minister, unavoidable bulk, has been holding talks in the region and the occupied westbank. she called for the palestinian authority to play a role in post war garza in jerusalem. babylon criticized the is really government over bylaws by settlers. she says this undermines israel's long term secure. the w chief. political editor may say the customer is travelling with the german 4 minister and joins us now. mikayla, aside from announcing further humanitarian aid,
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mr. bell buck also criticized parts of the is really government saying some of the coalition or quote, stirring up trouble and endangering is really security interest. how significant is that mikaela coming from the german fort minister as well? it is a significant shift in sherman policy towards israel and towards this conflict. in the sense that, i mean i babble came here, redefining what's germany's fundamental principles, the protection of israel, the security of this well actually means and to see very i'm usually for example, to use the word irresponsible a several times in relation to israel's policy towards how this thing is particularly in the west spot, she did this in relation to those out posts of settlers, which is legal under international law. now going to be legalized by israel under
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the as a mess. 606. and, and also israel withholding fun, withholding money since the tax money in the west bank. what's the power of single sorority so by the need? if it is to be stabilized and potentially become a player in the re stabilizing garza, at some point in time, please please. part of these are these governments. those wants to do this. this is also what i need. i babble who you're responsible while at the same time at putting move funding both into reaching monetary and situation in gaza, but also for survive as of the october 7th attacks. very clearly determined to single to both sides, that she's not weighing up the trauma and the suffering of one side against the other. meanwhile, the tensions in northern israel along this border with 11 on have been increasing on the german foreign minister warned about
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a dangerous situation in 11 on. is that the focus of her trip? the main focus? would you say we can? so yes it is because together with the united states, that is another diplomatic drive to try and prevent a further escalation into his 11 and her father. the last stop on her when trip with tony went for one and a half days. and the big concern is that spinning municipality is very fine ministers announcement that he will sift troops. northwood could potentially mean him planning at to push back his pull out on lebanese territory, and that translates into more war. and the fear is that this could become uncontrollable. and joy in large parts of the region. nobody really wants to look beyond that particular clip. she may touch germany's position clear, but was not so clear as whether she is actually going to be touched both among the
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it's already governments, but also in the is really public debates which, where a lot of people seem to some feeds, expecting a further explanation. so of all the gloomy picture and then the queue, things of an escalation of this company. mikaela. thank you very much. that was our chief political editor, mckayla. now ukraine and e. you have begun negotiating the terms of the country succession to the blog. it's something ukraine has been working toward for a long time. the w is lucy of fulton, looks of how ukraine got this bar and what to expect next of applying for you membership. one of the 1st moves ukraine made off the rush are launched its full scale invasion back in february 2022. the move that the country sees as a pos to better living conditions and more security. the you agreed to start the process, but made it clear you cry and would need to make some changes before taking the
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next steps. any country joining the has to meet its high standards, including on rudo for all human rights and a competitive market economy. since then, ukraine has been busy with it's you home, but pushing forward reforms to cope corruption and decrease holly galks infants o y fi team of russian addressing that are in the country. praise from the use execute. if you have me rate strides, much greater than any one expected from a country at war, you are undergoing the reforms while fighting a full scale war. and the goal is surely within reach. now that the eu has approved, ukraine's reforms accessing talks can begin. but they'll be heavy on technical detail. negotiations will mean going through every chapter of the usually book,
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all $35.00 of them and making sure that you cranes last a line that includes of a policy areas such as energy, taxation and justice. the 27 currently you members will have many more opportunities to approve of brock ukraine's progress. and joining this class could take years or even decades. all that means ukraine's journey to you membership could still be added on board. so you're watching data, but dw, in there is just reminder, the top stores were following for you this hour. thousands of protesters have stormed kenya's parliament. several have been killed in violent clashes with security forces. the demonstrators are posing nude tax increase and wiki leaks, founder julian massage has been freed from prison and has left britain. he's
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expected to plead guilty by leading us espionage small. such was wanted for publishing classified material of the ext here on dw and journey on more attain, he is only trained carrying iron or across the sahara as on global us after a short break. i'm terry martin from me and all of us here at the w news. thanks for the train load traveling 700 normative through the desert of mauritania. it's called those thousands of tons of iron and everything else that needs to get
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frontier in. 2 2 2 should. 2 2 humans closer to a chimpanzee in spanish, and pansy is even to a dog. but duck here, series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube, dw documentary, the feeling adventurous time to both the deserts expressed through this the hall run. tightly skilled but no chance of a job. how is telling is kenzie getting on the and the right to read. pat. india's e waste strategy the


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