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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 26, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the you watching the, they'll be in the was coming to live from berlin. julian assigned is a free man. the wiki leeks found or agrees with us. we deal with a 5 years in prison and a lengthy legal battle behind him. he's now on his way home to australia. also coming up on the show several dead in kenya after police opened fire on frowns, forming the parliament to protest. tax rises, essentially so called the on rest, the threat to national security and thousands of useful order and euro 2024 here in germany, fans from under dog teams to celebrate as their country's advanced to the knockout stage. the,
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i'm sorry, richardson and berlin welcome wikileaks founder juliet sondra is heading home a free man after ending his legal fight with the us government over week. the documents under a deal with us prosecutors, i sondra was released from prison in griffin, and phoned to a u. s specific territory there he pleaded guilty in court to violating american laws by publishing classified military files on his wiki week's platform. mac. fedex wont budge on the list for julie massage and just the cold house insight fence smiling. she knows she will leave the building as a freedom at the
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storage freeman case. as the greatest sons plead guilty to a felony, charge of violating us s b a national ripley is part of the deal. his truck with us prosecute us. his prison sentence is come to us further, as you can easily imagine that his spirits have lifted and he will be able to spend quality time with his wife, stella, and his 2 children. to be able to walk up and down the beach and feel the same to his tires in winter. that lovely you may have to learn how to be
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patient and play with your children for a couple of hours and all of the great beauty of ordinary life. a song spent more than 5 years and bell, much prism in the u. k. where he, for the extra decent to the united states, intensive time he's company we can weeks publish classified military files, which divide this public opinion around the world about what's on it's really a trade to a free speech warrior. and while his actions are likely to remain controversial, linda sands, 14 here legal saga is finally coming to annette. so as long as now on route to australia, where dw reporter joel delroy is following the story for us drawl. tell us a little bit more about what happened in that courtroom. it was all over in about an hour and
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a hoss the judge accepted. besides his guilty plea to one account of accepting and disseminating classified documents, she counted his time served in british prison prisoners almost 5 years in british prisons as, as time served and said he was free to go. now it was interesting and sentencing. she made a few notes. one of them was to write a note calls chelsea manning sentence and you might recall chelsea manning was with us on you. so what? who post secret documents onto with you or that they like published relating to the us for in a rock that chelsea manning was given us 35 minutes sentence, but that was confusing. just office of to just 70 is by prison. i know some 3 things that the judge knows. another thing that the judge noted, and this is very interesting. she said that the us government and it's filings that said that there were no symptoms from mr. sanchez action, so there was no personal injury caused by anything you've done. that is really significant because a lot of the criticism leveled against julian hassan so far as being because of the
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criticism, saying that he calls home to people. he put people's lives in danger by publishing under attractive defiles with people's names and information. while the us government in court today appears to back down from that central criticism, paul's mysterious arch julius also spoke as he told the colt that what he had done, he had done as a journalist. and he was expecting to be able to defend himself under the us constitution 1st amendment, which upholds freedom of persons, freedom of speech. but he said that this would be too difficult the case. and therefore he was accepting the plea. the judge accepted his what he said, gave him a sentence of time sir, and said he was a free man. she also wished him happy birthday. so next week and to julia, songs left the building. he is now in a plane on his way to australia. yeah. and this has been such a high profile case in a years long saga, really would you say it's fair to say as his lawyer claims that this has now all
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come to an end, a legally, that's the case. all the charges against him, you're going to be dropped in the us so there will be nothing more for him to answer. but this is not really a win for journalism as such because the many journalist groups say it's such a dangerous precedent that a journalist can be prosecuted in this way for essentially doing the job, releasing state secrets. and that if this could happen to assigned, you could happen to anyone there concerns that this concerned or already has sent a chilling effect across the media. the people be less likely to try the whistle blows, to release documents, and for silence himself. of course, it's not either physically or mentally is concerned about his health. you'll have to recover, but at least to be able to do so on 100 and so it was surrounded by his family with his children who he has never seen outside of jail. another thing that will have to be resolved is, is legal bills, or he's of this is costs for actually tearing up the dispute faction. which weeks is currently trying to raise about half
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a 1000000 us dollars to pay for the private just that was required to get him from the u. k to the mariano islands. and that is now bringing him to camera australia to the reporter and all right. and sidney, thank you so much for that update. turning now to kenya, where several people were shot dead after demonstrations broke, demonstrators broke into the parliament, made protests over tax prizes. canyon president william rudo has condemned the violence as a threat to national security and vowed to restore order. thousands of people march on the building in the capital, nairobi after lawmakers voted to approve the controversial finance, though it was the deadliest day of the princes. so for the most done rec to sold to and 10 years government, in decades of the several failed attempts, thousands of protest is finally reached condiment. they felt that way inside one
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side, the building and set parts of it on file. no makers who had voted to raise taxes, fled through underground tunnels, as police, the through t, a gas, walter, canada, and new live. i'm you, mission, healing. several people and wounding dozens. move in a national address can use president william router condemned the protests. i assure opinions that we should provide it for effective and it's been the shows response. it took 2 days to some us events who made no mention of the bill, which it prompted the rage the loudly young protest to stay the tax hikes will increase. the cost of a central products and services. quit putting them economically. in response to the original outcry, the government had already scrap several planned increases, including those on basic food stuff like bread and oil. that for the protest is the
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concessions weren't enough. they said the government should plot it's 2.5, b and euro deficit by reducing spending instead. and they filed to punish william rudo. c to my, my president, i even to get to, i bought at the we, we may not be amending we have yet to read the it's the by time do 6, is that the beating themselves midway? maybe percentage of signals. and we're seeing and pulled by to see the 5th through position. they would not have that sense in health care for the government. we don't do that. we are going to show you that would be good, good, good job. due to now have 2 weeks to sign the final bill into our correspondence. so on echo is live and i robi with the very latest seller. where
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does government probably hoping that this lighter version of the tax reform would a peace protestors? that's clearly not been the case. can you tell us why we're seeing these largely used lead demonstrations continue yes. well, as you just saw on the reports um the purchase has, according for uh, for the government for parliament to reject the entire finance bill. and the position actually also came out and said that they, that they would do so. but we sold that because of the cost of living. they say it's still much too high. they, they were a few concessions made and amendments, which they was willing to vote on. but uh the but things like financial transactions and fuel costs and internet charges would be affected by the taxes. so um, so that's uh, so people say this would definitely still affect them in the daily lives. and um, yes, we sold that route to preston to, to on sunday,
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addressed the base of the destination basically see through a mass at a church. 3 and, and he said that's and while she was a while he said that he would kind of talk to the protesters and they said that this, this would not be enough because at the same time that was have been reports of people being abducted protesters who purchased it last week and being a taken in by the police disappearing for several hours several days. partly nobody knew their whereabouts. and so they said, well, this is going on. they cannot accept a talks with the president. so this has become even more than just about at crucial cost of living questions. and yesterday we saw parliament stormed at set on fire. medical workers say the police opened fire on protesters. excuse me, just picture for us of how this happens. often
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i'm afraid we've lost the line here at to sell a so hello. thank you so much. that is our correspondent, the last you i will try to bring her back in. should we be able to get that line back up? thanks so much for watching. we're going to change gears now and turn to sports where austria has stage a surprising group when after europe in football championships here in germany, the team is celebrating 832 victory over the netherlands at brothers olympic stadium. austria has only once before a top of the 3 tournaments, and this was the team's 1st went over the conduction in 30 years. and one of the title favorites, france stumbled against poland. i for a one all dropped, they finish a grouped in 2nd place and other ones will also progress as one of the best. the 3rd place to teach for the final 2 matches of the tournaments group sees on no
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goals scored. and going to finish at the top of the table, denmark cameron seconds, which means that they will face germany and then knock out face. and there was roy, too, for slow videos fans. they advanced to the next round for the 1st time. oh, it's amazing that i've always been a bit. it's perfect score and it's a great evening to look at people and we can bring you up to speed. now, with some other world news headlines, the show the leaders of france as the 3 biggest parties have smart any tv debate ahead of some of those 1st round rebuilding initial snap parliamentary elections. obviously the main topic, immigration of answers across new living 2 is also look like holes that show the go far right. when is the most to see such sort of an outline, right? majority me,
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a damn in the us state of minnesota has been partially breached by flooding. the jailers destroyed a power station and was threatening to sweep away a nearby house. some local residents were evacuated. this caution button water ruffles are expected to receive several states in the us. midwest are currently experiencing flooding after heavy rainfall sizes for those supreme court has voted to be criminalized the possession of marijuana for personal use. this moving would help resolve reduce its massive prison population. obviously, the legal amount of marijuana for personal use has yet to be determined and public consumption and sale of the drug will remain physical just before we go, let's get a reminder of the top story. we're following for you. we can weeks founder, truly in a sondra is a free man after pleading guilty to violating espionage last us, forced himself sepik the deals fair to sound for the present time. and he's now on a plane flying home to his native australia and that is an
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update at this hour. i'm clear, richardson in that for thanks for watching the dream of revolution. it dictates as somoza was full of something that changed my life. the people hoped for a sara society i imagined we would change the world. tens of thousands of messages from all over the world wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became the dream.


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