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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  June 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:15pm CEST

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the the dw dues live from berlin, which he leaves founder julian assigned as lanes in australia as a free man, after pleading guilty to violating us espionage laws in a deal that ended a 14 year legal battle with the us. but the state department renewing its allegations that the week 2 weeks founder puts people's lives at risk. also coming up us journalists, evan years because it's on trial in russia. wall street journal reporter was accused of spying you could face 20 years in prison on charges that he and his employer say around in 10 years,
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president william rudo bank tracking on tax height plans that triggered some of the country's largest protest, injected the brit golf. it's good to have you with this when he leaves founder julian, this orange is back home in australia, a free man. after a plea, deal with us. authorities is freedom marks it into a 14 year long legal stand off with the united states over linked documents and classified military files that he published on his platform, which he leeks to free at last and back in the folds of his family, wife, stella and father joan in his native australia for the 1st time in over a decade for juliet sons arriving at cambra. applewood was the final act of an
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international drama that included 70 is refuge in london's ecuadorian embassy and 5 more input to as high security prison. a consequence of publishing hundreds of thousands of classified us documents on his wiki leaks whistle blowing website. it made him a hero to free speech campaign is but a villain to the us government, which said he didn't. den, good national security, australia as prime minister anthony albany, z low beat for years to free. i found he spoke to him by phone enough to his plane landed a was very generous in he surprise of the strain governments. if it's the strain, government stands up for a strong and citizens buried as found as wives. stella said her husband needed time to re cheap right before speaking to the press, but she signed to support his on his behalf. it took millions of people. it took
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people working behind the scenes, people protesting on the streets for days and weeks and months and years and we achieved it as found. his final showdown took place in a quote to him in the us pacific island territory, where he was sentenced to time already spent in prison. his lawyer has expressed relief, but said the plea deal highlights dangerous to press freedom. in order to when he's free to enjoy and play the guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage for publishing, evidence of us will crimes, human rights abuse, human rights abuse, and us wrongdoing around the world. this is journalism, this is the criminalization of journalism. no one should spend a day in prison for giving the public news worthy and important
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information. in this case, information that the united states government had committed war crimes. he performed a tremendous public service. not a crime. juliet sans will no longer have to look as these shows or whatever comes next professionally. he'll 1st enjoy some. well this a time with his family. well i spoke with charlie beckett a professor at the wasn't school of economics and author of the book which he leeks news in the networked error. i asked him what he thinks about the end of a song just legal case. i think it's really sad that it's taken so long, but i'm absolutely delighted that this has happened is taken so long because such entrenched positions on both sides. and in the end, it was a political miracle. but it really dashed
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a bit of diplomacy by the australian labor leader albanese. why do you send to austin? what do you think? well, become the as well because there was an a prime interest position, which was that the american government, the american ministry. so they were really embarrassed by what we could each state bought. i bought a solid state by leaking, well, well, you know, legally obtained the data, which was it could've been browsing to them and understand why they're furious. and on the other hand, there's a well established public interest, right? full generous to do that. if it reveals important information to the public needs to know. and it was a previous, the opportunities to do something about this. a bomb, a, a bomb was administration that said they were had to think about this. they recognize that there was this 1st amendment rights, though some of my concerns to do this. but obviously that was the incident seem so
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long. and then, you know, in australia itself and very money is in australia. and i don't think it's very easy to do this as a kind of actually i'll take gesture because australia is such a very strong military. i work with united states. i think it has the, the credibility to be able to pull this off and it was a very kind of, you know, legal compromise. and that's on years. what would you get a solid street? and as long as you talk to somebody who likes to compromise, and in this case he clearly has done by, you know, accepting this right tokenistic plea of guilty. that was professor charlie back and speaking with me earlier in russia at the trial against the us journalist evan garcia, that she has begun behind closed doors. are scrooge a wall street journal reporter is accused of spying for the us. he could face up to 20 years in prison. he found guilty. he and his employer said that the charges against him are unfilled, is often more than
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a year under arrest. russia is now putting evan gosh, because it's on trial. the 2 year old john list was detained in march 2023, while reporting in the city of your cutting book, according to his employer. the wall street journal russian prosecutors alleged gosh, could, which was collecting secret information from a tank factory for the c. i a gosh, cubits denied the charges. so to his family employer, the white house you say he was wrongfully detained. this espionage charges are ridiculous. the targeting of american citizens by russian government is unacceptable. we condemn the detention of mister goose glitch in the strongest in the strongest terms. gosh, good, which is the son of soviet emigres and grew up in new jersey. he moved to russia in 2017 to work. there was a correspondent, the wall street journal. hi to him in 2022 dash cove. it's just the 1st american
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john, this to be jailed and russian espionage charges since the soviet era. despite strange relations us and russian officials have indicated that talks on going about releasing gosh, because it's in a prison, this will go spots the us and russia have not yet reached an agreement. in an interview, in february of this year, vladimir putin indicated he wants to swamp gas, give it to the russian hit my sentence to life imprisonment in germany for muttering a chechen dissident in berlin in 2019 at this facility will definitely be just somebody to go to some ex but say the trial could help bring the negotiations fluid . it's a very unfortunate situation all around, but this may be a glimmer of hope in his adventure all coming home because this trial will establish the verdicts and russian injustice needs to see a verdict and a case before i believe that they're willing to do some negotiation for whatever
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might be the outcome, but by making the trial secret, while she is hiding his case away from the public. well, for gosh, of which the uncertainty continues. quickly found some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. nato has officially announced that outgoing dutch prime minister mark router. you see right there will be, it's like secretary general, you will take over from getting started back on the 1st of october. some of the biggest challenges for roots that will be rushes for ukraine and uncertainty over the us as future commitment to the line german transfer all of sholtes, his board against opening peace talks with russia over its war and ukraine saying that pollution is still fully committed to more, he was responding to calls from far white in far less groups in the german parliament. he suggested were influenced by russian propaganda, a court in the us and sentenced a former president of honduras to 45 years in prison. jury in new york city found
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that one, orlando, and i'm visiting, had accepted millions of dollars in bribes to protect shipments cocaine bound for the us. he was also sound guilty of using drug money to bribe officials and manipulate voting results during presidential elections. a speaking of politics can use president william rudo has re checked it a new finance bill that spark violent demonstrations. in recent days, he refused to send the amended draft law back to parliament, effectively withdrawing a thousands of protesters breach the security barrier. outside of the parliament building, and i robi on tuesday showing their anger, i propose tax fights. the time and living costs are on the rise. at least 23 people were killed in flashes between police and protesters. here is part of what the president said earlier today to the people who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with these by non speed of
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2024. i can seat and therefore i would not sign the trinity trinity for quite non speed and it should subsequently be withdrawn. and i have agreed with these members, but that becomes a collective position. the w corresponded felix marina in the road be has more on the president's future. as many of their protest, i do not see it as a victory. in fact, they have criticized the president for being hypocritical. yesterday evening, president photo said the protest as walk see me knows today is caught them signs and got as so many of them are wondering where exactly has tons. and this is the 1st time presidential toys saying something and he does not leave up to each. so
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until he withdraws the finance bill in its totality by sending it to find it meant by them, it has already taken a 2 weeks break. so again, people are still vague and of course he has to say it's a big yet because of the president in previous uh okay, so it has saved things and is not moved up to them was they let me get your opinion on this. how did you explain this $180.00 degree turn around that we have seen in the present in, in what the span of 24 hours is a consequence of so many things can now have been pushing for a change canyons, a governess, experts i spoke to this evening and said that the finance below is just like comp time these to so many other things that came to us. i've been facing candles i've been dropping with a high cost of living. can those have been grappling with clear up some candles have been grappling with some unconstitutional offices during the process many
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canals. let's say the president needs to stop financing the office of bad, the 1st lady, the office of the spouse of a deputy president. the president also needs to stop by not seeing the office of the prime company, such as i receive an unconstitutional office. so it is, i'm a motto of all these things that have cost him to actually have a turn around and we paid less than 24 hours in the president. we know who he's met and what are the demands of the protesters. another demand is that basically he resign. how safe is his power to not? from where he states his lots, his lot fif, came down. so i've said they want more from the government. they want accountability, they want good governance. they want him to rein in encore. it up to me does the ones the president to do so much more than just speaking and not acting can it's
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i've also asked him to follow court or that's because even yesterday he deployed police to heidi i guess, court order. so there's so much more that can i do mind dealing with him or corresponded to it looks very good and i really just like with the latest on what it is, a definitely a you turn in the president's policy on these tax hikes in the country village thank you for the sports news now. some results at the european football championships that have finalize the standings in groups each of the tournaments lucky and romania followed out a one all draw. all that means that romania finished top of the group and progress . the point was enough for slovakia to also make the knockout stage. another draw between belgium and ukraine meant the red devils advance to the last 16. however, it was heart breaking for the ukrainians, who despite finishing equal on points with all other teams and group e, r, eliminate as you're watching the w news coming up next. nothing else looks at how
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and why some error states maintain close ties with israel. i'll be back in the top of the hour and with more of old news followed by the day of the see that the, the the is, it is someplace power and key more people than ever on the move world wide and such are based on life. contact on the left side of the image and find out about bailey story info, migraines. the arab world is outraged over the israel gaza war. one of the la.


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