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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  June 30, 2024 10:15pm-10:30pm CEST

10:15 pm
is, and i hope that the 2nd round is going to take place in the owner's peaceful climate, respecting democratic rules to all the french citizens. i want to say that i will always be the rental of your rights liberties and of all republican motto. the 1st, the french people under the promise of liberty, equality and fraternity. it is time now to bring leaders to this country that understand you that consider you and i'd love you as much as they love our country. next sunday we can, when we can prevail, altar nation is beginning. friends and the republic are going to present. let's be unified. let's work together. mobilize together for change, long live friends belong to the republic. oh, table and metal allies, a french journalist, the daily lives echo. tell us a so the over at the fridge,
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voters voted for depends national rally party. is this a voted support? they have policies or approaches for against the whole worse both really? um, but you can tell that it's is getting more and more of what of support or shortly there's a large part of the of the both is rejecting my coin once you really that's 75, some sort of an oregon part of the elite but also you can say the people of voting for parties that try to normalize and to be more acceptable. you hear people is tending the voltage for some of us not 10 years of or even 2 years ago. it was in think about for some of them as well. there's not this sense of shame, white voting awesome when i send them, and it's part of mine, they've been strategy. we took our from her father 10 years ago, trying to police all the charities of the, of the, of the body or, and,
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and also bring this young lead uh, as all and by the law as a potential prime minister, 20 years old dick tuck, feeding, and i think what you see is that people think, well, we've tried everything and we've tried left the ride. we tried to send to someone like my call would tries to, you know, overcome the divide between less than a ride. why not try that? i some of them last night i had a 28 year old ticked. ok. let's have a listen into uh, uh, francis current payment. just take out there a time. first of all, addressing the nation issuing a stock warning or you will have to press massively 3 of those. i would like to thank you. i would like to thank all the local positions and all the voting stations. frontier work say mean democracy and we owe them
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a lot. and it was also like the same as those of the together for the republic more than the $300.00 was going to be in the 2nd round. thank you. so the 1st citizens that have trusted us offering the 1st round to come the days where the flame and the energy of the fighters in them, no measure of the circumstances with one goal and only one goal to make our values. when for friends, that is motivated with the re, how do i can love for the republics and the determination to stop in the qualities and be totally committed to making progress for our country. we sincerely committed to a fair fight and necessary fights that needs to be thought and tonight is not like life in the us or, you know me, i like to speak frankly. we have learned our lesson tonight,
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that the phone right is close to being in power and never in our history. the assemblies has wrist. like today, if you don't mean a did by the phone, right. our goal is clear to step to riley to have the absolute majority in the 2nd round, and to have a chance to cover in all countries with their total projects. and i am the same. it was the strings that this woman calls for, not one voice can go to the national really. under the, the current circumstances, we don't hesitate. in france, we will never hesitates. defense this to name makes. this aren't my obligation to do everything that we can to step this from happening. my personal history and my political history. make me tell you today.
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that's the fall, right? has terrible projects for our country. now i'm going to damage our country and i'm going to be unhappiness as more unhappy and as far are citizens that are suffering already. the republic is going to be represented during the 2nd round. and we want to make sure that we get the absolute bazaar, etc. and well, doing the 1st round, we have done it already and we are going to promise that we're going to step down is our parties are in the 3rd place in favor of a candidate that defense the same republican values as they're going to withdrawal the candidates and it's going to be a shame for them because they fought hard with their teams, but it is a responsible decision. and i think it's an honorable choice.
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so new popular front is not going to have the absolute majority. we have said that during the whole thames pain, the friends unload is not a credible alternative. so the situation is appearance. during the 2nd round, we have to stop the fall right from getting a majority and we are going to own light, was the other republican powers to let our values prevail to and the risk population was him. the dates are going to defend your ideas and your values and everywhere in france are candidates that are in the 2nd round. are going to protect to these last years. french citizens who may have been disappointed or angry. but we have been working
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hard to advance and to protect the values of a repository, and we have to continue doing it. and we start tomorrow with the hundreds of candidates of together for the republic. we're going to come pains to protect the french citizens as well. as they can, you have spoken today, you have voted today, and today you are going to give life to a democracy. our most precious good. we are going to fight together with our strings all strings together for the republic. vote for the republic and vote for the candidates to defend the republic. thank you. i missed the tie. the essentially coldly on boat is to do whatever it takes to keep the file right away from power to vote. do you think there is a way from a cause of some of the party to still state empower?
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yes, i guess there's a way that is not the liveliest scenario really, but there's a thin path which my coins probably and get we had i thought of trying to to take is trying to bring a majority with its own movement and also and take the more moderate people from the left wing boxes, convince them to, to vote for their candidates, maybe. and also with the more moderate members of the paper because you know, that's the head, the have to be account. how is, sorry, the sort of a nice and i but the, and the official, the rest of the party is still independent. so michael way to try to reach out to these 2 parts of the electoral right? the center, right in the center lift policies. what's this going to be? no looking ahead for mccall and his ability to golf and well. and even
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if he kind of finds a way of bringing a, a friendly majority, he's extremely weekend and we have a will become the prime minister. will be at least hostile and, and, but anyway, i'm more of a difficult person to govern with. so that way we can not only my co and is authority over the last 3, the next 3 years of his mondays, but also the voice of friends and the voice of friends within the world at large. so let's just say people matter law, thank you very much for putting it into perspective for us. so what does all this mean for the european union? how could a pro e u french president add to your skeptic private as to what together?
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i put that question to jet pack the don't use you corresponded did process as yeah, i mean, that's the big question. and frankly, they probably cons. i mean that's the understanding that have been cases in the boston phones where that have been political differences between the prime minister and the presidents. but never so shop as if it was a jordan bought the prime minister shape on the manual. am i chrome presidency and this is a, i mean, is it just just from a european perspective to him about the other? it's kind of well known. he's been in any p as has marine depend then known in these europe. and so of course they know how to work in new york in circles and types of stuff up sort of sentiment and feeling within european politics and money on my cronies with i guy, one of the most pro he you lead is let alone friends leaders that we've ever seen and has been really trying to push for european integration, diametrically opposed to the, to the sort of proposals of, of the, of the national riley. so it will be really difficult. it will snow a lot,
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not just friends, politics, which will make it very difficult, i think for any list to be pos that with the, the president's office. and the parliament will really just be completely at odds. and that will have a knock on effects in, into your opinion, little making as well, whether it will be so much conflicted messaging coming out to friends that actually a lot more openness will probably land on the germans to lead. but we know who that shows the german terms that has a very difficult the sort of coalition going forward and struggle sometimes himself . so that will be probably a lot of leadership in the european union from the 2 biggest economies. if this, if this does take place, if the rest of them on do well and managed to win, the problem is next weekend dw, as jack power, thanks for joining us from brussels. and a reminder of the top story we're following for you at this hour. it really depends . national riley is on costs for this story. collection. big 3 and friends, president a member of my points interest coalition has been pushed into place behind the
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sentence left in the 1st round of voting. this sunday. the pen says, because cap is old of wiped outs, and his cold on both is to give her an absolute majority and the 2nd round of voting in a week from now. don't forget it. you can always get the w news on the go. just download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you the latest use from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking you're up to date on the bench as will it will have more use next down the
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are not very comfortable and extremely expensive. luxury designs for houses space working out space cross. it's very dangerous. afternoon,
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wouldn't volleys without the suit the makes them those especially the tomorrow today. next, on double this shadows objective color. these pod costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up and he employed the scorched coast farms and destroyed lights. what is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression? today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism, dw travels low there, besides the history, food. wow, fucking, let's go through. so when it comes to sustain dependency information and trend,
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