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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the business dw news live from the in europe. most pro russian leda urges ukraine to consider a ceasefire on his 1st visit to keith. since russia's invasion on gary and 5 minutes of it to all bomb tells president the modem is lensky. that a truce could speed up the peace talks. lensky says what you cried needs, is it just mostly coming up on the program? ukraine is also on the agenda at talks and will sol between germany's tron slot, rough shots and his po, this counterparts, donald tusk, and tara couldn't barrel rips through the se in caribbean, bringing life threatening wins. and storm searches. officials are reporting
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extensive damage on several islands in the region. the money keeps mckinnon. welcome to the program, but hun gary and prime minister vic to old bomb has called on ukrainian president load them. is lensky to agree to a quick ceasefire. yvonne was speaking during a surprise trip to keep his 1st since rushes full scale invasion, and one that comes a day off the hungry assumed the use rotating presidency. all bombs set, accepting a ceasefire, would accelerate peace towards the landscape. his thoughts said ukraine needed a just peace and cold to europe, to keep up military aid to help his country fight to all the russians. and we
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crossed straight to our brussels correspondent bands. he got some more on this good to see about. what exactly is opens message here? what does he mean by a quick ceasefire? so that's a very good question. quick ceasefire can only mean that the ukraine gets into the monster from the aggression to a restaurant. so that rush i would for the occupied, the stretches of ukraine and also, and the crimea peninsula and a creek ceasefire should. in all buns, you will lead to peace talks with russia. and he's certainly talking a speaking not on behalf of the whole you not as a president, because this is not the, the coming agreement of the coming position of the use of all. but it's nick mostly talking for himself and the you have to see also how this goes down in brussels. okay, and what about let him is lensky is a reaction to the suggestion. the zalinski and the
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president of ukraine replied that ukraine needs a just a piece. that means that russia has to withdrawal from the occupied territories and also from crimea. and this is actually, if you see that a long way to go still. so these 2 guys, all one incidents are not on the same page and and also sealants can said that he needs more and a sustainable support from the e. u for the for see the future. and this is also something mr. alban is trying to block and to vote down as much as he can in the last month. so also in here there's a still a huge disagreement with plenty of rejection from zelinski. this is all bombs 1st visit to cave, isn't it? since the will still say that comes just a day off the hungry took over the european union presidency. so ship this visit,
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be seen as a, as a diplomatic gesture. what do you think something concrete could actually come out of these talks? the the 1st of all is very of a diplomatic gesture, because all bun shows that he's willing to engage now to talk to landscape, at least in person, something he hasn't done for years. and that's a be, don't see that the, all on the head garden prime, it is actually changes his position. he's very close affiliated with russia. he's doing business with russia. he's getting gas from russia. he's building a nuclear plant together with russia and in hungary, he did not say that he would alter his position. and as i said, he's the only one in the you who's, who's blocking the efforts to help you crane law. and he's the only been altering nato who was not participating in the military a package. so we have to see if these words actually follow action bound. thank you
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though. see, don't use them. think that reporting from possible now all of it says that germany is planning to provide aid for surviving victims of the nazi occupation in poland during world war 2, the german chancellor made the pledge during torques with the publish prime minister the task invoice. so the 2 nations with a difficult shed history are seeking to reinforce co operation in the face of security challenges and political turbulence in europe. task said that they discussed boosting defense corporation, including strengthening nato's presence on the eastern flag to the tub. the threats from russia and of these, all the fuss talks of this kind are between the 2 countries, since the 28th of effectiveness is a bit. yup. sec colton is a philosopher, political scientist. i'm the deputy director for research at the european
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solidarity center in good dance, poland. he gave us his assessment of german polish relations today, as you know. so when we, when we take a closer look at the historical events and especially of the very a traffic history, the 20th century dispatched the better the best possible moment for, for the police german relations. we never had the chance to experience this kind of friendship of corporation and also beloved troll trust in the history of the police, german relations that say the topics today was mainly security defense as well as expanding traffic and transport routes. so from what you're saying, these kind of talks what they're talking about are assigned, but the countries really do now have a practical working relationship because as you mentioned, it's way it hasn't always been that way. has it?
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yeah, the last 8 years we experienced during the time of the right wing bulk list uh, regime in poland. we experience of course, very dramatic movements in german village relations and i'm very happy, but today we have a chance to to change the course and to take german voice cooperation much more serious than it was in the last 8 years. so it's a very good sign that we would, we change the course and, but it wouldn't, that wouldn't be expected. expectations are growing and, but also the dangerous and the, uh, and the challenges both governments have to face are also extremely serious. so what i mean by that isn't the most important problem across the board in ukraine. mm hm. so the last 8 years, as you'll saying hasn't been just haven't been easy, but of course germany imposed on to a very complex history,
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which of course includes the 2nd world will post school divisions. so how do both nations go about to sort of walk on addressing that post as well as working positively towards the future? now it's not an easy uh, the easy question, not an easy problem. and uh, and i think when there is a great expectation in poland, betsy, especially the brutal past or the 2nd world war willie will be take much more seriously in germany. and uh, and as we can see, german government uh, opens in the nation, people, polish german house in bentley, trying to uh to create a place or cultural institution, better to be with, with the easy boss. and especially the drum taking bad salt. the 2nd world war when
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jennifer gets over, 17 percent of the entire population of the country was june during the 2nd world war, which is a huge, a huge loss still. oh, presents in the memory all fuller citizens. and then for sure is very good stuff to, to do something with it. and to, to show that to both sides, really care about a couple of solving to pull that because of there's no chance to, to solve it. but just to, to do with the issue of the past and to, to, to think about how to, how to change the course also political course. so the van sand to open the horizon for much more prosperity and and so much more interesting and uh cobra to fiji. yep. sec. whole time from the europeans on the dark. he sent it and get on holding . and thank you so much for your time today. we appreciate it. thank you very much . i a house or
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a season you cry and say that they've arrested for people off to security services . foiled. what they say will plans for a russian backed crew attempt. the domestic intelligence agency says a group of conspirators had plus it's a sauce ariah's stool, the parliament building and t even then replace the leadership on sunday during the constitution date celebrations. he claims that as being the target of several coop, lots over the last few years. let's take a quick less look. now some of the other stories making headlines around the world and retain is incumbent president, has won a 2nd time that over 56 percent of the votes mohammed goes along. these forces credits him with establishing security in the country, which is located in the politically turbulence, the whole region as wanting has also served as the trap us and that the african union. since february of this year. the greek 5 of bade has been battling walled fires on the island of costs that prompted the evacuation of residents and tourists
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. overnights the countries, i'm sorry, so you say around $55.00 is, is broken out across the countries, islands and mainland, over the pasta on the in police say they have arrested laurie alvarez, one of the leaders of a trends national gang alvarez's wanted and truly and venezuela the charges including terrorism, weapons, trafficking, extortion and kidnapping. lisa alvarez escaped from prison in 2015 and evaded authorities for years by using a fake id and in a row post flight from spain to uruguay has made an emergency landing in brazil, often getting strong turbulence. images shad online show extensive damage inside the boeing 787 across which was carrying 325 passengers. scientists will net clear at balance which cannot be seen by rail is increasing due to climate change.
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now hurricane barrel has bassett, the se in carbon as it makes its way towards jamaica and the mexican coast. some islands have reported massive destruction from the storm with at least one death barrel has now strengthened to to a castle. great, 5 hurricane. this is what barrels has left behind in the french territory of mount to meek. in the caribbean. it damaged many houses in the roads, threatening and livelihoods at the beginning of the holiday season. we were more or less anticipating it because 5 meter waves were expected. but never the last one. this is the 1st time even during a psych loan that we've seen the sea is rough as this we expect in some damage, but not as much as this. look, the whole, the front is wrecked. burial has become the seasons early. this hurricane on record
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to form in the atlantic arriving 2 weeks earlier, then killer storm emily in 2005 in barbados and other islands across the region affected by the storm. people began to assessing the damage. is right now, i well, hi, welcome. because this is a lot of work, this is more than a week's weren't. here. beryl became an unstoppable force in less than 2 days with waynes up to 260 kilometers per hour. these satellite images show the hurricane as it was rapidly intensifying its i right in the middle come area surrounded by the so called i will the reading of devastating wind and rain. you are in the i do not go out in the i, it's not safe. the storm is moving very quickly in the backside of the i will,
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will move in on over you very, very fast, and you do not want to be outside in those conditions. burial is expected to grow even stronger is it moves through the caribbean, setting a dangerous tone for what's expected to be an extra ordinary hurricane season us. and finally, one of britain's most fabled prophecies is opening to the public for the very 1st time tomorrow. causal in scotland is where the british royals have spent last summer holidays since queen victoria is right. it's now allowing for the businesses a day to tool the call. so that's the full controls. i'm queen camilla royce, of the annual holiday in august tickets sold out within 24 hours when they went on sale back in april, the spike costing a 100 pounds per person or a $150.00 pounds if you'd like. afternoon, t included with dining room sites coming up after the break, close up looks at a woman's fight against a ro months,
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scaffold and it keeps getting all the back of somebody out with more international headlines. thank you for watching the the coming 0 same 6. 03 trans people. stories is kind items, are they feed us complex doors? sometimes some of the sort of interest to attend the church 3 generations. one jenny dunst july 7th on dw the this is marie.


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