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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 2, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from biling, nearly 100 people are killed in a stump. heat in northern india. panic strikes, a hindu religious gathering in the space of the products. hold on 150 people are rushed to hospital. officials say the death toll is likely to rise will. so coming up on the program, europe's most pro russian lead urges ukraine to consider a ceasefire on his 1st visit to keith. since russia's invasion hung, gary and 5 minutes of a couple, bon tells president, a lot of them is a lens fee, but a truce could speed up peace talks. polanski says,
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what you pray needs isn't just peace. and the place of ask on the films marginalized women and girls living under the taliban as the focus of amazing taking place in tops between un representative and civil society. the money trip is mckinnon. welcome to the program. we felt with breaking news from india, at least 87 people audit and schools india. dr. a stampede of the hindu religious gatherings in india's northern states of the for dish. medical officials say more than a 150 people have been hospitalized off to the crush and a village in the high trust district. the some pete occurred as worship was rushed to leave the overcrowded event. initial report suggested that over 50 same 1000
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people had gathered the soul. the events about triple the number officially allowed of the desktop is expected to rise, will be monitoring the story. and we will get more from our correspondent a little later in the shape of the news, the hun, gary, and prime minister, vic, to old on his cold on the ukrainian president. the let him is that on skate to consider a ceasefire with russia will bon was speaking during a surprised trip to keith, is fuss since russia's full scale invasion. and one that comes a day off the hungry assumed the use rotating presidency landscape for his part said ukraine needed a just peace and cold. so you're up to key pump military a to his country. now old bomb has been one of europe, most pro russia leaders and has a book opposed to more a, to the kids. he had this advice for his host draw skills, some of the total. and i asked you printing president to think about whether we
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could reverse the order number and a half man. so it would be funny to speed up piece talks about by making a ceasefire. first it's it's hard to do the ceasefire connected to a deadline. i would create an opportunity to speed up the stocks because that's how i explored this possibility with the president. and i'm grateful for his honest answers in negotiation. and we can get more from a correspondence in the ukraine. nick connelly and nick, tell us how old on suggestion went down in case you can imagine i have the system went down like a lead balloon with his host. it was to be expected. this is anita, is that ukraine is that very different places with this 1st visit to ukraine for more than a decade? not only has the notes visited steering the full scale invasion, 672, but he wasn't there before. the last, if any, and present. he met with was 60 and it covers up 1st anita who fled to russia as
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the result of protests, his ukraine, and his the notes of what i refuse about to you, hon. gary minority in great. what sense of over time he said little things that really people have not liked in your brain thing you things basically not for supper and state symbol, that's basically a puppet of the western side of the country. supposing the company's military and its finances, he has said that nato shouldn't look to see ukraine when, but that is not gonna happen. so this was a visit that was expected with a lot of reputation. and now you could see holdings and see basically focusing on the fact that hungry had been behind those ukrainian efforts in the swiss summit because of ukrainian peace plant. i basically try to renew as much see could all those woods from that goal by and that idea of a quick ceasefire just basically door line, the sand where those troops all right now and then see where it goes. that is not something that's uh, holding zaleski has ever raised and says you could raise give them a kind of political situation. so i think this is the question of having to accept
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victorville. now his car in his country with the rotate the presidency, it's a visit of courtesy and trying to basically limit the damage that is as best as a building is less you could hope to achieve from the is today. what about ordinary ukrainians? i mean, would they accept a ceasefire on on these terms? when you speak to people here, they will admit that that time they will admit that lots of people are scared in community or have known people have been wounded or even killed. but when you often are you willing to organize these thoughts, basically just let it stay as it is, they'll tell you as soon as that sci fi comes into effect, weston countries will think ok, this is now if we don't have support ukraine militarily, financially, i will basically forget about ukraine or drill down on this boat, such a level that in a year to 3, russia having rebuilt has moved. you can come back again and get the remainder of the country. there is a deep conviction. most people have it literally food and is not intent on just
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leaving it as things are taking off a few regions and he wants to control this country and its entirety. and so they do not believe that by giving research all 3 bills on the west, the shots to distract itself, that that would actually even if in give them long term security net thanks so much for that, that's the w's nick connelly. authorities in ukraine say that they have arrested full people, offices, security services, foiled what they say will plans for a russian back crew attempt. the domestic intelligence agency says a group of conspirators had posted to start a riot storm, the parliament building and key even then replace the leadership on sunday during constitution day celebrations. keith claims its being the target a several coup. lots over the last few years. as of quite look, now, some of the of the story is making headlines around the world and more attain is incumbent president as one a 2nd term with over 56 percent of the vote mohammed all because of all these
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forces credit him with a stablish and security in the country, which is located in the politically turbulence, the whole region as well. and he has also served as the trap of some of the african union. since february of this year. a greek fi upgrade has been battling walled size on the island of costs. the problems of the evacuation of residents and tourists of a nice the country so far as see say around $55.00 of broken out across the greek islands and the mainland. over the past 24 hours, columbia and police say they for wrested laurie alvarez, one of the leaders of a trans national gang alvarez is wanted and truly on venezuela for charges including terrorism, weapons, trafficking, extortion, and kid. nothing. police say alvarez escaped from prison in 2015 and evaded authorities for years by using a fake id now police and kenya has fired 2 gas
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demonstrations in the capitol. nairobi is anti government rallies, fled up again active as of steps up the campaign for the resignation. of president william bruce. so last week he withdrew a tax hike bill, but triggered violent flashes. the protest is refused to back town. in canyon national commission on human rights says 13000000 people have been killed in the violence sofa. the of the un political a cheese has set, the taliban cannot be a part of the international community until they do move for women and girls in afghanistan, rosemary decarlo to live at that message following a you and letting me sing on. afghanistan held him the guitar, a capital though ha, telecom leaders were invited to attend for the 1st time since their return to power in 2021. the government they formed has cracked down on women's freedoms,
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leading to a situation that human rights groups have described as gender apartheid. there was a day in the spring of 2022 when older ask in girls and young women felt the rush of the 1st day of classes, greeting their friends, laughing and thinking about the future. the ban on girls and secondary and higher education had been lifted and some girls actually made it into classrooms where teachers actually taught them a couple of hours of learning for some a couple of minutes. for others, it ended in a dream crushing blow when taliban leaders changed their minds. i don't know why all of on the. i don't want to catch them. go to university, go through is school. i don't know. but i can think about that at all. it is
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small, but vocal protests followed women risking arrest. but the tell a band said higher education for boys was okay. not for girls. i don't know any action that says type in whether it's speaker nomic, social, cultural, educational or minutes. heavy will be under the influence of serial rules and do the coil in international pressure on the tell a band to halt through it. stance has fallen on deaf ears, the you the on the side to the future for the future, the un rep or tour and un official say is bleak. the band and girls education ceiling, an increase in child marriage and early child bearing with dire physical, emotional, and economic consequences. reports of attempted suicide among women and girls are also increasing or un funded report says oppression now goes far,
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far beyond the education band and possibly amongst, and crimes against humanity across parents. but it's sites the ingenuity of ask in women and girls like those girls at this secret school risk in captivity or worse for the sake of a dream and life after the taliban. i am saucy, is the executive director of the organization. so policy, research and development studies that so women lead independent n g a that works to strengthen inclusivity and plural pluralism in afghanistan. she joins me now from london. welcome to detroit trans restore. and i'll report the secret clos rooms and lessons. and you mentioned just now training programs, can you, can you tell us a little bit more about that too? well, there are several civil society organizations that have continued their operations inside of the country. so some of them in the dark. and while others perhaps
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registered with the defacto authorities, but in those programs that are offered, you have online education programs. you got training programs that are taking place predominantly online. but you also have a young women getting together and opening up a book clubs or other types of spaces where they can engage with one another in private and give themselves. and i would like to be able to express how they're feeling. also, conversations that they have on social media expressing themselves on social media has also been a very helpful platform. um, so there are pockets of resistance, but that those pockets are quite small beyond these pockets. there is no other space for asking women to be able to express themselves. and that obviously has consequences. could you talk to us a little bit about both the social, the economic consequences of excluding women from society in this way?
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or if you don't have women's perspectives, their solutions on, on, on whether it's economic issues or counter narcotics or security. and then those solutions are unsustainable. not having women at the table, not having women engaging in these discussions means sidelining half of the population of a country. and so you have to hear from those that are being affected directly by these issues in order to be in order to propose sustainable solutions. and that simply does not take place. if you don't have women at the table and are not engaging directly with often women, and when you don't, that can be incredibly dangerous and cancel. what about the, the psychological effect on women themselves?
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i mean, you were talking just now about the effects on society. what about the individuals? i mean, how a women being affected by the fact that they kennel in many ways, participation society to well, our research has found that a lot of a lot of young women and of dentists on our right now suffering from, from severe depression and severe anxiety. the suicide rate among american women is also steadily increasing. they are finding no way out of this darkness. and a survey that we conducted not too long ago, showed us that a large majority of women, either themselves, are going to depression or anxiety and sufferings from this. but also know someone else who is and this is something we have schedule the scene increase and mention in several other reports. so the,
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the scenario for asking women is that such that they are feeling quite desperate now and um and, and as it be being confined to your home especially we've got 20 seconds left. do you remain hopeful that taliban will some day loosen some of the restrictions that they've imposed? absolutely not so far they haven't been held accountable for any of the edicts that they have announced, restricting women and girls. so if there is no accountability measures their international community is not pressure, it putting pressure on them to, to, to, to remove the sanctions. the, no, we will not see the color changed our stance. mary, i'm stuff executive direct to the organization of policy research and development studies, and i've done this done. thank you so much for your time. i is coming back to our top story now at least 87 people are dead and schools ended off for a stamp aid at a hindu religious gathering in northern india,
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medical officials are saying that more than a 150 people have been hospitalized off to the crush in a village and to protect states, the son peter could as the audience rush to leave the overcrowded event, the death toll is expected to rise. and we can get more now from the w. i know about who's joining us from delhi deal a double dozens dead. the death toll is apparently rising. give us the latest of what's happening on your right. now we have that almost dozens of people died in hundreds injured in a stanford that took place in india's northern state of the produce. and it happened in the town of congress and local authorities see that the number of casualties increased. lucas via the same that it went, was all crowded, and they were doing not really exist, which basically that distracted the and, and they also said that the standards happen as soon as the doing it. everyone was
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in a rush to the so the waiting. no. uh no, we're out and people are pointing to each other. so there was some which was from the community health center that showed that several good forties being brought up there in bosses and temples in the presence of, you know, frankly tools. and the most of the people who died are injured are children and women to now look like talk is also tell us that the majority best ways of suffocation. now, serious questions also be raised about this property. some more, do you see something about the trash, the end would have been better black and the cheapest throughout the state of georgia? it did not express cumberland spring. this movie was addressing the looks of others, though, how it pops with development. also expressed as kind of lenses through the families, what cube and said they were praying for a speedy recovery of the ancient l. um, how all sorts he's responding to this uh, the situation that they're having to deal with of the parties of the
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investigation, to this incident, instructions how to win the concerned officials to come to relief and risk to operations and provide proper treatment for the engine. and they've been doing it for the last one or one hour or 2. we see that the tools that coming in but look like industries and said that the strength of the many good qualities to accommodate patients have you know, exhausted in aust plus those to power stuff. beds was found to be victims. gomez is also trying to rush the other people and get the treatment as soon as possible. they have announced also some relief package to the people will have already died as sonya. so these deadly accidents are accommodated. india joining usually major residents gatherings where a lot of large crowds gathered in smaller yes. and we see these things happening in the past as well. the w corresponding deal about reporting from delhi at all. thanks so much for bringing us up to date on that story. to france
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now, when president a money order, my call centrist, come on the left wing alliance, all scrambling to find a way to stop the fall right from taking control of parliament. next weekend, tuesday evening is the deadline for candidates to the class, whether they'll pull hours ahead of sundays, rental vote arrival policies of weighing whether it's a drop. so it plays candidates in a bid to block the fall rights. johnson is next weekend. how many of front says european partners are watching the election nervously aware that a follow right? when could have huge implications for the european union? frances national riley on a roll from strong showings in european elections and the 1st round of parliamentary voting and france party leaders all down by the law and rarely in the pen promise of france that is more french, less european, that cuts across multiple areas from foreign and military policy to welfare spending and cooperation with its neighbors. the national riley has long been
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skeptical of europe and nato until earlier this year it's party program officially called for deepening diplomatic ties with russia. party received a major loan from a russian bank in recent years. it wants to haul to military cooperation projects with germany, including jointly developed next generation tanks and fighter jets. the party platform also mentioned the leaving and nato's command structure. however, the party removed all of that language from its web site and the run up to reason collections and leaders have denounced rushes invasion of ukraine. the question is whether moderating its image means that the party has fundamentally changed. it stands with of the national railway has promised to stand for french, financial and economic interests above those of europe. it wants to negotiate exceptions to some of the rules and to institute a national preference for french businesses in agriculture against
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a use common market rules. a national riley try of could kill off e u, borrowing to fund defense and transitioning to a green economy. critics of warrant that the parties economic plans, which include cutting taxes and raising wages will fuel inflation and brake e u deficit. rules. classes with the you could weaken the euro and to stabilize the whole continence finances. the party also wants to withhold part of frances contribution to the budget. the party has long had a strong anti immigrant stats. it's pledge to prioritize french born citizens for welfare benefits and housing, which is also against the rules. critics say it would formalize discrimination against immigrants at a time when the cotton then is struggling to come up with a common immigration policy. whatever happens in the 2nd round a voting manual and my call will still be president likely have to share power pointing
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a prime minister from another party. the presidency are radically directs foreign policy. the cabinet and the national assembly must sign off and pay the bills. setting the stage for in fighting and paralysis, and one of the use founding countries. hearken barrel has bass at the se in caribbean as it makes its way towards jamaica um the mexican coast. some islands have reported massive destruction from the stone, with at least one this arrow has now strengthened to a category 5 hurricane. this is what barrels has left behind in the french territory of mount to meek in the caribbean, to be damaged many houses and roads threatening and livelihoods. at the beginning of the holiday season. we were more or less anticipating it because 5 meter waves were expected. but never the last one. this is the 1st time even during a psych loan that we've seen the sea is rough,
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is this something we expect and something damage, but not as much as this. look, the whole the front is racked burial has become the seasons early this hurricane on record to form in the atlantic arriving 2 weeks earlier. the killer storm emily in 2005 in barbados and other islands across the region affected by the storm. people began to assessing the damage. is right now, we're hot broken because this is a lot of work. this is more than a week's work here. burial became an unstoppable force in less than 2 days. with winds up to 260 kilometers per hour. the satellite images show the hurricane as it was rapidly intensifying its i right
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in the middle come area surrounded by the so called i will the reading of devastating wind and rain. you are in the i do not go out in the i, it's not safe. the storm is moving very quickly in the backside of the i will, will move in on over you very, very fast, and you did not want to be outside and those conditions burial is expected to grow even stronger or is it moves through the caribbean. setting a dangerous tone to what's expected to be an extra ordinary hurricane season. so finally, one of britain's most fabled prophecies is opening it to the public for the very 1st time on moral causal in scotland is where the precious royals. i've spent the summer holidays since queen victoria is right and it is now allowing for c. visits has a day to to the costs of lumps. the full controls and queen camilla a real life for the annual holiday. invest tickets sold out within 24 hours when
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they went on sale back in april, despite costing a 100 pounds per person or $150.00 pounds if you'd like into not in often noon t included in your visit. is a quick reminder of on top stories for you today at least 87 people have been killed and schools more injured in a some pete in move in india. it happened at up into religious gathering and the high trust district and the size of those for dashed, the deck. death toll is expected to keep rising and hungry is present, a civic to old on has urge the training president let them use the lensky to consider a quick ceasefire to speed up peaceful with russia. o'bonham whose country currently holds the ease, rotating presidency, is on his 1st visit to keith. since russia's full scale invasion, that is all we have time coming up next blocks reports on
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a former phone line. here in jim me that is lucas leeching, a nuclear waste. i'm on you can look at and i'll be back at the top of the hour. thanks so much for watching the, the, the
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news at what happened to me was right. i just didn't know where i could share and was who is going to believe me. this is greg was staring iced against her well in canada, as with thousands of indigenous women from the 1970s to present
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a big global membrane. next on d, w eco. after time saving indigenous medicinal plants from extinction, jeanette to kyra key on those goals. these plans have such a powerful effect that they can even fight to malaria. a success story full of the agents. the code africa in 63 minutes on g w, the web page i know, did i right? just do it and i'm hosting dw newport past. thanks trace amount,
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but there's no actually about joining us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the world. no need to talk to that. just as subscriber id listen to the most, take you along to the right, the no money, some medical. okay. i don't to in indonesia is paid in plastic recyclable. the 4th sterilization in canada, a legacy of systemic discrimination and contamination control, per se. germany's unreserved issue with radioactive waste, the
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