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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 3, 2024 8:00am-8:15am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news coming to live from berlin for the a 100 people killed in a stampede in northern india. panic strikes a crowd in him, do religious gatherings in the state of who the front desk. dozens are taken to hospital officials say the death toll is likely to brian. also in the progress hurricane barrel rips through the southeastern caribbean, bringing life threatening winds and storm searches. officials report extensive damage on several islands and at least 6. that's the
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hello i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. at least a 116 people have died in a crush of a hindu religious gathering in india. scores more were injured in the incident, which took place in the northern tar pradesh. states. officials say more of the victims were most of the were victims were women and children. initial reports indicate organizers had permission to host about 5000 people, but more than 15000 came to the event it was here at a religious gathering and we talked about this, but the hora unfolded. it's not yet clear what close the crush, but witnesses say that the storm caused a panic among the worshippers. and chaos ensued, as the crowds tried to lease it. uh, i was in a religious event, was organized for the hindu gods, chief of in the village. and told them just when the event was about to end and
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there was a sudden commotion due to overcrowding of uh, an excessive humidity which caused the stampede to you at the post office, the following overcharged the one on top of the other guy. those who across died, people, the pulled them out, ambulances rushed to hospital with stuff quickly became overwhelmed while trucks and private vehicles brought bodies to the morgue indian prime minister. and the ranger modi offered his condolences to those who were killed in the crush. i have just received sad news. we are getting reports of many deaths in a stampede and we'll talk for dishes half the rest of your button. i offer my condolences to the families of those who lost their lives and the tragic incident to cut the order. the people search through piles of belongings for possible signs of missing loved ones, the other's width for their relatives who never made it out alive.
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so you look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. lloyd doug, it has become the 1st democratic congress to publicly call for us present, joe biden, to step down as the party is nominated for president in november's election. the congressman from texas said biden's, poor debate performance against donald trump had disqualified him from running again. fighting says he will remain in the rates. a new york court has postponed the sentencing of former president donald trump for his hospitality conviction until the 18th of september. trump had been scheduled to face sentencing july 11th, but the judge and the case agreed to the postponement. in order to waive the possible impact of a new supreme court ruling on presidential immunity. former mayor of new york city, rudy giuliani has been disc barred by the state after court found he repeatedly
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made false statements about donald trump selection laws in 2020. as trump's legal advisor, juliani spearheaded efforts to overturn the election defeat now to the war and gaza. and israel's military has given in the back you way sion order effecting about $250000.00 palestinians and a 3rd of the total area of the territory. the affected region includes much of the city of con eunice, where many anticipate a large scale is rarely ground to solid. again, some of which is considered a tear organization by multiple countries. the un spokesperson said the evacuation only heightened the suffering of civilians. the israel's evacuation order leads tens of thousands of thousands facing a difficult decision where to next, the wrong move could have drastic even deadly consequences. ice buckets took down my tens, all my belongings side of the street,
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and i don't know where to go. i don't know if anywhere safe where my children i can go, they'll say and aries say, but it turns out that it's not safe at all, but keep getting pushed from one area to another. one group relocated from han units to this house into your old butler, located in one of israel's so called safe zones for evacuating. but the next day it is really airstrike hit the building, killing at least 12 people inside, including several children. 9 of the victims were from the same family. israel's military did not immediately comment on the air strike, but it's not the 1st time palestinians have been killed by strikes. indeed, save stones out there displaced causes have sought shelter and seemingly unlivable conditions such as this open air dumped by the sea. when fighting cut off the route to the main dumps in eastern guns, a municipal waste crews began bringing their loads here near the tent caps. the
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risk of disease is high if we don't get sick with die from the bombing, and if we don't die from the plumbing, we'll die from the destruction of devastation. 7 the un says nearly 2000000 gallons, 80 percent of the population are displaced and the new evacuation order suggests another result on han eunice might come soon. is in france, more than $200.00 centrist and left wing candidates have pulled out of the countries parliamentary runoff election. the tactic is aimed at giving boaters just 2 choices in their contest. french present, the amount of all the con hopes, the pulled out will block the far right from winning power. after his centrist came 3rd in the 1st round, behind a coalition of left wing parties. and the far right national rally,
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skidmore on this now from coal. stangler, who's the freelance, drollest, based in more, say, in the south of france, co, many 3rd place candidates have pulled out of the election in order to strengthen the prospect of 2nd placed the candidates beating the far right. is that strategy likely to work? well, it certainly makes the chances of an absolute majority for the national rally, much less likely that there's really no doubt about that. the magic number is $289.00 because of all these withdrawals, it's more likely they won't hit that number, but they could also potentially come close to an absolute majority. what would happen then? so i think, you know, makes it less likely, but nothing is, you know, nothing is for certain. well i have to see what happens on sunday their, their base is very mobilize also. how common is it for parties and friends from across the political spectrum to team up like this as well. we have
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a tradition of, of parties creating lives as all the time on the municipal level, even on the legislative level, on the national legislative level and national certainly you look at the, the ghost, you'll have the plural left for 1997 to 2002 left when the lines um, even on the right of nicholas, are close. these majority also was made up of the lines. maximum of majority is actually an alliance and multiple parties. and you also have this tradition of candidates withdrawing from the 2nd round of races in parliamentary races in order to boost the chances of another candidate. none of that is really new of what is new is we haven't seen these, this type of withdrawals happening on this kind of scale. i mean it's because the r m has never had a chance of winning a majority like like it does right now. so again, the answer is really just, we haven't seen on this scale. that's what's new. and that's what we're seeing today. no more say the city where you live, coal is famous for its large immigrants, communities where people,
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they're saying about next sundays rental we're really depends on where you are in the city. so i, i live in central america. and when you walk around here, you see all kinds of n t, r n graffiti. you see posters that are current encouraging people to vote for the last against c r n. if you go to the northern parts of the city that are more impoverished, you also have a lot of support for the last. but, you know, martha is the city where you also have a lot of support for the are. and if not just kind of a big, happy melting pot, if you have people that live in the welfare neighborhoods that the, that are getting more for the are and based on kind of conservative values. and you had to kind of backlash to, to the, to the question of crime and insecurity. a lot of those people are also voting for the r n. so it's actually quite, quite more of a mix. and you might think cool, thanks very much for that. that was freelance journalist, coal stangler in more say thank you. a spell. hurricane barrel is heading toward jamaica and mexico. after battering the
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south east caribbean, some islands have reported massive damage with at least 6 deaths on monday, beryl became that early a storm to develop into a category 5 storm, but it's now been downgraded to a category for it's expected to bring life threatening wind still and storm surges to jamaica, bringing the boats in from the show. jamaican fishermen trying to say what they can as harken barrel turned towards the island on the dead for it to you. and i would like to know that most people don't know who to the local government is using the last few hours before impact to make sure the suit is stonewall to trade in their systems already and technicians doing what they can just top crucial telecommunication lines from being caught,
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this is your last few hours to complete those preparations follow any guidance to rebecca waste and orders you've been given by local officials. i spared heavy rainfall, especially in mountainous areas, in rainfall flooding as a potential to kill large numbers of people across the caribbean. especially in those mountainous areas. so we're getting multiple life threatening hazards, especially in jamaica. and it's not just people in jamaica preparing to face barrels, disastrous force. local, some mexico have also been taken up on goods and using plywood to secure their homes and businesses. but it's hard to tell if those efforts will make much of a difference as of to bytes or in the south. east caribbean burial has proven time and again that it will spend nothing and it's both are returning now to our top story. scores of people have been killed at a religious gathering in northern india. many are injured and the death toll is
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expected to rise. our correspondent deal but is following the story and deli ideal does is killed in that stam feed is of any clear or what happened there? exactly. this security. so right now we see that at least 121 people are dead and more than 200 people in doing it to stop it. i just seem to read this is catherine and the incident happened in the town to authorize the state of georgia for these. now looking to say that this priority happened because even was full crowd did, and there wasn't enough room for the deal with these flags with the police. so they went narrow exit a police gates. so the party said that the majority of the depth of wire that'll flew many children that way costs with supplication. duty, when this incident happened, image that was coming out sold, finally, dead bodies and trucks and bodies, least staff to add the medical center. they are now,
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this tragedy has read. the question is on the management for organizing. stop the big events. many of already calling that gets a man made tragedy. and it's even talking about plants from mr. moody and the leadership. all police are wrong with the comedy i'll have express bundled answers to the findings of the deceive. so to give you some more background, this particular risk of gathering was done in the honor of the look of some style got 9. this goldman was a former police officer and he has been holding such to and supported with decades now, and also has a huge following in that part of the country. she had been confirmed, we sent for a small number only, but that called the fine. any 2 enough for the event was too big to be accommodated in this place. i know some of the posts also stay periods that people felt on the ground was trying to collect what they were trying to collect. the sort of slide on me to go on man was leaving the venue and they come to the slides to be a secret. that's why this incident happened. some people a deal say that this tragedy resulted from authorities not taking safety protocol
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seriously. how are authorities handling the situation? now? this is surely the policies have given instructions for the officers to contact the kind of relief and the rescue operations. also, an investigation has been ordered into the incident, and the case has been filed against people who organize this event. now the, they have how the play numbers way announced uh for the general public so that they can seek assistance. so both states and central government have now is compensation off around 212 to 2200 year olds for the families of the fees for the families of pointing fingers at the local administration. saying that they did not tell us when they were looking for it. and we also heard several angry relate to was of the deceased, who blamed apologies for the mismanagement. so some of the families had to transport the allowed one right was in their own winkle as they were struggling to
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find the transport. so many claim that the forty's, though, for not having enough facilities in hospitals. i dialed thank you so much. that was our correspondent of deal, but in delhi you're watching the the, the news i'm terry martin. thanks for being with us. the each tells my story of the people who planned me build dedicated van lines to me. i am not too dumb depending on the online made in the centuries they billed me, they created something and had to watch as i brought destroyed. i have month my city's days for century.


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