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tv   Cured by Camel Nanobodies  Deutsche Welle  July 3, 2024 2:15pm-3:01pm CEST

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a house, it's new governments for the 1st time in 3 decades. south africa has sworn in cabinet ministers, representing a coalition governments as the ruling i and see ponti is forced to ship. and that's it from me and the names teen finale developers, in berlin, on me and the teen january 2021. the attack on the united states capital thousands of people took pods and among them. some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking. military leaders wanted us veterans turned their backs on democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming election? the enemy within starts to lie 12 on d, w. the
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camels have a reputation for being malcontents. nom is to be ingram. that alpaca is the best known for that high quality will coats all the most surprising that the expensive camilla di family has sparked a medical revolution. like so many medical revolutions, it began with a co, incidental discovery at the free university in brussels. the,
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the more precisely in the department of applied biological sciences says mon demands as part of a research team in 1999 headed by professor remo thomas, the modem items today often recounts the historic discovery to students. i will give you the story of the practical since we did 3035 years ago with the students. you all know, yvonne for the eating frick this and we did, bacteria are immune system. we generate antibodies against those bacteria. and so the anti bodies, they wouldn't bind to the bacteria and they're going to destroy the bacteria, the antibodies at key elements of the immune system
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that created specifically to detect and eliminate 4 and substances or antecedents. but got into our bodies the, on the day of the discovery professor homeless students would to isolate and identify anti bodies in blood. but the costs didn't get tough to a very good stops. well, we have our students that refused to donate, blocked, and they were also afraid from the brought to a point that colleagues, because if mike, based on the diamond age of tweet about dieties or h i v, and they feel stuck in a most for a stupid practical, so therefore, our said well, you know, we have seen in our freezes some brought from a drum with every blood from the one homes camel was used instead the,
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the dispute is got to work. but they were in for a surprise, alongside the plastic antibodies. the experiment revealed other anti bodies with the much lights and molecular weight the they have the only way to use both 90000. and that was surprising because normally, that wasn't never seen before in human in rabbit, in most inc broke of di, you name it. can you always have agencies with a multiple weight of 100? 60000 professor homeless students had stumbled upon a previously unknown anti body in a living creature. the anti body had just to poly peptide chains as opposed to the 4 in classic county bodies, giving it an unusually low molecular weight. the finding then has to be confirmed and repeat experiments. professor homeless used fresh blood samples from
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the brussels due to replicate the test. but not just with the blood, from campbell's, from lummus and i'll pack is to the result show that all the animals possessed. no, certainly the usual anti bodies, but also things really discovered many anti bodies scientist splendid with ease just the remains of a primitive immune system where they functioning antibodies to find out the research is needed not just mole blogs, but the whole camel. they needed to vaccinate it. in other words, injected with an anti gen a piece of an in activated virus for example. then they have to wait and see if the animals immune system would produce a response. using these unusual many antibodies, the,
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the scientists had to improvise the zoo animals couldn't be tapped a 2nd time. we didn't have any money anymore. and therefore, we have to ask of the condition that was americans to take a few outages in his luggage. and to visit this all day at the atlas mountain to immunize the drama there for his own clean was a farm. but as long ago, it was immunized viewing drama, done summer holiday movies a few times. so we close at one year and a half before we have anyone for about how did the dromedary use immune system react? did it produce many anti bodies specifically targeting the intruder? scientists wherever, eventually able to test the animal's blood. the message shown here used
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the color reaction to make the antibodies recognition of the anti gen visible the c or not. but if there was no reaction that would have meant that chemical couldn't produce and immune response to the end of june in to the vaccine that go to the office and going through the next hour. or you will be no point in continuing aria, the, the quantity the sample began to turn yellow about how finale into the experiment down. so was clear, the mini antibodies worked. the antibodies attach themselves to an outage into trigger and immune response and eliminate the intruder . but sash mood of minds made a crucial discovery when he looked at the very tip of the camel anti bodies, a variable pot can adapt to any kind of virus bacteria or other anti gen and attach
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itself to it, the more them and showed that the antibodies tip could be separated from the rest without harming it's diminish school. antibody fragments proves can also need to be true resistance, but it's binding capabilities remained fully intact. the tip is what's known as a nano body structure that no, you don't get access to trigger and immune response, but to size resistance and binding properties make it an extremely promising tool. so medical science david dental center, they never forget something like that. it's like with both of you 1st child, but opinion if it gets all the data and his baby was soon ready to leave the university lab and, and to field research. but 1st ash mon demands and colleagues remo from us and
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say, see a custom on peyton to the discovery in 1993, giving them the so rights to commercial development for 20 years. then they published the discovery in the science general nature. the day be for the small hamlet. antibody with a detachable head for such as and deliberate trees around the world responded among them i lived in most say from structural by ologist allow, who says begin studying the new antibody. as soon as he found out about it the same way they have to do that for us to, to at this here and marcy, that the 1st not over the structure was modeled in parallel with our colleagues in brussels, south carolina. we could see the sheets that gives the most to its properties. i do
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need either precisely anything to them. or there were 3 large loops, a bit like 3 fingers. so i thought that i could grasp and to generate a key, so it didn't work. he's more of a new condo it on his end. he knows even more now, thanks to progress in scientific modeling, but it's been confirmed. it's an atomic level that the know tips binding power is this precise and effective assess of, of plastic antibody. so nobody can book with that to 14, the existing auto body, like many protein 1st step is composed of various areas that are more or less flat, a hollow and bumpy. and these hollows and bumps, there are the bumps and hollows of the empty gen c on the 2 molecules fit into one another. and thanks to the perfectly complimentary shapes, their surfaces making, their content, what that data so fast about the fact that they still hold on it to me fitness i think that i've shown since that deal. and if we take a closer look at this interaction on that, if you look at this atomic structure, we can see that the atoms really do touch each other of these relatively strong
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bonds between an oxygen as a nitrogen active that binding the entire antibodies onto the engine, he killed off the surface. complementarity is in nanometers. we're talking 10 to the power of minus 10 meters. don't quit, and that's the magic of natural biology saved him on to that. i'm not sure either that or the energy the to the tip is atomic high tech about a miniscule vehicle ready for use at any time of the stuff scientists dream of the discovery that required a large dose of free lock. the history of science is full of accidental breakthroughs over such that produced unexpected results from aspirin to dynamite, x rays,
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and the structure of dna. all these coincidental discoveries came from a mix of good luck and ingenuity, retiring phenomenon known as serendipity, the and the origin of this term is for this anti body. quite surprising. it refers to a 16th century passion fairytale, that recounts a journey made by the sweet princess of 7 dead and how they were able to precisely describe the characteristics of a camel the traveled to reach before the. the combination of count substations and insights resulted in serendipity. and now once again, the camel is the stop the
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cook, but the discovery of the accommodated nun ability has also raised many questions. could they actually be used on humans work or a piece of complications? could be developed and marketed or says more demands prefer to lease the answers to others. your articles go to school. the school shit the to assume what they think of it too much of a scientist, a. and i didn't want to get involved in projects leading to commercial product with them with the i wasn't interested them as you stop talking to me, i said, follow over. just you to stand on that with the economic movements has never looked back though he did keep to l pack as from the adventure there, i need you to now is to keep the gross and he so what should trend say? this is pasco itself, and that's a popular stuck with bob bluff bucklin poplar to consume carcass. the 2 rows of
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it's through is escaping the bomb. the gas, these 2 is escaping from the middle of it found the night. the one is optic them. so it was in belgium, the nano bodies potential applications were 1st explode on some a stomach machine capabilities came to light and then a few of n t conducts research at the university whether or not it bodies with us discovered in 2014, to begin to focus on the disease that's read, but still lee, so strikes it's caused by bacillus versus a complex and relatively under studied bacterium. the, the 1st time we hear about trucks is in the bible, it was the 5th flake of,
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as you just say, that it has been always, there is, this is really affecting or warm blooded animal including that. so it spread everywhere in the words. and there are 3 be some way to get things to infections, like skeen respect, sorry, and in the gulf. and that'll be in fiction cause of systemic in the blog. and then it's really, really difficult to be treated as instructs infection via the respiratory system is particularly deadly. so deadly. in fact, the seats inspired biological weapons projects in the 2nd world war. it's nearly 2 weeks since the 1st track of tax in the united states. the circumstantial evidence is low, american is leading the authorities to investigate possible links between the anthrax and a solid. been loves, network 5 people in the us actually died from left to is laced with and strikes in 2001. so how can we protect ourselves that exceed, yeah,
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so this is let us to class security by law. and what design instructors even look like. how, how caught on the 4th and then send them in again she was interested in one specific characteristic of the bacteria. this is positive or some charges. it's so long. say muscle lie. it's makes change made of the data. they are covered by anata more that is made of little pieces that are trophies. it works so i can make those kind of them. and if you remove the item or the bacteria are getting a signal at austic and they are not defending more. and i came out with the idea that, well,
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what if i can discharge these are the thoughts turned to the non i bodies discovered by how university colleagues might they be able to use them in a school size to infiltrate the bacteria? is alma like tiny messiahs that code for a nama? the protein that makes up the bacteria is um, uh, was injected into the beast. and after a few months, the nama had created nano bodies, specifically targeting this protein field of anti, then introduced, and then their bodies to the answer. i expect tyria the results were astonishing. those of the known cheese themselves, you see they have these uh, as most shape. but when you treat them we did not know bodies based factory to wrinkle. and then they, we collapse. they were able to stop the flow thing to make the armor. and without the support of its exoskeleton, the bacterium fills the pots. so it's really liked the nano bodies are the key of
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the story going between the i'm, we're and these assembled just and that nobody was possible because of the size, the, that success come to, to test and nobody's in the vibe. in other words, on living mice, them, i swear infected with on trucks and then getting the nano bodies twice a day for 6 days. well, i really, so they weren't going to die on a sleeve. me and my colleague of sleep fluids doing experiments. and then the my subject to to get better, get better, but getting better. and on sunday morning i get this cold from sleep like so. why is that, why, why the control room? but oh, then i remember really i started jumping. i was like, maybe my ph, i'm having remco and i expected something likely to is because,
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oh my god and you said something, is this, this isn't, this is huge, is that it's worse. so one of the best days of my life this opens up really a lot of light over stairs and also the opening of new foss with treatment for under my kids that have such a higher. this is huge versus in the belgian city of kent when not able to use have enjoyed the most spectacular success. this is the headquarters of abilene, a start top founded in 2001 to develop applications for college, not a bodies scientific success story. the discovery of a special type of small anti bodies and candidates, sparked decades of innovation. and it led to the foundation of abilene is in 2000 dead one at that time, the small anti body, what's the name?
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amount of body and the start of the company have then at police. so it is a 15 is blink, 6 flow to potential applications for various types of diseases. investors gradually began seeing the advantages of using calculating non abilities. and in 2018 they hit the jackpot. the goal process i know situated pulse, it was a good investment it out the well. who hosted meetings to 3900000000 euros and amount equivalent to the promise held in the timing on their bodies. the 1st actual use was a drug center fee began selling in 2019 caps decision map. ready a drug to bottles an auto immune blood disorder that's very red, but faithful in 90 percent of cases, if left untreated, a t t p. the
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nationally suffers from the disease acquired from both takes from the side to peanut poor poor. today thanks to capt decision map. she's in the class. she's returning to the hospital for a checkup with profess a couple an a t t piece specialist because of treatment work the summer. yes. very well overall. ok on it on us. everything's really back to normal. now we just need to check every 3 months and probably for the rest of your life a lot faster. it is so that you also did multi it from walk a all past the i just and all that stuff to get bruiser. so my body is a pizza, no reason for the they stuff is on my legs and then gradually all his,
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all you to buy literally stuff is moving up. is suited to swamp, which is up to several feet. i suppose i bashed into something and so not realize it because i'm very active. i'm a primary school teacher so so do juggling my children are very young is i'm fine. i'm always moving around to her. it's happened over a couple of weeks. it's an eyesore to see if it smells like, hey, something's wrong and is because the bruise is starting to appeal my oh yeah, i had a huge one of my hand and i'll see if i thought to myself is on that. there's something wrong. tricity a christmas to them for having to talk to matter the key. it's a disease that's linked to the formation of small clots in the vessels of emotion organs, typically the brain and the heart, but also the digestive tract and the kidneys. and if we do nothing, the organs fail, then the patient dies on gun. uh my for months is any spa opportunity. my not
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the no, no body c count, the blood proteins involved in the disorder detach themselves. they replace the platelets that cause the blood clubs and prevent them from company to come and live, not able to use, make it possible to attacks the diseases and know what kings associated kip, this is us since we added capitalism. abdul plasma exchange and other immune suppressive treatments, patient responses, nachos and pastor, it's also long last angle. that's what's new to the 2nd month. no, on the out of it this off, thanks to this. we can now stop plasma exchange much sooner than before. currently, we estimate that with the addition of capital susan that we can cut treatment time in half lashona dysfunction some of the to none of the bodies. and now such an integral parts of medical research that that
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origin in the calculated immune system is often overlooked. the well gave camels, these unique superpowers, the native vienna, austria permanent book studies, the genetics of the very ancient camella di family choose a specialist on the origins of the cumberlands which have undergone surprising changes during that evolution. the camel originated in the northern america and it was about maybe like 40 to 45000000 years ago at the very beginning to very, very small like a goat and um, over the millions of years developed into different camel types. lie to a smaller thoughts around 50000000 years ago. they split into the tool on
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images, name least, the new wealth camels, into old, solid candidates, and the new world kimberly they migrated down to the southern america, which i represent that now by the nama. i park of the, we're not going to be cornea, and the old little campbell stay migrate. it varies via the very lens preach to asia and from the out in to africa, of the illusion of the nano bodies. it's it also very, very old development must have been older even than 15000000 years ago because both kimberly niches have it. so the system does not know bodies must have developed before display of these totally ditches. they have developed over the millions of years, very successful mechanisms to fight against diseases. then
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no need for lucian has left it small come the species. but white cabinets in particular, i would to face by chance. a lot of it will. lucian thing happened by chance trial and error. so something which has been successful survived and evolved. and if it was too much, if it cost to keep, then it would have been abandoned again by the species. but why other mammals would not have developed the same strategy? i don't know. the cumberlands may still have the other secrets, but for now that sharing the benefits of their immune system with humans, these i'll pack us for the king, the paris belong to the us. the cheapest, they play an active role in some major research,
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the immuno. they're just p f. i is the ship it to the small research heard the kick off, the adults interested in cumberland antibodies about 20 years ago because of professor how much work in brussels this week said. all the people 1st thought it was funny that we were working with our package. so as of now it's become so important that everybody understands remote infection. they've seen them against various proteins, really against outside was in particular, how did you come home to pull you up? once the facts and nights it would take a blood samples of continual work in the line of credit you sold to please continue at 5 a. then we leave the animals alone for a couple of years. so you'll notice from key to phone, don't please use that, okay with them. now if you 2 years of peace and quiet,
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the next step, extracting from those few sentences of blood, the anti bodies, the animal has produced in response to the protein characteristics. the outside is disease fuels and it doesn't have to have several 1000000 anti bodies. louis passed developed the rabies vaccine, and these buildings in the 18 eighty's. and the institute continues to work on promising treatments. thanks to it, sell pack has many antibodies. the book fair, these on to call a 4 call we can make antibodies against cause a to see again seek and recently against monkey pox. so we can make the make and stuff. and brain cells flatten the containment receptors on us up to include my research focuses on now. so i'm just a big, we're trying to extract the young people, the specific to outside the school, the diagnostic, and eventually for treatment will call for the different let's take a look for that to help with the nano bodies that could
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recognize some of the diseases degenerative characteristics, and in this case, nobody specifically produced by elpac cuz the, the 1st stage is to extract the dna from all the nano bodies in the blood sample and then introduce it to the bacteria dual credit. oh yeah. i mean, yeah, direct can we have 1000000000 bacteria consigning the dna encoding for about 100000000 nano antibodies? we call the phil is we selection method so that we gradually isolate the 10 best amount of bodies if it to the email and then don't keep cool. do lunches and do the the, the selection is ruthless. they 1st use
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a virus that can eliminate 99 percent of them suitable not able to use the remaining 1000 candidates to attend as a, to a robots which one by one tests their ability to identify the outside that protein . the entire process takes around 3 months just to if the original $100000000.00. none of the bodies remain standing the, the chose and unable to use it, then taken to the us, the to do several, the power sprain institute to help conduct research and outside this p a p. i. left size antibodies are always eagerly awaited, especially by adults, have been why the lead to who is exploring new methods of diagnosing the disease. the
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outside mis directly affects the brains, neural communication network, the, the formation of protein deposits, known as i'm annoyed. cox looks the flow of information, but the disease also causes the new runs themselves to degenerate and die. the outside is initially effects memory before closing irreversible damage in the other areas of the brain. for treatment to be effective outside this must be diagnosed as early as possible. the goal is to detach the amyloid cracks that build up in the patient, sprains from the stopped the into the nano bodies. but that responsiveness must 1st be tested
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to die. so footage doesn't want to go much more quickly. mia is quite interesting to include the 2 anti bodies really work very well, and this one recognizes the amyloid blacks. and so i've done some tagging on a transgenic mouse that's full of amyloid flags and that you can see they're all tactic to this really resembles what we see in the brains of alzheimer's patients. idol to guard. the anti body is very precise and we recognize there's only one thing. there's no background noise, so take a look if it really is perfect. and the other anti body recognizes the 2nd classic lesion of alzheimer's disease, ero, 5 blurry tangles. dr. glenn is useful. you can see that all the lesions have been carefully detected. and most of the naval campus people go, which is the memory center for humans and animals. and you can also see all the time you are on is recognized by the body. or when you follow the logical the 1st experiment was conducted on brain tissue extracted from mice. it will now
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be repeated on living animals. to delete the most there under the microscope on the aim is to see if the nano bodies can cross the blood brain barrier. speaking by yeah, keep them in assets. name suggestions is a body or the isolates the brain from the plot through fi on. so if it's the blood carries pathogens, talks that molecules that mustn't enter the brain, that they're inside of this battery or is that important molecules like anti bodies, count the process to go, except maybe cml it onto body is the small size is the key. trouble sauce and claim you can see for now it's very flag inside. you can just start to make some shapes appearing and real time you can see the active for the exit. the vessel is crossing the blood brain barrier and it will gradually spread and gather at the sight of the amyloid flax and it's a community where they pick any to enjoy the job. that's cool. and you can see the
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products clearly low some old attacking is done by the anti bodies. but this time sits within vehicles were enough to slice unimaginable just a few years ago. the technology opens up new opportunities for treating outside this disease system, the sea level to call these nano anti bodies or nano bodies, but clearly have a feature by combining them with elements that can be picked up on an m r. i will be able to carry out early, high resolution diagnoses on patients through the city bus here, as well as monitor of various therapies on the regression of these lesions. no, nothing is going to say these are these are high hopes in the fight against a disease that afflicts hundreds of thousands each year in europe and an estimate to $10000000.00 worldwide. but none of my buddies can go even further
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and highlight all the processes that occurred deep inside the human body, the fluids, they schwartzbar wants to use the nano bodies, tiny size to infiltrate living cells and monitor what goes on inside them. a joke that requires a slight upgrade to the not able to use the nano bodies are invisible. since we can see them, we must make them visible. we link the nano bodies with a small source and protein to make a chroma body histidine, coma fluorescent. and then a body that makes it possible to navigate within cells and ups of some of the biological processes live. since these are dynamic processes taking place inside sales,
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and that's where the chroma body has the additional advantage of functioning and living cells. the cells processes can be displayed and the dynamic modifications within can be visualized in real time and don't want to visit the side. here's what i can see. inside the cell, the chrome, a body binds itself to a its target. it traces the targets come tools and reveals its movements. i see you see that we can see the chroma body, the signal of a chroma body, that is bound itself to the h i. v virus. we can observe and find detail how the h i v virus attaches itself to a sales plasma membrane and it's been discharged to infect, to neighboring cells. i'm not able to send it to you from my body's are already used today to study the effect of 2nd drugs on cells in particular for cancer treatments. you see for an hour or stephen. all right,
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and you can also see a criminal body in the living cancer cell, the chroma body collides with the nuclear membrane. so we can observe the division of this cancer cell. it's an important process the most, for example, if we want to now develop a drugs that prevents cancer cells from dividing, we can test them in the cell line. we will know immediately at what moment and then what quantities of drug stops this cancer cell minute. and we can see it in real time on this kind of monster tongue lies mitchell flu. so this is what this helps us choose medicines at a very early stage and saves money and the development of new active ingredients and expulsion none the abilities of the graces, total income, so treatment of $18000000.00 new counts the cases, the diagnosed every year of nearly 10000000 people die from the disease.
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most current cancer treatment, slack precision, the chemotherapy attacks no certainty, cancer cells, but healthy ones too, were such as they're looking for more targeted therapies. and none of the bodies have become a new precision weapon in the fight against cancer. the, the number of potential applications is growing. so i'm a designed to inhibit to cim as gross, while others destroy the cancer cells. a strategy adopted by belgian stop, per se rex it relies on no body special ability to bind on to other molecules to form a bond with a radioactive isotopes. the treatment is still in the test face,
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but some potential uses already being assessed in clinical trials. here in a 1st stage then then a body is being added to a trace so that he's very slightly radioactive. it's mission to seek out disease cells and attach itself to them. here we say an x and i remember floats with a high uptake and hair. as we can see, the rest pleases also very good uptake on the tray sooner than anybody's target is a protein called her to that's a characteristic of 2nd types of cancer. for us, it's very important to know if there is a higher her to expression in the tumor and then the bestest as of the tumor. in the past, i pick a new flows because we know in that way,
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if this patient will respond to therapy or another advantage as it to allows the treatment to be tailored to the nature of the cancer. however, that was such as a long term goal is to equipped and not able to use, but the phone will power, full, radioactive payload. so the nano will be east present into 2 more. but the few couple, the same nano will be with that. so if you to create your eyes a to so you will, you read the aids to, to more and so the cancer cells, so specifically targeting to, to more cells while spreading to the healthy tissue. what you want the small size is very beneficial for this approach. once you administer it to a patient, if use a screw too much to, to hurry fast. on the other hand, of course you're working with the very potent radio as it took for therapy take use . and you don't want the friction that he's not bound on the to mark to stay along in the body. and because of the small size you to clear out very fast from the body,
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which is perfect for the safety. now the young style top must complete the extensive series of required tests to guess it's treatments approved to the clinical studies to prove that their drug is safe and a fetus from all the way from the camel. if you want all to the patients and the told so our need to take more than 10 years, i'm not able to use have the potential to revolutionize therapies and diagnostic procedures now and in the future. the growing number of companies offering custom made nono bodies is proof in itself the along with the physical and chemical benefits. the single domain, anti bodies are also especially lights and inexpensive to produce these practical
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and economic advantages make them affordable. so many for such labs, stimulating innovation, the candidates may look very unassuming, but them must us a minute to rising antibodies, which has made them into the kings of biotech. something. no one could have predicted. the facts that should cheer camels unplug, as unlike the
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of the free time saving indigenous medicinal plum from extinction, jeanette to kyra key on those goals. these plans have such a powerful effect that they can even fight to malaria. a success story full of the agent. co africa being fussy minutes. oh d w. too many visitors
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is screening communities and the environment. the c o 2 emissions by cruise ships are a major problem. can tourism be current without economic losses made in germany? in 19 minutes on d w, the we say they're about never giving up every weekend on dw, the
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a this is the, the news live from bell end of the month's wrangling south africa as its new government. for the 1st time and 30 years south africa has sworn in cabinet ministers representing a coalition government as the ruling and the policy is forced to shed con, also coming on turkey is goal scoring heroes use this is free to put the nation into the euro. 20 full quarter finals while using as homes to start contribute the
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