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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 4, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the business, the, the news life from berlin, joe biden vows to stay in the race for the white house. the us president goes on the offensive, attempting to reassure tom democrats. he is fit for re election. this as the white house denies reports, he's even considered dropping out. also coming out britons center left the labor party, a peer set for a landslide victory and thursday's parliamentary elections. after 14 years of conservative rule and hurricane barrel lashes, jamaica with spears,
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winds and heavy rain. the record breaking storm is now on his way to the cayman islands where people are preparing for the work. the welcome to the program on the call fairly, or the white house says us president joe biden is not reconsidering his decision to run for another term. an office fine is under increasing pressure to step aside after his for performance and a head to head debate. and donald trump. last week, democrats have begun to openly express their concerns about biden's ability to do the job following a series of public symbols in recent months. well, here's a white house, both person carino appear at responding to a new york times report suggesting buying was way and not whether to continue as
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one. what i can say is the president is moving forward. he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very, very clear about that. that's what i can, that's what i can speak to. and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. the president's focus is, how does he continue to do that? work and anything else that we're hearing or that's being reported is absolutely false. earlier i spoke to rachel rizzo, a non resident senior fellow at the atlanta council in washington, and i asked her if this really was dominating the political discourse in the us right now. well, i think, you know, it's, it happens in, in cycles, right? new cycles last for a few days and then something else takes it over. but this really has dominated headlines for coming up on a week now. and the hope is that he'll be able to talk to people on his campaign,
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reassure them. this is what he did earlier today or yesterday he got on a call with folks on his campaign, letting him know that he is capable of doing this job. but he does not intend to step back. he how to call the democratic governors tonight. in fact, he might even be on that call. now i think it was such a start at $630.00 reassuring democratic governors around the country that he is fit and able to do this job. so it has some, what do you round it over the last week or so it's really taken over headlines. the hope is that, uh, that doesn't last too much longer, and he's able to break the ship from here on out here. but when trump is going to do whatever it takes to avoid that, if you focus in your research on the trans atlantic relationship and this issue is of course, also being closely followed in europe. how do you think america's allies feel about the possibility of finding dropping out of the race? look, i think anyone who watched that debate on thursday,
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certainly america's allies, were probably a little bit nervous. but the fact is that biden, as he has said before, he tells the truth, he didn't tell it well last week. but nonetheless, he, he did, he did tell the truth, and that is one thing that i think set him apart from donald trump. his, his debate was sort of spewed with, with wise and false words. and um, you know, it's, it's sort of a difficult sell to allies across the pond that the, the trump presidency would be good for them. i think it's clear that it wouldn't. the good news is that we have the 75th anniversary nato summit coming up next week here in washington. it's going to be a massive stage of $32.00 leaders from nato countries. i think 37 world leaders and all so by and really has a chance, i think, to show the world the, the president that he is. and i sort of allocate concerns from,
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from people in, in europe that might be nervous at this point in time. this is rachel rizzo from the atlantic council. thank you so much for all those insights. 6 and onto the u. k. now where voters are due to deliver a verdict on 14 years of government violence center, right, conservative party. all polls points to deep dissatisfaction with the current government under prime minister wishes to knock and predict a strong wind for cure stormers center left the labor party in thursday's parliamentary elections. it'll be as charlotte sales and pillow report to form a new government will be the mission of the government. i lead 5 prime ministry, 14 years of conservative government, and now the u. k. appears to be heading for change with the case dom is since the last labor policy on costs for a historic victory. well, we off now humbly is the opportunity to change our
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country a put you back in the service of working people just 5 years ago when divorce johnson, the concept of policy, were unbeatable. but a series of scandals and criticism over its handling of coverage and the economy is seen as popularity plummet. it receives the next election campaign. plagues by missteps, hasn't helped something with that. now it's the question to choose. it's the prime minister, according the election in the pouring rain or risk going back to square one with no, i know, so it's due next policy is now 20 points behind stone. this latest policy, the sure it's called slave, is fighting to prove it has a credible plan and can be trusted with the economy and fewer excited biases lead to take a look at the polls and you will see a country that's hungry for change, but speak to people here on the streets and you'll find the moods actually pretty
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bleak trust in politics is low and dissatisfaction running high, leaving many hed unconvinced that change will come. i don't think anyone's. got any real face. the, whichever policy comes in next is gonna make a massive impact. it's a matter of pleasing the best amongst a bad bunch. we're probably politics and the new guy has been pretty badly served ever since we made the bad decision for breaks it. i think looking so if i don't a lot of things wrong, i don't think they're going to i don't think a lot people are going to say give them the world is watching the reflection that foreign policy is known to the center of the find more friends with the difference between the main policies on issues like the cranes posts or the economy migration and health care of people's top consents. so you case facing a cost of living crisis, migration figures of hit record highs in recent years. and the health services
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struggling under the pressure of massive waiting lists. when the election results come in people, roles, it'd be watching noise you for ongoing everybody, the architect breaks it and hasanti immigration reform, u. k. perfect. why are they seeing a search and supports which could shape the future person's political landscape? the big question is whether they take a lot of votes of the conservatives to the point where persons oldest political party, the conservative is shrunk down to not even being the main opposition who has the forms. the next government faces a long list of difficult challenges, not least restoring the face of a weird republic. and in other news, south africa's 1st coalition government, since the end of apartheid, has been sworn and presidents around them poses african national. congress was forced to join with 10 rival parties after failing to achieve an outright majority in elections back in may. the cabinet is made up of 6 parties. most positions are
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held by the amc and its long time arrivals of the central's democratic alliance of as confused. russian president vladimir putin has told chinese leaders changing, paying that the relationship between their 2 countries is much stronger than ever. they match on the sidelines of the to day shanghai cooperation organization summit and the cadillac in the capital. donna fergus, president, ridge of type are the one who's also there, told bruton that uncle could help both sides reach there. he's in the war in ukraine to the middle east. now, where has the law says it fired more than a 100 rockets at is really physicians on wednesday that there were no reports of casualties. the are on back militant group says it's a soft, was in retaliation for and is railing drones dry and killed. one of the senior commanders in southern lebanon on these pictures, posted on social media, are sent to show the aftermath of the attack. there has been cross border fighting
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between israel and the militants since the start of the war and gaza. this is the 2nd time in recent weeks that an is really your strike has killed a, has the commander the w's very rude purity. well, how much re talk me through the significance of this latest strikes to what the situation is, escalating again on the news is right in the front desk as belong lunged, return the to the attacks on its way of following the coming off. it's seen the amenities to go home a lawsuit also known as a bu, now me and this is the, this was quite expected, this a retaliation. and this intensity given the significance and importance and higher rank of the killed military commander. and also it is the 3rd military figure senior military figure killed by his while since the beginning of this consultation 1st, we saw almost to lean back in january and the toddler of delight in mid june. and
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now, mohammed, not a sudden, every assassination was followed by a big environment escalation that last of 4 weeks and seemed to reach the point of an all out war between the adversities. this has been from think diplomatic efforts, particularly from an us friends and in germany. i've been so far successful in pressuring all parties to avoid the large scale war. so now we are anticipating the large and a in the intensity. and the, as kate, of this round of escalation between has bland as with hurricane barrow, it continues along its destructive path through the caribbean. the category for a storm has killed at least 9 people. so far and officials say the death toll will likely increase as communications come back online in the affected areas. in jamaica, high winds up rooted trees and ripped off roofs,
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while heavy rains caused flash flooding. and then the cayman islands residents forwarded a windows and preparation for the storm, which is expected to hit them next. or it came. beryl is expected to slow down over the next day or 2, but remain as or near hurricane strength. earlier i spoke with media rutledge's to matthew poochie on the us east coast, and i asked him how dangerous the coming hours are going to be for those in the past of the hurricane. i know the, i'm all it either ring of waves is great. loan is the force of the island likely contain waves or 150 to 170 kilometers per hour. any other issue to they're getting on shore. winds likely person is your one to 3 years of seawater, causing a dangerous version of the coast line. in addition, very heavy rains were between 10 and 25 centimeters 1000 inland, fresh water flooding and most sliced to in the hires rain really all fast. it's a very hazardous system and likely the 1st major hurricane to come this close to jamaica since 1988 last fall usually causes
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a hurricane to the k. quite quickly. does that mean we'd expect barrow to slow down? after heating mexico's, you can talk it as on friday. yes, i think right now the next 36 hours was in roswell. we getting trend ordinarily after getting a place like jamaica with that hydra range of target circulation apart. we see more . we any, especially with disruptive upper level of wins right here. this isn't a part, but one thing is the caribbean, just so incredibly hot with water temperature is above average and really above 3 degrees celsius. which reason, even though the system is trying to weaken en route to the units, and it still has too much energy to draw on from a low nothing. by the time it gets to either 10 next go sometime between thursday night and friday morning you can cube and will legacy category one wins. maybe. category 2 wins. guess either side of say, you know, 140150 kilometers per hour and the less reserved by the end of the wild card. what happens when the system gets to the cause of mexico?
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there might be a settled window for re intensification and perhaps wrap it investigation and areas from san pico mexico all the way to brownsville, texas has to be on our we don't have much time, but i do want to ask you, you know, we talked about at how barrow is record breaking in so many ways? what does that tell us about the hurricane season? ahead? yes, it's not easy. we have a couple of different factors that play number one. water temperature is due to for sales. these above average, your reference on case inclusive temper know rather than june or july. the other thing too, thanks for letting you know more of moving air and weaker upper level leads me any . we won't hear a storm systems apart or 2nd more storm disease and more strong storm the season and more their phones are rapidly intensified once again as they are ologist matthew chronology. thank you so much. thank you. and with that, you are all up to date, but to stay with us after a short break, they have a documentary on what happened to the building that used to house the headquarters
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of the former g. d. r. secret police, the saucy, if you're looking for the latest headlines or analysis, there is always our website, dw, dot com and make sure to also follow us on social media. our handle, there is the that we you news for now though from all of us here in our berlin headquarters. thanks for your company. by the january 2021. the attack on the united states capital, thousands of people took pods and among them. some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking military leaders. wanted us veterans 10 the backs on democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming election? the enemy within stuff to lie. 12 on d w the in september.


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