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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news line from balance. a landslide victory for the u. k. is labor policy makes k a stop up. the new prime minister off country has focused decisively fold shape. dominant as number 10 downing straight to a close off to his centre left process takes the reins income for the almost all seeds. concepts. labor now has a super majority of losing the conservative some power off the 14 years plus hung gary and prime minister victor old on states has was thought of it, puts you in on what he calls a piece submission to moscow. the trip draws criticism from the federal european
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leaders who refused to talk with the russian president. and germany is national team warms up for what will likely be the toughest match of the euro. 2024 foot full to them. and yes, they're facing formidable space. and stuff the on the how the elf is welcome to the program. president's new prime minister can't stop it has begun building his government is analysis a number of top cabinet positions, including rachel reeves as finance minister, the 1st woman ever to hold that position. stomach labor policy, one the election with a landslide victory speaking outside number 10, downing street, the prime minister said his country was all ready for changed of the 14 years of conservative party ro i get off the news. i have just returned from buckingham
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palace where i accepted the invitation from his majesty the king to full the next couple months of this great nation. the need to find out going 5 minutes to receive food on his chief monday. as the 1st participation, prime minister of all country, the extra effort that will have required should not be underestimated by anyone. we'd pay tribute to that today. as we recognize the dedication on hall walk, he brought to his leadership. but now off country has voted decisively for change for national renewal,
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100 ton of politics to public service. the dw correspondence, the biggest boss was as daunting street when k as tama, to live at that address. and she described the atmosphere that really lots of happy faces. the whole street here, the whole dining street was lined with people. and they, they tried to come closer and closer to, to say a kid. and he, i think hugged as many people as he could in case the to read and support as i think he, he was just much more happy. uh then i seen him during the election campaign you see much more much most showing allowing use the human side of my loading, his emotions to shine through he, during the election campaign, he could sometimes seem a little bit to do and then one didn't always get the feeling that he was able to read through to people, but in these agreements, he was as happy as ever i can imagine. now wanted some, a focus on,
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in his 1st speech to the nation as prime minister he said he was going to put country before policy and really emphasize the sense of service, of dedication to the country that he has must think he wants to build a culture all so the conservative party was ruled here for 14 years and 2 in the and we didn't have the trust of the bridge both as anymore bridge. both of us thought they were incompetent and they did not trust them. they were apologies. yeah. and downing street during look done during coasted. and the thing that really was what's how it made for, for bridges, people on the scope of the crumbling, which is public services on top of the problems with the economy. all of this was basically on cap, sealed in and kissed on the speech when he said we wants to golf on for everyone. and he wants to basically try and build up the trust of british focus again. now
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what does the rest of the day look like? forced um or will it begin to a point his cabinet to you thank of the that's what we're expecting. that would usually happen. so we will have ministers. future tell them is the cabinet ministers coming in to the openings read one by one being appointed one by one personally by his stomach. also, he will be expected to talk to lots of international leaders, taking phone calls, congratulations from international leaders, but also actually, quite a sobering, he will have to write. and that's what would happen in the case of the nuclear attack or of over in the tech comes through. so it's quite a lot of really important, mostly happy, but maybe also some. so bring moments here for him and dining streets, bigot mazda reporting from london, where to install i was just taken office as a prime minister of thank you very much,
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big it so an overwhelming victory for kids, thomas, labor potty and a bit of rejection of nearly a decade and a half of conservative through historic returning to labor will. it seemed inconceivable. it's just a few years ago when labor suffered their worst defeats since the 19 thirty's. but here's time or turn the party arrive and pulling it to the political center. while capitalizing on the failings of 3 conservative prime ministers, he says the next governments brief is clear. the full, the on around the from 3 helps focus on the ready for change to end the politics of performance. a return to politics of public service, but change pickens right here because this is your democracy, your community as your future. you have folks here. it is now time for us
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to deliver. thank you very much. ritchie soon ack managed to retain his parliamentary seat, but resigned from the top spot to the country. i would like to say, 1st and foremost, i am sorry. i have given this jolts my own. but you have sent a clear signal to the government of the united kingdom must change, and yours is the only judgment that matches. i have heard your anger, your disappointment, and i take responsibility for this loss. he then made his way to buckingham palace, to submit his resignation to the king. many are welcoming the new political landscape. i've seen the bunch of incense of job is also safe,
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so they'll be more of what they've shown in the country. i'm getting so excited for some reason because they need jobs and i think i think the country needs it. others are skeptical of just how much change this new government can bring about. i think the change that the government offices to so out the route why so it's a big jump for the gate. so the leader of the right wing populist reform party nigel thrush won his parliamentary seat, his 8th attempt to be elected. his supporters appear to it. i am relating the right wing vote contributing to the worst ever conservative defeat in modern times. and so as i say, cuz list trusts you will come, she pretends shortest serving prime minister, became the 1st farmer pm to lose her seat in
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a century. number 10, along with its famous very residents, laurie, the cat now stands, paused to welcome britons and next prime minister and a new chapter in u. k. politics. well, let's talk about this new chapter. a new k politics with are important as far as going to. you've been across this whole rock sizing a day today. may i ask you keeps telling me to do the campaign. he kept talking, rob mccloud, in the about change, change change, and in his address he said many times probably was talking about public service change and public service. so what, what does he mean? but it won't change because this is the 1st time in 14 years that labor have actually got into power. and because during those 14 years on the conservative rule, they have been 5 different prime ministers. i'm not going to name them
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a lot of. it's a lot of change. i'm not going to name them all, but let's just mention a couple bars. johnson was one of them in the and he got kicked out by his own policy because of his policy gates scandal. he was up and seeing, having o at least was aware of policies being held in downing street junior during cove. it when everyone else looks down. the 2nd person we just sold the list trust. she was prime minister for $44.00 days. and in that time managed to blow up the economy . so that is why a kissed on was talking about change and also talking about service saying that we will now serve the public. we all have for you. we are pushing country 1st before we're pushing policy. basically saying, unlike concrete, assess is the conservatives. now, how does that look in practice? then what do you see? what is this donald promising that he he'll do? that's a very good question because as we know, the labor manifesto was not exactly full of ideas. it was all quite vague. a we do
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know that they need to do something about deteriorating public services. they want more teachers, they want more nurses, more doctors, they want to see more houses built because there's a huge housing crisis. the problem is, how are they going to pay for it because there is no money and kissed all my has made it very clear. along with his finance minister, rachel reeves, a woman, they made it very clear that they're not going to stop taxing individuals. so they're going to try and cross the money back. for example, from the sales tax on private school fees, or making sure that no domiciled brits are actually paying taxes. and they want to see more gross. but really, it's not going to be enough cash to, to pay for all the things that they want to do. that is a very big question. and also if we're looking at a foreign policy, it's very clear that on the case tom at the labor policy wants to restore and amend ties. particularly with europe off to that very difficult breaks it vote which
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pulled the u. k. out of the e u. a now that will be down to david's, allow me the new foreign minister. he will be one of the people who will be tasked with trying to mend those the that relationship. let's talk about the breakthrough . i'm all of the reform party and they were surgeons of, of module for raj. uh, what does that parties stand for, and why could it be a prep, a new for us and british quotes. so let's just understand what the policy is. so the reform policy is headed by nigel fraud. he is a populist right wing politician friends with trump. so he definitely a comes from that side of politics. he used to be a, an m e p. so he was a member of parliament for the european parliament, very. your skeptic is basically because of him that the u. k. came out of the you,
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he basically forced breaks it upon a conservative government and this referendum. and he is now doing everything that he can to try to pretty much as he said, bring down some of those conservatives. he wants to make sure that immigration is going to come down. he doesn't like that. he wants to make sure that they're all going to be a whole lot of changes. he and his policy actually got 15 percent of the vote, but the only translated into 4 seats. why? because the british political system is a little bit different to others. there was no proportional representation, and that is something also that he and his policy say needs to change because they say that they are entitled to many more, 6 impala and they want to see a real different survey was sent to the phone in the side, not just for the conservatives, but also for this new labor government and allows the states for thank you very much. so as far as buying renting that as the hon gary,
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i'm finding the civic to old on as met with russian president vladimir putin in moscow on the hills of orleans trip to ukraine. put in, received open at the kremlin and said he was ready to discuss so called new offices of peace proposals to end his war in ukraine. hungry just took over the use rotating presidency and the visit as being heavily criticized by you. leaders who say old bond has no mandates to speak for the block or bond has been critical of the you for its reluctance to pressure you crane into the go see ations with russia while all but isn't exactly there and efficiently you business. this is what president 14 said he expects from this visit. pretty much the pretty, but i understand that this time you have come not just as our long standing partner, but as our president of the european council should i expect you to tell me
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your position and that to the european partners on ukraine. president put in a promise to organ have just to dress the joint press conference and all corresponding and to show it and re guys been keeping a close eye on that. emily looked at the 2 liter se a while there was, seems that there was a real focus on um, in, in their talks on ukraine and on the potential piece process there. put in repeated his claim that russia has and has always been and still is open for diplomatic negotiations to n fighting. he portrayed ukraine as the stumbling block there and as he called the ukraine's western sponsors, who he blamed for basically blocking the piece. and he also said that he had laid out once again to victor or for bon, his vision of a potential peace process, which would include ukrainian troops,
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basically withdrawing from russian occupied regions. 4 of them, which is something that the west has repeatedly rejected. and the ukranian president has also repeatedly rejected. he also previously headset and his vision of peace that he wanted ukraine to kind of take on a neutral stance to say that they wouldn't join nato. he said today that there could be some, well, he didn't say that there would be leeway, but he said that that's something that could be discussed and talks. so there seems to be kind of some leeway that he's getting there. but of course, this is rhetoric that we part from put in before. when it comes to oregon, he was firmly positioning himself as a potential media intermediary for the ukraine, a conflict. he said that there is hardly any leaders nowadays who are able to talk to both sides and the conflicts, both russia and ukraine. and today with his visit to moscow, he was portraying himself as one of those very few leaders as he said. now what exactly do you think moscow is trying to achieve here with this visit?
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i mean, this visit is something that i think letting their food in has been waiting a long time for he made sure, as we heard in that sound by to portray or by not only as the leader of hungry, but also as an e. u official. he pointed out that he has the rotating you presidency and you know, he's been waiting for western leaders to kind of come to him. he's been waiting in a way for western leaders to get tired of the war and ukraine. now that hasn't happened, but the optics of this visit of an e u official essentially coming on to moscow, even even when the you is distancing themselves or you leaders today were just things distancing themselves from oregon. that all those optics are very convenient for vladimir putin also symbolically. it's always very important for flooding near pretend to portray himself as having friends and does not be as isolated and as the
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west might think. and i think today that visit from oregon very much played into um pollutants hands both when it comes to both of those aspect doesn't use emily. sure . i've been there before to know from where you go there. thank you very much, emily and to the us. now, or presidential biden is once more insisted that she will be the democratic candidates in november, but until supporters and this is independence day celebrations, that's, he's not going anywhere. his ability to run for office again has been questioned by both republicans and from within his own party of the buttons before the party in last week's debates with donald trump, they have been coals for the 81 year old to be replaced by a younger candidate it's joe in germany, the government has finally agreed on a budget proposal for next year off the months of impasse that brought the routing coalition to the bank of collapse. the key sticking point was the multi 1000000000
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euro gap. they needed to fill the 3 way call. ition will stick to the controversial debt break. that's a little that limits different deficit spending. the budget on the table will slow investment of the german military below. what the defense ministry had off for the proposal still needs to be approved by paula mentioned i've, after the summer break. it gets a lot of time the government has agreed on fiscal discipline on the other hand and wants to boost economic growth in germany. date of use chief political correspondent anita has it has more well the negotiations, what tests there are 3 different political parties involved and there's government coalition and they have very different priorities that are very different ideas about where the money should come from. germany has a law that says that governments comp make excessive debt. so that's the circle debt break. some of quote for reform if the debt break or say that the car and times a so extraordinary that that requires
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a suspension of this debt break because we just need must massively more investment . but those calls received a big note from the business friend via ftp one is the coalition partners. so instead, we're now seeing a reform package that is aimed at stimulating economic growth. so some tricks involved here as well, and the government wants to get people into jobs more easily by getting rid of some as a bureaucratic high example, because that is what is the big title. so economic growth at the moment in germany, as you know, is that every party european football is governing bodies you way far has issued a to game bomb to turkey defend merits they, me, raul, a. he scored both goals in turkeys, went over australia at the euros on tuesday, but made an awful nationalist hans just to known as the wolf salutes they knew all said he used to sign to celebrate his turkish identity. he will now mrs. teams quote a final against the netherlands on steps that onto
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a for has find england's jew bedding and $30000.00 is yours for a crunch. grabbing gesture as well as the english football association, 11000 years for crowd disturbances and fireworks. and they still back here. now to tonight's mattress in the repeating football championship now and the quote, a final between germany and spain for hosts germany, the clash will be the toughest task off the tournament. so far, the biggest advantage for national coach, you're not going now goes months team might just be the support from the stands. highly focused, but also relaxed yearly and now goes month gemini, a hoping to continue the fine run and the euro close to final again, spain the last few results have given the team confidence as habits of can i suppose i haven't broken out in a cold sweat yet, and i don't think i will,
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we know what we can do because we're self confident as we're trying to do it the other way around so that the spaniards might be a bit scared of us. and that that wouldn't be bad on. so somebody's list full games for convincing victories, spain and one of the top teams that the european championships, the 16 year old, la, medium, all a nico williams, in particular, i have impressed with the performances and a very difficult to keep on to control them. and he will need a special klein against these one to kids. the concepts become typically spain have to very good players, lemming your model in eco williams. and we definitely need to be wary of them. you've come onto the 1st and foremost, of course, it's up to our full backs with enough ones. ultimately we got 2 of them. on the other hand, we also know that you have to defend against players with special qualities as a team from one foot hiding most upfront. nice top goals score jamal and lucy ala will be hoping to cause problems for the spanish defense mid field to tony. close, whoever tell are up to the european championships is the main man in mid field and
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could be a key to a possible gemini victory isn't it's in uh, we're now at a stage of the tournament where we really want it to be. um we can be satisfied with that. um however, the teams own drive and the locker room is to go much further robina and we are very confident that we can do that. but the vital to come and i'm getting those able to like to see the show from good. the last, when again, spain and the competitive match, was it the 1988 to european championships? now germany want to write a new chapter in the history books and continued to ride the wave of you for it in the country. smell, thats crossover to dw is done at buffalo, who is that the found zone here in berlin? done it. what's the atmosphere like ahead of germany's big match against well, as you can see and here i am in the band zone in front of the german part of it. now i tried to find a little something different in terms of backed up for you guys. i am in
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a stadium where they can watch the match, so the fan, they get a little bit of feeling of being in the stadium while they're tearing. now, there are so many fans here already. we've also just got word that the fans on right beside us at the brand number, again is absolutely past the capacity. they're not letting anybody else in. now, there are a lot more german fans here tonight, then spanish man. and i got to be honest with you, the atmosphere, although excited is a little bit tense because it is a knock on the back. i just talked to a fan, you told me, i was not able to do anything today. i was so nervous, but the atmosphere here throughout the tournament has been amazing. a lot of support for germany. i will have to check in with each other later to see how the i, the periods after the game. the fans are that novice germany and spain are 2 of the most impressive sized sofa in the tournament. what do you think we can expect on the page today? well, this is an absolutely massive match between 2 absolute power houses in football.
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now, 2 of the favorite team coming into the tournament, but also 2 of the teams who have performed the best throughout the tournament. it's almost too bad that we have to see this game so early. we would have loved to see it in the final. now spend very strong showing us all the trademarks of spanish football very good in possession, and what the wednesday their manager has added to their game to make them a little bit more dangerous isn't as an element of directness. they can attack with speed and very direct. now that being said, germany is also very fluid and interchangeable and attack. and both teams have the tendency to get a lot of people forward switch and leave them open defensively so we can expect a tight match, but probably fireworks as well. now 2 other favor, it's square off later tonight when fronts take on portugal. that's also sounds very exciting, doesn't it? yeah, football fan today are absolutely spoiled in terms of quality of matching. france in portugal,
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we're also 2 of the favorite teams coming in to the turn of it to very, very skilled side on paper. now it's a little bit different though, because for example, brands have not really shown everything that they could show so far in this tournament. a little bit lack lesser and poor to go has been shaky at times, but both have the quality to have the players that could change and match in an instant. and also the winner will take on the winner of germany against me. so we are in for a big ones and i done it before we go uh, drove it again, spend, well to, to i think the home fans give germany the advantage on this one, germany maybe an extra time or a penalty. thank you very much done about the loan of the from a dw thank and that safeway from me and the new steam stay with us though to the point. as of next discussing the euro. 2020 full football championship terminated chances of taking its way out on
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a crisis. gather office in berlin from me on the team. thanks for the
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to the points. strong opinions. clear positions. international perspective. can germany's national football team, united divided country and list the nation spirit. germany host the euro 2024 kind of its way out of the crisis. find out more on to the point to the point. the next on d. w. stepping into this building is an emotional experience.
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it used to be traced in head causes of the g d. c. back to them, it's did from the the know it's just facebook test story. in 45 minutes on d w, the web page. i know i might just do it and i'm hoping dw newport costs, thanks. trace amount, but it's actually about move join us as we travel around your, facing the history of every day of that. and that's something right around the
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world. no need to talk about justice subscriber id. listen to paul. gosh, then we'll take you along to the right. the europe's largest football tournament is in full swing fans from china to brazil are following. the action is germany, host the way for championship, for the 1st time since reunification, 35 years ago. the fans like the ample flow of beer. and i don't seem to mind an occasional cascade of rain, but tend germany live up to its reputation as a model of efficiency and organization. delay trains, frustrate fans traveling to the matches, and discourage germans for whom such problems are just one more symbol of decline. kind of diverse, an agile german team help.


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