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tv   Mapped Out  Deutsche Welle  July 7, 2024 5:15pm-5:31pm CEST

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and for mapped out, don't forget, you can always find more on our website at dw dot com and follow us at dw news. i'm alyssa chad, thanks for joining us. the of the around looks pretty powerful. if some are involved in a lot of conflicts. the rainy regime is funding militia groups across the region and even launched a direct attack on these ro, something that used to be off limits. but how much of it is just for show projects, a gimme a show, how externally, whereas internally is extremely fragile. still around,
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leaders maintain their grip on power. how will look at 2 strategies, the islamic republic has mastered and will try to figure out how powerful is it really. the room is sandwich between the middle east and the rest of the asia to its north russia. a strategic ally and to the south major global trading roads looks like a pretty good set up for an oil rich country and pushing to be a regional power. but 0 if he has extra money and secure, isolated and not part of the world really doesn't have much in terms of reaching out by lions says this is political economist, saragossa, bundy. she grew up in the room and us worked on arranging issues for over 20 years . a quick look at the map can explain that feeling of isolation. around is the
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country with the largest shia muslim population in the world. but all of these neighboring countries have a sunni majority, which is another much larger branch of islam. among them is it runs main rivals, saudi arabia, those are buying for dominance and the muslim world around is even read by a cleric. i have to lot ali, some innate west in the atlantic republic supreme leader for the last 35 years the, the iranian revolution created the is nomic republic. in 1979. he was anti western edits court after a history of british and us meddling in the country. that's another story. today we often see rallies like these into rock, transporting the rhetoric of the rang and machine. since the revolution and have
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considered the us and israel, it's main enemies and both have targeted the wrong the cast and so they money a top range in general was assassinated in 2020 by the us. he's become a martyr for the rang and machine. and israel is believed to be behind this attack. 7 military officials were killed in an error strike on a range and consulate in syria. iran is using these disruptive tactics. proxy malicious drones, and it's nuclear program. a lot to impact their let's start with around support of proxy malicious and reason moms who see rebels have attacked and find commercial shapes. and the red sea killing several crew members who these are
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a militia group face in yemen, and they're backed by iraq. they were part of me use the rain and intelligence and it's drones and miss outs like you, ron, the who sees considered israel an enemy. they say the attacks are response to israel's. more against tomas and gaza. withheld uranium drawn groups like lucy's. but they're really to resources manage to become a c in stabilizing fact that really draughts the murray times global maritime security. to the brink of the crisis before the attacks around a 3rd of the world's container traffic and passed through the red sea. since the attack started, insurance costs have skyrocketed, the
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many ships are now avoiding the red sea altogether and taking this much longer route to get to europe, an expensive detour that could even drive up the cost of groceries in your local supermarket. other militia include the power for his belie 11, not clashes between israel and his beloved, have escalated at the border. and there are other militant groups in iraq, syria and iran, and how much in the palestinian territories, which many analysts don't consider a proxy per se, like which get funding weapons. and trainings from iran, from us is considered the terrorist organization by the us. you the militant group launched an attack on israel on october 2023, after which israel retaliated with a full scale invasion and bombardment of casa, around denied being involved in the planning of the october 7th attack. but this is
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for its supreme leader upset about it was the test for this thing, the phone was move on to the kids, the foreheads and upper arms of the intelligence and grace, palestinians who plan and the tax against the. so i only have the really each man, right, you have on the show, jo averly, these room you will see in the wrong describes these groups as the axis of resistance against israel, the us on the west as a whole. but on to mclean, maintaining all of these operations, which requires a lot of leadership and it requires a lot of resources. so managing the proxies doesn't come cheap, but for now it's worse and it's for the ring and regime jerome can attack israel and to stabilize the region, but keeping conflict away from its own borders. drones are
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another part of a ron's playbook. due to international sections there on lex taxes to advance technology available elsewhere. so it started designing and producing drones which are relatively low cost and low tech. but they are affects us fairly detectable by raider and can carry more, have iran says it is exporting drones and drone technology to more than 20 countries including tajikistan armenia. saddam is c o. p a and it's we lost energy area. and russia is using a ring and drones and it's more against the crank. has put a phone on the international map. so, you know, uses the range and drones in europe and the war in ukraine was quite sober for many policy makers, especially in europe. it has made the wrong relevant to
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a region beyond its traditional ground within 2 months. and then there is rooms large and diverse miss so arsenal around and its proxy is launched. hundreds of miss elson jones towards israel in 2024 grants. first direct attack on israel ever . i said it was retaliation for the deadlier strike on a new ring. and conflict and syria that we mentioned earlier, israel and its partners intercepted almost all of the mirage in part because the rom clearly signaled as plants ahead of time. so the attracted little actual damage on the ground. so yeah, and julie pull that out to the principal matter is that the rom and it's on forces have displayed the power and determination and an important international arena. who are eager to do, i see, is that a record of them?
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let's see. the display of, for as, as a, has happened from china and that is what matters even jump ahead of the room is maintaining a delicate balance attempting to show strength while trying to avoid outright conflict. this is cameron montana. he's an international relations to make sure and has research around extensively these strategies rather than being intrinsically offensive. there are supposedly defensive because of their own stinks . the west is trying to grow. and so the regime at any amino pushing moments. so these are seen as, as the terrans and determines, is that the core of the wrong strategy, which leads us to iran's nuclear program. these are rahm's key nuclear
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facilities. uranium regime has repeatedly set their use for research and to produce energy. but do they draining and the project produces more or less 0 electricity in energy at the moment. so use around building nuclear weapons. the truth is, we don't know. but even the idea that you run might become a nuclear power is valuable for the regime. it's a projects the stability for a radians monitoring a security agenda and it makes it very difficult to confront a wrong then you could have project becomes a bargaining shipping for like in your ons negotiations with the west trying to move the sanctions or improvements in the standing and in fash oh arena. and for awhile that's what happened. the nuclear deal between your rom and major war powers offered sanctions release and return iran had to limit its nuclear enrichment
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for them. donald trump, as you, as president, withdrew from the agreement, the turning point you're on began a new strategy, which uranium particularly co 10 to the east. and this 10 to the east means power has minutes a much lots of egypt relationship with china and russia. china is the top buyer of arabian oil and to run and russia have a deepening strategic partnership. but it goes further. this is around russia and china conducting joins naval drills. gonna be very clear that she has a vision for a new world border in the new world order. the use of power is declining, therefore the non western powers are on the right. rom has recently joined the brakes in economic block that aims to be an alternative to major western powers,
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but around can't fully rely on these countries. and trying to go to have p f and the type their own at the doorstep. piano typed the wrong as an arm length, bring you around when it says that interest soon. so that your brain and regime pretty much only trust is in itself, relies on this land make revolutionary guard car that exists in parallel to the conventional are brand new military. and it's about a resource. the i r g c is key to all the strategies we've looked at outside the country, but also inside. and that's where the rounds repressive leadership starts to the week. and we'll start terry and regime relies on assassin level of popular support. and that's little popular support in your room has been significantly declining over the past decades. and i think that is one of the most
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dangerous issues that are going against this advantage of the region in 2020, to the death of gina martha. i mean need for, she wasn't police custody, are protest across the country. the 1st protest focused on solidarity with many and demands for women's rights. but they quickly became about more corruption, poverty, and the lack of freedom to redeem have crushed and you just send that the protest expose cracks and it's power you know, the to pacify it is extremely angry. society, designing a company who needs to improve said some, you know, the comic situation, but it's cost because it's of the sanctions because of its mix project. but it doesn't want to give up the next up project because it sees it as
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a insurance for it survival. this complex relationship with outside and inside has created this endemic crisis in there on. so what can we learn from all that around is not as powerful as it would like to be, but as a whole, it strategies are effective around knows how to disrupt and stabilized for its own game and away from its own borders. how long can the originally maintain its grip on both in the region and domestically as long as the country is left by religious hardliners, things are unlikely to change the he can do anything from action, full size, direction, and reduce the release way. does he get
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a sense of the race or how does he work next on d, w i go back to everything of a school. every day i still use it. i'm upstairs right now, production design of planning. while doing in 3 weeks time. a cost, right. right. kathleen, cash we well even has, fortunately was kind of new. he actually came out and says, the have a nice and said he wanted to extend that in those days when people who are support this great hollywood direct to begin his career, working on tv programs at the bbc in britain. at the age of 27, he wants his own.


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