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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 9:30am-10:00am CEST

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then when generation next slash was now on the computer screen, this is kind of funny. i feel like there's the free this week on the 77 percent street debate when people think kicked tom think think money, luxury k toners, connecticut is the most any close to site team the world fees a to i talk about is put into it. we don't have that money if we didn't, we just moved from homes. how are they going to survive? the focus on go down is insane, but that's the crash and space and seem to be signed municipality and saw that because it doesn't match. the cape town is the best. it's a wonderful feats, but it means nothing. in the general idea of, of lifting. everyone. hello
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and welcome back to the 7 to 7 profess, rick debates. my name is edith kimani. i'm this week. we are back in cape town, south africa. now this is a city that's used to being the best a community categories. but it's also a citric grappling with the legacy of apartheid economic decide which is to continue to hold the daycare. as of today, we're trying to find out the best yes, but best for who, who better to answer this question for me then some lovely south africans. i don't want to touch with no mind because we were speaking yesterday on the phone and your born free. right. and yet you were telling me that you already disillusioned. why? hi. thank you so much for having me. know my dissolution. a meant absolutely comes from the idea that of to city is women to be a meant to seem like a society, a democracy that has everything together. but in fact we are regressing in so many ways in terms of that democracy. in what ways do you think you're requesting, particularly me, i come from a student's background. so i particularly see that when we discuss finance in the
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students sick, the of course education is the backbone of any society. but access to education is something in south africa that has been reserved for those who can't afford it. okay, so we'll come back to that in just a short while at the economic disparity when it comes to education, but to bundle you live here, right? so you were born and raised in cape town, can you tell me what the situation is like for the average person living in the city? and i think as, as know, mind as i said, if you don't have access to the sources, you have to have the, the, the lock should be to have access to it. you on the backbone. so yes, we now we have beautiful but escaped on the, on the phone, but the is so many different spaces to this, such as township, such as, as communities we, i also come from. and if we don't have someone who's gonna be giving you a hand up, then if someone is taking you out of that position, you're going to be making the and it's a very difficult space to be in. yeah. so can you paint that picture for me because
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when people think cape tom, they think money, you luxury. but we also have the cape flats. what's life like that? a deal every day on the death of a young person every day to be more specific. um, hopelessness of feeling a total poverty people living in shacks which is basically like a full roof sheet structure. uh with no sanitation. um no electricity. uh they have to go to, to the government on say, depending on the government grants, they depend on unzip kitchens for the food was. so it's, it's, it's quite a, it's quite a different, an adult place um, from what we seeing right now. and, and, and talk economically would also talk socially, mentally. so people the young and old or just lift. yeah. what this the to okay. let me bring and tell me who's representing the d a which is a very popular part of here in cape town. i mean, it must not be nice to hear that young people feel disillusioned and they haven't
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even been in life the to years. what's not working? so the do you just like any add the port t, dining or municipality is not immune from social challenges. ok, time orthodontic challenges for that matter. so as a young person myself, i can be like to sound with the same to me instead of being shaved here today. but as someone who also works with a municipality is one of the youngest counselors in the country, i can say that's great. down isn't a fault based to position compared to other municipalities at on the 20. if we just look at the evidence in front of us, and i'm speaking about the report from the order to jingle, numerous research support staff is a telling us that more jobs are created your area than any of us at the. let me ask kasicoda here because you will not be afraid of speaking the truth. in fact, you confronted some of the leadership in this city in your opinion, with the disconnect because the da think things are working. but on the other hand,
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we're hearing the doc situation. k tone has been to kit is the most unequal society in the world. another the, the shape of both the and see which is a company in potty and liberation movement. as well as under the democratic alliance is based on inequality is one of the biggest issues since the dawn of freedom in south africa. we have not seen any single affordable units being built in the, in the states. it until the legacy of updates. black and brown people are subjected to having to live in communities with basic services are not provided. and this is, it is not the voice to from the historical and deep violent history that we have in south africa. that's known whites people were subjected to such conditions. less has changed in terms of policy, less has changed in terms of how blackboard is a policed in cape town. we may say this is a wordpress say to yes, it is full some people. but for the vast majority of people living in cape town
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will happen not to be white. people in particular is still experience 7 in the pop up date. and like time you sign a page and just said yes, of, of democrats that we had will say was the thing. and i let me hear what's on your mind. so for me, i'm not a youth. so i got the perspective a different perspective in that city is have paused show, we've got a few freedoms as township entrepreneurs, as tasha presidents, which are mostly policy, you know, changes. but in terms of implementation, nothing has changed and i agree we need to be expects move for, you know, the last 3 decades. we've got nothing to show for it. but when we look at ourselves as indigenous people versus other global indigenous people that have been subjugated since he is not enough time for us to be able to expect us, as the intention is to make the changes, we need to put more pressure on people like the d a, the white people who have had the benefit of privilege for more than 400 years.
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they need to come in and damage cause you please move. a lot of pressure is put on us has black people to be the ones who have to stand up and fix things and remedy and point out where the problems are. what we need to be doing now is putting the blame or spotlights back onto the people that subjugated us and say to them, they need to come to the party. so let me ask lou here a new, by the way, please. hello audience, your full name. my name is put them on. okay, and so because i can't do the trick sounds, i'm just gonna call you do i hope it's fine. so you are still representing the a c, particularly we use leak. we're talking about systems being broken. why into fixing them from the inside? i think we have to be honest initially and to point out what exactly was said that the agency in particular is not only working to retrace this 48 years of successful operation by the part of the government. but it's also, we're trying to retrace the deals of the union with africa and the quantization which came before that. so we're talking about centuries of successful depression here of the,
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of the majority by the minority 10th. i much. item fulton went up with the previously disadvantage groups, right. and also we spoke earlier on about access to education and i think we have to be quite honest about that, that much has been done to ensure that the doors of education are open to all, particularly those who did not have access to education before and were systematically excluded based on the color of the skin, but also we must state that there is biased to any quality within the so called best friend sitting in the country, which escaped on the black. the blacks, the colored. everyone else of class who was classified as non white, a clustered in the areas which are the most dangerous areas to live in our people's even can read it areas or people are unsafe during the, during the night. and the best parts of coupon, which of course, are reserved for the minority to systematically that is they would, you know, be where the majority of the people are unable to, since we're unable to leave within the city to serve as specific or, and that's what we need to acknowledge within the city. ok, so before we go to far, you have to come back to talk to me about access to education know here and say, you know, it's so much back to now that it used to be nice. black people can go to school,
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the colors have access to university, but do you really? i think it's something a bit violent to constantly acknowledge and pad in the back. yes, we're doing so well. yes. which keeping this yes, with cheating that but on the ground. again, a movement like these mis full happened from 2015, 2017 is. and those fights that people did. we included all those things that the fees was full after this and purchased as did seems now and void. it seems like absolutely the most waste of time because violence within use the t especially still replicate with yeah, off the people don't have housing. they don't have access to education, i have 2 flights to register for my mazda. is this the final year mazda is they wouldn't let me in because of x, y, z again, what's, what's x, y,
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z finance money because i didn't have the necessary um, scholarship. so i didn't have the necessary marks. everything like that in order to complete something i'd work so hard for. yeah. okay, let me hear from the gentleman here. i think i would want to talk to you about the access to education only those who can afford the one who can access the education . but the question is, who are those who can afford that? those who are minority to induce count because the majority of people's lives in the account, they can't afford fees at why isn't the government the increased fees each and every, even though institution includes the fees, was close to 4.5 percent. but the question is, who was those things they've done? man, it's like, it's a matter of time to see those who can't afford don't do they have access to education. never. so let me hear from you for a 2nd because the situation is not going to change any time soon, right. and the universe to the thing, they simply can't afford to the fees any further. so what happens? so i think i just want to pause on the journey of
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a young person growing up in the k flats. you eventually then make it out to go and finish um, grade 12, then move onto the higher education and you finish your degree. grapple with the issues such as fees and financial, then a new set of problems start because now you have this degree, but you lack expedients because what is employ your sellers employer says, i want somebody with at least 12 months work experience. how am i going to get work expedients if you don't give me an opportunity? could i? so i think because you spoke about having solutions, i think one of the solutions that we need to think about is having things like a work integrated learning program, which now says, okay, cool, you have your university degree, but you is also an opportunity for you to have practical experience, right? and then also building partnerships that off to the initial partnership working today did learning program in that you don't just sit it down again and say,
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i just finished to learn to ship a 3 month in the initial but 6 months of the initial. but it's also a pretense so because now you are sleeping outside of your comfort zone for you to and bulk onto permanent or long term employment. yeah. okay. i want to follow a thread that you've just started. so this person has finished university and then looking for what you've already said. it's difficult. uh tell us why shavon difficult is an understatement. maybe maybe we should start, but we're not finding what these a huge percentage of us can choose. you guys use any improvement. so you get a degree when to school for years, some of us 5, you get even the honors you get them off to do find the job. know because companies want a certain skill set. you don't have it skills because you just finish does a dictation. they want a certain standard of values. these must be, did we learn that didn't university, we didn't learn that. so we're getting out of university being sounded as well. competing with those who um, but getting a tour of putting the door thanks you about a job even longer people in simple to go look for the same does you you don't
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follow you to passion because they just not enough. calling it down for everyone. yeah, no, what do you have to say to that? because of your pocket showing has been any additional full service for about 2 years. is a discussion which has been having for a very long time, which traditional universities and it must be said, the traditional universities who refused to let go of the curriculum. and this is with a discussion on the equipment as ation of the coach. and i'm comes into into, into please, because when you look at what you've previously, um technical universities are doing, they've been able to incorporate that, what integrated learning into their own. cuz each of them i see where you're going with this, but it's a bit of a chicken and egg situation here, right? because they need a dictation that they don't have access to education. you know, the means the curriculum to change, but who is supposed to change the curriculum? actually caustic, telling me. so the biggest issue we had to do, so that's in kind relation to each occasion is that a lot of that just patients do exist. a lot of policy is beautiful content use and praised worldwide. the biggest issue we have is a lack of political will to actually implement all of these premises at
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a see now constitution from the very basic things of like get to walk into a home, getting a toilet. and so the local police took on really from all community is going into the functions of the national government, is the biggest issues we have a constitution is not enough. is it guarantee in terms of what the like the quality of life we should be accessing? we can't access that because the kinds of 22 cents we have just do not k. all right? but the certificate is wrong because when i read the data, specifically about the tape, talk the numbers a when in the ninety's, when it comes to access to watch the electricity data. so it surprises me that you're telling me people don't have running what st. the homes, the social justice coalition has had to take that democratic alliance lead municipality certificate down to costs to the equality court on the basis of not having a plan for them. for my sacraments, you're going as they may have to day. how many toilets will it be? will it be bringing to inform us sacraments?
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there's no plan. how is it that a, whether the run municipality doesn't have a plan for up to 60 percent of its population, which doesn't have access to basic services? good question. that's us a d, a representative here. the focus on cape town is insane, but that's the pricing space will be based on municipality in south africa. okay. the da's a victim of its own success with moving onto either kristen, 60 percent of informal statements, all with as with the i don't know with that claim comes from because i can tell you every single month, more than 50000 people move into the city of grapes down from the provinces, y to find opportunities to find jobs, to get education. and if you look at the sophistic see these by the coordinate label for survey offsets is say you will see that specific aspect on has the ice is over 80 percent of all new jobs in south africa. that is more then housing. and if we combine together, so even though the city of goods down may have a 1000000 of challenges, both socially and economically,
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i cannot allow emotional arguments to take over without looking at the facts. okay, let's give the response of mind. i think in order to have this conversation um that is very emotional and should be driven with the motion, i think sunday within. so that's a good that i've noticed within my uses that were upset with statistics. we're obsessed with numbers and what they mean. but those numbers mean absolutely nothing to the people that experience those, those, those processes. what's important is reality is that okay. alright, i lived experience. i want to hear from the lady at the back here. we were speaking about and my nodded teeth and i think very often we forget that they are minorities with, in my not it's if we look at said that you saw other days and we look at the issue of colors and we look at the issue of algebra, q people in this country, and specifically in this province, then i know people are speaking around, you know, the government would say the local government would say a, but you have emotional arguments. but really a jesus
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a policy that policy is not enforced. when are you thinking about the issue of education, access to education, access to health, access to employment? that is really not to put tons, people for algebra to keep people in specifically content eligible to get people of color, 50 years info with democracy. these are wrong because yes, the amc standing in the d i use spending. yeah. and they are saying that very emotional arguments. so i'm really glad that you have introduced the issue of the traditionally marginalized being almost double victims of the system. cause the corner, i want to come back to the issue of housing because good. very easy to the how pressing is a need here in cape town, the cape town is kind of just the tickets about uh, 400000 or more. um, in terms of the housing back lock um many people particularly assisted. so people who are waiting to get housing from this government and housing is a shed function across the us because of kaufman local government thing. the municipality provincial government, as well as national government, or what you've seen gained enough each of the dates on is that we cannot have an
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exclusive city that kate does pull. some people have money, particularly white's people. say to of tape tom is busy during the day, but come at night, you will see that's who has access into this city. it's not a matter of privilege, but we are saying that there's an edge in mantra as a way of progressively realizing that deep and violent romantic history have of black people been sleeping, autopay safety gentrification. i have to ask you, what do you say? i think that we need all the features of governments on big if we want to ensure that more people have access to affordable housing with it in the, in the city or it's it on. but i do want to see said so much. so this has be made in terms of folding houses even for students, which is mentioned earlier on the new development in edit a c. so in as much as they are a lot of challenges, this is a complex issue that cannot be solved overnights. so let me hear from you because your part of the students need a sheep. tell me how housing
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a fixed education access in general because the, to seem to go hand in hand. right? yeah, i think you're right because the effects of students coming from another province to come to side before she comes to the point is 3. they need to ality on cape town . if the owners, wisdom kid makes it very difficult for someone to come from an immediate class, the media or in the classroom is because of what housing. if you go to you, can you give me an idea of how much it would cost to rent a house as a student, for example, for a month. and um, we must be talking about 82800000, which you have to pay for when the 10 months does the means of close of 10 those in 9000 to month. and this is not affordable at all. let's make example of in building pods the amc because this game called and this was the come in plus something called the cost of it when the pay $45000.00 pay a to is put it while there is a dentist costing under the 1000. you mean that's presented by the end of the of if you look with the only institution or the debt or we can get into mindful close to $55000.00 that we'd be able to top up on top patel of talking about is put into it
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. we don't have that money if we didn't, we just moved from $1.00 because a, they were able to possibly exit 12 and the if they meet the minimum requirements to enter the institution, how are they going to survive? it does not on the take to i think that must immediately when texting is up and i think we're going to keep it the old the, the defendant of leaving is like a some fee to tell what you're trying to say. all those who don't believe that people don't feel like they belong to this place that does or doesn't belong to the technical fee to tell them to move away so that they can remain with these programs . because even this tentative living in generalizing wisdom teeth is twice then any adult prophy. yeah, i think that's how, yeah, i'm seeing some people noting here, do you want to see some things to me? okay. so that for someone, for someone who is in just in case for us to come and vitalia is facing in cape towns, they are struggling because they come from rural. and then they come here thinking that they will find that to opportunity to succeed. only to find out that one kid student accommodation and then then help to sleep in a hole. there was
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a turning picture on facebook with student from speaking to you was, was sitting in a hole and sleeping in a hole in the whole. yeah, there was sitting there because they couldn't find accommodations. they had to post on facebook for people to the door needs for people to come and help them or house them so that they can stay and continue the education. ok. so sleeping in the hall, i had the o access of getting good crust. yeah. so now we've addressed some of the problem. is there anybody who wants to add something before we look for solutions? i think just as we were speaking about the lived experience, like my mom foss, she died waiting for a house. so you can imagine we are 50 years of democracy. she went to 23. yeah. and i go. so i think um, as the chaise me to aspen, i don't know when that's going to happen because, i mean just looking in my, in my community within the k plus many, many people are sitting there waiting on the,
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on the house that they've been promised that the 30 plus years ago. so the change needs to definitely can start happening now. so what needs to happen because of the solutions now? i think it just maybe what's more important is that way people live mid to where you live to, to mine. so quality of life that you get to enjoy um, or to mines in your life span. i come from kylie to which is the largest township. yeah. in cape town and that's, that's, i spent all my life. i've worked in that community for the past 15 years, particularly working with people who are living and then 4 must have put 5, find the solutions with people live, met us. and we are seeing the best solution that could be put in place. it's one that doesn't needs real good size, but at least public land, nothing. private land. there's public lands. yeah. in the united states, which must be released for affordable housing to accommodate the way because of this city as well as the student's office. it's ok. and finally, the 1st thing that the national government can start doing when it comes to housing
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is the stop. i think the budgets to municipalities every single year in favor of saying earlier and to be at the protection for over 2 i the amc policy since every single, you know, i mean they've got the budget for housing that got the budget for education, financial aid, you can do mental hospitals, we know they gonna fix it today in groups on say, bobby consultation really we talking about the best thing that i will be talking about today. all of those has happened. in fact, when it comes to connecting people from certain parts of the city is the work oppertunity, that is one solution and immediate solution that can be solved if you really want to peach the gap between the 10 to 4 in good. all right, so let's, let's, yeah, i'm going to real quick here. no model because i did start with who, you know, i asked a very simple question at the beginning. tip tongue is undoubtedly the best of many things. but best for me, it doesn't match the case. how does the best? it's a wonderful feats, but it means nothing. this is the general idea of,
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of lifting. every, again, with you see teeth, they will be another housing crisis. you will see it again at the beginning of next year. the rejection and psychological torments that comes with being rejected from that based in africa. that is something that is so deep. and then so many ideas of, of colonial um, you know, fighting for a future. that is, is it something that you would told is the promise land and funding that you were told is, is that it's hit. that intense ideology really needs to come to an end. cape time needs to be real. we are not the best. i'm not from k phone, we are not at the best. and we still have so much work to do and i think blanket statements since the test 6 and everything are beautiful and they wonderful. again, do not speak to the expert. okay, let me conclude with savano, who is from cape town. are you the best?
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let's be honest. okay. let's be honest and say we are not the best of your time to be with. the government needs to get any of your needs. analysis of the community. allow the communities voices to be heard, but not just the hud, allow us to make decisions alongside you allow us to bring. we have wonderful people on, on, on the cape that we've got to that we use is called dr. cook people with education, but even not so allow us to actually make our voice heard, but allow our decisions and allow voices to actually master. yeah. um, so yes, you're not the best, i'm sorry, gaped down. um, but let's start with a base but not a loud lift. shy and involved communities, black, i'll solve like many other people be part of it. you shouldn't make those as i think once we start doing that, we can make some movement. oh, i love that. and that's a fantastic place to rock this debate. we did ask best folk who apparently know to everyone that he is stop outside the color of your skate,
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who you will and where you will go on seal same to matter, but hopefully based on these solutions, not so much longer. thank you all for watching by the the
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can you hear that it's natalie. yes ma'am. so it can be 10 to oh, now sometimes even available is what can we do when it's just too much the science of good hear me in 75 minutes on the double the the you can draw the line between the space is because i don't
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believe that space is, is a morally relevant criteria and any more than i believe that rice or sex is on frontier in. 2 2 should. 2 2 we humans closer to a chimpanzee vanishing. pansy is even to a dog, a donkey or series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube. d. w documentary. the dream of resolution. in 1979, the hatred dictates of somoza was forced out of nicaragua. and that changed my life the people hoped for sarah is the size of the check. i imagine we would change the wireless. tens of thousands of lester from all over the world,
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wanted to help reconstruct the country. this mission became de 3. it was simply a spirit of optimism where we encouraged each other, and so many things were suddenly, imaginable isn't the most efficient and nicaragua, a dream of revolution, dots july 20th on the w, the, the,
10:00 am
the, this is the, the, the news coming to live from berlin frances left wing alliance defeats the far right hand column entry elections. the surprising victory by the new popular front leads no party, but the clear majority. president, man, one of the cons centrist alliance, comes in 2nd to head of green depends ball, right? national routing and french prime minister gabrielle, a ta says he plans to offer his resignation after leading the centrist alliance to taking place. been also coming up the philippines in japan sign of defense pact to counter chinese sort of this.