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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from the russian launches its biggest attack on ukrainian cities. 4 months, a christmas i'll talk it's a children's task comes to a hospital in keith authorities across the countryside world and 20 people that, that and thousands ages also. and the programs celebrations in front and back between the lines defeats the fall rights and parliamentary elections is surprising . victory by the new popular front pushes present, buchholz 10, just into 2nd place, the axis prime minister to stay. the
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thanks. okay, welcome to the program. will start with breaking news from ukraine by russia has launched a major daytime assault, killing more than 20 people and injuring dustin's. presidents and landscape says 40 mist files targeted cities across the country. a major children's hospital in the capital key, which offers live saving cancer treatments has been damaged. rescue is just searching for people trapped under the rubble. cities mass says it's one of the worst attack since rush a big gun. it's full scale invasion. corresponding to nick connelly and keith told me no. the hearing key of the soul has reached 9, but it's fix it to go much further. still, we've had a full sound. the last half now old mold damage to medic facilities. the other end of the city on the east bank of need for a river for people believes to have died that at the children's hospital you
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mentioned many more still believe trapped under the rubble. some pretty extraordinary images of the doctors and just local residents along with the emergency services trying to go through the rubble trying to look for people still underneath. especially children patients sort of images also of children with cancer who had been receiving various treatments, chemotherapy, taken out of the can hospital buildings of children, dialysis to them that need a lot of support and the account. yeah, readily do well without quotes of medical attention being about creating data, taking to other facilities. this is a real self, it's been a real, a long period now with so without such a big attack on key, if this is the tea, that is the best protection, the whole country. and within a pretty short time, between the airline being announced, you just heard buying of to buy off the bangles that being a defense. and it really suit people quite how close to downtown. all of this is something a tell us then about the state of new trains that a defense isn't vis daytime attack. i think what we've seen today really
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tells us 2 things. on the one hand, it is testament to the strength of the western systems. and the effectiveness of therapy is applied to ukraine. meaning that basically rush, i can only do these kinds of attacks pretty infrequently. once it's built up, a big step can resolve and needs to send in missiles, drones, a pleasant massage, as well as christmas, all the same time trying to overwhelm that system at the beginning of the will. they can send in a couple themselves of time and hope to hit the targets. so that is no longer possible. but it also shows you that there is for country besides, you can still not enough of these systems here. and that lots of these targets are being shut down over key of itself. and then we're seeing lots of less because of bits of dep, refolding buildings, residential buildings, offices. and now these are those that you have possibly on file. so there isn't yet the result is to set these miss awesome west safely in the countryside before they get here. and i think that's going to be a cool kind of behind this next person that ukrainian sites and make sure western countries hurry up, provide more patriot missile systems and more minutes into them. so that actually
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these kinds of kind of extraordinary loss of life in cities like you can be friends with teacher. what sort of impact fees a tax, what impact will they have on their own? well i think you have always seemed like comparatively safe place and have people often felt a bit kind of guilty for being in relative normal see here compared to the rest of the country. but this shows once again, there is no such thing as a 100 percent protection from these attacks. i think you already know it's, it's very striking with people with ukrainians who've left the country the beginning of will. i know you come back saying that last year we'll come to visit for those people who haven't been here since day one. it really is shocking. it is really the kind of thing that has your, you see times i'll get stories, people who try to come back for a couple of months and then decides actually they kind of imagine living under water and conditions and then returned to safety in europe. so there's always something that really hit some kind of damage is people's willingness to return. and to kind of imagine any kind of normal life,
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because you're even in the center of care of even in the place that is best protected. you are not safe in any sense. the word and these attacks go on for hours and hours a day. you can't realistically spend the entire time underground if you're trying to go about a job or even daily life. so this is just the reality of the people here in kit. okay, next, thank you for that dw corresponded nick connelly in case there's most doors making news around the world and craft make a boeing has agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge. the deal relates to a us department of justice investigations linked to uh, boeing 737, max crossers in indonesia. and if you'll give it killed 346 passengers in the 2018 in 20. 19 the dale means boeing will avoid a criminal trial. so if i told the guys that are expected to continue this week more than 9 months since the ball began, hamas which carries out the october 7, 10 of attacks appears to have dropped its demand. that israel promised and the will
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. israel's prime minister claims ministry pressure has pushed thomas to enter towards gathering prime minister victor old anticipated surprise the visit to china after going to ukraine and russia. he says he's all the ukraine peace mission after his country took over the european union's presidency with annual officials say he has no mandates to speak for the block, but the old man says he will head to washington. next, i'm going. what do you like to find in the philippines of science, defense agreements along the deployment of troops on each other. so it's expected to boost meaningless efforts to count it. china is drawing influence in the dispute of soc tennessee. it's a milestone for security relations in the, in the pacific consent of a banking growing hold. administrative power residents along the texas coast have been boarding up the homes and businesses preparation for the arrival of hardy can barrel, which is just made line full feature ologist a warning it could grow into
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a category to hardy. con bedroom claimed at least 11 lives and left a trail of devastation hasn't ripped through the kind of being and mexico in the some days. that's not a friends where i hastily assembled leftist alliance to school with a surprise when in the 2nd and final round upon them entering elections. the new popular front 1182 seats and succeeded in his goal of preventing the far right and national valley from gaining power. as a riley was in fact forced into the place with only 143 seats. despite the expectations that it would repeat its 1st round when as it macro centrist together coalition came in 2nd, with $168.00 seats with no group gaming and absolute majority friends could now face years of political instability, celebrations in paris as the far right is defeated at the pools by the left wing
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form pop you there. the new popular front. the make shift coalition of left wing parties came in 1st place in a surprise for posters and a relief for their candidates. not to get our people have clearly ruled out the worst case scenario. so swap this evening. so the national riley is far from having the absolute majority of the commentators were predicting a week ago. quite the contrary, it is, it had been a month of suspense for france. after centuries. president emmanuel mack hall called snap elections and a bid to catch a rising far right off guard and challenge them at the ballot box. the 1st round of votes did put me in the pins, anti immigration national rally party on track to win with some surveys predicting an outright majority. but after the centrist block collaborated with the left block,
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pull their support, they managed to pull off a shocked defeat of the far right. some national rally, supporters watching the results couldn't believe their eyes. quote, i thought we were going to have at least $250.00 m p's, so i'm disappointed the big small. it's true that the crowd locked in the popular front joint forces to block the national rally. so yes, a lot of people voted for a barricade. the french were like beavers blocking the national rally. and it's a shame because they didn't vote for ideas. they voted against ideas based on what they visited. the jury is still out on whether back home got what he wanted from his big gamble block came in 2nd place, and the centrist prime minister deputy atala with whom my call had governed side by side, announced his resignation sunday night. which is possible. do you measure, we will you not have a majority? so in order to honor our republican values tomorrow morning,
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i will submit my resignation when the present at the moment of the republic had any strong cause you don't deny privilege. but when he went to my call and to make good on his promise, president told him to stay on temporarily as prime minister for the sake of stability. it's the 1st salvo and what promises to be a heated debate over who's in charge of the left is the biggest for us and the divided parliament. the choice of prime minister is ultimately in my calls hands us all japanese sponsors most important partners and europe with the 2 governments often working closely together ahead of the election. many of them had expressed the face of the victory for the fall right in front with jeopardize this long standing relationship is just cancel out all off shells. i and the entire federal government is quite relieved. i liked that. it would've been a major challenge if the french president had to accept the co hesitation with
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a right wing populace potty only. but hopefully a pipe that has now been averted up to bump. just bring yourself with the w is that you political edison to hannah. coconut welcome may have that. why would it have been a major challenge for building to work with a french government working with a junior elected right wing populist, or because it what is significant? the limits is frances, in my know, my call is the french president through so for the school maneuver also within the european union, despite the fact that he has a lot of say, single handed, the over frances foreign policy. but he would have always had to have an eye on what's happening domestically. so it would have been a fonts that is more difficult maneuver to maneuver. and that's why the sigh of relief here is tangible older. there's tons that didn't sound relieved. he is relieved quite clearly. so is the vice concept from his code as in pot, the,
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the greens, but we're already hearing warnings also from the 2nd row of german politics from the head of germany's foreign affairs committee in the term bonus. talk the parliament, me to ward and he wants of tone, new mental shoulder left us, read it and says he is on the diamond. he ones that it will still become difficult, despite the fact that this sentiment of relief here that these new emboldened falls right in fonts. so even though marine depends far, right, national valley didn't get an overall majority, like germany's fall right after it is gaining in popularity. so how could such a thing is this phenomenon full balance? well, it's in a way, it was already faxed it in. when am i call colby's snap elections? the expectation was that the vice of and the full on us, the now what's a really so in episodes the happen and it is it assign also here
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towards the found right? a if the policy which is already joyously looking forwards to retail elections, of, to haven't received a slight boost in european elections. the 3 eastern states going to the polls here in awesome. and that the far right, if the is expected to become the strongest policy, is, has been excluded by the pen. none other than nothing the pen from doing the same book at the european level. so somewhat it's sitting in the dog house as far as a fall, right? policies in europe are concerned at the same time. the a, f, d regionally seems on stuff or bull. and there's a great concern in european capitals that this is a political trend that does now pushing further and further into actually holding power and government. okay, thank you for that analyses mckayla i dw chief political as
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a mechanic is now not of us were excessive whether warnings us sweeping the country and people are making a pilgrimage to the hottest places on a death valley. national park along the california nevada border has become a tourist hotspots, as it hits record breaking temperatures of 56 degrees celsius. many wanting to experience the heat for themselves. despite the health warnings, a motorist died from heat exposure that on sunday one another was hospitalized long running heat by for shots that the temperature records across the us is reminder about top stores up. it's our, the question is struck at children's hospital in keys as part of a major daytime assault against you. crates on 20 people have been killed in dozens, engine residents and landscape sites that will be retaliation. and as cold for
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meeting, we'll see you on the security council. set you up today and we'll, we'll use that as hopefully be our next on dw, a documentary, looking at the trust in building block with the toxic history. a, c, h q of the former, at least german think of a good the january 2021. the attack on the united states capital thousands of people to pods and among them. some of these manipulative voices are a former high ranking. military leaders wanted us veterans turn their backs on democracy. and what does this mean for the upcoming election? the enemy within starts to lie 12 on d, w. the in september 1961 to 17 year olds, mid on the blue wonder bridge and.


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