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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the, the, the, the, the leaders live from berlin, needle pledges on and then support for ukraine in the war against russia. leaders are set to declare. t is on an era verse of all passed to joining the alliance us presidential, but as a balance to speak at nato's 75th anniversary summit as calls grow for him to abandon his re election campaign. the article released welcome to the program. ukraine is on an era versatile path to
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nato membership. that's the assurance given by the us and european leaders of the alliances, 75th anniversary summit and washington. now we're about see light fixtures from the opening of the north atlantic council. let's nato's main decision making body of leaders are gathering for adults in the working session to be followed by a states dinner hosted by joe and joe, by the war and ukraine and for their military and financial support for steve has dominated the 2nd dates of the sun on the many times to you personally. president biden. uh, the edge all. uh there is no but the place to celebrate the 75th anniversary. oh, all reliance down right here in washington where the north atlantic treaty was signed back in 1949. so thank you so much for hosting us all here.
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so i'm trying to also present, pardon for your personal leadership. i'm just strong commitment over many years. so to may thoughts over transatlantic lines. this has all made us stronger that middle . so welcome. my problem is the case to them. this is your 1st time us as a full member of the lawrence, i was prime minister attending it and they to a summit. so welcome to the family. you've escaped to see you here. in this 1st session, we will make decisions for other future security will strings our defense. 23 our lives now need to target those spending 2 percent of a g. p a on the fence up from just 3 allies in 2014. when we made the page to the invest more in defense, we will increase our support for ukraine by establishing an aid to coordination on the security, the assistance and training for ukraine on by ensuring
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a sustained support for the long term. support to crane is they'll try to do it this in our own security, the interest on we will reinforce our partnerships in the, in the pacific to push against the growing alignment of russia. china, they're all north cordell let been. i'll post the forward to preston barton for his opening statement. so please don't you have the floor? surgery, general allies and friends 75 years ago when our nation has created the lions. president truman said, quote, we helped create a shield against regression as the fear of aggression and regret us to get on with the real business of creating a government and society for 75 years. our nations have grown and prospered behind the nato shield. today we're stronger than we've ever been. since i took
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office, we've doubled a number of battle groups and nato's eastern flank and united states has fairly sweden. have joined the alliance. and the number of allies spend at least 2 percent on defense has gone from 9 to 23. it's not happened by chance. but by choice at our summit, 2 years ago, we launched to plan to modernize our to turns and our defense. today, we have to ask ourselves, what is next? how can we keep breaking the shield? stronger? one answer must be to strengthen our industrial base. right now. russia is on a war time 40. with regard to defense production. they have their significantly wrapping up their production of weapons, emissions, and vehicles. and they're doing it with double china, north korea,
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and iran. we cannot, in my view, we cannot allow the lions to fall behind. the fact is that so many of my my, uh, because this way and i'm very pleased to today uh, all nato members are making the play to expand our industrial base. and our address and capacity, like our defense spending commitment is a critical step to maintain our security. first time ever, every native nation is pledging to develop plans for defense production at home. that mays as an alliance will become more and innovative and competitive. were able to produce more critical defense equipment more quickly and then, and we should, we may need it. you know, we will not be surprised. we cannot be surprised by anyone when it comes to our readiness. here at home, americans are seeing the power investments like these to might ministration. we've
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already invested $30000000000.00 in defense manufacturing, to restart or expand production across $35.00 of our states. we're investing billions more result, stronger supply chains, stronger economy, stronger military, and a stronger nation. because of this, this new pledge, since it's not a mistake, will message to the world every day to members committed to doing their part. keep your life and strong. we can and will defend every age data territory and we'll do it together. and that we're investing in our future strengths to ensure and data will always be ready for whatever threats real face should be a clear message. we're making to the what's saturday to the world. so i want to thank you every day to member for your commitment for our share security. and i
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will a now as the press to depart. so we can get started. cuz i'm not sure press the button for those sort of marks on us. the person said that this uh ends the public part of the meeting and we all send me down to the part and then we will continue just a 2nd. and now as us president joe biden, praising the accomplishments of the north atlantic treaty organization in the past 75 years. and i can now bring in alexandra from nomine, who is standing by for us there. at the summit in washington, dc, alexandra, we heard nato secretary general salzburg and use president finding what stood out to you specifically in their remarks. while as you just mentioned, both of them struck the same tone expressing here at their recent accomplishments.
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and especially with the install and barracks thinking, joe biden, for the american leadership and commitment to the alliance. and both of them mentioned the fact that said the lions has been able to remain united in the face of russia's invasion of ukraine, that allies step up when it comes to defense spending. now, $23.00 out of to $32.00 members of the alliance spend at least 2 percent of their g, d, p on defense. those leaders also talked about the fact that the line testing able now to welcome new members. sweden, for the 1st time, is a sitting today at the table with all the natal members. there is a lot of pressure currently on joe biden to perform well in his public appearances
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after that disaster debate performance a couple of weeks ago. how did you come across to you a moment ago? well, there was nothing that seemed to be weird or strange um ac. it came across very well. speaking about the us leadership and also 3rd seems a nato countries to do more to strengthen the defense industrial base for instance, across the alliance. he also made clear that the u. s. is committed to need to add that to it. they are committed to defending every inch of allied territory, but of course we also have to say it's all of that so far has not spin enough, as it seems to shut down doubters. we've heard from nancy palsy, for instance, the former speaker of the house of representatives coming forwards today ends
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saying that she of course supports any decisions that joe biden mix. but that's, she's things that, or she suggested to that it might be time for him to reconsider his re election bit . so uh that is all happening a while this high level event is still underway here in washington, dc added pressure for sure. now at bonham, just sent out the press. uh and the north atlantic council starts is working session. what's on the agenda? well, what on is the number on the agenda is of course the new defense plans. nato has updated their plans plans off to russia's invaded ukraine. they have now for 500000 troops on a combat ready on, on the high alerts in europe. they will also talk about
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a defend spending once again. and they will also speak about how to support a states at that close to the border which russia a so called frontline stage. how to boost air defense across the alliance. because according to the own estimates need, so has not enough for defense systems to protect lives territories. so all of that, of course, highly classified is being discussed right now. mm hm. a lot of discussion and a lot of work ahead, but there have been some sledges already. right. of the yes. uh we expect meters to officially approve a big a military aides package for the ukraine. $40000000000.00 us dollars for 2025. uh,
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there will be also and you need to come in in germany that will facilitate military assistance and training of ukraine and soldiers. and they're also new pledges when it comes to are defense systems for ukraine. he, if will receive additional 5 patriots batteries. and of course you crease needs. those are defense systems. however, we also have to add here that key if that has been asking for them for a very long time. and they actually said they would need at least 7. now nato countries are ready to provide at least 5 of them. so it is a, this, a problem is, is below the expectations of ukraine. i would say that's those. i think what the most important pledges that we heard today and nato is hailing it as
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a historic pledge, alexander phenomena in washington dc. thank you so much and to, to the european football championship in germany now where the clock is ticking down to, to night semi final, between the netherlands in england, the city of dogwood has turned into a sea of orange as dots. fans getting ready to tear on their team. thousands have converged on the city center. many england fans and also turned out to enjoy the warm temperatures are ahead of the game. the winter will face spain in sundays. finally, all the moody from the w sports isn't not going to, and i asked him whether fans expected england to reach the semi finals. you know, i don't think there was much to suggest the england we're going to make it even this fall, let alone add to the final at certainly the attack i mentioned already, but the likes of hurricane the likes of to billing until food and the kind of sucka, these guys really should be signing in the goals and it just hasn't happened. and that has caused a lot of criticism for the coach. gara southgate,
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he's been in the job 8 years now and perhaps there's some suggestions that england needs some fresh ideas. they need some fresh inputs is he of course will be hoping that his plans can get him to another year. i so i know that it all finally clicks out this tournament and then he gets another european championship final as his one . so if indeed it does set out to be his last tournament with england, but certainly a good all going to have to take it up a notch to night if they're going to get past the top side that has improved sofa during the knockout stage of ali moody reporting from the ones, and anyone with the fear of heights, look away now. a hollywood stumps man has beaten the record for the longest black line walk. young rosa made the 3600 meter walk across the street of messina, between sicily and mainland italy, in just under 3 hours. that is over 3 and a half kilometers. rose is also the only person to have performed
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a double back slip on a slack line. and that's all from the news for now. coming up next, the the business reports on the booming economies of the 3 baltic states, lafayette lithuania, and estonia. i'll have more for you at the top of the next hour. hope to see you then the e mail is increasing every so many gone up watching online services. the only work that is holiday destination is a drowning cost. at the cost every year of the exports over $1000000.00 tons is there another way officer ruled the environment is not responsible
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make up your own mind.


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