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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w net is coming to live from berlin. data accuses china of enabling russians. attacks on ukraine. beijing says the claims are unjustified and malicious . as the western alliance demands of china fall shipments of material and the technology that's helping the russians also coming on those presenter by the hosts and they to somebody in washington he, patients growing calls to abandon his re election campaign. actor george clooney, a powerful fundraiser for the democratic party purchased by to leave the rates also coming up. pay trailblazing german m p analysis. he'll be stepping down to spend more time with his family after revealing races,
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death threats against him. we speak to carumba, the i'll be about his decision was england football fans go wild is their side progresses to the euro? twenty's 24 final after meeting the other ones to want the hello. i'm terry martin. good heavy with us. they to leaders meeting in washington, have labeled china, a decisive enabler for rushes more in ukraine. the charge came in the lines as communique, they do a secretary generally installed and guard said being provided bosco's war effort with vital components that have both civilian and military uses. a spokesperson for china is foreign ministry lashed out at the claims. linds young insisted that china has played a constructive role in resolving the conflict. john urged nato to
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a band and what he called a cold war mentality and avoid creating tales in the asia pacific region. so i'm going to use nato's rhetoric about china is responsibility in ukraine is unjustified and malicious intent that we are nato, to reflect on the root cause of the crisis and its own actions, injunctions and listen carefully to the just the voice of the international community. and take concrete actions to ease the situation. instead of shifting the blame to others. let's get more now on this from our correspond james chaser in, ty pay. james nato accuses china of enabling rushes more in ukraine. what do they cite as evidence for their claims? not the right, sorry. well chief among that concerns really is as you mentioned in the introduction, these concerns that in china has been providing jewel use export through russia for
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it's ongoing and vision of ukraine. so this is primarily exports that they believe can have a civilian as well as the military use, as well as broad concerns. really that said badging hasn't been sense been propping up the russian economy trade between these 2 countries has ballooned really since russian been counted as invasion of ukraine in 20. 22 is your heart and not the response from china is for an industry. aging believes these uh, these claims are hype, top, make no sense and have a malicious inside maintenance. i say that the export they do provide the most go and not least those of course, this is only part of a broad conversation that's ongoing and native potentially at least this washington summit about linking the security picture in europe to asia and making clear that what happens in asia, the security architecture in asia has a direct impact on security in europe. whether that's from china, appropriate up, the russian economy as many. and they say, i believe. but also the support that we see coming from north korea to, to russia, following the business of louden a few things. you've shown young audience this,
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you smell, nato is a trans atlantic defense alliance. but as you point out, it's increasingly turning its attention to the end of pacific region. how does china view this, james? well, nato expansion in age or is something that china has long runes the lines against pursuing this is something that they believe exemplifies what you mentioned in the introduction as well. a cold movement policy and his pulse of his assets on behalf of the us and its allies, to what they believe is how strong do you have coming in badging in in the pacific disallowing it's from the prosecutor thing uh, its efforts in the region of course, the key thought context here is of course that many of these countries in the region do pest g, o g believe to chime his actions constitutes aggressive behavior, whether that's in the philippines or also here in taiwan. and that's why we've seen these allies of the us to close that together. over recent is in response to not
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just the actions of, of paging, but also the lines that we see forming between china and russia. but it was so rough, russia and north career as well, that china is continuing to carry a military drills around taiwan, which regards as its own territory. those in taiwan just reported that there are dozens of chinese planes that entered its aerospace, apparently around it. how does all of this fit into the security dynamics of the region, james? and why should the situation there concern data or? absolutely you will always seen over the past 24 hours is really a demonstration of the dangerous interlocking of these concerns. as you mentioned, we've had the, the confirmation of these drills of the chinese miniature is taking place in most of the east of taiwan. with some $66.00 croft involved, including an aircraft carrier, bush and on. this really is important because what we saw with the cross moving out
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into the water was east of taiwan with a they call through. i was in that space for i knew the philippines also a country with a rich paging has grave concerns and displays of course in the south china sea, the philippines as well. also a country that has just signed a new defense partnership with japan. and nobody us, i like allowing it to have military stationed on it's territory too. so what we're really seeing just in the last 24 hours is a concern that we have china appears to be more aggressive actions, but also the us and it's, i live in the region, drawing close to together trying to mr. gates the in parts of those actions in response to james. thank you very much. our correspondent james chase right there in taipei now returning to the nato summit, the just wrapped up in washington. 32 members. they are marked the blocks 75th anniversary at the meeting. they reiterated their commitment to providing more age ukraine and said that team is on a quote,
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irreversible pass to membership of the lines. the ukraine's future is a night, so that was the joint task summation made by nato leaders at the alliance. this summit in washington dc. however, they didn't lay out a specific timeframe. instead, ukraine will be invited to join quote, when allies agree, and when conditions met us, ukraine continues, is advisable. reforms will continue to support them on the universe of volt pos, to nato membership. the work we are doing together now will ensure that when the time is right to crane conjoin without delay, it is not the question of this, but when and while this may not be exactly what keys wanted to hear, nato secretary general un stokes and beg, did have some words of consolation will increase always support for
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ukraine bus stop. you're shooting an aide to coordination on the security systems. i'm training for ukraine on by ensuring a sustained support for the long term. the plan includes minimum funding of $40000000000.00 euros in military aid within the next year. it also includes a new command center in germany to coordinate training of ukrainian troops and weapons deliveries. there's also no immediate value on the way and so much i'm going to be f sixteens for on their way the transfer is happening as we speak. uh they'll be flying in the skies of ukraine this summer. that's another very important proof point, because again, it concentrates flattereth hooton's mind on the fact that he will not last to train . he will not last us. and if he persists, the damage that will continue to be done to russian is interest will only deepen
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while negative stuck. sure to provide any clear details for your kind the session. so shares for the north atlantic teeth organization natal. right? the declaration was intended to send a message, a power, and some a data to, to friends and family is a like the show. while ago i spoke about this with in less or he's a distinguished fellow at the german marshall fund. i asked him what he makes of nato saying that ukraine's past to membership in nato is irreversible. well, it's essentially a strong repetition of what the alliance has said for the last year is to keep um there, there's not a timeframe and that make disappointments um, but the reversible is a pretty strong word to use of the course. there are conditions that are associated with this that have to do with performing ukraine. but also, i think for many allies simply the end of the war or, or at least a ceasefire,
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because it would be very difficult to envision membership for ukraine and all the commitments that go along with that under conditions of war. and then that's what we have at the moment. in less are there from the german marshal fine. well, us as us present joe biden was seeking to demonstrate his leadership qualities at the nato summit. pressure is mounting on him to a band in his bid for re election. a blow came from actor george clooney who's also one of the leading fundraisers for the democrats in the new york times quine road. we're not going to win in november with this process, but it's not just my opinion. that's the opinion of every senator member of congress and governor. i've spoken to in private but slowly some of those opinions are making their way into public as well. democratic senator peter welsh, vermont has become the 1st senator to publicly call for president bind to withdraw from the presidential race and in
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a tv interview form or us house speaker and nancy pelosi seemed to dodge the question of whether or not she backs biden's candidacy. she said, the decision was up to him, up to the president decide if he is going to run a we're all encouraging him to, to make that decision. because the time is running short of the i think overwhelming support of the, of the call it's, it's not for me to say, i'm not headed. the clock is anymore, but he is beloved. he is respected and people want him to make that decision. as boris form in the professor political science, how significant the pressure is on joe biden to drop his re election bid. this gets very significant. he's trying to play down. he has still a large part of the democratic party that's backing him up at least publicly. but as we hear from boomers here, so there is
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a lot of the term was in the democratic party and there's a lot of pressure on him. now george clooney a leading biden's supporter. and up to this point, at least in democratic party donor, he's been scathing and his criticism of the president's reelection bid. can joe biden carry on with his campaign of donors like clooney don't support him. i mean, clearly like many other type of credit says emphasize for much of a patriot job by susan or rid of president giving you was they, they have disposed of, but uh they, they're seeing that he has a state. this has been an issue for a while. and i think there's a, there's a great fear that maloney, mike's the democratic party, those to donald trump and the kinds of repercussions this would have. but also mike loose and the senate and the house on the pallets. and so i think the sticks of very high and perhaps the whole seemed to buy and competing new stuff next week.
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there is the republican national convention that might take away some of the spotlights from, from biden. but i think the pressure is pretty high and that decision needs to be taken so its present button does have right now. the democratic primary boats to run as a candidate can those boats be taken away from him? in theory, they can, i mean there's been a lot of assistance that she needs to agree with that. and this is why people are trying to core tend to speak to him. but yes, it's nothing. the constitution that they need to be primaries. this is an invention of the post world war 2 moments that this was an attempt to democratize the selection process before that was 50 due to party leads that were selecting the candidates for the presidency. and so see radically yes, the uh, the delegates even attached to the goods can be, can a can be released from their, from their plugs and can make
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a different choice if by them decides to step down. this what happened at the democratic national convention? if president bible does decide to step aside and let someone else take the nomination for the democratic party, who could it be a is kimberly harris, the vice president, the most likely candidate? this is the big debate to come out of harris is the most obvious choice at the moment. there have been posts just yesterday where harris did pretty well and she, i think she is she, let's a truck by even a percent. you're going to hillary clinton was this poll, which was somewhat surprising, but there are a few other notes that are mentioned much more often like a gretchen goodner and a given, newsome or 2 of the kennedy potential candidates that are being discussed. the governors establish again in california, respectively at exactly. that's correct. and does all these other names of people?
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judges also sometimes of mentions the transport minister of or, or secretary of transportation. but it's very, it's a very open question. so it's not clear at all what that might actually be. course there is a lot of speculation, not present biden, and everyone is watching him now. he's expected to give a soto press conference later tonight. could his performance in that press conference, determine whether he stays in the race or drops out the there's this a press conference middle at the middle, some of it. there's also a, an appearance with a rally in michigan tomorrow. busy and of course, there would be a strong focus on him if, if it performs well, of course it will support his, his candidacy. but i think there are serious thoughts and i don't think that it will necessarily undermine his thoughts. so i think there's, there's
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a lot of pressure and there will have to be a decision. and i think the chances are that you will not be the candidate for the democratic party. or thank you very much for your insights. that was boards for my professor political science, a board college here in berlin. thank you. the you. it says it's deeply concerned about evacuation orders issued by israel on wednesday for the 2nd time since the start of the war with some us all residents of gaza city have been told to leave. israel says it's now targeting several areas where it believes the remaining a mass militants have regrouped. a smoke seen over a guys of seats a just hours of to israel dropped lift. let's telling all its residents to sleep the order, send thousands of photos statements on the round. again, that's what the i'm going south because of the blocking of phone services and the
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harsh living conditions when i do and also the lack of food and water that i can for, for the lack of the dozens of palestinians were reported killed across guys that over the past few days after these really are me, once again stepped up. it's operation as a case from us. israel says it's main goal is to destroy the remaining militants. so we have no interest in harming civilians in dollars, a city or anywhere else. we're trying to get to, to the terrace where the terrorist attack from, or where they have a set up base. these really military says it has pulled out its forces from guys a seat is, should die district. after they completed a 2 week operation. there. some of the residents went back there to assess the damage model and further down to the 1st incursion we came here and repaired. or how is this all in an order to shelter ourselves? we fix the windows and covered them with plastic sheets. i don't know how you know,
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but we have returned to should jaya, after 15 days, you can see the destruction here on is that this very nothing even trees. there's a lot of greenery in this area. so the, so what is the guilt of his don't have trees, and what is my go to disability see, but i think that i'd be more than again, it's as it's really soldiers returned to some areas said had previously been declared clear of home us civilians and gaza continued a search for a safe place. so you look at a couple of other stories making headlines today. state media in china, so 6 people have died as record rainfall flooded parts of the country. southwest. nearly $500.00 residents had to be evacuated. torrential downpours hit the challenging reads area overnight, causing the land slides and destroying homes during foreign minister and the mailbox says she wants to focus on her current duties and is not planning to run
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for the top job in germany. as chancellor, she told us, broadcast or cnn that russia's more of aggression and the situation in the middle east need more diplomacy? hoping that mid blank stare in berlin, one of the only fro german lawmakers in the bonus to august stepping down weeks after receiving, revealing death threats against him around. but the i'll be says he wants to spend more time with his family and make way for younger talent. in 2013 the entered the german parliament on a wave of optimism, but his tenure has been overshadowed by racist attacks. dw met with him to talk about his groundbreaking career as he was the 1st african born m p to sits in the been the stag carumba. the obvious political career has since been beset by recess. the tax on death threats have disability do not even moving on to spend more time with families and says, the extremists have no one is good. now that's no that isn't exactly what the other
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sites except that you're tired. that you intimidated. i can only repeat that, i would not be intimidated because i know that the vast majority of people support me. in 2020, and one attacker saw the abbey's office in the eastern german city of holla. last month, he published a chilling death threats sent to him. everyone hate you on wants to see you, burn it red. include, you're all going to end up hanging from a lump post. been really 50 if we don't publish it. the investigating authorities can do that job. that's why a populace this and this case is extremely, really depressing because my team was also black made and fries, my team of dot press window on the desktop. he's not alone across to many politically motivated crimes have doubled in the last decade. but it seems like these mass protest against the far right alley of this year that offer
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him the group of, on the small group of people in this country who was bred to the hatred and insight into these people exist the group as a small group. they allowed their present, but you have to realize that the best majority of our society is open minded and tolerance. and the vast majority of fighting for cohesion in our society and in demand how to conferences, i'm and how was it a good sense of us living colleagues across paul them into paid tribute to his contributions. and so his departure should be a wake up call. i really regret the tease retreating. we need his voice, humans and the now we need to think about changing this climate in our country. and it certainly won't be changed by aggressive language. the central left politicians as part of the reason he's stepping down is to make space for the next generation. yep. and the other, i'm giving you a peer to these young people to join the parties, joined the tribes. we didn't get involved and really participate in the elections
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and invited in our mitsubishi can he's not quite finished. he will officially standard next election in late 2025. plenty of time then to make a difference. and reflect on the state of german democracy skidmore on this now from our political correspondent, matthew moore, who filed that report about you. do y'all be himself says, whose decision not to run for office, again, was not prompted by the racism he's been facing. what do you make of that is not slight terry drama. the abbey was really king distress that racism wasn't the prime reason for this decision. he says that, you know, when he finishes his time in office, he'll be 64. he had a conversation with his family and they decided that this was the time to move on and to pass the button onto the next generation. but really hard. when you look at his story, not to be left with a sense that he's been kind of hung did i of office by racers. and his time in office has been kind of marred by these attacks over the years. and it's really
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growing and hostility in the last few years. but he says that the message that he wants to send to people is not that the racist hasn't one. and essentially that the, the people should get involved in politics to be sure don't shy away from the states don't don't because like 5 the stories like has been really get involved involved with, with unions get involved with them. elections and media voice had any size that was really important that we don't let the races when in the oversize the, there's a lot of support as well as that the heat me and the best when she gets a lot of support from the white of public and germany and so show of solidarity. so she wants to meet the point that they're not that they're not in the majority kind of message does come down with the obvious case and 2 people facing similar discrimination in germany, matthew yeah. jerry history basically, he was main, he's his election was really meant to kind of harold that a new job, many a jeremy that was comfortable in itself. comfortable with multiculturalism comfortable
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with immigration and germany in the politics of parliament here in bell then really reflected jeremy as a whole. unfortunately, he, we have seen in germany in the last 2 years. i really kind of a raising and australia towards politicians. he has been the front of that as well . we've seen that kind of switch from variable to tax on politicians from big become more violent in recent years. and people here and, and then when, when he a notice of decision the, you know, the said that this really should be a wake up called a should be a moment for us to reflect on dialed on the rhetoric so that we have a politics and a civil discourse, but people feel that they can get more involved of the implications of this matthew for diversity in german politics. yeah, the real concerns about that. sorry. because crombie, the ivy, is one of the just a handful of black impedes independence tech. and when you look at the button to start as a whole, there's about 11 percent of the politicians in there have come from what's we called here in germany and we got chosen to go and they have like have roots and
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ethnic minority roots. if you like on essentially bus, we below the white a public way to public. is it something like 30 percent? so there that there is a kind of lack of diversity at the top of german politics and the few really yes, the stories like comedy abby's or someone who's leaving politics. i've sent a wrong message and it's a, it's a blow to diversity that has to be said, there will be an election at the end of next year and we'll get to, we'll get a see i will get to see really hard. i've asked them next. the next been to start is matthew. thank you very much for your reporting. that was the w. matthew. more sports though in england, had beaten the netherlands to one in the semi finals of the euro. 2024 football championships here in germany. shelby, even siemens opened the scoring for the duction just the 7th minute. but then harry came fired in a penalty for england to make it one all. and in the 1st minute of added time, only watkins sealed the victory as he can. imagining and fans went
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wild at the final whistle. england faced spain in the final on some dw is oliver moody was of the match endorsement. he says this england side has come a long way enough to live at a lovely underwhelming performance a year or 2024 month. there was nothing underwhelming about the 91st minute window from ali watkins, his goals and funds into ecstasy and england into best 2nd european championship final ever. and 2nd in a row. despite criticism of coach garrett south gates, he has now undeniably let them to one of the most successful periods in the history with 2 finals and a semi final appearance. and the last 4 major tournaments. there's still problems to england to fix 2 of the best players, harry kane and jude belling and spill. look out of place in the system. but england finds what care about that tonight may going to bowl and you're watching dw news up
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next eco. india look said what can be done about the billions of tons of waste to produce worldwide each year time. terry martin, thanks for watching. the,
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the, the co india today is super she tomorrow, a huge problem is our fastest growing, extreme, billions of tons of clothing are thrown away every year. fashion labels have pledged to recycle parts. what's actually happening up cycling for the function industry. eco, india. next on the w what's
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make sure the diversity of it's visiting the commitment to one another, no matter what your focus and 6 on the my name is the calls back said wow, thank you so much for joining in. welcome to don't hold the bad. a lot of people do that. as soon about saying it loud. things would have been, you know,
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say like good everyone to okay. sharing into the microphone. sorry. check out the award winning outcome. don't hold back or the sorry one second. let me just finish this. hello and welcome. i'm sorry with everybody and you're watching recording this. most of us do what i just did with that. we simply throw things away when we're done using b is a comp and or shot order use back to back. we can do a lot better. that's find out how upside thing is a quick one step back when we think of of sites is clothing.


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