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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the news line from the us presidential buys and makes a series of gaps at the nato summit in washington is facing growing pressure to abandon his re election campaign. but insist, see is the best qualified person to be donald trump. also coming up, applauds by russia to kill the boss of germany is leading arms, manufacturer was stopped earlier this year. that's according to a u. s. media report. their inventory is a major supplier of weapons and ammunition to ukraine. they call it the wedding of the year. this song of asians rich as mine ties, binoculars, lavish celebrations,
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a glittering guess list, and some shop criticism the . i'm gonna have the office welcome to the program. you as president joe biden says he's still running for president's, telling to unless he can get the job done by the period of a news conference in washington at the end of nato's 75th. and it was anniversary summit is spoke at length about his achievements and office saying he was the best qualified person to run for president. biden's middle fitness has been under scrutiny since he appeared confused at a debate last month. several top democrats have withdrawn the support for his re election campaign award. and thursday's press conference was meant to be a show, democratic lawmakers and voters about the us presidents,
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mental fitness bots bite and made a number of plans as low strikingly when he will come to ukrainian. presidents below them is the landscapes of the stage to and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine, who has as much courage as he has a determination based gentleman, president, president booth present list. i'm so focused on the boot and we've got to worry about it anyway. it's present. i'm bet you are helpful. what concerns do you have about vice president harris is ability to be donald trump. if she were at the top of the ticket. look, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. i think she was not qualified to be present. i'm following the advice of my commander in chief, my, my, my, the chief of staff in the military as well as the sector defense in our tells us
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now that spring in us will, is this issue, at least looking at this, which is a bit painful. is, is joe button still fit for office? i watch the whole thing and it's a very different image than just a few. i guess. yes, he has he, he has more frequently, but in the past always stumbled over words. i think his defenders are going to say these were common mistakes that folks make all the time under extreme pressure. he went on for 20 minutes in, in depth conversations, talking about nato, talking about current conflicts, around the world, around trade policy, things that would be really hard to do if someone was genuinely suffering from mental capacity. now there's, there's 2 things about this. he might be fit for office as he demonstrated way, way as well in this press conference. but is he a fit to convince voters that he is to and to be donald trump? that's such an important question and it gets at the heart of what people are kind
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of not actually saying, can you be president? he's kind of proving again and again, he's an incredibly successful administration, but can he be donald trump? and i think that question actually goes back to the dmc that goes back to the democrats, donald trump kind of did its 1st shot across the ballad democrats in that debate. he was classic trump really strong, really aggressive. and democrats responded with panic. mm hm. so is it fighting alone that can't be that trunk or is it all of the democrats have a problem waiting this campaign, this real quick us analysts, thank you very much. this, you hunger is problem, minutes of it to all them has met with former us president donald trump at his mar lago home in florida that will likely aggravate and for us to frustrate west and allies. along with the similar, secretive trips the made to russian and china in recent days, the trump is it is the light to stop on what all bomb has labeled his piece mission . since taking over the rotating presidency of the council of the
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e. u at the beginning of july hungry is victor open, has been making himself busy. he's been on a self styled piece initiative. meeting well need is a number in the trips as he goes his 1st trip with the keys where he met with ukrainian president. the landscape before heading to must go for talks is russian president vladimir putin eclipse. many in brussels and across the u. for the phone in his stead trip, which he w piece. mission 3 point. oh yeah. hold on. headed to badging. yeah. right. he meant to johnny's president, cj and ping when he said that china was key to creating the conditions for peace between ukraine and russia. channel a red flag to washington dc for the nato summit. on the summit side lines he met with turkish president, russet, tire of i'm for peace mission. for point of he reportedly asked for tech support
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for the hung, gary and peace initiative. the 1st installment so old on had to florida to meet the former president and colored presidential candidate donald trump. off to the meeting, hold on a long time some support to posted on x, that trump would solve the vote in ukraine. the hum gabby and 5 ministers unilateral push for peace, has not been warmly welcomed by his night to allies, though it did lead to a rare moment of agreement between french president and manuel. my cool and german chancellor or life shouts. so the choice, but let's be clear, he didn't do this as the president of the european union for the coming 6 months. he was not in that role. it was as the prime minister of hungry that he chose to make that trip to on the that was, he's a choice as representative of a silver nation and no other devices. and not all of these trips by mister old bon happened as the prime minister of his country. no one wants to leave
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a team in that, and no one would want this and of this, but he did not act on behalf of the european council. mister hundreds with an old patient or not. these early days of the presidency seemed to have only solidified all bounds. reputation as an oxide on the inside of us and of night to it's a russian plus to assassinate the both of a german weapons manufacturer will stopped earlier this. yeah, that's according to the us, broad costs of cnn, us intelligence, others, a german authorities that i mean pop out of the chief executive officer. i'm the time was among several defense industry executives across europe that were targeted by the kremlin rush. assess the report is based on fake information from anonymous sources. i mean pop bag on the head of one of the world's biggest weapons manufacturers. and according to us officials,
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the targets have an advanced assassination attempt, allegedly masterminded in most school. the u. s. a left to gym and allies who were able to intervene is whether that's an item, this sort of this i won't go into detail. well, this is the order of the day like to at the same time, i'm happy to tell you that we know very well that we see our subjects suppose to varies threats from russian activities. and that will very carefully watching that ourselves. we have not tried to back up the is a key called in europe and efforts to assist ukraine's war machine. ryan montalvo has produced tanks and october. we shelves that are crucial to key west and authorities have one for some time that russia is waging a sabotage campaign. and these are notes of standalone incenses. these are part of a pop done part of an ongoing russian campaign. and the purpose of this campaign is
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of course, to intimidate ne dollars from supporting a ukraine in a full german police, arrested to man on suspicion of planning and acts of sabotage. the target a us army base in bavaria where you cleanings soldiers are trained. the plot could be traced to most school, a linda escalade, professor, that jamie then passed on this information which the 2 had gathered to a person connected to a russian intelligence service. and then in may, a mysterious fire broke out, a subsidiary of weapons make a deal invalid. even investigate to see the cause was a technical defect. but media reports in germany see intelligent services, have evidence of russian involvement. about someone using brief for you know, fill in solomon's house posts, loyal granting, border guards. the pol to block migrants crossing from russia. finland shop. it's
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land borders late last. yeah. for such an arrivals, excuse me, most gulf weapon isaac migration predicts, say the new law of violet's international human rights and i was rescued. teams have retrieved around 60 bodies from under the rubble in the search i. ya neighborhood, in gauze and city. that's according to officials in the home us run territory because of civil defense agencies that the discovery came to us out as of just barely troops withdrew from the area. do you regulate to say, you know, most platform x is misleading uses and bothered to european content rules with its blue check marks for verified accounts in finding that could lead to a hefty fines. ex becomes the side company. and as many weeks of the apple in mesa to full file of the new digital services act, the options wedding of the some of india as rich as mine is underway. moved by full
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days of celebrations, will mock the union of aunt and bonnie and for the comergence. the guest list reads like who is who of indian and international celebrities. you see the finish line is finally inside the off the 7 long months of celebration. this great indian wedding is coming to a close this weekend. the happy couple. the son of a judge, richest man location bonnie and the daughter of pharma icon very much and the 29 year olds tying the knot in an average cd he and decided many within to national celebrities and even was leaders expected to attend. this week's legs kicked off in one by with a mass wedding for 50 couples who couldn't afford their own celebration,
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the b i. c. this marks the beginning of the passivity is for our children a not about it. cuz wedding stuff with sylvie to avoid it. but many said, this contract is precisely what makes this $320000000.00 reading. so of see it has included thousands of private jets allowed european reading crews, a pre reading event that saw the lights. so vienna and monk, a book as guest the engine prime minister is expected to make an appearance this weekend, underscoring his close ties to the business di. cool. but it is ridiculous. what are doing it guy? yeah. you how with like the last of the best dates are room or to be taking place on monday.
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giving the top of the johns to at last to begin the long post viewed much celebrated marriage and early i also delicate responded audio bod, what's average indian? so thinking about these lavish festivities, the reassurance from indians, particularly i'm talking about on social media, we're running extreme lavishness offices. i think it has spa and mix of a fascination and criticism. also, on the one hand, we have people who have to wait to invite the grandeur of the way and julia to share the pictures and renewal of the celebration, then all the other. and there was a significant backlash as well. and the critics argue that this extra wagon display of about is inappropriate in a country way. begins even politics and where the income inequality is high. and
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this has led to be to online with us some defending the right to spend wells freely and others going for more responsible use of resources. now these contrasting directions of somehow highlight the deep nomic dwight that goes to thinking yet that was the w correspondent. audio bought the reporting from denny. and before we go, the latest pamplona bowl, ron and spain has seen another 3 people taken to hospital because spoiler that they were injured bibles, as is tradition, the beast released on an 875, need to course run it and then try to avoid being run over gold, as you can see, not everyone achieved that same animal rights activist school. the boy runs which date back to the 16th century medieval cruelty one run up remains in the serious
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stable and this and that's, it's, you're up to date. i have a wellness update for you at the top of the house. got office from you of the team . the each tells my story of the people who planned me built a case have been nice to me. i am not saddam, depending on my secrets, i have month to my city's day's full centuries and the.


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