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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the the dw news live in from berlin to now tonight, the mounting momentum against a 2nd term for us president job i. after a series of gaps at the nato, so many washington bite and remains defiance about staying in the campaign. but can he keep going? if the money stops coming in, also coming up in admission of fail, your israel's military says that they failed to protect his rarely citizens. during the october 7th terror attacks, a new investigation revealing civilians had to fend off a mazda militants all by themselves. plus finland, parliament gives border guards the power to turn back migrants crossing from russia . critics say it violates human rights. and for football fans,
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the party is almost over just one game left at euro 2024, the tournament being held a success. we take a look at what has worked and what has not the regard to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states and to all of you around the world. welcome you. as president joe biden is on the campaign trail this friday as he defies a growing calls for him to bell out of the race for a 2nd term bite and is headed to detroit michigan, where he's due to give a speech in which he's expected to pull no punches and criticising his rival, former president donald trump. michigan is part of the trio of blue vall states, along with wisconsin in pennsylvania. the advisors campaign and now says
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r t to evict 3 in november as no bite man, his campaign team is they've been seen to show that he is fit for office. a nato press conference in washington was meant to reassure a democratic lawmakers and voters about the us presidents, mental fitness, but by made a number of blunders most strikingly when he welcomed ukrainian. president bold demand zalinski to this day. and now i want to hand it over to the president ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination page i'm, i'm president of the big president present list. i'm so focused on the boot and we've got to worry about it anyway. it's present. i'm bet you are helpful. what concerns do you have about vice president harris is
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ability to be donald trump. if she were at the top of the ticket book, i wouldn't have picked vice president trump to be vice president. i think she was not qualified to be present. i'm following the advice of my commander in chief, my, my life of the chief of staff in the military as well as the security defense and our intelligence people are let's go down to our correspondence, different scene once he's in washington dc stuff. i'm going to see you on this friday, so we just heard some of those gaps there at the end of the native summit and thursday's news conference. what has been the fall? well, for bite and today as well. uh, it hasn't been good and it is growing. the fallout is getting more intense as the list of people of democrats, of house representatives and senators grows longer asking the president to step out of the race to step down to step aside to acknowledge that he is perhaps
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not up for the task any more to a beat donald trump, in the race for the presidency, 2024 as well as to govern for the next 4 years. those, yes, as you see, they are means in any, in any way or form you can possibly imagine on the web here and on instagram and all other social media platforms, making fun of present and biting at the zalinski gaffe, it was actually the, the least worst one because he, you know, corrected himself. and that wasn't the case yesterday at the press conference after the nato summit, where he didn't seem to notice that he had made donald trump vice president. so it's not good for the president. it's not good for the campaign. yeah, the campaign appears now to be on the verge of hemorrhaging support, and as we speak, the president is on air force, one flying to
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a rally in the swing state of michigan. step on is this how his campaign responds to stop the bleeding of supporters. so yeah, pretty much, uh, they need a roaring job. i know, roaring president a royal ring campaigner who gets it, who gets it straight to deliver as punches against his competitor against donald trump and well, you know, the president joe might manage that after this disastrous uh, 1st uh, tv debate uh, which was conducted by cnn 2 weeks ago, the next day he went to north carolina on a rally and, and really hit it was the old joe so to speak. or as we hear say in america and the us who delivered punches against trump and who tried to convey that he's strong and in the game and lose it. i mean there now he is expected to do the same. and this is pretty much the only option the campaign has at the moment because they are
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nursing and trying to, to uh, fix the problem they have with their own party with, with, with the democrats. you know, i mean, house minority leader i came, jeffries did not endorse in the meeting. donald trump yesterday, which you had after this press conference. and the list of, of, of house representatives is growing. who say, hey, present by you need to step out of this campaign. we need to have another one. another candidate to be donald trump and to be able to rule of government this country for the next 4 years. the, the campaign is adamant about it to show joe biden has its best. now it's, you know, it's fair to say that even donald trump has his shortcomings when he's on the campaign trail. and when he gives interviews, you know, he has gave his galore himself, but still it is all about showing done with the president biden strong and in the delivery of what he has to say. strong and eloquent now. and that is the problem
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for the campaign because you know, there are so many campaigns stops the president can do. and that's not enough. yeah. yeah. and anybody can get tired, anybody can misspeak, we're all humans. i'm sure the campaign would say our correspondence defends a months in washington. stefan, it's always thank you and internal investigation by israel's military has acknowledge that its troops failed to protect civilians during her mazda is october 7th terror attacks. the inquiry detailed a slow and disorganized response to the attack on the bay area kibbutz, one of the worst hit communities that day. israel's defense minister is calling for a state inquiry into the attack and the government's response. security cameras capture the moment how most spite is surrounded could boats bear
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a their attack began early in the morning on october 7th and ended with 100 and when residents killed the end of the 32 people taken hostage, the military has now admitted the community wasted hours to help to arrive with forces waiting outside the kibbutz into the afternoon as residents were being killed. so i'll show them to see my throne. a israel defense forces failed in the mission to protect the residents of kibbutz. barry. it is painful and difficult for me to say this. the idea of should have defended the residence of 2 books very enough, but unfortunately we felt we were not there. the mission alone, the hours of fighting for hours, the residence of bery defended the families with their bodies alone in front of the terrace from jim live down with. i'm probably the military admitted it was unprepared for the infiltration of militants. didn't have enough forces in the area
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and said it's fine check was on coordinated the investigation praise the bravery of the kibbutz residents. but some still have questions. the conclusion of this is what a supposed to come me down in the future. but we didn't get the answer why the army didn't come. i mean, why we left alone? some conclusions that's not like the big picture inclusion. and then what could have done differently and they're going to do on the next step. how can we feel secure again? it is rouse defense minister your gun and is now cooling for a national inquiry. it's the only pro needs to check me. the whole minister of defense needs to check the prime minister needs to check the chief of staff and the
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head position. but that was about human rights groups have previously criticized is riley investigation saying they really result in punishment. israel slicing in gaza in response to the october stevens attacks has killed 38000 people. according to him, us run helpful thorazine. israel is now facing allegations of war crimes and genocide and international thoughts. well, i've enjoyed now by like flooding. he's a journalist based in the tel aviv good evening to you. volley. maybe we can start by you telling us how remarkable is it that the adf is admitted, its own failings, its own mistakes, as well as the question is that if that's unusual, then the, the answer is no. this is not the 1st investigation in that case is like this has been done also after the i don't keep border war when uh,
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egypt by then attacked or surprisingly attacked as royal on that day. and there has been lots of failure. and the idea of by then also admitted that their mistakes and also have to be 2006, the war or military operation. call it this way with the law of it has been the also internal investigation and the conclusion that that led to many uh, punishments for the most senior commanders in his role. and also the prime minister was affected by this defense minister as well. so this is not the 1st time of this, it has been expected. what has been announced a couple of months ago to get some push back uh for it. uh, especially by the political, legal for their own reasons. but this is not the 1st time, and this has been expected in as well. you're talking to me about the consequences that this report, it could have a particularly for the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. or
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we'll see, relatively speaking, he's not affected by this, has an internal investigation inside the adf, inside the military. and that is just for learning from their mistakes on deck, including what they can do better in the future. but practically speaking, why we're talking about the this investigation the, this is a perfectly bad news for the 5 minutes of this. that's why there's been some push back from his office when it has been announced. because of the fact that when the investigation to start that it means that we will at some point have more pressure on the prime minister to open that state's inquiry, the independent investigation that will investigate him as well. now, just a couple of hours ago, one recent full 40 percent of his race thursday morning, specifically have said that he is the one to blame more than anyone else and the political level and also the military level. a for the most a silver attack. and even 72 percent of his rarely said that he should resign
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either now or at some point in the future. so apparently this is a record is going to be considered bad news for the premise. i will report that error just before you and i began talking, you know, highlighted the very good, but what do we know about the survivors from that could? what's it, how are they doing today as well? um, most of them, of course, evacuated us to be of a 7 foot sac. uh, but uh, from the recent date uh that the has been announced uh 6 days ago. so last we buy, we can this, that the 1st, the most of them came back. there was no specific uh, number of, uh, the people that came back to their home in each keyboards. but 43000 of those old evacuated, came back to their homes. a birthday because of the relatively same situation right now we are not here make any sense of the no and the, uh, self excuse me. and the,
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the situation is different, of course no, but uh, in terms of how they are doing before they are seeking answers now uh for their uh, for the video of the audience. but then, and also uh, 40 feet of the political level of support. they are devastated, but they want to go back to their lives and that's better apparently for them then leaving their homes to some hotels and motels anywhere else in intro, journalists and bothering deciding with the ladies tonight from tel aviv falling. we appreciate your reporting and i thank you. thank you. the israel and the un are trading accusations over why desperately needed supplies and the gaza strip are not being delivered. israel says that it's taking steps to increase the flow of aid and it blames the you win for not getting the goods to the people who need it most . but the un says ongoing fighting and the breakdown of law and order have made distribution to dangerous for i believe family. daily life is struggling
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against hunger and a worst thing for the patient crisis. boston and hygiene is not something they can afford to move an annual limit. well there is no source. you wanna know the church and unlocked and one other nothing. when i yeah, i mean the price of the open or even if it is available in the gaza strip, so we can't afford any yeah. yeah, no, i don't have money to buy, so can she can do live in the future counseling centers, godsa here, lack of sufficient doors. it's clean water. no working fluid system threatening. everyone's has some kind of you kind of don't have money to buy food, let alone buy a bottle of shampoo or so i have lice in my here due to lack of so to see and i'm an adult woman another minute and then get an adult woman brushes her hair and lice, come out of it. why? because we don't have the supplies we need. no one takes care of us on the slot and
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what it could be to go to the left side because it doesn't mean despite mounting international pressure on it, straight the delivery of it and to gauze that it's been far short of what is required is trying to see if it has made efforts to ensure you in agencies can make the liberties and believes that you went for the female. the 14000 pallets by the way, that this stuck here, and they're not collecting. so they even decided not to bring more trucks because they're not picking it up and just to be ready. so meantime, the private sector or continued to war, and those trucks are private sector from does this do or the ring in 14 goods to guys industry building. but the u. n. c is active fighting an attack from militia groups, leave it on wife. financial aid is being dropped off from the israeli side. it is being lifted in area and then we in some private sector entities are also picking up the, the trucks that uh the you and trucks that are getting are,
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are picking up 8 are doing it often a great cost. uh, because they are being uh, either eluded or taxed at this time the force has continued to fight against how much lack of administration in gods has created widespread lawlessness. the attempts to transport 8 by sea has also not being successful. the us build to be a facilitating the energy of 8 was marked by challenges and it's not expected to be bowman and to dismantle it. but these explanations don't help people like the of the, the family for them to lives in 8 mean one king continued suffering finland, a parliament has granted a border guards the power to turn back migrants coming from russia. the countries are ruling right wing government coalition and many opposition lawmakers back the decision. the government says that the movers meant to the term russia from weapon
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icing migrants the finland, so called the deportation law. let's border guards and migraines back to russia without the chance to claim asylum. it can be inactive for a temporary period based on what the finish government says is, must goes instrumental ization of migration. it's not the question of asylum, it's question of our security. the finish government itself acknowledges the new law conflicts with the european union international laws which ensure the right for those in need to ask for protection and all 18 legal experts. the finish parliament consulted advise that it clashes with finland own constitution, which led to the addition of the right to appeal within one month. but some parliamentarians, even from parties in the government coalition argue this is still unacceptable. well, at least i actually am very concerned that convince opportunities to demand compliance with international human rights treaties from other countries will be decisively weekend. but most finish lawmakers believe is
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a good is difficult to compromise. that may also allow reopening feelings border with russia closed since last year over the migrant issue at the continuation of the current situation is definitely a worse option. almost 2 thirds of their citizens in a recent poll supported the deportation law. it's the turn of finish dot about between security and the values of democracy, of human rights. at the same time, i think the lot of things feel that we need to be strong against russia, and we need to show them that they can target this in this way. and this law will be one way of trying to determine that type of actions from happen. the use, newly approved migration packed, allows temporary border closure and limited asylum procedures. when a member state believes migrants are being instrumental lives. but opponents say the finish law blocking applications goes too far. as somebody expresses the wish to apply for international protection, they have to have access to and sign a procedure. and that's the key element that is being removed by these meshes. so
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in not was but there, there isn't all this breach of a, you know, but anyone hoping to see the european commission take finland to court over the new measures may be disappointed. in april 1, commission, president ursula of underlying visited the border to check out the situation. she agreed with the finish government that the kremlin was using these people to try to destabilize the country. she sent you money and border guards to help helsinki deal with it. this is not just about the security of finland, but it is about the security of the european union. but catherine willard says this type of response allows russia to exploit borders, data panic and creating more in security where the better way to manage the situation with to be, have a calm and mileage approach to refugees taking protection. i'm not, removes the power from these different states to try to manipulate people in order to gain advantage of a european countries. instead,
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if the finish loss stands, she fears more european governments will toughen their own measures to keep asylum seekers out. southern europe is sweltering under brutally high temperatures. just as the region reaches, peak tourist sees that extreme heat and wild fires have left emergency services struggling to cope authorities. a warning that extreme heat and humidity may prove dangerous. for those who are unprepared, extreme, he is straining southern europe, much of italy as roasting under an extreme heat warning. when it's over 40 degrees celsius shade in july though or the priority for we're a tourist. i have my hand when i got my but i think so. yeah. his in big cities, media urologist said temperatures were even higher than official reports were signaling concrete radiates heat above ground and asphalt softens under foot. or
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is it ruining towards vacations? depends who you ask? i just think it's that hard. i'm from a stray a. so we have temperatures like this. but with humidity, as though you've been. so i'm not even sweating and hungry. a heat warning has been in effect all week. authorities verge, people to drink plenty of water interest more than usual. the heat wave is proving life threatening for budapest homeless. the government has ordered social services to take people off the streets to cool off it. how it is hot, but you can survive just like the cold in winter. you can survive, it gets to its heart, but you have to stay in the shade and you look at and albania, firefighters saddled wildfires and a heat wave that reached 42 degrees celsius. hundreds of firefighters and military personnel have fought as many as $23.00 separate fires since thursday. similar
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conditions in southern bulgaria also lead to wild fires, where fire crews bought to save homes and dangerously high temperatures. the monitors in romania is capital, bucharest, rich 44 degrees. that's commuters struggled to travel in buses and trans without air condition. most of the most, i don't know what it will be like probably worse than before. i heard the temperatures would be even higher, but it is what it is we will survive. although normally we should try to do something to combat the situation so that it doesn't happen anymore. meteorologist say the heat wave will go on for several days and get even hotter this weekend. slash the euro 2020 for football championships, a drawing to a close with england in spain, facing off in sundays final, the tournament is being held a success so far as security concerns have proved unfounded with the largest police deployment in modern german history. but there have been some controversies
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all fevers, the closest thing you're past to a shared religion. absolutely amazing. and then the european championships is carnival, meets thanksgiving. meets wholly the party as well. funds from across the continent did for 4 weeks, and german streets, highways, and bars. but before a single ball was kept, there was anger in the german camp about a contribution survey that find one and 5 people would prefer more white players on the team. she says can also it as, as it's racist in the end, jeremy, to talk with a convincing when adult people dreaming of a summer fee retail. but also the pitch, their where hiccups, the countries aging trading network street and tried to call was
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a bit rubbish. like a bit robust, it was very robust. and so with the weather bought to didn't dump in the mood. this japanese match with denmark was delayed the, nor did it stop the dutch dancing spear were sold for the toes. ukrainian funds offered to stock remainder of the war waging at home on falling a collage of fallen soldiers at one match from a security point of view. additional board checks and digital tickets appear to have done their job by control. the sea was never far, there was a cry of to a truck is play. i made the ultra nationalist gray roof gesture during a match. you a, a bind him only for a stadium of turkish funds to mimic him, days later on lots of germans. there was an unspoken state throughout
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this journey that their multi ethnic team could silence the racist by winning for the coach, deal, team spirit to be an example for the nation of interest to simply wish for this country that we understand that things are simply better together and some of, especially if i helped my neighbor to come to the hedge, to finish it faster than if he does it, tell the 9 a month. so when he did eventually crush up to spain, the pain was aged on every face. and julia now goes moon, seem to more, not just the defeat, but the end of the party. which of the 5 of us, it's not often the, almost every player who leads to comp has p, as in the rise, i think is a huge credit to everyone on this stuff. and i'm going to get something to stuff. a reminder now, the top story that we're following for you, you as president, your advisor has made a series of gas at the native. somebody in washington, he introduced the cranes world to me as a lensky, as president, uprooted,
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5 minutes facing growing pressure to a band and his re election campaign you want you need to do is after a short break, i'll be back to take you through the day to night, you as president biden, sure to keep running will be right back. the
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finally, is this the solution to global energy? or not your fusions, how the international mega project eater is a massive hijacks. it could be exploring the possibilities and risk of nuclear fusion. the dream of invoice, clean energy in 45 minutes on d delta. so the
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do you know which should be see industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates which is good. concrete transforming business syllabus on to figure out what's the real new deal. just screen blushing, the watch, the issue, how many platforms can you handle? singleton? usually without having the feeling that it's just too much it might seem easy. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking diesel, modern meds? because if we do too much, we paid it all wrong. we messed things up. risk and brain damage. so let's stop
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this self sabotage, humans and multitasking. watching our new to v w documentary 4 years ago, joe biden ran for us president, calling himself a bridge candidate a bridge to the future. many people understood that to mean a one term president who would heal the nation after 4 years of donald trump. so why is by intent on when he gets 2nd term? well, he says things have changed. the world has changed the subways. he and that has democrats words, a bite run for a 2nd term. could he end up building a bridge to another for years? for donald trump or break off in berlin, this is the day the .


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