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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news life from berlin. a power at schultz are hired as a donald trump riley. take a look what happened? the former us president walked away with an apparent injury at the raleigh in pennsylvania. the well breaking news coming in from the us. now there's been an incident as a riley by former president donald trump. the situation is very unclear at the
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moment. trump was addressing the crowd at the riley in pennsylvania when it says like gunshots could be heard. let's take a look, not at exactly what happened. you know, that's a little bit all that chart that you are to couple of months old. and if you want to really see something like this said, take a look what happens. we can see trump just go straight done and that secret service also says, rushing onto the stage there to check in on some clearly catch on the grind there for quite some time. yeah. no sir, is getting on to or anywhere close to this stage. these guys are really quite some time we can see the
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and lots of shots there yet. and we should probably see him being raised up. see yet very is we can see him there being filled up by secret service. and he does appear to have the lodge on his ear there. and he seems to be led away nearby secret service. but not before raising his fist up into the air table. it's unclear is the former president was wounded in any way, but it does appear that way. then lead off the stage and taken away in a vehicle. okay, it's really dramatic scenes there. and let's go to our correspondence in washington . to get some more on this story. okay,
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actually sorry, we're actually going to be joined in the studio 1st by simon bone here. simon, this is just happened. so it's extremely unclear what is going on a tall what actually happened. can you tell us anything more? well, one thing we don't know is where these noises came from. what they were um, we don't see in those videos that we just paid anyone beings seized in the crowd or anywhere else for that matter. and we did see that the former president trump going to grab this here as he mentioned the seem to be some blood. he was conscious conscious afterwards. um, but that may not tell the full story because um president reagan in 1981 when he was shot famously told a joke to on his way to the hospital. and um, uh so that's the fact that he was whisked into the car in about 30 seconds. trump, that is,
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may conceal any any more serious entries that he could have. but my understanding is that he since tweeted or at least posted on his social media network that he's okay. see how he defines okay, is anyone's guess. yeah, i guess we'll hopefully find that that kind of information suit in time. and thanks so much and let's cross over now to our correspondent in washington d. c. stephens, i'm and thank you so much for joining us so quickly. we can't really be sure that this is definitely gunshots, but i mean, what if it was? well, what would that actually mean? well, let's say 1st things 1st, if you allow, so we're just hearing from the spokes person of mr. trump on the campaign is that the president for president is fine. now, as a said fine can mean anything, but he's fine. he's not in, in danger of losing his life as it appears. we also heard from the secret servers now that the former president and that the quote from
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a president is safe. as we could see was brought away in this. it's not the beast where the president, the recent president, the president now is travelling with it's a mock up, basically from the secret service. also a safe con, there rushed him to a undisclosed location right now. what happens there? we don't know. we also don't know, you're absolutely right. if those bang, switch loud bangs, which were heard, are, were gunshots. they may have sounded like this, but who knows the president, in photographs close ups as well as in the video. it can be seen when looking closer is heard, was heard, he is apparently some bleeding, a boss or behind his ear and blood. where's the smoke going over his ear and into his face? secret service agents. as you said, reacted fairly quickly or relatively quickly to secure the president keep him on
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the ground. you mentioned that he was a quite a while. that standard procedure to 1st make sure that he's fine, that he's, that is vital. so okay, then to secure him and then to bring him out as fast as you can in the video. also, you can see those um, uh, agents with the black helmets in black. this is a tech team. this is a, a tara, or an incident response team. which is travelling with the former president ad with a president of course, and those are rushing to the stage completely. right. we don't know if anybody was arrested or detained or then defied as possibly a shooter. now what that means though, that is absolutely clear and mind boggling now is that political violence and it doesn't matter who it hits right? if it's the former president or the president, political violence in this country is a real faith in the experts are talking about this for months that there is
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a lot of radicalism at the fringes, at the address of each, a grass roots movement to the left and to the right, and i think this is, and that is an early analysis without knowing too much. i think that is definitely a and ta blows a sign up for exactly that political violence in the united states in before the campaign actually really starts official start for complaints of september. we're already there in the united states. yeah. and we're seeing these absolutely. k all take scenes at such a critical moment in the us right now. and this is clearly going to make the situation in america even more times he spoke about political violence. is this going to make everything even worse? it's possibly um. so here's what happens next, and that maybe is, is good for context and, and to put this into perspective also. so the security and safety posture of
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anything around politics here in washington, dc with any rally of the president and the former president will now change it's all were already was on the high level, it will now increase in the level i can tell you from a police report from the white house, they already felt the increase at the white house where this did not happen and where the president is not even there. he's enrolled us and went to church at the time when this happened anyway. but the security posture of security agency safety is in secret service f b i. what have you, all the other agencies in law enforcement in washington dc and anywhere else? and with that respect, milwaukee, next week or tomorrow, monday would stop the republican parties convention in milwaukee. and of course, they have to now go not back to the drawing board, but they have to open a few more drawers on security. this will change the security posture, the behavior of security and safety agencies on the federal and local level
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tremendously for the rest of this campaign for the rest of 2024 in the presidential election. that's for sure. but surely this security would have been as high as a more or less could have been. i mean, how is it possible that someone could have actually gotten into one of these? riley's with a gun? what does the security at a riley like this actually looked like it's pretty tight actually, and it's a that's and again to our viewers around the world, anywhere you watch or hear this, we do not know if those were a gunshot. so that has to be officially determined yet it's surely sounded like something like this, but we have no confirmation. all that however, and just go with it. i just go with your question now. it is nearly impossible to get a, a gun or, or anything into a rally where the president, for the former president, for a former president doesn't have to be necessarily donald trump could be bach obama
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or bill clinton. and for that matter, if they hold it right, it's secure, it is extremely tight. now with former president trump, it's everybody's aware, he will be the a candidate of the republican party for the presidency in this election. they is specific. specifically, tied security is always happening while he was president. that's usual for president. but even though in your full president and for the old from security has been high. and so i really would not know how somebody could manage to get a gun in the result. those easy, it's also fairly impossible because there is a sweep before the president or former president. it pops up anywhere. there will be the secret service with k 9 sweeping and explosive experts and explosive dark sniffing dogs. they will go through every, are these x rays or try and check if there's anything, anything which remotely smells like gunpowder if those were gunshots. if this was a gun, then it's pretty amazing that that foot slipped through. but again,
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we don't know yet what that was. however, the president for president got hurt. but if you're right, we have no confirmation that those were actually indeed gunshots. it sounded like it, but where you get to find out and what about the actual riley itself? pennsylvania swing state. quite a big deal for a former president. donald trump. m a. how it will this likely affect his campaign in going forward? not well, i don't think it will have when it comes to the campaign when it comes to donald trump, it won't effect his campaigning at all. he is and is use. i mean, you can tell. he was as soon as it was back on his, on his, on his feet, he raised his arm, the fist up. i think i heard him uttering fights. the word finds a defiant and, and the show us trace before he is pushed into the, into the limousine. there on i think he is bigger now more so than
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before, to, to use this for his campaign to use this to make a case that to a and this is the case, he makes that nothing and nobody is safe in this country and that he is the savior, we're all wait for it to be elected in november to save america. um that texas logan save america again, right? not only make america great again, but safe america again. um, so you will use this uh, in his campaign in his and in his a fight for the presidency. now again, the security posts here for everybody was involved for the safety and security of it for the former president and the president and the staff. and there's a many, many people involved, they will have to, again increase their posture and that means a lot of more boots on the ground, tight either even tighter security and safety measures. and how this all spills out
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this is made to be seen. actually, i really have to tell you the truth. we will feel this. everybody will feel this people who want to go to, to release as well as drummel, as who as to cover those events. the date is for the next few days, a lot to report about this one or yeah, it will surely also ry left a lot of his supporters and we've already heard from reporters on the scene that and a lot of supporters of trump has already valued retaliation. super emotionally charged, i think that's more or less what we can expect in the next few days is a little more of that, right? for sure. for sure. um, there is a and again, experts in, in law enforcement and national security are for about almost a year. and now increasingly concerned about a radical ization of the fringes on the edges off a grass roots movement. be it on the right or the left. but to match the domestic
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terrorism and political violence is something which those experts and those law enforcement eh, eh, experts, agencies who are in charge of the security and safety of not only the president or the former president, but you know, everybody involved. and for any american, basically they're really concerned about this and they haven't of course, an eye on this. but now they've, this turns out to be really a, a, an attempt of hurting or assessing aiding the former president. that will uh, increase everything that worries as well as preparations. yeah. stephan simons in washington. thank you so much for giving out best, giving us that update as quickly as possible. we'll hear more from you as the story unfolds. is just a reminder of that story. a part shots, hard as a donald trump rally,
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the former us president walked away. it was an a part injury. riley and pennsylvania will be covering this story throughout the next few hours as it unfolds us for 9. thank you so much for watching. stay tuned and take care the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota to look surprised. hi, irish. and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to do you have you have a window? yeah, we've got a response. and the i'm expected side to side. much as to what did you do before i played tennis. she survived the ocean bits. thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor positions under the.


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