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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  July 14, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm CEST

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because you have, you have a one dodge, so do you need this? of course we've got a response and the i'm expected size of flight a man one more time. the savvy all the cupra is on a mission to put the funds back into cross save as with the new full mental can they succeed. performing to was cooper, us 1st exclusive model. so the separation of the brand from say up, and now it has gotten an update and we'll check that out right now. welcome to rent
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. before we go any further, let's take a quick look at the history of the q prep brand known for being a pepe, a go foster alternative to say that the name cooper is a poor man. so of come and racing a no to the brands. much school heritage. in fact, the cooper name was 1st used to commemorate see at success in the 1996 to lead to weld, riley the 1st call to receive the cooper a badge was the se outside visa cooper. have she? if ever that was one. cooper student established itself as an elite motor sports inspired brands. the updated form and to the lights on this for cna is its late to stuff right. for him and tori is available with a bunch of different dr. drains, there are gasoline, diesel, and also plug in hybrid versions and also depending on whether you want the manual
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on automatic transmission, just how much money does it have that power all put the ranges from 150 to 333 horsepower and we're testing the more powerful plug in hybrid version that delivers to 172 horsepower. would that the call will make the stand that sprint from 0 to a 100 kilometers an hour and a little more than 7 seconds. and the top speed is 220 kilometers in our numbers that could stem from cooper. this formula, the connection was even more interesting. the plug in hybrid version has a 19.5 kilowatt hour battery, but uh, net numbers. and with that you will achieve an electric range offer on the 100 kilometers according to w, l d, p. and that is quite good because usually on to now most to plug in a hybrid cost. whatever, on 6065 kilometers of purely electric range and slowly these plug in hybrids
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are getting better. and so the for mentors one of the 1st to feature 100 kilometers of beauty, electric range, which is really good. what's it like behind the wheels? there are driving impression and the new for mentor is really good, quite sporty, as you would expect from the outside look of the car spot. of course, it's still somewhat of a cv and you feel that it has the tendency to lead into curse. but it's still fee, it's say the costs change between different dr modes and then the difference in that is noticeable. but it's never to explore the so the engineers kept an eye on the comfort in the form and taught to keep it as an appropriate level that way it's not
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s 40 s, for example, early on can be the cooper games and never is going thompson over on top of the either 100 kilometers of few will, of course you will then have consumption with the battery. so electric energy. but once the battery is empty or needs to be charged, the car will use 5 and a of 6 meters. for one of us can nominate us, at least that's what cooper claims. right now, all batteries, not yet m d, n, we have tests claimed probably to off fuel consumption and 20 kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers the. let's talk about charging because the new for mentor can be charged with up to 50 kilowatts, which is quite good for
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a plugin hybrid. and that means going from 10 to 80 percent takes 26 minutes. so in theory, even if you do long distance trips with the for mentor, you can charge it while you're taking a break and then use the electric energy to get to the top leader off everetts. consumption, which is quite good. usually with plug in hybrids, you have the problem that they take very long to charge. although if you've got a heavy foot 2 comp rely only on battery power, the combined acceleration of the one of the meter engine with $170.00 all is paola, and the electric engine is quite good. as i mentioned, it takes a little more than 7 seconds fee. it's quite good. but if you press the gas paddle too hard and the electric engine can handle, then the gasoline engine will have to take all the most of the
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work which resides and it's being quite loud. but you have to admit, though it will do its job and accelerate the car. the foam and toes new shock knows design, gives it a distinct mocking a departure from its se rates. the front end is as cooper as it gets. the culprit turned 18 and 19 inch on the way wheels helped keep it light and nimble. the interior of the foreman door looks really good. ask with han most any of the cooper amada, especially the steering wheel. i am always a huge fan of that and i can even stress this enough. with these buttons, the left side, the cooper logo to switch between the drive most and the right side, the start stop button. just like with a race car. maybe it's a know to multiple well touring cars champion, yvonne miller,
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who's raised many qu press to victory. kind of the new, full mentors, know, race call. it's got to nicely, we've jumped interior. the main differences are in the middle. you will have a $12.00 inch infotainment display which has all the usual functions and what all to apple carplay, radio and navigation and so on and so on. you can also check the battery state and charging with the hybrid version of course. and what's really, really good, the adjustment of the temperature and volume on now illuminated so you can easily find that one in stock. it should take a seat in the back. the space is also quite good. you still have some leg room left and that despite the fact that the seat has gotten a little bit to the rear, which it does when you stopped the car to help getting in and out. so if it would be sitting right there, then it would be even more leg room. and the head room is absolutely okay as well,
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even though you have the glass roof that is closed right now. the new full mentors need re features coast to coast tail lights with an illuminated to print logo in the middle, making it impossible to miss like anything else. the author, it's launch in 2020 the form and to it quickly became the most successful model. busy the crew for a brand in germany alone, they sold more than $80000.00 units up until now. and of course, even more in the other markets. and that is quite impressive. but not everything meets all testers exacting standards. as you might be able to see in my face, those are reflections from the temperature and the volume adjustment layers right
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below the touch screen, which makes them not only on practically about the even somewhat disturbing, depending on where the sun is. very nice the performance or does or. busy features sports seeds while we have right here of the comp seats for the v that versions cell. this body is off the sporty looking cars. the v that is available either as we have as a plugin hybrid, whether it's $272.00 horsepower or in the top version with just a gasoline engine and $333.00 horsepower once and most is full file. she'll send them the top 10 very and comes with took split to technology as well as optional. echo no breaks. and then across a bit shaken school system to
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sum up my for mentor experience, i have to say i really liked the call. i also liked the predecessor, but now it looks even more cooper a to me and i really like for the design that stick to it. the drive train is absolutely okay, a plug in the hybrids is always good if you use it purely electric for you every day, way to work. and then of course you can use it for long distance trips, banks to it's gasoline engine. so it features the best of both worlds. the only thing is a starting price of just on the 40000 euros is not exactly for everyone, even though you get a lot of car phone. i know that you to, for a full mental plug in hybrid looks. the pots has good purely electric range and can be charged for. but the quality of the touch screen operation and the highly reflective interior surfaces do need to be resourceful. fits to school closer to
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test it out, but the cars are big level phenomenon with millions of unique stories that could be in a german coffin. we need you guys whether you are. however, up here flick passionate is our module and your stories. our currency. yeah. we have fun cars from germany and the craziest place all across to this one here is it's all dictated from albania, that officially, that breakfast grad once, just sorry. and we try to figure out why we feel such a strong, emotional,
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only with this machine. just story to ideas and cost by itself and millions and millions of use that com and most of all the fact that makes us better. this video as me as all day as my buckets. yep. that's due. all saying if love is so cool to watch and keep going. well, thank you for the question is now flash. if we go next, right to wherever you are sentenced your stories and your crazy car into the let's catch up soon. sunroof the with a new concept called change. everything opened as one of your slots as a comm acres, and among the oldest common adventures in the world,
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one more time. all of its models also produce and then a very and hopefully made last has for 19 years. but recently it began turning a profit again, it has manufacturing sides in several european countries. and 15000 employees in germany alone can opal make a ton summation to 100 percent? be comp for 0. so let's check it off. i'm at also a headquarters in the upfront for more than 8000 people works here, beginning in 2020 for the company plants to manufacturer all of its models and it bets are you electric variant. and i'm even allowed to find my hands on the assembly line it's hotter than you might think. so what does it mean for the workers who have to assemble the open as dry as a hybrid, a combustion model? and so battery electric version, depending on what happens to be up next to the next thing with the model here on the line, the electric motor arrives almost fully assembled. and while we do most of the
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assembly of the combustion engines, so the process is different. but it also gives us more variety in our where i go by the whole po, begin turning a profit again in 2018. that's also because they had no subsidiary of still ounces . and can benefit from use. how much is a visit to the company? use museum collections from all this hand for you? oh, pool kept nearly every part of the manufacturing process from the in its own hands, including research and experiments like this res call with rocket propulsion from 99 to 28. then they're all best sellers. like there's 2000000 open copy teen with real gold plated trim. and the doctor's com. so can we go for a spin and that's all about to show you what the full, the doctors call for months. yeah, i would really like to see that you can crank it up if you want. okay, let's try but it has to be done by hand. a
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one more time, the carry off the name of the car came about because at around 1909, it was popular with the doctors who drove it to pay house calls to their patients. if a top speed is between 50 and 650, let me doesn't. our bed was quite fast. for 1900 and not the opal 2 carried out many experiments with electric vehicles like this twin concept called dating from 1992. it has to propulsion modules. one is the electric, the other is a combustion engine, which can be attached to the re off the cod, depending on what's needed. but the cars didn't really take off back
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them. that's changed. they're charging stations now and a proper e. com market. dr. jo open sold some 90000 electric vehicles. oh, pets restructuring, also man producing it's about phones and becoming a subsidiary of lantus, which also includes the brand, see it and people, it's the roles. 4th lodges, automatic co with 14 brands and it's 9 up. and now the c o is planning to switch production internally to e cause which will run on green energy. will leave you with the, with the industry and achieve carbone nets 0 by 2038. we pay a visit to another open factory and i as enough german to support the e mobility switch to launches, sense to invest in the planned and all of the brands that you own off of 50000000000 euros over the next decade. the public is of
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course creates synergies that can be used between the brands while at the same time giving all the possibilities to the brands to make it cost that so it's what they want to do with the old books. it's caused on these cuts, and then each model gets its own design. this plant is already using that salon to is a partner and drawn centers, including 2 battery factories, one in france, and didn't of it, and prepare ration in germany, which will one day supply batteries to 1200000 e cars a year. we shaft battery technology, we share certain structural elements, but then it is very important that we convey to all customers the tradition of gym and driving values which means robots are driving position a robust road holding direct steering. and all of this is possible to create while
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still maintaining for some years now all pull has offered a veteran tea for repair and replacement of adding batteries and it's electric vehicles. use batteries are returned to dispatch, where you refurbishments center, where they are, re, pad, and return. so do all post designers still have room for input? i'm meeting with outputs, chief design of florian ties. nice to meet you. we are kind of in the most secret area of the ocho. why do it have to work secretly here? yeah, so welcome from my side. first of all, um, well, it's obviously what we're doing here is for the next 10 up to 15 years from now. and we don't want to show the rest of the words everything we're doing. so it needs to stay kind of secret. but as people show you in a 2nd, we've got tons of costs that show a bit of an alternate, where we want to go this. if you want to, as the concept car has
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a signature sound in id or they are planning to incorporate into new models, recorded painful lights. you can create your own whole look and feel adjusted with lives. the vx piri mental concept cars are 1st made out of a modeling material. i'm going to try my hand on shaping defender change the can just try and try. okay. all right, that's why you all look so, so you can start. so you can start is i'm going to, i destroyed and on. and these are the 1st models inspired by the concept called
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the s u v. grant. and indeed, by 2028 all plants we have gone, full elect create the funding for this, which has already been secured. that's one of the benefits of being is to non to subsidiary. one of the world's most profitable comic has this astro electric is listed for 42000 bureaus. now it's up to the customers to decide whether to get on board the . you're right in a d, i y who claim racer from bosnia herzegovina. well, a young kid with veteran and his oh, to a customized vw jetta. it's like a child to me. a family member who is veteran is an item that will racing driver with a preference 1st,
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hilly terrain. time to get an up close and personal lift. got his jessica. are you ready the the just think, lee, bump you right for our interested report. there is the result of some of meticulous work. we visit veteran at his workshop into his lot in northeastern. unfortunately, [000:00:00;00] the, the car mechanic spent 3 years tinkering away on his pride and joy. it's like a child to make a family member drop the veteran has plenty of other cars to work on. but his true passion i'm calling is for dw
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base to racing cars. his jetta is above me and talking about kids with all manner of extra features it comes with 4 injectors for the exhaust is for and to one. this is the is and these original camshaft legacy some the got you. okay, so the also on board is a fire extinguishing system safety 1st be specially and motor sports. if there's a fire, it activates and puts out the flames. well, there are also 4 more nozzles inside the car alongside the electrical system and that's the safety system. veterans love of fast cars began when he was just allowed his father was a successful racing driver. and what was then you just love you, but his undying love for vw came a bite because of a different model. so when he,
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when i've loved the gulf, mark one since i was a kid, friend of mine had one a gti d, w. so that's one of the loved again. i liked the design and with which i decided that when i grew up, i buy myself a gulf mark one and make my own racing car into this day it's remains the same as rush through raptor style and this jetta has great visibility. the building kind of plus it has the features that make it easy to turn into a race car like the veteran bought his prize jetta in sarajevo and hasn't looked back since his only regret is this for lack of development in recent years. but i mean, it's not that big of seen, but we do have the occasional meet a few months back to you and i talked to junior so it was, you know, the situation with sponsors isn't great. the problem is the problem is
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a decreasing interest in racing. its popularity is limited to our people prefer watch soccer or basketball format associated with other 20 mile cushion washed by the need for speed test drive type, which means taking veterans jetta back out onto the track on an old air field. the newly made the the system more upfront, the driving conditions as ever, as the sun goes down the, the, the most racist we do the start isn't that important that you know, as it's mostly up hill, it 1st escaped comanche, so that you know,
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that you sort of start as really good, intense it'd be a bit, you know, week or 2 to be put on the straits. you make up the time you lost at the start lobby. oh yeah. so it's not that crucial release is going to live in a very slow season. as for the jetta performance, the the car is what it is. the track is terrible. the surfaces no good. but we've been able to do a few labs to show you the car and that magic feeling. ultimately the object to defies the terrain, to deliver the magic and veteran is proud of his sip top little racer. i'll try to get a gray car produced out of love. and that's what matters. so you do that is i chose the jet. it'd be is we couldn't find a better basis than the gulf mark one. see?
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i looked at just that we're glad to have our super jetta, which we've really grown to love to low based on the and more automotive tales. next time we're as
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the meet hope now. we rate one is the stars of x equals couple bosh soft ground wrestling in kampala, fighting like you've never seen it before. if somebody crazy and the best part is the women seem to be leading the bad. the 77 to the c d w. and i'm a visual artist living in with jason just had
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a 6. and this is my city. the arts, metropolis, new, young creatives are spreading their wings here and finding i'm freedom. we join lady's told me to find out in 90 minutes on d w. the shuttle. the 100 and key, more people than ever on the news world volume in such a profession, life never facile, jessica middle castle. josh. the national piano is you come back on the car battery or something,
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then that's ok. that's the nanda foundation. one box to the next. find out about robina story in some language. reliable news for migraines. wherever they may be. growing up in the refugees. palestinians ever known, we try to expect much living with them anymore. this is not a good environment, not for me and not for my children without civil rights and with no prospect. but what can we do? carry on and some last a nice the nice you get there hoping for a miracle. and babies shuttle stops, olga stood on d. w. the the,
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the . this is the w and use life from 1000000000 donald trump supplies and a powered assassination attempt. take a look, what happened the former us president comes on the fire, the campaign rally is going to but says he's fine. the suspect, the q that has been killed. president turbine, who calls the shooting 6 saying there is no place for this kind of violence in america. leaders around the world joined him in condemning the shooting. bring you


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