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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 16, 2024 1:00am-1:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news live from berlin. donald trump picks is running made for the us presidential election. from name's ohio, senator j. d. events as choice for vice president. both will take center stage of the republican national convention in milwaukee where trump has won the parties nomination. also on the program. police in kenya, arrest a man over a series of crews and murderous officials say the suspect and the serial killer has admitted being involved in the desk of 42 women in the last 2 years. and a rapturous welcome for spain's victorious national football team. fence,
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turn out in hundreds of thousands and madrid to celebrate the 2. 1 wind over england and sundays, euro 2024 finals, the amenities of welcome to the program. donald trump has chosen his running mate for november's presidential election. ohio senator j. the vance is trump's pick for vice presidential candidate. the 39 year old former silicon valley venture capitalist had been a critic of the for president, but has since become a loyal ally. trump made the announcement on his truth social platform as the republican national convention got underway. milwaukee wisconscin. trump described vance as, quote, best suited to assume the position of vice president. so there's a speaker of the house, republican mike johnson confirming the party's ticket for the november 5th. general
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elections. what a great night! pursuant to rule 40 d of the rules of the republican party. i formerly declare president donald j. trump and j. d. vance is the republican nominated for president and vice president of the united states. that's crossover to our correspondent, benjamin oliver as gruber at the public and national convention in milwaukee. so i wanted to ask you earlier, trump announced his pick for vice president, senator j. the vance. can you tell us who this guy is? that's right, so 1st of all, donald trump waited for the last possible day to announce that the 39 year old senator from a higher would be, is it running made for vice president? it just to give you a few information on this center. he's very pro, is wrong. he's opposing a strong, oppose or in the senate also for an additional military aid for ukraine. so that
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will be also interesting and phone from makes it back to the white house also again, a portion, but new was indeed one of the names that we've been hearing over the last couple of days. also with other sen thoughts. as also told cnn that you got a phone call from trump only 20 minutes before we make that announcement on it to social. and you've got a standing ovation here in the reno in here, it was confirmed as a b p. take it along with a president the don't from whom i present on from when i got the number of delegates it to run against the joe biden in the november presidential x. and how we're going to send so far of why trump actually picked him. of the he is very strong on several topics and that might also be something that he might took even a stronger role as vice president. and then trump could even look at more a presidential. he was one of the names. it was also that it, we've been hearing
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a lot from, from support and we also spoke to some of them off to this analysis and saying that he will be a great taken now, especially also city as a senator from ohio. that's also very important that the spring state very important state. also, i had of the presidential election in november with both donald trump and joe biden tried to gain as many voters as possible before the election. and of course, a very young man as well. and otherwise old election, and i wanted to ask you also about the rest of the day because it was a big day for the trump campaign. florida judge actually dismissed a case against trump. can you tell us about that? that's right in the news broke even before the convention starts at the federal judge, judge con, in and also a pointed 5 home, a president donald trump said that the special counsel i know for the to even bring this it costs a flight case and up and that is a vote of this course was something that was applauded by donald trump, himself on to socially said that this is assigned to all the others,
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what he called, which one should stop right away. he is a competitive quote, was immediately send out a press release saying that it was a very, a good sign. so we see, even though we have not seen him here in milwaukee landed already here, donald trump is in milwaukee wisconscin already, but we only expect to hear from him here on states on thursday for his inspections acceptance speech. but of course, it's a very important useful the trump campaign that is really going through momentum. you can say is we're waiting to hear what a form i present you as on the on some will stay here at the states here in milwaukee wisconscin on test w correspondence, benjamin alvarez, cuba at the republican national convention in milwaukee. thanks and for more, let's cross over to daniel, increase and associate professor at the school of media at the university of north carolina and chapel hill. thanks for joining us. so. oh, hi. oh, senator j. the vance. he's now on the 2024 ballad. as former doctor president
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donald trump's running needs and now his vice presidential pick. so what message would you say that this sends about trumps campaign this time around? well, 1st of all, thank you for having me. i, i think probably what this suggests is trump is looking for a young political fire brand one, a kennedy who very much has been aligned with trumps overall message. whether that's on immigration or it's stolen. 2020 election j events has proven time to again, to be very reliable, surrogate defender of the president in congress and president joe biden, whose campaign chair labeled vance and his views as extreme. what would you make that as well? i think anybody who denies the results of
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a free and fair election is extreme. it's an anti democratic extreme is to try to prevent the peaceful transfer or the holding a power. so, you know, probably just from a social science perspective, from a small, the democratic perspective, any time a candidate or any party leaders reject the results of free and fair elections. it's very dangerous terrain for democracy is to be in. this interesting perspective on this is the political science and the angle there that the denying the results of a free and fair election is extreme. um, i can see that perspective. on the other hand, trump had a choice of, perhaps more extreme characters within the republican party. vance was actually a critic of trump in the beginning saying that trump was taking america to a dark place. so you don't see any sign here that there is some version of moderation on trump's ticket as well. i mean,
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there were certainly many other choices that were less extreme. there are many republicans, for instance, who looked at the 2020 election and said trump last mitt romney is a great example. you know, the person who ran strongest against trump, nikki haley is another great example of somebody who i think would be a clear, a voice of moderation within a republican party. that we need to embrace democratic norms that we need to get back to a free and fair elections, which every court in united states and said that, that we have. and we need to be able to continue to not demonize our product. and all of which i think the selection of j d bands sort of rejects, which is the voice of more democratic moderation and the party. and it's pretty amazing that all of this is happening not even 2 full days after an assassination
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attempt on trump. how do you think briefly, if you could, this might affect his campaign in the next 3 and a half months? wow. how did the consultation attempt was uh hieroglyphic act of a political violence? and i think what we need now are members of both parties to, to become statesman and states women. and to clearly reject anti democratic violence, anti democratic rhetoric, including political violence including attempts to undermine public confidence in the election system. so i would hope that trump really embrace is free and fair elections. and i hope that we turn the back of the anti democratic tide that's growing in the united states. they increase from the university of north carolina. thanks very much for being on our show. thanks for having me. and let's take
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a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. the voters in government held areas of syria have been electing a new parliament. it's the 4th such a election since the start of the civil war. 13 years ago. opposition groups have labeled the vote a farce. parliament has little real power within syria's presidential system. pakistan's government has announced that will ban ex prime minister him or on tons political party and filed treason charges against him. mister con has already been in jail for almost a year. authorities of anger have stories have any or his supporters by cracking down on his p t. i party police, and can you have a rest of them in thought to be behind a series of gruesome murders. the dismembered bodies of several victims were found in a garbage dump. official say, the suspected serial killer has admitted murdering dozens of women. the police have been scouring the site and i, roby over the weekend. used as
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a dumping ground for bodies. crowds gathered, watching in horror as investigators pulled out one back after the other, all containing body parts of the women killed. now they say they have the suspect in custody. from the look of things, it is crystallizing that we are dealing with a city or to a circle, positive serial killer, who us no respect for human life. according to police, the suspect has confessed to killing thousands of women including his own life. the suspects confused, fluid keen under this post for the 2 female bodies of a dumping site own my dad between trentadue into 2
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and us, they sent us lots of the 11th of july 2024. just a 100 meters away from the dump where the bodies were found. the suspects homes were investigators set the found. i'm a chevy, plastic bags, and the personal belongings of suspected victims. crisis and kenya, which has one of the highest rates of fantasize in africa with an average of 47 women losing their lives every week in spain's victorious national football team as arrived back in madrid with the european championship trophy, hundreds of thousands of fans gathered in the spanish capital capital to welcome them home following their 21 went over england and sundays. final team set
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a new tournament record by winning all 7 of their matches without penalties. they also became the 1st men's team to win the euros 4 times dw is nicole reese is in madrid and send us this update on tonights. welcome home street party. thousands are celebrating the spanish staying here tonight. the the really the c panel squared. now i am 6, all went down in the past 2 years without penalties. 15 goals that, that stroke. so the most successful male football team that europe has had so far generations that i've never seen spend when are you or come all the young people or
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people from oh yeah, yeah. and the body is going to the family. nobody's freaking out about that right now. that old region about their team, they're very happy as we can do international desks from all sides. and the steam a so freshman, energetic, that technique is being explained as very straightforward on the field. we saw that in that last game, when they were playing on the, in the area of the english team all the time, actually that's where the action took place. they just want to hit that goal. and that's also thanks to the training over the point, the train of, of these young talents. so tonight, it's all about the party as you might have sense. and it's going to be a very, very long and successful one as well. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you. donald trump has chosen is running made for november's presidential election. ohio senator j. the vance is
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trump pick for vice presidential candidate. 39 year old had been a critic of the former president, but has since become a loyal ally. that's all for now. don't forget, you can always get more on our website. that's d w dot com. you can also follow us on social media at the w news. i'm on the needs of thanks for watching the this video change the world. it shows us soldiers killing civilians in the rock more often posting. it's julie massage became a wanted man. 14 years nature, the we can expound is fine and the general is done during the traces, the stories of a soldier under the volunteer of the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time in your heart to forgive me. but that the follies don't think that i carry any resentment or a grudge in my heart towards
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a captivating story about this struggle for forgiveness.


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