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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 2:02am-2:30am CEST

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the trump message. meanwhile, the bite and campaign is still riven with questions about its candidates and whether he should even stand. so how come joe biden compete with a rival who has been all but day 5? i'm feel gaily invalid, and this is the day. the donald trump, the grateful and my president is still alive. the bill looks great. he looks strong. emotional, i guess it's a good way to put it all kinds of crazy emotions. awesome.
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also i'm today, china is coming to respond to brain storms. the future of the country's economy as a growth flows and the west rethinks trade ties. some of our european friends are going to be curtailing their a zone investment in china. as long as china continues to have this indirect tell to russia, welcome to the day you as a, that's a tune. republicans seem to be 2nd of that party convention in the fall. ok. donald trump has been officially confirmed as i nominated for this november's presidential election in the wake of his near assassination. of all the presidents who was known for going off script says he's told enough he's original acceptance speech. and he'll instead deliver a call from national unity. is vice presidential pick j. the vance is a former critic and to form a prime revivals nikki haley and run desantis on tuesday nights. mine and publicans
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seem to be heating that party chairs opening woods, calling full unity. we must unite as a party and we must unite as a nation. we must show the same strength and resilience as president trump and lead this nation to a greater future. only president trump can united us and restore our autonomy, rebuild our southern border and re gain are standing in the world. well, the w as washington bureau chief in his pole. these are the republican conventions and described the sense of unity. she said she felt in a minute. it was quite impressive how the mood changed when donald trump entered this arena last night with his uh, tape, your people are very emotional. um and uh, to those to whom we were able to speak. they kind of all come together even closer behind donald trump. they see in him
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a hero who's willing to risk his life to fight for their interests. it was pulled as you do. this found a lot as a political strategist in communications experts who worked out worked on a bomb is 2008, and the 2012 campaigns joins us from the ok. welcome back to this. we saw a donald trump's a grand entrance at the convention. last night i talked to natalie escaping that assassination attempt. what did you make of his appearance, the staging of the reception that he go? i mean, it was a grand entrance. he walked right behind us here on the stage and got into the family box, and of course it was standing ovations. it was very emotional. but in the end, this convention is in the entire branding exercise. this is a branding exercise in order to of course, paint a picture of donald trump right now, re branding him as the uniter in chief. and of course, democrats will have to be focused on making sure that, that branding is not going to be building at any speed and momentum and actually
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pushing through in order to make the stark contrast between donald trump and the democrats. and when we look at the, this unity in case of the republicans in congress, the policy does now appear to be folded into line was easy or is that just convention razzmatazz for the cameras? oh, absolutely. the party is 100 percent of life. one of the starkest critics of donald trump, nikki haley, who was a fierce critic of donald trump's back in january and february, doing the caucasus. and the primaries in new hampshire is scheduled to speak tonight. and she will of course, say that she is falling in line, that donald trump is the only one who can make the same world safe again. and that she is 100 percent supportive of donald trump. the same, of course, goes through for randa sanders. the governor of florida, who's the schedule of the speaker as well. so i think the party has heard the shot . they know of course, who donald trump is. and that he is the power center of the republican party. so they are going to be in full support of their nominee. i'm what even hearing from
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republicans on the d for democrats about the choice of j d bonds as donald trump's running night? right, i mean, yesterday j defenses announce, and it took a few minutes for democrats and the joe biden campaign to send out text messages and emails, of course branding j events as a radical as a extreme is. and i think there is reason to look and examine his record on the things that he has said in the past. of course, he is a hard liner on many issues of course, and we look at it from a european perspective. the things he said about ukraine and that he is not willing to support the effort in order to protect his ukraine after all. that is one of the issues, but abortion a many other social issues, that is something where j events has taken a very conservative position. and the democrats are trying to exactly put in laser focused on that as they try to mobilize their base. a couple of harris says she's ready to debate self events which impact award the events. how is
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a match up have on either campaign. i mean, i think it's going to be good to be for about the 90 minutes that can be on stage. both are incredibly well equipped rhetoricians, j. the vast incredibly adept communicators. same of course is true for the former prosecutor, complet harris, who is able to craft an argument. but again, if you look at the past, the presidential or vice presidential debates have hardly had any impact this time however, it could be different in the sense that we of course have 2 very old candidates. and a tremendous focus is being put on those 2 young or youngish candidates, as they are very likely to take over in, throughout the term. the next uh, surfing term of the next. yes, president. just picking up on that point, how much should we care about who is in the running for a job that was once famously described just not worth a bucket of spit. i mean worth impact of the spit is exactly right. it's the job that actually hardly anyone wants it watching,
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but i think we should pay very close attention, especially from a european perspective because the contracts couldn't be any star could between complet harris, who has of course, supported joe biden in his effort to of course, support ukraine and judy vance, who has made a very clear that under his his command or at least as vice president under donald trump. he would not be in favor of any more ukraine help. so i think it has a tremendous impact for us here in germany or throughout europe. but frankly, speaking of the contrast is very stark between the 2. okay, stay with the students. we're gonna talk about the democrats campaign and about what the president biden's course is still trying to find off efforts to get into stand down from the campaign. we're here, we still do less to hold on nbc news. i understand. i understand why people say, god is 81 years old. oh, what's your going to be with these 83 years old, 94 years. so legitimate question that is there, is there
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a sense of wanting to get back on the horse and i'm on the horse for you band. i said 22 major moves for thousands of people. overwhelming crowds. a lot happening. i'm on the horse, julius van de la, now we have adam shift for leaving a voice in the democratic party. but fortunately, warning of a wide part is 5 and stays in the race. how do you think this is going to shake hands or perception is reality and i think what the president is saying is just not what voters are seeing every day. they have very clear memories of what happened in the presidential debate, and they didn't see anyone who was sitting on the horse that joe biden just mentioned. so i think they are great worries throughout the electorate about joe, by the ability to carry out not just the campaign but the 4 years after that. and so i think there are a lot of voices within the democratic party right now, who are scared, who are looking at the polls,
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who are seeing donald trump building out his advantage over joe biden. there's a new pull out that says that virginia is almost a play. so i think we're seeing that the race is not tightening the opposite is the case. and so it doesn't surprise me that even more democrats are now calling for joe biden to free up the way for a new party nomination. and bite and campaign stopped competing after the trump shooting. they cancel the bands and suspended a comp time ads. what's the plan now, especially since they were trying to get more aggressive? right. i think it was the right thing to do to cancel the tv adds to stop online advertising right after the assassination attempt to the phone president. but now they got to pick back up this week is probably not the best moment because the entire media attention is focused on the republican convention. but sooner or later, they will have to go back on the off chance to try to get out their message prefers they gotta find that message. and up to this point, joe biden just has not been an effective messenger,
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is not able to carry out the message and i think there is a message for him to deliver. he couldn't make the case that he can say, well, who was actually fighting for you? is it donald trump, or is the joe biden, so that message we haven't heard yet? and again, i'm not convinced that joe biden is the most effective message of the democratic party has to offer please raise the house. i mean, he has a message and it has to be set to a message. there is all this speculation. so what i think about whether joe biden, the messenger will actually be the, the, the, the mind who ends up contesting the election against the drum. that's right. that's speculation continues unless he's able to camp down that speculation. and again, it's still almost a month till the democratic convention in chicago, unless he's able to tempt up at convention. nobody's going to be able to listen to the things he actually has to offer uh, with regard to his positions or his general message on what the final, what about the money,
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the big money. but the that's been swelling around the wall street journal reporting that people must funds to give $45000000.00 a month to approach from past. what sort of difference could that sort of money make of the mean? $45000000.00 a month. the commitment from the law must golf course that makes a difference. however, i don't think it makes as much of a difference as it used to in the past. why this campaign is scheduled to cost approximately $16000000000.00. so i think there is at some point, an overflow, you don't actually know what to do with the whole money anymore. so right now i think the focus is on donald trump has his media channels, dividing campaign. it has their media channels. there's only so much advertising you can buy, and even if the buying campaign were able to find big donors in the likes of v lamazzo 1st, you gotta have a message before you can actually use the advertising dollars to put that message out. and right now that messages just missing good talking to you as ever a julius found
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a lot of political stressors. thank you. so one of the countries that closely watching the us election campaign is china. of course, donald trump has proposed to drastically increase thomas on inputs from the wells, the 2nd biggest economy. if these realize that these vice presidential pick j. d bounce had been that t v interview, that china is the biggest threats to the us, which has been distracted from the issue by the war in ukraine. meanwhile, on the other side of the pacific, trying his ruling communist party is holding. i'm important gathering of its own talk about the future of the country's economy. so the close, the door meeting will last a strategy for greater self sufficiency. a time has been reporting week economic growth since the global pandemic with the countries important construction and really state sector, particularly hot here, use of employment has also been rising as millions of graduates struggled to find
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jobs. and many chinese site then nervous about the country's economic outlook a homeless. so in terms of income savings and purchasing power. personally, i haven't lost as much you mail, but we're worried about the future. we think the economy is going to start to make for some time to come to take off. so there is pessimism. oh, you mean people to feel like buying pains as much anymore. so tongue sure. everyone seems to be watching their money more closely. so i'm trying to save more, so you can control and see the profile. actually 631, civil continue. of course we hope the economy will gradually improve and that there will be more peace in the world. so that trade and the economy in developing technology will get easier to go to like, given the current state of affairs. i don't think any improve that. it's not even a slight one line as possible in the near future. hopefully, i'm quite a or you're basing the funds on well, my next guest is economist in china expert george mag,
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this piece alter of the book, red flags. why geez, china is in jeopardy. it joins us tonight from the city of outside in the united kingdom. welcome to dw, could you explain to non china watches why such a dry sounding beating the platinum is something that we should be paying attention to. this is a little bit easier, terry. so on each 5 yearly election cycle of each central committee. and we're now under the 20 of a central committee. so in other words, the company response is be in existence for about a 100 years. um, so there are 7 plenary sessions or 7 platinums the 1st platinum. it is also considered, certainly the chinese communist parties, narrative is that the platinum is the most important of the 7, and it's often not always allocated to towards a sort of
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a thing to really about. where is the country going? what without you cannot make strategy have to be to achieve our objectives. what sort of reforms need to be made in order to, you know, become stronger and better and realize those objectives. in truth, um there's being one transformational foot plan, which is the one that was held in 1978 in which the fame was reform opening up, which was a mantra that really has survived for decades. possibly in 1993, there was one which was called the socialist market economy, which was a sort of a definition when china was already a little bit red. sure about how the leadership, the time food ice and should develop. but met very few of us have been so transformational people have high expectations of this one was right. and so always
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it's super brand new people get together in a bit of massive room and it's held in secret. what, what are the worries going into this? yes, the platinum right, so the be the attendees with the 376 set of members of the central committee. and normally, i mean, the image that we sometimes have in the west about this is that this is a meeting where everybody gets together and moving issues and thrashed out a kind of really what is happening is the leadership has been preparing this for about a year or longer, and they will present to the central committee a set of ideas and a set of policies which they will discuss. and it will certainly be some tweaking. but actually what they're going to decide when they eventually make an announcement . um, it's pretty much cost it start and, and so we kind of know a lot,
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maybe not everything, but we know a lot about what the government is going to come up with really. and so what are we expecting then from, from the next a 5 year plan? the current one, i believe the ends in 2025. i yes, um the i'm the certainly the, the, the 15th 5 year plan, which is the one that will be coming out in $25.00 to $26.00. obviously a little bit ground work is big data that's already been in the way. this is not really the forum full, i mean a lot of what's decided that the plan and reaching this week will go into that new 5 year plan. but what we will be watching for very carefully is, what is the government say about what it proposes do with the economy the immediate future. and then may not be all that much detail about that. but they'll be quite a lot of, um, they'll be quite a lot of things that they will say about how they propose to change things in the next, you know, 5 to 10 years. so we'll be watching for things like, you know,
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will they do more consumption stimulus? will they change the governance regulations for corporations and state enterprises? what will they say about science and technology? something that's aging paying calls, new productive forces, which he, he wants to china, to dominate by 2035. so there are a lot of things that we'll be looking for. clues as to our government policy will evolve in, not necessarily in the immediate future, but in the, in the us to come as in, as part of the introduction that i laid out quite literally prospect. uh, for china, it's economy, which refers you to have grown to a 4.7 percent and the 3 months to, to do the product that most western countries would kill for why is this regarded as a problem for china? a big. yeah, it's good question. i mean, obviously the, the year of the year comparison, which you just side to it is, um, you know,
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it gives us some indication about the kind of momentum of change and growth and the chinese economy. but actually, if you look to the sort of more, the way that we normally report this in the west of the economies that did lots of other economies as well. the, the ports of the change in china was actually quite me off to be a fairly spice, the 1st quarter where growth picked out quite strongly. it almost kind of mixed up the ground to a halt, but the underlying tempo of growth in the april to june period where it's not even 3 percent around. and so the economy, you know, it does respond. so it kind of borrowing and public infrastructure stimulus, which it gets periodically, but actually it's underlying sustainable rates of growth is now really quite low. it's probably no more than about 3, maximum, 3 and a half percent. and then it goes to which this guy i interrupted. yeah,
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but we would agree. and again these that means the figures, which, which most economists would be glad to, to see when this the plan to finish this. then what happens, someone comes out, it says, this is what, what the big list of things like this is where the economy is going. these are our plans for the next 5 years. and then somebody presses a button and it happens. how does it work? yes, not quite, it's not quite like that, but i'm wondering how can i see on the 1st day, which is when the printer completes, they'll probably be a press announcement under when they go to read out where, you know, a summary of what was agreed will be published and then probably about a week or 10 days, maybe 2 weeks later we'll get a much fuller document about what was actually agreed in terms of, you know, which reforms which areas and how many soft paragraphs and so on. simple. i didn't my actually typed months before, we really are in
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a position to judge whether what has been announced either can be implemented or what the contradictions might be between different types of policies. so full judgment actually might take some considerable period of time for talking to these kind of here for guiding us through that economist and chime experts. george magnus has a kind of get with thousands of people have joined a fresh wave of nationwide anti government protest. demonstrations. we've got a month ago against proposed tax increases president a router as in scrap the legislation of 5 most of his cabinet. but the rest has intensified. dozens of people have been killed in confrontations with security forces. it's a fight for the future of kenya to their demand, unequivocal the what begin
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is peaceful, protest against unpopular tax. so i have to send it into definitely calls for president william bluetooth to resign. what his attempts to refuse attention have failed from provoking the tax bill to dismissing almost his entire capital. we dealing a deeper discontent with corruption. and course governance. this is for our country, this is the 34 kind of reading all this out of the out of the novel for country to visit our loud. we are dying. yeah. we get just the starter. we die. yeah. we get the power. it is by people for the bike, by what do we are telling you that anger fuel, further by a crack down that according to a government watched off his costs, at least 50 lives and left thousands injured. the violin seemingly indiscriminate like here in the streets of nairobi, police appearing to fire tear gas canisters directly if members of the media even
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bloody are seen south of never hoping kitchen get the least fire in life. bullets mere meters away from protesters, the results painfully predictable. another casualty of a stubborn conflict, leading out in the streets of kin. the anger and frustration reverberating throughout the country, including here in the coastal town of mombasa, is the 4th week protesting with the seats method, protesting because we took the easily use of this from the 1st week who would have signed off his paper from the plastic we have step down from the 1st week, but here go to this long. oh, this will have that all this left loose. and still you cannot see the bigger interrupted sketching on the country. as the battle becomes more entrenched, can use future roads more and more and starts with no sign of the violence
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died down to the protest as one's last correspondence in di robi felix, moving of the protest as one's good government as the protest as one's account ability in the country to protest as once the president to deal with the corruption and the protest. as i say, your problem is does the jobs when you are competing for presidency, we are not seeing those jobs. the protests as also winds the cost of living to go down and that protest as $1.00 the police just thought they'd be try the iris abduction and. b have a single different test. that's why the protest as well. so once the government to respect the rule of law and i did. yeah. to what is in the can now constitution. felix and the rainbow in nairobi. and that is today. you can follow a tape on social media at dw use lights. as the headlines of course not available around the clock on the w dot com on the d. w. a. start from phone down from
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