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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news live from berlin, us president joe biden repeats this call for calm and american politics. button says it's time for america to have a conversation about violence and to band band the kind of gun used and the assassination attempts on his arrival. donald trump, also coming up donald trump has my wrong endorsement. harris rooms, former republican opponent, nicky. healey delivers a message of unity at the party's convention in milwaukee as the trump vance ticket sets at sites on the november election. the
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amenities of welcome to the show us present and joe biden has resumed campaigning after a brief pause following the attempted assassination of his political arrival. donald trump, the speech in las vegas to an african american civil rights group bite and repeated his appeal to turn down the heat in american politics, said it was time for a conversation about violence in the us. and he called for a band on the type of gun used in the attempt on trumps life as the the this was all
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the important speech for by and who is under intense scrutiny by many people in his own party. fuel is unfit to run for a 2nd term. so they did manage to pull it off. i asked the w correspondent, janelle dom alone and washington for her assessment. and then i would say that he had 3 things to do with this speech, right? so 1st he had to denounce the scourge of political violence campaign against donald trump, himself a victim of political violence while making his pitch to black voters. and the strategy he clearly decided to go with was to denounce the violence against trump, but then go on to say that all forms of violence had to be the notes. and then he started to highlight instances of violence where especially black people were affected. so he mentioned george floyd in 2020,
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he mentioned eugene goodman. that is, of course. so the capital police officer will face down a writing mob on january 6th, 2021. and that is how he brought those 3 things together before said going on to the message of why you would be a better president for black food or is now whether you managed to pull it off. i think he did reasonably well. he wasn't passion. he had a message, but also worth noting this was a very friendly room. there were a lot of cheering supporters, whether that message resonated with black voters across the country, especially in swing states. well, that's a question that remains open for now. they did seem to be at least a little bit more to do it than recent appearances, which was a good look for him. he was speaking there at the end, douglas c p. that is the most powerful black correct civil rights organization today in the us. and does biden worried that his popularity has slipped with black voters at all?
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i don't know that biden himself is personally worried about. there are certainly concerns within democratic circles and that biden's coalition of black voters is shrinking, as especially black male. voters seem quite trump curious. in fact, there was a pull from the wall street journal. i believe it was a few months ago that said that 30 percent kind of last meal voters in 7 swing states said they were definitely are probably going to vote for donald trump at that number is up from 12 percent in 2020. so barden really needs those votes, especially to make up for the white working class votes that are already going to go to trump. there is evidence to suggest that the black voters are especially sympathetic to bite and policies like student debt relief like investing and historically black universities and colleges. but they're sympathetic to that message when they receive that message. and it isn't always clear that they're getting that information. however, at the end of the day,
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the thing that is going to animate their votes on in november is it's probably going to be inflation and their confidence in whether joe biden will be able to top down on the insulation that they feel has been making their lives difficult, you know, you corresponding janelle develop. thank you. donald trump's former republican rivals have lined up the he prays on the us presidential hopeful of the parties convention and milwaukee among them. former south carolina governor nikki haley used her speech at the event and endorse trumps white house. come back. she even called on americans who disagree with him on certain issues to vote for trump. another night of jubilation in milwaukee supporters. here as donald trump appears with his running mate, j the vans. but they're not. the only stars of the evening transform arrivals are also in the spotlight. just months ago,
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they were attacking human campaign trail. but tonight, they're here in the show of supports. donald trump has my strong endorsement, harris told me us, and best to directv you in. in south carolina governor nikki haley was the last candidate to pull out from the race. she then called trump on the leg to bill and then feed for offers. but changed her mind in may saying she would vote for him. if we have 4 more years of buy or a single day of, here's our country. we badly warsaw for the sake of our nation. we have to go with donald trump, florida to govern the wrong desantis was seen as one of trump strong goose
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challengers before he dropped off and attacking the former president, he also offered his full support to his basement and less than donald trump. back to the white house, the inducements continued to flow from stage the convention. second, they intended to show the republican party is unity behind donald trump. and jo, a contrast with a democratic party, wrecked by doubts about their choice of our service. ma'am, the w is benjamin others goober there at the convention and he's there at the convention. he has more on the unity, the g o. p wants to demonstrate. that's right. it was of course, not a big surprise that he had the number of salary gays it was his son that actually said that the boats from florida would go to him. that was the moment when they
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reach the number of delegates that donald trump needed. so that was not a big surprise even also when he named he's a running major but through social, his social media platform. that was not a big surprise because appearing, we've been hearing that name over and over again. that happens. so many news coming out of his country in the last $48.00 in the last 782 hours with news of that a case of the declassified documents. so let's switch to your quote. there's a lot of movement. many people from within the party, but criticism is really right here when we speak to suppose supporters and also on states. just wrap it criticism on donald trump disappears to be just a mass gathering people, waiting for him, waiting for news and a former administration officials. that's how we'll have to that they are really show. that is, donald trump, will make it to the white house in november. so yeah, here in the arena, not a lot of criticism, rather outside, probably in las vegas, also a during the, a speech and the remarks that we heard from president fine earlier today. but here
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in milwaukee, that's not the case. everyone is at least showing this unity. it'd behind donald trump, the republican nominee. that was dw, is benjamin other as goober in milwaukee. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. at least 21 people have been killed and a bus crash and peru. the vehicle veered off a 200 meter cliff while heading from lima to the indian region. avaya could show injured passengers have been taken to the hospital and rescue teams or working to recover other victims. the dozens of ultra orthodox jews have blocked the highway and israel protesting the military is planned to recruit religious students starting next week. the supreme court recently issued a landmark ruling ordering men from these communities the beginning listing, and these really army, they were previously exempt in kenya, thousands of joined a fresh wave of nationwide anti government protests. demonstrations begin
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a month ago against proposed tax rises, president william rudo us and scrap that legislation and fire most of his cabinet. but the unrest has only and has intensified. dozens of people have been killed and computations with security forces. it's a fight for the future of kenya. they're demand unequivocal. what begin is peaceful, protest against unpopular tax. so i have to send it into definitely calls for president william bluetooth to resign. what his attempts to refuse detention have failed from provoking the tax bill to dismissing almost his entire capital we dealing a deeper discontent with corruption in port governance. this is walk, i'm see, this is the 34 kind of reading all this out of the out of the novel for our country to visit our. we are dying. yeah. we get just the sort of we died. yeah. we gave
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him that power is by the by what do we are telling you that anger fuel further by a crack down that according to a government watched off this cost at least $50.00 lives and left thousands injured . 7 the volume and seemingly indiscriminate, like here in the streets of nairobi, police appearing to fire tear gas canisters directly if members of the media even bloody are seen south of never hoping kitchen get the least fire in life. bullets mere meters away from protesters. the results painfully predictable. another casualty of a stubborn conflict leading out in the streets of kin. the anger and frustration reverberating throughout the country, including here in the coastal town of mombasa, is the 4th week protesting with the seats method for doesn't cause who to kind of
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easily use of this from the 1st week. who would have signed off his people from the plastic? we have step down from the 1st week, but here go to this long. oh, this will have that all this left flows and clearly cannot see the bigger interrupted sketching on the country. as the battle becomes more entrenched, kenya's future growth more and more in search. so the government of pakistan has announced plans to band the political party, a former prime minister in wrong con, claiming that his p t i party received legal form funding. this account is also accused of inciting writing has been in jail for nearly a year and has borrowed from standing in elections. things only seem to get worse for one of focused on the most popular politicians in john hunt. the j a leader is facing of resent this effort to keep him out of sight of the latest most the government has decided to bad. his b,
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d i party in the month you look at the few visited with the, with the steward in lines of all the evidence was prevent any federal government. if we'll move to ben p t r said he can solve the problem. be the donnie, the announcement comes days of to buckets, tons quotes, who are in favor of embry on han and his bond to do it. hon faces more than 100 full gift. if he said that always particularly motivated his b p, i bought the claims could be a brew, could track down on its candidates and supported ended on up to february election. hundreds of btn members. us to indeed many of them have been accused, defend the lightning state admitted to installations of, to hon was because they did last year. but despite the crackdown and guns con spot, the one the most seats in the 2024, the election he's been appears to have mastic, public support. how? why did they deliver the p t?
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i used to know how do we often with him run card, do the piece and stuff, all right. and we have with him homeless and on, on this stuff and has done so many illegal things against him and con, how many accusations that be made against them. how many restrictions, how many cases, god willing, the people are standing up with. and may he get relief? emerald on con, was after death. brian ministers in the board of new confidence in 2022. it is widely perceived that he fell out, fabled with bucks on sponsor for the military. the armed forces have directly to leave the country for nearly half of its existence since its creation. in 1947, many, c, hon, came to fall within 28 days with the fact and custom entity. but after he was forced out, he has been able to mobilize them, nothing against the many. please do in politics. it's an issue that involves deeply entrenched emotions in any move to keep honda or be from public is expected to
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excess to beat the political done more. that has been seen the country for the past 2 years. so that's all for now. don't forget you can get more news on our website that's dw. com. i'm on me and he said, thanks for joining us. stay with us. the, the the is, it is someplace how into the more people than ever on the move world wide in such a base in life. but it tries to get it in cardboard. that's what i find out about baby story info, migrant.


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