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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 7:30am-8:00am CEST

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the what can we do? carry on and some last day, a nice the nice you get their hosting from their babies shuttle stops august 3rd on d. w. did you like to dig in the sand as a kid, build castles and houses assembled model air planes or play with cardboard boxes then you might really enjoy this week. so except here everything's much bigger and way more exciting realty. how it works, progressing on the world's largest underwater rail and road tunnel. a new way of building using urban mining to recycle old houses. a 3 d printer that produces precision metal parts and a pack of stanny entrepreneur who makes cardboard
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boxes. these are the 1st finished parts of a record breaking project, the world's longest pre fabricated tongue that if i should leave, it's an important project because we're bringing northern and southern europe together. the very 1st section was dedicated by the danish kings. that's how important the project is. and doing came today. it's a huge day and an important milestone for our final goal of opening a tunnel to germany in 2029. can you provide the? it's a project of superlatives to build the tunnel. europe's largest construction site had to be created. the largest loading drudgery in the world is also being used here. welcome to europe's and mega project, with mega challenges still to be overcome. a critical moment during construction, the pouring of the concrete, the concrete will be poured non stop for for 30 hours. that will mean tens of
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thousands of tons for one segment alone inside the him. the key is to, for each element in a single for you, that doesn't mean doing a floor slab be 1st as usual, then you've been doing the walls and then the ceiling to come up the we concrete, the entire segment and one for because we have to make sure the temperature stresses under control to avoid crack loan. and the problem is with a 2 by my and that becomes critical in water type construction, reducing comfortable to i'm not totally here. you see this, then things went smoothly with the 1st pre fabricated elements. each is 217 meters long and 42 meters wide name store and it candidates big recognition for the many hours that have been put in to get here from the business side to our designers and some of the construction organization at one time. and the whole framework that surrounds the old need and all of us vehicle i'd be pass opponents. who on the tunnel will consist of a total of $89.00 pre fabricated components which to choose for trains i to,
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for cars. the major components will later be sunk into the sea and connected that will be followed by the interior work. because we know that when we take the trench, we will destroy some rios, but it will only be a very small part of the total reef area. then for just 0.05 percent, and actually many times more rates will be rebuilt in a different location than will be destroyed. noise has upstairs the tunnel book and next denmark with northern germany. it will save rail travelers and con drivers. 160 kilometers of driving distance is part of an e u projects that will make rail travel between northern and southern europe. faster and air travel redundant b e u project also includes the brand new base tunnel, which will connect to austria and easily at 64 kilometers, it will be the longer just railroad tunnel in the world. back to denmark was
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a project pay off, the estimated construction costs are 7000000000, yours was the number one of one of our assumptions are based on a traffic for cash that says we can expect to run a 111 trains in day on. and that's also what our financial analysis is based on weight. and we also assume that around 12000 cars we use the same on the tunnel from 2030 onward monday. a total of 73 year olds per car is expected. the price squared trains is still unknown. what is certain is that the construction costs will not be recouped for at least another 20 years. more important is the safety of the mega project method us to know if water were to penetrate the middle of the tunnel, we would have a real problems on the walls are designed to withstand a train or car accident and maximum speed. so there is a safety buffer, it's really not a problem for you when it's done, husband on the sample,
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the in the tunnel is due to be completed in 2029. incidentally, the things are paying for it all by themselves as the project is obviously more important to them then to the germans. did you know that you can build houses from recycled plastic waste or even whole plastic bottles? even the fuselage of an old airplane can be turned into a home. 3 cycling is all the rage at the moment. and it can be done using material from houses that have been demolished. the concept is known as urban mining and we'll show you what's behind it. built in the 1950s as part of the us military's significant cold war presidents in west germany. patrick henry village was an american island on the outskirts of titled like many us army bases, is basically its own little city,
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with housing for thousands of soldiers and their families, schools, a church, a bowling alley, and most importantly, that even had american fast food chains. you couldn't find in the rest of germany, but after us troops relocated to nearby the spot in in 2012. patrick henry village became a ghost town, leaving behind thousands of american appliances and even outlets. since then, the jury is only been used in part to temporarily house refugees. the city has grand plans to re develop the village into a shiny new district with housing for thousands offices in green spaces that would typically mean mass demolishing and getting rid of these old houses and putting up entirely new ones. but old buildings are only a problem if we see them as such. yeah, yeah, and my we have an urban mining concept. it's based on the idea of a circular city where we treat everything left behind here as though it's a mind. i can be sweet. i mean, that's all the guy from voice you're getting
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a chuck is hydro bigs deputy mer and heads up in the city planning department. some board and fair really are lots of resources here. and we want to value these materials and use them to build the new district and go into that type on. roughly one 3rd of the buildings will be left standing, gutted and renovated. the rest will be taken down to make space for a denser neighborhood with mixed use buildings, not just housing. but the special thing about this project is that instead of sending the deconstructed buildings to landfill, the goal is to resell for use or recycle every thing that you can see here, from literally the ground. while windows like these could typically be used for changing energy standards, since these were put in means that they can't, they tend to be recycled. a tricky process, but it's possible concrete can either be used or recycled as well. but then we've got to find a home for all of these big old american fridges in germany. all those will be
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tough. so all of this represents a new approach to old buildings and goods. improving how we build things is vital construction accounts for 13 percent of global energy related carbon emissions. and it's not just about putting up buildings, buildings, or demolish. they usually end up in landfill. all told construction and demolition account for about one 3rd of all waste in europe. projects like the one in heidelberg can do their part to change this, but it didn't actually start here. it started in an office and stood car about a 100 kilometers. so the 1st step is actually to, to get an idea of what do you have to sign which works for e t a, an environmental consulting company that's partnered with title back to build a database of the cities building stock, starting with patrick henry village. so you need to know exactly how much material you have, what is the properties of the material? are there hazardous substances, for instance,
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you can estimate of buildings construction materials based on its age and location, and its database hopes that easily titled may i get a sense of reusable and recyclable materials at their disposal on planning new projects. titled back then confirms the estimates that means boring holes in the floors walls and ceilings and making a checklist of everything look hanging around the former base. it shows you that over 52 percent of the building is ex, the concrete in around 5 percent. this metal, and this is like a 1st overview of the inventory. me. this information is track for the whole neighborhood with a breakdown of all 500000 tons of material. look, i know this seems a bit try, but without any of this documentation in all of these databases, that'd be actual mining of urban mining is remotely possible. colors and mining sometimes codes, circular construction is
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a new term and has begun to take off in the last 5 to 10 years. it's not a new principle up until the industrial revolution. actually urban mining was very common. me go shout and focuses on the built environment at dutch sustainability, consultancy, metabolic, during the most part of the solution. i think that's what we see with a lot of production processes that production became cheaper. mazda consumption became more common and we kind of let goals for using what we already have. metabolic urban mining efforts include partnering with cities, architects, and construction companies. i think a very interesting case that we worked on is the building of the dodge national bank. the 14 story skyscraper was entirely disassembled, metabolic, are working with the developer to design a new building from the secondary materials. they've also built an office park of old house boats in the global south. for example, there just aren't as many empty houses office as in shops and some of the global north. but in a way,
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urban mining is pretty big here. even though people don't necessarily call it that . when you think offering formal sacraments, for instance, they are very set, you know, in that materials that have been using these informal settlements, have been, have had several lives before the end up in um, in these informing areas. and how to bag this process is a lot more bureaucratic, painstakingly documenting every tile and an entire mini city by color may seem a little bit crazy, but you never know when it might help. and that's not even the hard part. it's now that the real sun, weekends and the things that can be directly reused will need to be sold. we've got 2000 complete kitchens, and i don't know how many builds in cabinets, or we've got sockets and toilet bowls and sinks, and the faucets, you might be able to reuse the process of having the buildings themselves will have to be picked apart. and then you need to figure out what to do with the materials. take the 90000 tons of richard,
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patrick henry village. most of that will be able to be reused to some degree. but for the 230000 tons of concrete, it's a different story to then we'll definitely have to process the concrete is combined . it will be broken down and in part combined with new concrete. and this is some of it will be used as the base our streets of those are some of the different utilization as we've developed, vague and we've had to do that for every single material. yeah. you know that some feed up even if we start cataloging and mining our buildings on a grand scale, will never be able to entirely eliminate the use of new building for us. it's not just about how we deconstruct what's already here. it's also about rethinking how we built to, usually in the building, you design a building and then you find materials that fits. but if you have to design and with a set of materials, then you really have to shift your way of thinking. i really have also a different position as the architect this whole process to be more of a similar materials instead of
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a designer of the building will need to use different materials if we want to make future urban mining easier with that in mind. it builds with materials that are prime for easy reuse, pencil all of the, and treated wood furniture in their office. they've also designed a circularity passport for new buildings that logs materials for future reference and tracking. this data could soon be a requirement in germany. despite the different contexts, lessons from these projects could be useful all over the world. but to make this happen in the 1st place, they just might have to cut some red tape, which is something heidelberg planners know all about. the list. route we have depends, can be made to deter trophy shark hunting. but what has seemed impossible for a long time printing metal parts that can be used to build aircraft engines. for example, get free the printers could soon make labord is leaving
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a thing of the past, the small technical parts that is required for a very large machine like for gas fired power plant turbines. that technology consists of thousands of these precision metal parts. to do this, to components have to be mailed to the 9 a meter and made to fit but one spanish company has an alternative. their metal parts come out of a printer ready to use with this kind of technology replace conventional production in the future. this is what they were 3 d printer for metal looks like, and that's what it can do. the experts go with additive modeling. that means that no material is build a waste, but the shape is created by permanently applying new layers using laser technologies. the idea came from lucas hop out for us when we really want this,
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why the machine that's autonomous and the super easy to use. so later on in the face. and basically what you do here is you load your pods. once you have your pod loaded and the location we want it to be, then all you have to do is close to the on the test print and you get all of the process information down here. you have your printing from it, it's up here. so far they have sold over $303.00 d printers to industrial customers, that costs per machine around $200000.00 bureaus. they were different versions like this compact printer. for this one with a robotic arm, which can produce very complicated shapes. many companies today, lack of specialists who can still do this. a lot of problems that our customers are facing is trying to replace a specialized workforce that doesn't exist anymore. and some of the more traditional jobs but more and more industrial customers want to make their own spare parts are printing is the solution. however,
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this takes time. it can take up to 20 hours before a part is ready. the laser printers use this metal wire is of different calories, which are set by a wire speeds. however, printers are not able to produce all eloise of special steel and the object size is limited. the middle po, company is located in northern under lose the, in the not is an impoverished form reminding count the inventor of the technology chose this location. because there was already a company here in spain that specialized in 3 d printing technology. he was able to benefit from this, such as in marketing. according to the startup, it's precisely because of the high unemployment rate of around 30 percent. that it's easy to find new people who thought about is a really small team. now a 100 people. and you know, i'm going to say every week that somebody use the objects that they're printers
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produce, ship propellers, injection nozzles, such as in the chemical and food industries and pipes for gases, ends, liquids. the printer's can print up to 2 meters in length owing to parts such as this exhaust pipe from a car manufacturer. and this is a very complex the design and that was able to be manufactured into a component. so with our logic integration system, then with the need to sign my seen a machine processing use, what the head of technology means by milly. the company is developed a 3 d printer that can do both printing and then milling and polishing until the printed parts are shiny and as smooth as glass. this is a, the, the base place where we start to put anything on the top and then we will cut the dog for my senior company who's profitable. but the profits are not paid out to
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investors. they want to reinvest all surpluses, right? i'm just to become the reference and so i changed, you can call me at all possible reflection the wealth and to know for this we need to grow. they don't want to get rid of the old technology, but change the market. instead. these 3 d printers are ready for shipping this one is packed up and ready to go to the us to a car manufacturer that wants to become more independent from suppliers. with a new 3 d printer from spain ever jumped out of a cardboard box or foot went over your head. you can have a lot of fun with cardboard boxes. but you can also use them to build your own business. for instance, to set up a company that manufactures them. so if you live in pakistan and or a woman,
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you might find, but you also need to think outside the box the of the plus will fish. and so just that all had a butt taking why? so the army saw, it's not like if it was this argument, fission design, and one on the or minimum of non business stock than that now would be caught up in advance as documented the, the things they could still either be for the, the, she was an export or, or one of the 2 successful business woman, the money that is the 1st well most name business woman has and that will fit taishan with the key idea of when the case or the brand name or
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faxes entail. on the face of men, markets many keys the mid and i'm of show her a so i'll be c be long could 0. i am in and tripping the industry. and these that are found in seo fast, most packages the store, but how much that's almost 4 months to minutes. they were minutes. so it took can make one so, so, but on don't have them at a cost us manufacturing, the little cardboard box is be available. hope wisdom, us giving you will scale up anything, services stable go showed us visiting cards so sorry i was still sub under one roof on go. so do you send mrs me that the nama dykes applied to the phosphate? the one on them with a guy, ma'am? you have them other than this. do you need to last a good though?
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all big email business, talk you with the install. ok. minute. good. star key. i thought the subsidy, but almost the financing. got the what? the what the of home bank is that policy up there of which funding the financing give me when get a good one more, more visual, the getting somebody holding the listed properties on the got the, the money has been going on will be done by the fathers going on will be at the brothers will get like a normal vs. made a positive word for it on what off. so many up now going to say he's got to get which he thought he may be towards us darky. i thought the label to get that i'll be gone kia, x, all the size of the label, guess all kind of machine base? are they ok? so was there 2 minutes sick? nick?
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a law. how to to walk you through the game p is for 10. does he have any ation maple dealbreaker someone can designing, told him what a little was for the co code of the oscar little mini possible thing guidance then it can it last us they haven't. thank you one that of nikolai or profit to be a man who was sort of on what made a bus 2540 time employees here. but again, don't let him loose get her last name for an instability. hyper installations, but we'll see what else again, business men of up 10 don't. so i did it in the yeah. why didn't i feel better feel hot angel focused on the question a i don't have money. no look, a mindset hit the little upset of breath when he care. that's
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a lot easier to get you off of what the and how you at the teaching me that you have to dr. but a so you do proficient. so i'm giving you a tool to save some of this. thank you one for the simple, the women not into the business system. it's become so nice or you can go on mental or bulky. that'll build a woman's guinasso from doing e commerce site or walk you to a business. is it just ma'am? i do already whole lot in handicraft. so guess well there's a heart care industry insight. they'd be on click on that to you, the and i want to become one of the successful amino and business women alpha bucket fox most likely this fall on the 8th, the 15th of august month, and the student with big that's i'll do a quote female on in this week, again, on the 5th and i want to become a role model for the few minutes of my agents. not only nationally but again to
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nationally met and to share this to the audio women and follow them and build a skill development. because nickelodeon or a be good and couldn't be too good man for the programs they would have to buick at me for women and to been out there will be so many within circle going be female is the whole school guidance. he said, well that's all just met of the industry level ending or the step next to it. that's a business start then? no, i don't want them to commit. they will have 2 people, the that's it for another edition. it's made the double use business magazine where we dug deep for the world's longest centers, the tunnel checks out urban mining projects. and saw how 3 d printing could
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revolutionize the middle working industry. plus, we met a groundbreaking, women entrepreneur, p thinking outside the box. and we have of to see you next week. the
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