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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 17, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the, the, the news life from the defense take center stage in germany's budget for 2025, but plans to increase spending money. tom 4th is covered at a cost and cuts in support for ukraine price. questions about whether germany is more worried about its own defects. also on the. busy ground turmoil and finds a dash as the government orders the countries unit for us to face to close in death to lift leaks. days of protest leaves 6 people. death of schools, more engine students demand, the government's graphics, quotes of ice hiring system. the
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folk ahead welcome to the program, germany's on forces a set for a much needed upgrade after the cabinet to approve the congress annual budget for 2025. but the $1000000000.00 euro increase is much less than the defense minutes to asked for and comes at a cost a to ukraine will be slashed as well as funding for foreign service and humanitarian programs. a, with a war in europe, germany has pledge to boost spending on its own policies. that means expensive. things like these military exercises, recruiting new personnel and modernizing weapons work come cheap. there's also the new 5000 soldier brigade, germany has begun to deploy to lift the way the defense minister bar has been. story has a set cost brand new level, military preparedness, 14th conclusions very economy is what can i do?
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i was another conflict we love is incredible by twins on 29th next tuesday. so, but houses bets, it's with a type fiscal rules, champions above all by finance minister christy. and let me know if he's committed to the debt break. not living beyond the countries means, and he has the backing of john smith schultz. the result is the budget plan for 2025 and beyond. pressed out between the 3 government parties earlier this year will main cuts in some areas and smaller increases than hooked and others. the gym and foreign ministry. once an increase of more than a 1000000000 euros. and it's funding for administer angelina bed bulk points to increasing tensions around the globe. thought the budget proposal would give it a 1000000000 euros. lex, some will, that will have to manage cherry and support for people in the middle east and ukraine. the international development ministry is also due to receive opinion bureaus less than before. the cost of about 9 percent of the budget could make less
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germany for the world's poorest states and they'll certainly foreign policy under the knife. the government's plan would also cost money to support the unemployed and pension is in germany. as the german economy has been weakening, spelling says tough choices have to be made. the hope of many is that when the final decisions are made, those choices did not weaken gym and these bolts it will defense. it's a result, some dw political correspondence, simon young, who joins us now. welcome assignments, jeremy's armed forces have come under a lot of criticism for their apparent lack of preparedness. will this budget increase, bring them up to scratch? well, i feel it's hard to say i'm of the german defense minister said that he wanted an increase of 6700000000 euros and his budget. and what has been promised at is 1300000000 euros. so clearly, you know that he thinks as many much that that's needed. there's lots of money
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going into gem and his own forces. regular defense budget of about $50000000000.00 euros plus 22000000000 years this year. from that special funded life sholtes announced off to rushes full scale invasion of ukraine. you know, you, so there's lots of money going unix, but it's the one the lots of it is just being used to redress the on the funding of recent years. and is it enough where you could always use more? you know, that to brigade in lithuania, that germany's begun to build up. i'd suppose to be ready for action by 2027. that's going to take 10000000000 euros to do with that money. going to come from there are still some other answered questions and if the war and you cry and drags on, of course those questions become even more pressing. all right, well the problem is laid out in this budget me jeremy will provide much less direct financial aid to ukraine. simon will hear from the german finance minister kristin link, and then we'll come back to you on the bulk of the support you mean,
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a dealership in the bulk of the funds needed to ensure ukraine's military insurance to will flow from use sources as well as the d $78.00, package using the windfall profits generated by frozen russian assets which should provide ukraine with $50000000000.00 they did this year. they can use in the, at its own discretion on store lots of fuel. interesting, but deep, deep, quite, you know, done also that's inside of the con, simon young. is it as simple as that you cry and gets less money from germany, but more from the e u. n. g 70. so it's all good. well it. oh good. it certainly is of sale. i mean the, the direct military i to ukraine is being hoff this year from about 8000000000 euros to, to full 1000000000 euros. but the government says, well, we can make that up as you heard there with loans of the g 7. have the you have don't about money that's being recovered from frozen russian assets and that
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will help to pay for some of this. so they, they essentially using what the opposition policy or at least the cooling financial tricks. i think at the proof of this is going to come in future years because there's the budget also applies to the years ahead. people are talking for it says about the year 2028. that's when the $100000000000.00 euros a special funding for the german military will run out and they have the figures, the government. so i figured show a show full of 13000000000000000 euros. where is that money going to come from? nobody can really answer that right now. and the questions, as far as ukraine's defense are concerned, that also become more pressing. of course, if the donald trump should return to the white house. okay, thanks about simon dw, political correspondence, simon young as not to bangladesh barrel.
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socrates of order the closure of the countries universe days after at least 6 people died. when student protests to environment on tuesday, students have been routing for weeks over what they say is an unfair quote. a system much sought after government jobs, bangladesh has to be some re introduced, is a visa of about a 3rd of these positions for the relatives of more veterans. the main university in the capital background has been the center of the violence. i mean, the nicholas is there, demands housing and the university students wanting in to what these things are unfit hiding. june for government jobs. the students are do, most of disability, just jobs should be awarded on medic, north to a, quote, the system that fee versus relative of war veterans kind of go to the lake, canada grandchildren or freedom fighters shouldn't get a quote to the jobs. a generation has already had the chance to benefit from the quote, the system. however,
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we're not saying the system should be abolished. we're talking about reforming and that's what about the other ones. as you know, there's long story about that as the least intensified. the government deployed side ability forces to try to quote the protests and violence classes occurred between the board testers and the students supporting the government. we are leading in sudden lead members of the routing proxy students being attacked us back . then we headed to what size, chance less house when we stopped there, they checked us again from behind. they were helping overhead and a targeted way to get some pro government students accused the demonstrative of vandalism. hospitalized on faith with hundreds of injured students. some have lost their lives the students know, protesting. it's just key in our country that stuff and defend. but the see,
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it's the future that is a big like hundreds of thousands of new graduates. we be competing for the small number of government jobs. many see this is unfair as butler, these fees is high unemployment inflation and the flailing economy the sensible reform of the quoted system. i'm a student with a duck, a university. if i don't get any job for 6 years of study that will create suffering for me and my family, what will the government do then? following the protests, the supreme court last, it threw me under the simplicity and stated go down. but this to see they will not stop protesting until death, permanently removed out of fossil as land from dw bank or they can talk us through this. welcome on a thoughtful but the quotes. the system of the century have based on rest was, was banned 6 years ago. i've been reinstated 6 weeks ago. why
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all the students had been focusing astronaut in bottom of this for the phones. and the photo system says all of this month after that i called bins order the v in statement of the job cortez. who do i have listed in 2018 in the face of the mess? the student vote is pulling at each pretty soon. the quote on to ship to dc, a declared ego, the spark plug issued by the public administration minutes to a bundle of this on october, 4th, 2018. which canceled that quote system in government. jobs your students onto the system which allocates more than all of the highly competed? subaru, service posts with specific needs, like really tapes up in 1971. what beautiful women. if me, uh sorry, if it's fine or it is, and people with disabilities, is it this student minute, tory, and should be the prompt to prioritize it? maybe based system, right? i will status as, as i have been protesting for
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a couple of weeks and that's why hasn't suddenly turned violent the husband's office. additionally, students, many of them women plugged up on spirit university campuses on sunday night. our soft, our prime minister, stick house the night and if this one finds found down, there is student that i suggest. do you mind golf to do forming the system saying that she had nothing to do to the matter was pending with the full the problem focused on divided into the following dates. when top truly nice, student reading all fussing. it's only 41 percent it. the one is tristan's on campuses, echoes the countries they end up with this to become political and the bed. the opposition parties are trying to gain control of it for the interest, at least 6 people are killed and do minutes. other, what you enjoyed in class has to be doing that. i've a group, law enforcement agencies also used to disperse but didn't. okay. and so this quote, just asked them about the hosp to of,
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based on rest. tell us more about this and why people are so angry. some 2000 government jobs open up to nearly pulled 100000 graduates. if you would involve this under the foundation congress, quote, the system, the to them and the bronx here then of the few don't fight good part of the 1971 liberation. what i guess park is done quite entitled to take up with 40 percent of the adults allen, one other for tests included in person for women. 10 person for backward district type person for the minorities and one person for people who do because disability . this duck pulled up with disgusting debt at the, the statement of the job for us in the previous quote and would keep many of them our from the multitude and risk disease to do so. good job that many, many told us we didn't input bit seem to the core tests would be used to it with all of the limits. we just pipe us and then to 1000 in data open,
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you go to can here. thanks for joining us out as possible. as mine from dw, thank god. thank as 6 people have been found dead in a luxury hotel in the ty, capital bank, cox police ass, i found traces of cyanide in 10 cups. i believe the victims have been dead for around 24 hours. investigates a suspect of business, steel gone bad may have led to one of the 6 who died to poisoned me on this mysterious death. and then luxury, bangkok, with the 6 guests were found dead by housekeepers in a single room on the 5th floor of the grand high out at one time, initial investigation has found traces of the deadly poison cyanide at the crime scene. that we have a lab from our analysis. cyanide was found in the liquid inside the t pause in all 6 tea cups. and in the blood samples collected from
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a deceased man leaning against the wall. the victims, 3 men and 3 women have all been identified as bid on these 2 of whom have do an american nationality. they had booked rooms under 7 names, but some listing on a different floor. police said apart from the 6 disease, no other visitor to the room was c, n. c ctv footage. we believe that one of the 6 deceased carried out this crime, this hi parameters sir visited the scene himself, feeling that the incident could damage pilot and lucrative tourism industry. the investigators believe it was a private matter rather than a method of national security. i'll set you up to date, i'll have more welders and the top of the out of next something
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w. a documentary series that examines the passions ups hanes and the problems of folding inbox. the can you see is what old car tires have to do with the new production. here's a hands on the real me indeed the snow on youtube, the la.


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