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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 19, 2024 10:00am-10:31am CEST

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the, the, basically the news life from berlin, donald trump take center stage of the republican national convention, really being the moment of his assassination attempt. there was a blood pouring everywhere and yet in a certain way, i felt very safe because i had god on my side that address trump formerly accepted the republican nomination and laid off his plan for re election. also coming up for the testers in bundle, they are still in the state. broad costa thousands of died in by them crushes over government hiding photos that active estate discriminates and sub
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yeah. has the lithium reserves, the german comic is need to make a 1000000 need extra cause a yeah, it may be a precious metal box. many serbians wanted to stay in the ground the i've been trying to do. what can we get to those stories in a moment? but 1st, this piece of breaking news, a global tech outage is disrupting companies around the world. the us is issuing a ground stop on all its flights worldwide days hitting berlin and amsterdam cheerful airport. among many others and bands are also effected in the u. k. the london stock exchange was temporarily effected along with the sky news channel, which was unable to broadcast for several was, gentlemen, are in the studio for more escape side as an from dataflow business gate. what do
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we know so far? well, we know that these images are happening across the world are affecting millions of people across different sectors. as he said, aviation banking and media all affected flights in several countries. helping grind it in the us. we have united airlines, delta and american airlines. all counseling fights the same is happening across europe at the moment. as you mentioned as well, there's disruption in the united kingdom trained companies, there are experiencing consolations delay to their services. the london stock exchange is offline and we are basically all we know right now is that this is a multi pronged event, is extremely serious, and millions of people are being affected and the idea of what's behind it. well, we have cyber security agencies in australia bring out a statement that they believe that this adage is related to a company called cried striker, which is a global cyber security firm. they at the moment appear to believe that this is not a cyber attack, but it is far too early at this point to draw any from conclusions. we're not model
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this when we know, i guess, get ferguson from the top of business. thanks so much for coming. it was very difficult to the other top story of the data, public and presidential candidate donald trump has formerly accepted his domination . golding for unity in his fast speed. since he survived and assassination attempt, trump shared his best and the condo, the shooting saying he was got saved by the grace of god in a key note speech on the final line to the republican national convention. he also talked about his campaign goals, but did not give many details on how he would the chief them a celebrating donald trump of to officially accepting the nomination as the republican presidential candidate. he try to sell a message of unity. i'm here tonight to lay out a vision for the whole nation to every citizen, whether you're a young or old man or woman, democrat, republican, or independent black or white,
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asian or hispanic. i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. together we will lead america to new heights of great. it is like the world has never seen before. a message that went down well with us, follow us. he wants to unite all americans. not just for republicans, but democrats, republicans, independents, like you said, all of america. he's looking out for his people. and that's different for me. it's ministration that we're having now. it gives us a lot of hope, and i can't wait to make america great again. i think is change the tire temperature and he's trying to create unity within our country. and that is a very unifying message. i think that it covered all of the platform of the party, but also what he wanted to accomplish in the next 4 years as well as kind of carry over from his last 4 years. the convention was also the 1st major test for trumps peak for vice president j. d. thence the attendees are confident that the trump vance ticket will win in november. video p now has its candidates in portrays
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itself is a unified potty, is a republican national convention in milwaukee comes to a close. the attention is no shifting back to washington or president vine is facing. the increased pressure from within party runs to step aside in the race for the white house. that's the most indeed the default on michelle, the stockman who joins be now live on the line. michelle, if it's a speech you've all been waiting for, we've talked about it so much. didn't live up to the hype stress. tom started out sounding like an angel, talking about an assassination attempts that really seemed to have been a religious experience for him, that he was able to dodge it. and, and he also gave a unifying message that american cit overcome the political divide and that he was running for president for the whole country, not just half the country, but his speech quickly worked into that at the tone of
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a vengeful american. demi god, i would say, who is really against injustice who is looking to settle scores and is talking about ultimatums to achieve that rather than really starting on his policy or diplomacy that could meet those ends. however, i would say that as a whole, the republican convention with success in terms of resetting the republican party, away from this image of chaos that surrounded his campaign in 2020. it was a smooth operation when it looks ready to kind of take office and lead if he's elected. and a speech was also successful in terms of construct, contrasting his image. i guess that a bite and he came across as a rudy boyer. he's still vigorous and ready to lead, where is vitamins having definitely some mishaps with his public image? trump was alternating off his plans for a 2nd the presidency. did we showed anything new in those plans as we heard? not really anything new,
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more of the greatest hits. he talked about how he's going to crack down on illegal immigration, which will reduce his words, crime, and also make more jobs available to americans. he strangely brought up a hannibal lecter, the fictional serial killer, making the case that as america is unsafe because a serial killers are coming over. so illegal immigrants, very strange, great. instead of his, he also talked about how he wants to drill the drill, increased energy production in america to reduce gas prices that might not necessarily work because there's a lot of factors that affect gas prices. and then he also and foreign policy was talked about how he will end the war in ukraine. he talked about how he will end the war and gaza. and he also talked about american hostages. i assume in gaza, held by a mazda at her mazda, if they don't release them, by the time he gets an office, that they will pay a big price. a lot has been said michelle about from spreading false and misleading
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information. how factual was this speech? let's just touch on a few things that stuck out to me. i made a little list here. some of the big wipers, he said were 1st that legal immigrants. there's an invasion of the legal immigrants that are coming across and killing a 100 more than 800000 americans a year. not sure where he's getting those numbers. you said coded was the way that the that fraud was committed in the 2020 election. although there's been overwhelming evidence that the selection was not marred by fraud. and the other thing that stuck out to me was, he said that under his administration, the unemployment rate had been the lowest in history. that's not true. unemployment was actually lower for a couple of months under biden's ministration and was comp was in the limelight in milwaukee. what was president joe biden doing? i'm going to warn you here for us. i'm going to get a little poetic,
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so don't get scared. go on this uh, you know, when i look at the bottom of what i look at the biden campaign right now, i'm reminded of some verses from dylan thomas do not go gentle into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the lakes. joe biden has been sidelined by coded and is waiting a huge decision whether he should give up his credit when he said withdraw from the race for president. and this is a huge decision for him. this is a man who is used to overcoming the arts, who is a come back kid himself. this will really define his place in history if he withdraws from the race. and he has said, only a god could convince him to withdraw from the race. then he changed out a little bit a few days later and you said if the doctor says that he's not medically fit, then perhaps you withdraw from the race and all this came after you had kind of a disastrous debate performance against trump. a few weeks ago, however,
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the voice that may convince and may come from nancy pelosi, there are reports that she has had conversations with him, showing him pulling from keith swing states that he needs to win and trump of reading. and it may be that he may not be able to overcome that lead. and democrats are looking to switch horses in the middle of the race. so he's under an immense amount of pressure. this is a man who kept on running because he's convinced that he can be trump. hubbard will have to see what decision he makes. it's a, it's anybody's guess at this moment and give it there for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today. the number to pop up, michelle stockman, and the, the, the political correspondent, emily golden, has more on the german reaction to that's be not really rash. ultimately, trump, at some point, said that he would, and all international crises which was very much in line with what he has said previously, that he would end the one year crime within 24 hours. and now there is a lot of skepticism of whether this is even possible, of course, european leaders,
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one to seen and to the one year crane. and but the question is, of course, that more costs and um, your credit and presidents let him, his zalinski himself has said that such a swift deal would come the nose costs the crane and type that he himself would not agree to such an arrangement. now the rest of the trump speech very much focused on domestic issues on the presidential race on his political opponents. i thought is very much in line with what is expected here in, in german that here namely that the west under trump will focus more on itself on its own interests. that there will be and even more visible pivots to china, leaving the european very much to fend for themselves. now that's not necessarily going to be very much different, very different from a potential buy, know the democrats of presidency. but it's the time that makes a difference, and there is an expect them to have up
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a time bri harsha. the wind will be rough on it will be more aggressive under a trump administration. and that comes with a lot of challenges for europe. not least in terms of the military and security aspect to you know, the rest of the folks, a large part of the bill when it comes to nature and it is very much the security guy into for much of europe. and that means that when the us and dinner on the trump will want to see a more engaged to europe. and europe is already preparing for that. germany is investing more in the military. and um, essentially this, the, the question is just how fast this will be, this will have to be this change. and um, that will be ultimately of a challenge for germany to become less reliant on the united states here under a trumpet ministration. really over there for the moment. thanks so much for joining us today. dw political correspondent, emily guardian, a quick look now at some of the stories making news around the world is realism,
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industry, and emergency services have sent an abundance joint attack on tel aviv has killed one and wounded others. yeah, men see it on back to the rebels released the statement, claiming responsibility for the attack, i think they would continue to target, is rarely inside the data to with palestinians in the gulf war because as health ministry says, the praises of the folder providers have been found in suicide samples in cause a ministry is wanting of a health catastrophe with palestinians taking shelter in crowded and on sunday tre areas. but not a breeding ground for the disease. now german jobs, the older shoals is in serbia where he's expected to sign a d with the government on the excavation of museum. the manual is used to make bachelor use for electric cause the agreement has to be met with resistance in serbia as a new to mind will destroy knowledge areas of agricultural land around the john dr . valley in the west of the country. the u. s. keen to pivot its reliance on china
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for natural resources towards europe. our photo went to bed great to meet in bottom, at least trying to block the construction of the mind as this fly at region. in western serbia holds the largest known lithium reserves in europe. for years, the dar valley has been a focal point of controversy. environmental a sphere lift the mining will ruin the natural landscape and contaminate the ground water with heavy metals, causing a risk to residents drinking water. back in 2021 huge protests forced the serbian government to back down on plans to excavate the lithium. thousands filled the streets of downgrade. protesters blocked major roads and bridges and won their case. british australian mining giant reopened to had its license to excavate the
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lithium revoked. now that decision has been reversed and reopened to can begin operations. the company says the mine will create thousands of jobs and produce enough lithium for $1100000.00 electric vehicles each year. the you want your electric cars powered by you were p and lithium, as it works to cut emissions and reduce dependents on china. and that has produced a change of heart in belgrade. serbia's new deal with the european union includes a commitment from all sides to uphold strict environmental and sustainability standards. but not everyone is convinced. protesters have been back on the streets in recent days. the w spoke to one of the protest, peters, who is a member of the opposition. supplemental of each accuses the government of ignoring the will of the people. and he has
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a clear message for german chancellor luff schultz. majority of serbia are against this. this project because there is very clear evidence that this will be a logical disaster. what people really here want. they want a demo cuz our message ease, uh, all of leave hourly deal and democracy on the streets of belgrade. most people we talk to, we're also skeptical about the project, talk with them. what is the thought? maybe this agreement will be good, but i don't believe in it can be hard on theory and union might provide guarantees for the project, the way destroying nature, probably and say what we've done here because everything's cheaper here. it won't be done in germany. protests organizers say they're not giving up their fight and have pledged to once again, make their voices heard. and looked at a lot of this from the. the correspondent marlin lawyer, all who joins us now from the palace of a sub you are in belgrade by the date is supposed to be sign mullin. but to see you,
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what kind of dean is on the table today of the now i would call it a bit like a city station. it's not only on outside of the pallets of several very hot. it's also hard. what happens here inside members of the european union, the vice president of the european commission might have steps to attend to federal science, a lot of shows the chance love germany are attended to be here. and serbia to sign 2 letters or be at the place when there would be science to contract. the one contract is called memorandum of understanding. this is the model of the contracts . the european union is signing when it comes, for example, to get that where's the strategies of uh, getting to raw materials. and the question is here now on the table, if they will make this context to stop again and restart again. the mining project of lissie. i'm here in serbia today, where is the strategy of the getting to of this young over this kind of project.
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and there's not only political members here in the serbian today at this press conference, which will be held here in about half an hour. there also companies like mister dispense or their lunches. so the 2nd thing here on the table is such as cost letter of together interest, where a company is one thing to make sure that they are in the process of um, getting this contract signed to be part of the start to get again mining lithium key in the region, which is very important, for example, for the german, but also the european car industry, which is the tub and the triple, the compared to the one area. and that the, sorry man government had a change of heart of, to initially banning the project. so what happened there? so the constitutional court of slavery are only a few days ago made the decision that, that the government, 2000 to 2022 has stopped rio to into, from it's mining project in the west of serbia, wasn't. um,
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wasn't right. so they changed actually this decision and made possible steps again, this project can be restored at once to invest here and save you up to 2 a half 1000000000 zeros in mining lithium. and that can become like one of the biggest mining projects policy. and in the whole europe, again, this is part of like also the diversity of the strategy of your and i'm in getting to this raw materials and to your team to is playing a big role. 2 years ago, protesters made a lot of pressure on the serbian government, so they stopped this pro se uh, sold this project, but no re attentive said we are trying with a survey to show the everything. regarding on for example, i ever met a, a collage of good questions, but also for example, to get the people of serbia involved in this problem project and the discussions that this could make a restart possible. so this is part of this,
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but the position already set that they will go again outside on the streets. and again, protests about, again this project. and we've also listened to a lot of people yesterday here in serbia, which i'm very afraid of the restart of this project. and they just said, but as i've already been announced by us, so many so bins against it. so at the end, they are very afraid in this area where the mining of what's be then possible with this project that would come, for example, to the pollution of the area that there will be the best that for example, the water. and because of all the space, a lot of people went out on this reasoning. i said like, okay, there are other possibilities making maybe in other regions in the world where you can mining lithium, not in this area, but it's mostly like, um, is very, very famous for agriculture products. so this is one of this uh, one of the reasons for uh, for this protest against this project. the democrats funding marlin emily in belgrade. thanks so much. i to the bottom of this next by violence has
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escalated, the number of people killed in flashes between protest as in police has reached at least 39 internet service is a down across most of the country out to protest is set fire to the headquarters of the main state, broad, costa hundreds have been injured as police fire drama, bullets, and tear gas to disperse the protesting students. they're angry about the reproduction difficult. a system that preserves a 3rd of government jobs for families of veterans who for them the 1971 war of independence and amnesty international is reporting the bunk of the issue, police use to quote, unlawful force against protesters that could be to hold the based on research efforts, outpatient. at i'm this team to nestle told me more about what that actually means . right. thank you. so by unlawful for us, we are really guided by international legal instruments such as basic a basic principles on the use of force and firearms by law enforcement of the shows
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that was published by the u. n. in 1990. so this cheaply looks at uh, 3 basic principles when assessing whether or not the use of force has been lawful, such as the reality of necessity and proportionality. so the question always is, you know, was there a legal, a, you know, a lawful objective that the law enforcement agency was seeking to achieve. but the use of force was to use up and that's the force necessary or could it have been result through non violent means. and finally is, or, you know, use of force is in fact needed. it must be proportionate to the seriousness of the offense and the, you know, it must and also the objective. so this is the kind of measurement we apply when looking at the use of force and by our assessment, the use of force that we witnessed earlier this week, which is when we did the analysis was in fact unlawful. and how did you verify this most misconduct of police forces?
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all right, so we do so by triangulating, human intelligence and open source information and also to use special intelligence . so we collected witness uh, you know, accounts, eye witness and victims with accounts from the ground over at telephone calls. and also then we looked at, you know, the information that was available on the internet and for media houses. and then we analyzed with the assistance of our citizens evidence my but i'm the state of the video and photographic evidence that our partners on the ground were sharing with us. so from this, you know, we weren't able to ascertain that the use of force was on level and be, you know, or analyze in particular, the shooting of the site. the 1st student who was known to be killed on, you know, 15 july, so that a, sorry on the 16th july so that you can see the 2 officers were, you know, discharging 12 gauge shot contact him. and we assessed the reduced visual intelligence of the distance between them was 50 meters and i will side was not posing any
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threat to the officers at that time or anyone around him. so we go to forensic and i, i know is to look at the chest tunes on and it was consistent with bird shots. now we consider the use of bird shot, which is a hunting weapon to be completely inappropriate in the use of policing protest. your findings also points to a student group affiliated to the ruling obama lead attacking students protesting against these cortez. why is this group the bottom of this top to lead attacking other students? the just the businesses that we spoke to categorically alleged that the people who were attacking them weren't, you know, buying that as a top to lead the student party affiliated but the ruling party. and then um, so i mean, we've seen this pattern in the past where they have the, you know, attempted across student product protests and other popular uprisings. so a, but this time what was different is that they seem to have really targeted the
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women and girls. so we had women and girls that told us we thought they would spare us that they wouldn't, you know, attack us. but in fact, they seem to have attacked them with a particular vengeance. launching, you know, punches and kicks of they said on the, on their breasts bucks and stomachs. so suppose, you know, it was really an attempt to, i think, a survey to diminish the participation of women in these protests as well. because we've seen an incredible involvement of young girls and female students in these protests in our country, which is largely conservative. where, you know, the visibility of women in public spaces is often very difficult to find. so that is something different that we've seen. but the overarching, you know, objective remains fixed across a popular uprising of within students spaces. the government is also reading the headquarters of their opposition bundle. there's national, new, spotty. why does the government need to do this? is that using these protests as a protective target? the opposition um, i don't think it needs to use the students as
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a pretext to target the opposition because they have been our analysis from last year in the you know, months leading up to the election, particularly the july 20 2023 protest that the opposition party health was, you know, met with a quote unluckily as a force, and we've also used evidence to analyze, you know, that the use a lot of force was unlawful such as the use of tear gas in front of hospital who is your 2nd been children. so i think what's in fact happening is that there has been attempted to legitimize this has been purchased, saying that it is proven by opposition or our best interest carter groups. but the students, i would say have been very categorical, and they're not swayed by any interest groups. they have been very clear about what their interests are. what their demands are. do are largely piece spoke uh before you know the top to the or tack them. we leave it there for the moment that they'd hold off from amnesty international. thanks so much. i a quick reminder on the top
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story. we're following for you. businesses across the globe struck down by a tech outage trace to microsoft software. flights have been grounded in the u. s. u. k, spain, germany and australia. drug costs those in financial markets of also being disruptive your up to date coming up next to the news advocates. here's what's the,
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what's view we'll tell here. we are happy that we are boxing the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the sales force and the owners for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news africa next on d. w tells nice during the
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people's use plans dedicated to me. i am not too dumb to tell the odyssey the delta down in 45 minutes on d w. the drawing of interest. you tell us to an exhibit known, we try to expect much living with them many, many this is not a good environment, not for me and not for my children without civil rights and with no prospect.
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but what can we do carry on, and some of those stay in the us and get their hosting from there. and babies shuttle stops august 3rd on d, w the . this is dw news africa coming up on the program, voices of a canyon generation and revolt. it's a use lead movement against tax hikes and corruption, that pressure has forced concessions from the canyon government. but these young people tell dw why they're not satisfied. germany's foreign minister visits west africa, one a mr. help contain instability by strengthening ties of democracies in the region will discuss what half of the time and chief the situation is. we don't have the soul. so it's not clear to be would do anything.


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