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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 19, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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the, the base is data reviews ally from the businesses across the globe paralyzed by the same tech outage. the problem trace to a cyber security fab is granted flights around the world, including in the us, u. k. and germany and australia. financial markets of being disrupted and broadcast has taken off and also on the program. donald trump formerly accepted the republican presidential nomination, lays out to his plans for the election and tell us the republican national convention about the moment he was nearly killed. death coming from the bank with ashes violent flashes reach his face, face, police and security officials struggles to control student protests,
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demanding changes. the government hiring closes the film. the welcome to the program. a technical outage is disrupting companies around the world, from airlines to broadcast us and banks. the us initially grounded all of its flights worldwide as the license efforts, including the lynn and i'm still them shipple. in the u. k, the london stock exchange was temporarily affected to hospitals in germany, had to cancel non emergency operations. the problem is being linked to the cyber security from crowd strike of the microsoft windows operating system a. let's get more from kate ferguson from d. w. business a welcome kate. what more do we know? well, we know that this, i was just happened around the world that had happened across different sectors, from aviation to media and banking. we know that millions of people were affected
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by those flights were done broad costs or is like sky news and the u. k. abc, australia, they went offline for some time. as he mentioned health care affected to here in germany. some hospitals canceled elective surgery in the u. k. doctors are unable to book appointments right now, trays not running their either the london stock exchange offline for some time as well. now you mentioned that this has all been caused by a firm called pride strike. it is a global, secure, but a cyber security company. and what appears to have happened here is not a full t default from pride strike triggered major disruption at to microsoft 365 services which as we can see, no major infrastructure around the world depends on the chrysler. it has been very foss to say that this is not a cyber attack. so on one level, that of course is quite reassuring. but the fact that this could happen at all is of course the pi worrying. there's one uh cyber, a consultant toy hunt posting on x earlier calling this the largest i t i should in
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the world i k to folks and from dw business. thank you so much for that. let's give us much to think about, i mean by that result of matthew madden was at the applewood. so when the answers happened, i'm on, i was actually due to be a travel, a hand from 1000000000 apple this morning. am i right? yeah. both around 9 am for my flight's at just after 11 to lunch and lined up as everyone else said, just to taking my bag for the hold. i'm within a few minutes so, so we were having done announcements and the about the apple that there was a technical issue that was affecting the check in process. and so it's just to, to wait and it would be at the light later, we would then hearing that the technical issue was affecting flight than that like, would be around until around 10 am this morning time. and the time since my flight to london has now been come. so i think
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a number of flights have been canceled from head today and looking around, i wouldn't say there's a sense of, i also wouldn't say that there's been a general worry that lots of people, obviously checking net settings that you're trying to find out whether they can not make that connection, they'll book another blind to that like big time so that, but generally people are just trying to get on with the day to day and just trying to get to where they want to go. i'm certainly the, it appears to be an emergency kind of operation that's been put into place here, but the apple, i'm certainly seeing support staff going around now and handing out. so i thought was important to people who are still waiting in line. so i know say that wasn't the same, so there was a hyphen, the police presence said little why we sent a have a police vehicle down by 10 to one this bill. but now if i were to be on a look around, it just feels like a normal day at the airport and people are just trying to find their way. and they said, typical situation or the state of these at matthew matthew at building airport. dennis kick is a professor of hygiene, security law and bremen,
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university of applied sciences. welcome to the w. i'm tell us then about how this company crowd strike appears to be connected to this mess. yeah, so generally speaking, all this mess concerns to cyber security problem. so firstly, there was a role our office, cyber security software from crowds drive, which often largest network connections for malicious behavior. it is often also a rolled out in connection with microsoft cloud services and there wasn't malicious updates of the software and this that to the outage that you currently see a lot of different companies and critical infrastructure as well. it's part of a 2nd thing as a business partner clear, i would say there are also some server services issues from microsoft itself, but we're microsoft is currently working on a solution. but regarding this, we do not have any further information at the moment. a malicious updates. that sounds like a cyber attack or explain to us what you mean. yeah,
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so it's so far as we can see, it's not a cyber attack yet. so a cyber attack would mean that we have any kind of malicious actor coming from outside of the company and trying to a tech certain systems. but as far as we can see them, this is just an ordinary technical roll out of an update. but this update itself did not work properly, so it does not seem at the moment that we have some kind of external actor packing, any kind of effect, the companies, it's more large. we have a software procedure with that which has been ballistic, malicious and weapons. some faulty them coding issues, possibly inside. okay. and it seems extraordinary. but so many companies across the world of being affected by this war them problem. yeah, definitely. and what we see here is really the worst case and my opinions that we have seen so far regarding centralization of i t because we are talking to your
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boss a clock market. and then we have a lot of software model structures here, which are mostly owned by microsoft services like microsoft, 365, and microsoft specialists. and not only companies worldwide are relying on microsoft products. but also, for example, critical infrastructures such as airports, banking, and finance sector up to small and medium sized enterprises. and this is just the worst case of worst results that we can't see if we just rely on cloud infrastructure without taking care of cyber security and reliability. of these cloud infrastructure, but there's no point of cloud infrastructure is that if something happens, then it switches to service elsewhere and nobody sees a problem. you know, of course, this is normally also the case in the market, the marketing argument that we see because it's also said, well, you have a stronger redundancy and consultants for us direct us. and this is something i
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mentioned the beginning of this into a few. so we do not only have this crowd struck issues, we also have some server problems coming directly from microsoft in the united states. and normally we have this kind of redundancy, but we currently do not see why this technical issue has been happens here. it is also to say when you have cloud issues and you have also an external cyber security company, such as crowd struck, which is taken care of your cyber security. it might be the case that you have this faulty update and then nothing works any more, not just the cloud, but also your excess to the cloud because we have the malicious software installed on the, on the pcs and the cloud itself. lots of lots of hospitals in the air force on our back online. is that because this has been fixed, or has it been patched or have they been using alternative systems? so um, relatively, shortly after this whole incident happened, there was a communication directly coming from crowds drag and also for microsoft on how to
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deal with this issue. so they rolled up out some, some fixes. they gave some information, press information, and also information on the websites. and a lot of companies are currently dealing with that. so fixing this book and rolling back to the state of technology they have before this malicious software has been instilled. but i'm quite sure that there will still be some data losses. so even if everything is back online, we are not talking about the steps use that has been if before that regarding availability of these cloud services. so what do we learn from this? yeah, we should see that we cannot rely completely to 100 percent on cloud service. i think this is a biggest less than we can learn that from the incidence that happened today. so in the past we have set cloud services cheaper, easy to use. i don't care about my i to service because i have redundancy. i just pay some money and now we see it's not bad. so i'm cloud model structures are definitely a problem that we have in the european union. and people and companies should think
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about on how to create more redundancy that can also possibly mean to f own some data permit of storage as for example, or to as a so called multi cloud strategy. that you do not rely only on just one cloud provider, but on several of cloud providers to have more redundancy regarding are cyber security and availability of your i to systems. okay, thanks for guiding us through that. a progressive dennis that kept us from brown, university of applied sciences to welcome of the republican presidential candidate donald trump, has formerly accepted his nomination, quoting for unity and his 1st page. since he survived an assassination attempt to shed his personal accounts with issues exciting, he was saved by the grace of god. this was in his keynote speech on the final night of the republican national convention. he also talked about his campaign goals, but didn't give many details on how he would achieve celebrating donald trump
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up to officially accepting the nomination as the republican presidential candidate . he tried to sell a message of unity. i'm here to night to lay out a vision for the whole nation to every citizen, whether you are a young or old man or woman, democrat, republican or independent black or white, asian, or hispanic. i extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship. together we will lead america to new heights of great is like the world has never seen before. a message that went down well with this, follow us. he wants to unite all americans. not just for republicans, but democrats, republicans, independents, like you said, all of america. he's looking out for his people and that's different than the it's ministration that we're having now. it gives us a lot of hope and i can't wait to make america great again. i think is change the tire temperature. and he's trying to create unity within our country. and that is
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a very unifying message. i think that it covered all of the platform of the party, but also what you want to accomplish in the next 4 years as well as kind of carry over from his last 4 years. the convention was also the 1st major test for trump peak for vice president j events. the attendees are confident that the trump dance ticket will win in november. video p now has its candidates in portrays itself is a unified potty, is a republican national convention in milwaukee comes to a close. the attention is no shifting back to washington or president biden is facing the increase pressure from within party runs to step aside in the race for the white house. it's brandon bone is a political analyst at the battles, my foundations, that your program a welcome to dw. what did you make of donald trump's vision for the united states?
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i think he showed his true colors. i mean, the, as was said, the speech was branded as one that would focus on unity would focus on calling the waters after what was a very turbulent week in the united states. and for the 1st 15 minutes or so, that was the case. you know, there was the, the line that you just heard in the record, but the line about, you know, i'm on mike 100 is used for all americans. not half of the americans. now having said that when that 15 minutes and the teleprompter ended what followed for the next 2 and a half hours, i think really showed up who trump is as a candidate. for example, he said also at the very beginning, we shouldn't demonize each other for political differences. but then goes on to say that button is worse and the worst 10 presidents of all time put together. crazy. nancy pelosi and the democrats are ruining our country. i mean that's, that's not unifying language. so i'm a little bit surprised by the, by the interviews that were just shown on the screen. and you know, if you're an independent voter who is kind of on the fence about whether to vote
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for donald trump, i can't imagine that this 3 hour speech tonight would really sway you in, in his direction. that lots of people at the convention had been talking about gall despairing. donald trump from the assassin's bullet and trump himself posted that it was god alone who prevented what he called the unthinkable from happening. is this just high probably, or is they sort of religious messaging targeting a particular version constituency as well. i don't want to speak to his individual face, but i do believe that christian, conservative nationalism is something that is really taking the republican party by store, especially some of its younger members who represent the next generation of the america 1st movement. jenny vance, for example, spoke um, spoke on this on this note a lot during his speech just yesterday evening. so there's a i, i do believe that that's something that's happened to the republican party. but what i can say is that, you know, the truth was bended at every turn during this,
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during this speech, i watched it live myself. there were fact checkers watching it live as well. but that pointed out false is that it varies points. i think the points that he made at the very beginning that were then contradicted over the course is as long her speech, just speak to the of the that speech to the authenticity of the candidate. talking to the democrats then present to buy and have cove and the calls for him to go increasing. the trump campaign appears to be boosted by the weekend shooting. how do democrats come back from this, of what the republicans showed or the last few days as they showed unity, they should in energy and their party, they showed a common vision and that's exactly the opposite of the democratic party at the moment. i mean, i, joe biden is isolated, not only from his coby diagnosis, he's also i read it from within his own party. i'm not sure there's been a lower point besides, maybe the evening of the debate performance a few weeks ago. so the democratic party is in
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a very difficult position. of course, there been reports within the last 10 hours that suggest buying could be opening to dropping out of the race. but a lot of this messaging is contradictory at the moment. you have senior advisers that are saying he's in it for he's in it to win it. he's our candidate and others that are saying it's not a matter of if it's not a matter of if the job i didn't drops out of the race, but the matter when. so, i mean, these are the types of things, but i do think that if joe barton is going to stay in the race, the efforts of the last couple weeks to, to right the wrongs of, of, of the debate performance have not been particularly effective. the strategy it's, that's been quite defensive of saying, you know, the polls are not correct and people are not telling me i can't win one that's not true. and to i don't believe that that's the winning strategy. it has to be has to show a common future oriented vision of the united states. that's a winning argument, especially then on what a trump victory might mean, a domestically and internationally. we'll start with immigration. how would that
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change under a trump? to whitehouse as well. immigration featured prominently, i think, besides the economy, it was one of the, one of the main focuses of the event of the event this evening. the speech, i think i heard the word invasion used around 35 to 40 times, the way in which the immigration debate was framed this evening was anything was, was vitriolic as it has been in the past on the all the way back to trump's comments about immigrants in 2015 when he 1st announced his candidacy at that time . so you know, and you also see, for example, posters in the audience that are talking about master deportations. believe trump also mentioned that the united states would carry out the largest deep orientation effort in american history as well. i think if you look at the plans that are included, for example, in project 2025 from the heritage foundation is donald trump. and his circle is if they're successful in changing institutions, changing the executive institutions are moving forward. and of course you have a, you know,
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conservative supreme court that would write potentially assist in this regard. we, we could see some of these major major policies actually implemented. okay. as well as the squeezing this last one at the trump partners at putting american fast with both the us economy, increased jobs, incomes and national security, and also encourage your opinions to take responsibility for their own defense. do you see a downside of this? it would looking, do you see a downside for the us? i do see a downside for the us. i mean, america 1st, what does that mean? it's, it's nationalism. it's isolation isn't. it's protectionism, it's, it's nativism it's, i mean, when, when you think about these terms and you think about times in history, when these things came together, typically we, we had bad things fall of so no, i think it's an over simplified view of the, of an increasingly globalize world, america 1st would severely enter the united states from being able to deter 4 and
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threats from building alliances uh, from uh, from trade, from entering trade negotiations, america 1st winter takes all approach to trade. that ultimately would benefit the american economy. that just does not work. and when it comes to european security and defense, this is a very touchy subject, as you know. and we could see a complete reversal. for example, in us ukraine policy come january of next year based on the truck and vans as comments and it, but this would essentially required europe to, to, to step in. and i will say it is a decision within the last couple of days here, germany reducing its military budget to ukraine next year. that's, that's not moving in the right direction for cutting us through that. so clearly political analysts to brandon bone from the buckles, one foundation. thank you. take care to bangladesh. we have a desktop continues to climb is police and security officials clash with student
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protests. is on the streets of the capitol backup. what started as a series of demonstrations against the, by government jobs and allocated a spiral into an anger at the lack of opportunity for young people. dozens of people have been killed. a duck residents on that morning commute pulse, the scorched remnants of the recent deadly caches. this government building was torched by student protesters as they faced off against police. so the, the biggest problem is we cannot move any way public transport has been closed. if we cannot move around freight, the how can we get to work? there is in the title in to let them know the same blackouts across the country as a storage who's trying to contain the volume and the internet shut down means the people used to contact us doesn't look we are also angry because the protests mean we comp travel to certain areas,
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state media is also compromised up to protest to store the headquarters of the state old costa products in closing the news to crash off a student. pray test is one to over time. what they say is a raked employment system, the government advocate for the public sector to, to family, members of veterans who for to the 1971 move to independence from pakistan. tough economic conditions, high unemployment and creeping inflation. adding fuel to defiant public discontent . classes with police have become violent. government supporters have also taken to the streets to take on the students. joined by members of the student wing. the chop, throw leak. the why are they targeting of students with rubber boot is to gas and the even balance. now the police are instigating the child so lead to
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attack of students. why would the police beat students love it? the role of the police forces to protect us, why they against us. we won't probate justice. i should still be just the students say they will continue to protest until the quite a system is overturned. that's because some of those boys with dw is out of fossil, is lam uh, well come out of fossil. i'm how does a student protest about jobs turn into a situation with doesn't stab in the army on the streets by others has been experiencing a new totally internet blackouts since last night. that wouldn't go altered when you don't need blogs. adopt this follows previous efforts to lead me to social media and mobile data services, which of course, the other part of government because when i'm on, quote, are you from voters to organize yours? i tried to talk, dw is tucker correspondence this morning using the wheeler phone lines. after selecting one of the correspondents show me to point b,
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it will be there to the apple distance or not backing down and flashes between police and different groups. so a premiere schedule just to day, i put from some places higher porters type continued. those dates and talk are mostly empty. all corresponded also told me that opposition political part is to put those 2 students to protest against the government. they are supporting the quote on the phone porters. international news isn't since you put a dose of debts over the past few days in the harlot classes between the ruling party activist police and porter stairs, most of the deceased young people. and was besides sending the army onto the streets. what is the government been saying about these riots to our target correspondent said she did to, to do anything from the government to day. as you already know, the protecting your students are on opal's insights, offer a high quote, all the students that go to us for government jobs that came last month. and the
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course of the system had been our list in 28th inputting message. the student is student quote is under the courthouse who is there more than hop off? look, pretty events seek your students, have a good job said is use of quote, a specific groups. that's what this does think about who system is discriminatory and should be the fun to prioritize it, matic based system, what they're doing is just one was allowed see peaceful at the beginning. it down to portland earlier this week when the district. so i have confronted by the ruling party activists and law enforcement agencies, routing party activist team. they'll also do some practice, have been taking advantage of this content over the job full time issue and using your students the more soon as it weeping. as opposed to because we've been buying, obviously pay mr. sir cuts, you know, deliver, the daily post address wouldn't stay evening decrying the did the violence due to the boldest thank you for that. are responsible out of frontal as on. thanks so
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much we'll take a look and so we'll start as making a news around the well the israel's military, anybody services sat down upon it and drug an attack on tel aviv has killed one and wounded the others. humans around and back to a few bubbles, released the statement, claiming responsibility for the attack. i think that they would continue to talk at israel and saw the diversity with palestinians in the cause of what the gums, as health ministry says, traces of the polar vault polio virus have been found in sewage samples in garza and ministries warning of a health catastrophe. with palestinians taking shelter in crowded, i mean sanitary areas that are breeding ground for the disease. french police officer has been seriously wounded in a knife attack in paris. the silence has been shot dead by police authorities that don't suspect a terrace motion, but the incidents has re, security can sense. in the french capital had
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a feeling the games mexico cities introduce new laws with strict punishments for the murder of transgender people. crime not carries a prison sentence of up to 70 years. the forms come after a string of getting spunk protests for me. l g p, q, community. okay, this here. is your mind about top stories with our to businesses across the brands world. have been struck down by a technical outreach trace to microsoft software. flights have been granted in the us, you've got a space, germany and australia broadcast as a financial markets of also being disruptive. republican presidential candidate donald trump has fully accepted his parties. the nomination quoted for unity in his 1st seat, speech and surviving an assassination attempt shed his personal account pop. the
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shooting said he was saved by the christ have gone closer to him about his campaign goals. promising a vote as to slash tax fits you up to date of you with the company the,
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to the point. strong opinions, clear position, international perspective, the politics gone through the shooting against donald trump is just the latest example of rising political violence while motors in the us and europe are also choosing the extremes on the ballot. on to the point we ask from insults to murder and you brutality and to the point next on d. w. equal method clowes store an almost unlimited supply of water. but what to do when they won't release the pressure is liquid on their own pattern
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of dwindling rainfall is driving scientific innovation, turning vapor into drinking water, catching fog in response to draft the in 45 minutes. on the w, the this video change the word. it says us, so to is killing civilians in the rock roll off to posting it's jillian, the songs became a wanted man. 14 years later the we can expound it is fine and the tree june is done doing the traces, the stories of a soldier under the volume for of the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st time. finding a captivating story about the struggle for forgiveness. i'm sure. guardians of
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trees, julian, his sons, and the dark secrets of war, starts july 27th on d. w. the politics gone brutal. the shooting against donald trump is another highlight of the trends towards political violence in the us and europe. the pictures of the blood stains donald trump have already to come. i conic for his support of violence is driving radicals to what they consider to the last resort to silence politicians just like here in europe with the attempted assassination of so back he is prime minister roberts feet. so how do we get their elections like the ones in france also show a shift towards the extremes to the left and to the right. the center is losing ground onto the point we ask from insults to.


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