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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  July 21, 2024 6:15am-6:31am CEST

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the 1st campaign rally since i filed assassination attempts, it was also his 1st joined riley with his new running mates, j. d events. and with that, you're up to date, stay with us. sports life is up next, stuffing as a big change and synchronized swimming ahead of the powers that ethics. i'm hold on 2nd for me in the team by the gentleman with c w plus or emphasizing the award winning offer is available world wide. every language level. reading gentleman has told me to go get the 30 you update the green innovations for green and the super eco friendly green chimes, the holy grail of electron mobility and green revolution. global. so listen
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to all kinds of problems to fix your thoughts on that topic. breast of those channels, we've got every friday tried to plan. it's a synchronized swimming split, that stands the elegance and grace is the women competed. but now for the 1st time, man will also be allowed to take pups put you upside. who is particularly pleased about this. the 27 year old is currently the only man in the gym and national synchronized swimming team. on this, i co bought this. you have to be acrobatic and not joe. you can express yourself artistically with the choreography is missing time, the old expression involved. it's also very flexible to make this as we do a lot of fitness training on a routine, less up to 3 minute. of course you also need to bit of stamina because the on the
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wall to a lots cuz you don't have to hold our breath. hazard sticks, you've managed to become the most successful gym and synchronized swimming. how does he react to print to this is a gay man in a female dominated sports. and where he managed to win a medal at the european championships. the destroyed bag of tents swimming complex and dressed in a training ground performance sent for gym and swimming. this is way of sketch of trains with the nationals quote for the european championships in bel grades. before entering the tops of the co yoga feet assessed are housed in the gym. the, however, the majority of his training takes place in the pool that you've spends up to
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a talent in the will. so with his own female team they practice acrobatic elements such as which are particularly challenging. is few minutes on the 1st couple of minutes. i feel incredibly comfortable with the goals this up, some of the things they've made me feel. so welcome. and i think of a big brother, we don't just different by gender, but also by age. and i think i'm the oldest by 3 or 4 years from that, but it's nice. we complement each of the well and always have something to laugh about. most of my best of luck known among women that put your, if this is now quite normal. but how does the women feeling about having a man in the national team this has that he's not stronger than us and can support is very well when it comes to lifting. for example, we've done that with his strength and other ability. is it not really makes
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a lot of sense and the to through this and stop racist us? i don't think the sports would become any more on fair is more men join in because men also have their weaknesses because they bring with them saying this from an energy and agility is also difficult for them. yeah, that is why i think that men and women actually compliment each other quite a while in the water. unfortunately, the gym and team did not qualify for the olympics at the head of the squad is on to every national coach, stephanie mox, who used to be a synchronized swimming herself and just being coaching, fit your for a few. this mines, i'm training together, women and men is incredibly enjoyable for me because it's very conducive to a healthy team. they support each other, they keep it shut the grains it. and that's really great to see if the question is, is there a difference between training of mine or a woman in synchronized swimming? then i'd say yes, that's a serious difference. but in terms of physiology alone,
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that's how the body works, where the center of gravity is for us, women, it's more on the hit. for man, it's much higher where the smaller of the box comes broad choice by as a code. so you have to rethink things in order to understand that one technique count works for both men and women. the voice of a not as also phone for the team from germany, leadings away to 2024 europe and championships in belgrade are a sensation with youth and his team. when gold in the capacity routine category, the 1st time in the 50 year, history of synchronized swimming in germany. it's an incredible achievement. and one that makes good tools. we was joy. could you plan to swim at the age of 6 and started with high dying thing? his parents discovered his great supporting, talented in the early age. and by 10 he had moved to a sports boarding school in button. he took policy in various european youth championships and the age of 18 competed in his 1st international competitions. but
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how did he go from high diving to synchronized swimming? i was so happy with high diving in and i found a new sense of purpose in synchronized swimming line. and i also realized that i was developing that it was making progress. i hadn't really felt that in previous years. and that really motivated me to keep going, and then of course, family aspects that weren't there in high diving the all history and the music music. i have started lots of fun with that on this. so how does that affect this past? in 2021, could you of entities competitive korea as a high dive and made his 1st attempt synchronized swimming, which has been open to men internationally since 2015. very soon he and his taught them, it showed to them i became one of germany's top teams in 2023. he and the national team came 2nd in the free combination at the european championships in tucker to go
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to the middle. those using the will to maybe realize that it's a beautiful medium. i'm feel comfortable enough is good, especially the feeling of being completely surrounded by water, especially when diving on the default. the video and moving around in the water is also something very, very special. i found a very beautiful when you glide through the wall to pushing yourself forwards with undulation. it seems to me that also makes me feel free to send me something to fit of quiet here. that's what i'm putting the last olympic sport to be a female or single sex was not a good sign. we live in times where we talk about diversity and variety, and inclusion includes your profession. it should be a, given that any support can be done by both genders or by anyone. however, you define yourself. you know, it wasn't it today, but the scene here. so this decision is long overdue and to step in the right direction because with the others to go, they still put your is openly gay,
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became mouse age, 18 on types of boyfriends. a gay man who competes in a women's port escaped coats of prejudice and discrimination. how to split to deal with it, a touch as just as a swans or some of them ask them. and so she might think homosexuality and competitive spot can be a sensitive topic. um there are lots of comments on that 1st. but once you've experienced a few times with them, you get over it at some point in time i live tough then, then a statement not to worry about. in addition to competitive sports, could you if is currently studying from most is degree in physical engineering at the technical university of but, and then put your recognizes many parallels between synchronized swimming and the laws of physics. the physical affinity of physics is always had its place in support in can synchronized swimming of cause. it has a lot to do with buoyancy. we always have to push ourselves own out of the water out of especially when we swim is
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a teams. and then we do the lifts in this respect, you could say the physics and my studies are also a little reflected in sports. and his free time for choke divides himself to a hobby that he discovered for himself on instagram a few years ago. crocheting and missing, in addition to some stops and gloves, his favorite things to make a smoke cigarettes and cuddly toys. half the surface. oh, it really helps me a lot during stressful times. i take half an hour in the evening and then grab my knitting and crochet things, and i am most myself in my world, but jogging is the over people meeting always for me here. it's a good way to switch off. he prefers to give his hand made creations to his teammates and good friends, such as messiah coon offense. he's one of his best friends, and often accompanies him to competitions. michelle is really proud of his friend feature of the this can, you know,
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if i knew him from high diving and having followed his progression to synchronized swimming. and i'm totally amazed at how he's managed it or not everyone can do that . right. so it's really impressive, a soft and hit on somebody. but like the tools michelle has all some experience discriminatory and hurtful situations in sports. in his case football it's come. allison a came from a very, very hit just like some background is being played football in the village and everyone that was sent to sexual and, and, and in the ninety's early 2000 is how it wasn't all that big, modest and all this new stuff. but of course the number one and so in football was a u. d for back to the po, accompanied by his best friends if we chose, takes punch in the gym and championships with his sports club is the bedding in berlin. a total of 11 teams compete against each other. before things get serious, all the teams to a practice run without costumes. the of the teams. they're also highly
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motivated and ready to give it their own. now it's we tools and his teams turn the sweet tube systems and support his photo every moment. the freak style is a success with only minus slip ups. in the end, the jury has to decide the state was exhausting, but the energy was right. we had the phone as we went well together, was a team, and the fact that we've now got through without any major mistakes is great. and we really please the plates from his cover. oh, so happy that the tool is now
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a permanent team member who's, sorry, i have to say it was actually normal just like saw. i just noticed any difference, not really. as the integrated really well into a scene. we always have a lot of fun with him in my purpose, quasi theme as well because he was part of his family. now it's time for the jury to did it for its verdict. the more difficult the routine, the more points the team can achieve. the results to the tools and his teammates finish in 2nd place and the team is didn't like the change in the end. even stephanie mocks, the results of the kind of 2 se venting is pushed into the move to establish the business. i'm so i think we simply have to open the top left. it must be up to the clinch whether he wants to include one man to man or for man. i believe that that
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should simply be no guidelines or limitations because it depends on where i have potential. so we can country i come from, you know, thank you is not currently the best when it comes to who i send to the olympic games performance. some potential should be decisive, not gender. organization is serious that definitely see myself as a role model before i think it's a sport and the benefits men and women coming together in this respect is actually my dream to motivate boys and men to get me to try to encompass. so i can also role model and play in the tweet you'll continues to fight for success. and some more record to see in the dream of resolution to dictate
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the people were hoping for a move just society and experience. tremendous international solidarity project to day dreams onto the country became a nightmare. nicaragua. next on d w, the growing on innovation palestinians ever known, we try to expect much living with them many, many this is not a good environment, not for me, and not for my children without civil rights and with no prospect.
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but what can we do? carry on and some last day and i get their hosting from their babies shuttle stops august 3rd on d w the the the
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