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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 21, 2024 8:00pm-8:15pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w news live from berlin, and this just in us president joe biden says he is stepping aside as the democratic presidential candidate and will not run for re election. we will bring you the latest. the top court in bangladesh scales back a controversial jobs, quote, a system that's after dozens die and student lab protests and the government imposes a nationwide curfew. but will the court ruling be enough to quell the unrest also coming up or run back to the rebels?
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launch retaliatory missiles at israel one day after is really just bond several sites and humans. port city, whole data as international calls for restraint go unheeded. the melissa chan welcome to the program. we began with some breaking news and that is that joe biden has posted on social media platform x, that he is stepping down from the us presidential race by and says he will be focusing on fulfilling his duties as president for the remainder of his term. we will of course, be bringing you more on this story as soon as we can. now on to our next story, the supreme court in bangladesh has drastically scaled back a quote, a system for government jobs that sparked weeks of unrest and let to dozens of depths previously about 30 percent of jobs were set aside for the families of
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veterans who fought in the countries war of independence, it's not yet clear how the demonstrators will react to the new ruling, which reduces that quota to just 5 percent. for the students typing just interest in the demand. they had been protesting for weeks against drop code task that blocked more than half of the government jobs for them. the students had gone this distribution discriminatory. but now they're going to stop go test keeping their ruling. that almost good ops the current system. now 93 percent of the civil service jobs are open for graduating students. but this position has come to a huge cost. the initial protests against the high court ruling, the reinstated the quoting system, were mostly peaceful. but rights groups fit in the last couple of these hot crack down by police and other on forces. during the protest in did the lead,
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i violence selected the deck of more than 100 people. most the students, the following openly, 3 of the protest is i already did a bullet hit the head of another one. i'll just pull him to the hospital. you see there a blood stains on my hand. hospital was filled with thousands of students. beginnings of so many people have left many devastated alaska. why are there's so many debt bodies oh, allow for gives me what country do we live in. 7 well, that's what, what was the government said, the killings will be investigated. and now even though the main demand of the protest as has been recognized by the country, stop court. the student, faith, deeply not stopped protesting. did they get justice for those skills? earlier we talked to test name, julio, and exile, bangladesh. the journalist who is now based and on load sweden, we asked him whether he thinks that the po tests are going to stop. after this
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court ruling, the normal is uh, not at all. uh, what i mean, this whole crisis has moved be on the demand for a refund is included in government jobs right now. the protest is have voltage to go forward and continue. uh, there is 3 digit stations there, movement and they are demanding just use for those that, that have been queued in indiscriminate police firing and at tops by the routing party. i'm just curious, why did this even come up with the idea of introducing? and this is not acceptable in the democratic modern society. so what impact might this decision have on the country? politically, particularly on prime minister, shake has seen a militia. what has happened over the past few days is that a government has declared
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a war against its own people. and we have seen, i mean, now we have seen footages of indiscriminate. it's shelly and firing from helicopters for example. i mean, what happens in water salts? i really don't think that's shriek or seen as government has the legitimacy to continue the way it has been continuing for the last 15 years. it is very hard to spec, let what's gonna happen next. but i, you, as it is it particularly in the list as a journalist, i don't see how she could see not can survive these crisis as the prime minister of bung that they shouldn't continue reading the country test name. how do you thank you so much for joining us. thank you. to run back tuesdays in yemen. it say they fired multiple missiles at israel's resort city of i left. that pronouncement came just hours after israel's military set. it had
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shut down and missed all from yemen. before it crossed into his rarely territory, the latest burst of violence between the enemies has led to death in both countries and fears of escalation, or this intel of these, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu overseas, as strikes on the he's the stronghold of her data. sometimes lisa fight to jets, bomb oil depots, and the power plant and the strategically important pulled city on the red sea. the ministry of health and so now says, doesn't swear, wounded and raging fires triggered by the strikes. many of them admitted to the hospital with severe bands in the we were sitting and suddenly the asked by company. there were several spikes. the recent escalation comes against the backdrop of a severe human atari and crisis, and yemen that is left around 8 out of 10 people dependent on humanitarian aid. according to the un,
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about 80 percent of that age and 70 percent of all inputs and to throw data that this is really assault as further defeated our fuel and the central supplies needed by the citizens of the people. so just to show israel says it hit the pull it because the areas used to deliver a range in arms to yemen and, and response to months of progress and against israel, including a deadly drain attack on residential building and television. on friday the is the mess of losing, so i have a message for israel's enemies. make no mistake, hold then we will defend ourselves by all means on all front the bundle. anyone who harms us, we will pay a very heavy price for their aggression. and recent months around back whose t militants have repeatedly attacked ships passing through the red sea in a state that attempt to force an end to israel's military campaign in guns on they
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have also launch missiles and drains directly it israel, that most of those projectiles were intercepted until friday and the product there was also an ins capital suitable sushi spokesman such as false is wouldn't be to touch by israel's thread. oh, well talk you the year many armed forces also confirm that the response to the is really a question in our country. is inevitable and will be great and mighty. willingly i'm going to move in the law. no empty woods. on sunday, the israeli military said to intercepted a missile fire towards the resultant of a lot of multiple drawings and ballistic missiles. to see militants declare that fired at is riley targets in and along the red sea. back to our breaking news, joe biden has posted on social media platform x that he's stepping down from the us presidential race binding, says he will be focusing on fulfilling his duties as president for the remainder of
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his term. let's look now at the weeks that have led up to this decision. inflation has, it was a moment that changed the trajectory of the 2024 presidential campaigns has increased. making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person eligible for what i've been able to do with the, with the coven, i should be with dealing with everything we have to do with what if we finally be medicare? therefore, president joe biden called for an early one on one tv debate with donald trump. to dispel concerns about his age, we get to tony don't was a plan that backfired spectacularly the total edition, as viewers watched bite and struggle with his answers in more asylum of questions about biden's, fitness had dog his campaign from the beginning in his public appearances in the us and abroad,
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the 81 year old appeared increasingly frail. like at last month's g 7 summit in italy, your job in the wake of biden's debate performance about his campaign and press team sought to don't play concerns. a. he had a cold and a bad night. i would not see this as an episode. i would see this is what it was and what we believe it to be, which is it was a bad night. and he did, on top of that, he had a cold biden's. every move was closely scrutinized. initially, he refused to bottle out a letter he said to democrat lawmakers failed to alleviate worries. pressure grew as high ranking democrats and donors publicly expressed reservations, including former house speaker, nancy, but most many praise bye. these achievements,
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which include major infrastructure spending and restoring transatlantic partnerships, while at the same time concluding, that biden was no longer up to the job of stopping a 2nd to trump presidency. the that's cross over to our washington bureau chief n as paul um, as a biden tweeted or posted on x. but what more do we know? yeah, you know, the whole country kind of force waiting for the office to just tell them this report like big names like nancy pelosi diploma speaker of the house. also, the former president rock obama told me to buy the workers, the vice president because got more outspoken over the last couple of days that a to buy it and it's just not safe for office any any more. and that's also reading as a resume b, as in boy, u. n. in the country, you know, everybody was just like a kind of waited when will it be specially off of the the company couldn't the
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national convention which just took place last week in milwaukee where presidents, former president donald trump, really kind of a people's strong interested leaders so this is a discrepancy between the lead on because i think it was bigger by the day. so the question is all for what will happen next? honestly, we don't know. i think it is important to mention for our steward from around the world as to why that is not letting you down as the president just to know that he's not running again. and it's a short message because focusing on what he has to accomplish until election day november 5th. i know, i know you said that we don't know what's going to happen next, but presumably vice president, complet harris is going to be of the top contender for the presidential run. well, one would think so,
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but that is also out in the open. the many democrats will say ok, now we really want to have an open convention. what does that mean? that would mean that all the delegates go into chicago. it's taking place in 3 and a half weeks or so. what then be able to vote for ever they want? it's a complicated system and every stage has a little bit different kind of what. so without them any open questions, but of course she's the vice president. she was the job i didn't speak, but at least for the moment it's even up to you if you really will endorse her. so again, many, many questions the major break is use of course is the joe biden. the sitting president of the united states is not running again, and that comes in a moment of time where we have these huge companies, of course, in the middle east, condos, ukraine, that the big question. what the next slide, how many trays on it to uh regarding uh uh, regarding the funding if you got so many open questions, but you have this one is paul,
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thank you so much for joining us. and that's it for the program. we will be back in one hour with more news about this massive piece of change in the united states. thank you very much. i melissa chant, the gentleman with c w 12 or emphasizing the award winning offer is available worldwide. every language level. reading gentleman has chosen to go this the shadows of jumping colors. these pod costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is
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infected by germany across and he employed the scorched post farms and destroyed


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