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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the daily news live from berlin. joe biden withdraw us from the u. s. presidential race leaving the democratic campaign in uncharted waters. the sitting president made the announcement on the social media platform x that you would not be the democratic candidate to contest against donald trump. inviting is now endorsing vice president connell, a harris. he has urged supporters to donate to her campaign. though she will have to be officially selected at the democratic convention in august the
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melissa chan, thanks for joining us. joe biden is withdrawing from the us presidential race. the 81 year old says she will be focusing on fulfilling his duties as president for the remainder of his turn. biden has also endorsed vice president comma la harris to lead the democratic party against former president donald trump. aiming to avoid further party division. here's what he had to say, quote, my fellow democrats, i have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as president for the remainder of my term. my very 1st decision, as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick cumberland harris as my vice president. and it's been the best decision i've made. today. i want to offer my full support and endorsement for carmella to be the nominee of our party this year. democrats, it's time to come to get there and beach trump. let's do it. and quote,
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that's cost over to dw reporter stuff on z. mom's in washington dc is stuff on after weeks of rumors and talks. it has finally happened. president joe biden drops out of the 2024 election race. what more do we know? or what does? yes, people here right in front of the white house at lafayette park. it could have come this could have come. not a minute too early. there were a lot of people, lot of democrats, a lot of the pundits politicians, democrats, as well as just average. joe democrats who were anxiously almost awaiting for president bind to drop out that happened at $146.00 p. m. local time here that he sent out a letter of the ex, formerly known as twitter, announcing that he is stepping out or stepping away from the race presidential race
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this year for the presidency. and half an hour later just had finality to a full endorsement of kamala harris, his vice president, to take his role to step into his shoes. now, if you ask people around here, there is a mixed reception of what has gone down now here, 24 days after this disastrous performance in this cnn tv debate. when he was debating and not performing against a former president, donald trump, if you ask people out here, there are some, were really actually as indicated, happy that he had the grace. and they say honored to do this to step down to step away from trying to get re elected as president. but, but they also are, others were actually angry and who are blaming donors and a democratic politicians or a democratic elite. and with that, they mean people like nancy pelosi or chuck schumer or and mr.
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hakim or jeffries, the minority leader in the house of for having pressured, mr. biden, or president biden, into the yeah, stepping out from the race. that's what we have so far is just of course a, a snapshot of things. the overall picture here is that the real work for democrats now to retrieve and to revive this campaign starts actually right now. the dw reporters define z minds in washington dc. i'm sure you will have more later, but for now, thank you very much. and as biden says, he will be focusing on the feeling his duties as president for the remainder of his term. let's take a look now at the weeks that have led up to this decision. inflation has, it was a moment that changed the trajectory of the 2024 presidential campaigns has increase. making sure that we're able to make every single solitary person right,
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eligible for what i have been able to do with the uh, with the cobra. excuse me, with um, dealing with everything we have to do is, uh what if we finally be medicare. therefore, because of a joe biden called brent early one on one tv debate with donald trump. to dispel concerns about his age, we get to tony don't was a plan that backfired spectacularly the total edition, as viewers watched biden to struggle with his answers in more asylum of questions about biden's fitness had dodges campaign from the beginning. in his public appearances in the us and abroad, the 81 year old appeared increasingly frail. like at last month's g 7 summit in italy, your job right in the wake of biden's debate performance about this campaign and press team start to don't play concerns. a. he had a cold and
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a bad night. i would not see this as an episode. i would see this is what it was and what we believe it to be, which is it was a bad night. and he did, on top of that, he had a cold biden's. every move was closely scrutinized. initially, he refused to bow out a letter he said to democrat lawmakers, failed to alleviate worries. pressure grew as high ranking democrats and donors publicly expressed reservations, including former house speaker nancy pl. most many praise bivens achievements which include major infrastructure spending and restoring transatlantic partnerships, while at the same time concluding, that biden was no longer up to the job of stopping a 2nd to trump the presidency. let's take a closer look at vice president carmella harris. there has been great debate among
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the democrats, whether she would be the strongest candidate against former president donald trump . from horizon california, politics to washington, d. c. it was always assumed she would run for president one day, but perhaps not so soon. camella harris has already made history once by being the 1st female and the 1st black vice president of the united states. she was in no hurry to get rid of fighting, initially holding the line to him after his disastrous debate performance. we believe in our present, jo, by them and we believe in what he stands for. but soon as to this, others began to push the hood to replace him. if he stepped aside, it's a scenario. few would have predicted just a couple of years ago. as the start of her vice presidency was overshadowed
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by criticism. some said harris was failing to make the most of her role and was being and effective. however, the supports his claim. she was being sidelined and held to the highest standard because she was a woman on black. yet perhaps on surprisingly for one who managed to become the vice president of the us, she's not the person to back down there going to be many times in your life where you're going to be told that can't be done. it's never been done before. it's not time, they're not ready for it. and then this is the one i love. it's going to be a lot of hard work. don't to listen. i, you know, for breakfast some of the front to the also working in a favor. she's already on the ticket and a search would automatically inherit the infrastructure and funds of biden's
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campaign with tens of millions of dollars. she also has the highest name recognition of all the alternatives. and he's already a player on the global stage. she has become a leading voice on abortion rights, one of the key issues of the campaign and has prioritized finding solutions for the migration crisis of the us as southern border. but most crucial level, perhaps in the weeks after the debate, i think companies showed harris had a great to chance to buy a winning the election of the latch costs over to los angeles and bringing ethan beer. and then he is a us political commentator, an adjunct professor at loyola law school, los angeles. uh wow. so it is this a case of president by not standing up to the pressure in the end. they always said
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that if he did make the decision, it would be his decision. but of course we know that a lot of put a lot of uh, of congress people put pressure on him in the last few days. yeah, there was tremendous pressure on president biting. importantly though, because he has shown himself throughout his entire story, multi decade, career in washington to be a logical thinker. he must've seen what the latest numbers were looking like from their internal polling, which you, reporter, just discussed, including the fact that it looks like comma harris has a better chance of beating donald trump. look, i have great, tremendous respect for president biden. he's doing the right thing for the country . he's doing the right thing for his party for himself and his family. and it's a very, very difficult decision to do. and i have a tremendous amount of respect for somebody who has the self awareness to make this
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decision. up fine says he would like to see vice president come on, harrison has stood up. but is this a foregone conclusion? or what's the conclusion? but it should be, and it shouldn't be because time there is no time to have any more in fighting in the democratic party regarding who is going to be the presidential candidate. even this is pushing it right to the absolute limit. uh, couple of harris motors. if i remember correctly or from california. yeah, she has a long career. she's a senator, she was the attorney general of the state of california. remember, the state of california is the 5th largest economy in the world with nearly 40000000 citizens. she was the district attorney, she has a lot of re, she has a very long career in politics, just because she's been a vice president for 3 and a half years. doesn't mean that she doesn't have the long experience on like the republican vice presidential candidate who has a year and a half grand total in government. and even their presidential candidate served all
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of 4 years in government. total. she's going to be a great presidential candidate. and of course, how much i wonder, will this development change the republican presidential campaign strategy as well? i think it does because their attack strategy was really focused on joe by and being old joe biden, you know, having his gaps which he has. and remember, he has a little stuttering issue that he has overcome. and the, the republicans now have to deal with a very different candidate. they're going to attack or very simply on installation, but the binding record over the last 3 and a half years of which vice president harris has been a key part of is a strong one with a tremendous amount of legislation passed strong economic numbers in every way others and inflation and even among inflation amongst the largest 20 economies in
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the world, united states has been at the top. so it sounds like you think this over here reintegrate the democratic presidential campaign, any chance that it will bring more chaos. it's been pretty up and down the last few weeks. yeah, every chaos is always out there. so we have obviously the republicans who are going to do their job to try and undermine the democrats. they've been supporting outside groups attacking the democrats at this point. so that we'll continue and remember that we have people potentially like the fruit and types who will fight. busy and groups here in the united states to try and create and so k us. but as long as the democrats realize, what is the task ahead and stay focused on that? i think gathering around vice president here is right now. we'll help alleviate a lot of that. even i want to just quickly ask you a question. uh, this is a big moment. how do you feel?
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well, it was, it got you got punch. i was actually faced down in some legal papers this morning when the news broke, and i was shocked. i was surprised. it's, i'm getting very tired of living through history continuously for the last 8 years here in the united states. and for that matter, the world. uh, but you know, it, it was a shock to me. it really was got it. even bear a minute. thank you so much for joining us. thanks again, melissa. and that's it for the program for it. now we will be back at the top of the hour with more on this momentous day of the us elections. it has been high drama in american politics. not just what's happening now, but of course the attempted assassination of donald trump and trump the response to it. and then the events of the republican national convention and there will inevitably be more news. my name is melissa chad. thank you so much for joining us
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. the thing and see you the same way you expect and more different things from life than your parents. i just want to pursue what that's nice on the side or you think your kid is 2 different, risky, irresponsible, reasonable stopping port is this nonsense? i want my son to the doctor, joe in the canal, it's time to to.


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