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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  July 22, 2024 9:02pm-9:30pm CEST

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call chase bank also has bank is of the guns. why reading the on college and that was part of the place for speaking may look around which you know, those days there's no to put the address on you. yeah. it but you're new trying to get that to a phone speaking, go look along with the new compound video of what to do, combine african languages and look along with this in particular. and we're having this conversation in english 1st that has and 15 of code, 15 of code chaise language. if we're having this conversation, you mean please, what are we still trying to defend? we've been having a tool that you will mind is not supposed to cannot excite. okay, i'm okay. okay. okay. okay. okay, let's settle this chicken situation on watson, the hello and welcome back to the survey. to set up a test street debate this week. we a back and you've done this capital of compiler. now this is a city that's steeped in traditional culture, but you wouldn't know that walking around because like many capitals across africa,
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it's also living in a more than time. today we're asking applicant cultures at risk of being erased in the quest for globalization and who brought us to answer this question for me, then uganda and z, and i want to talk with kia because when we have the conversation, i know you said something very interesting about what you think the role of culture is in society. so in your find me, what role does culture play? it plays a role in he comes to discipline, lead comes tomorrow as when he comes to where of behavior. so concepts it gets routed into the young people. it has to begin for mom, for example, me, i love you, bye tribe of good enough from consistent from west 10. you're going to, my mom is from the east. so when you get to see that to equipment issues, you think i mentioned in my, my, the language, yes, i know like me, i can speak with on you for the way to and i mean know, then you're going to can speak the language. but why am i able to do all this because my father told to me from day one, if you do not need to annual and reapply him, i'm fine, you're going to get a smack when your head. so if you're speaking of this at the end,
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because certainly does a speaking of them that you should be with young people, the issue is actually with them. okay, well, your fault before we address the issue and to tell you to, i just want to understand, you know, because not everybody lives in a cultural home. so what does that look like for you? is that when you are having birthdays, is it when these marriages, when do you really feel this culture? cochise actually felt during traditional ceremonies that is doing in the corner where they're calling nicole among the veranda, which i do send them average. so the only time i would know that a good me see exist properly is when there's a tradition tomorrow. and then these old, those who tell us to dress like in physician was and that they'll actually trusting that tradition where now that means that we are only shown and we are meant to believe that culture should only be to be portrayed during traditional ceremonies, right? if you come dressed in your skin, you punch, i will actually send you over, but you can not tell me to come for a grand party and you expect me come just, you know me see what are you trying to him because that satisfied? yeah, shown are so going to say is the traditional effort,
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traditional your guns and god gave me. i'm all right, so let's move to faith here for a little bit because you come from an extremely traditional home. and what keeps talking about here is nothing new for you, right? but you have a very different interpretation of we tell us a little bit about that, my grand my that would weigh a how good may see every time it felt like it was the only dressed senior. and then that i had a good, good my the who would do the exact same thing. my my, the way i have go messy to almost every function she's been invited to have gone up in a home. that's very, very traditional. you have to kneel when you agreed, you have to kneel. when you saw, you have to do such and things the way they are meant to do your clothes as opposed to be a set in height, as opposed to speak your language as opposed to. it's so culture to a point that they've been gender roles attached to men and women because of call to, you know, culturally a mind is like a good. we see him as he's up that. and so if i'm talking to him, mind, i'm going to be kneeling. that particular parts of the chicken that only the mind it's and as a woman, she didn't, it's them. and also well growing up,
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i used to see my grandmother refused to check on. she can because you know it's meant for the man, but i'm going to be like, i don't want to do all that. yeah. okay. oh wow. wow. well, gabrielle gabriel gave the right to me seemed for me, you know, we have a country to say i to that is culturally stranded because of the political question . we got to do a gun is by choice. we had your guns, despite the virtual quote, you know what you see, we have both together noted by our choice. no, because that we decided. so because you have mixed up, someone comes here and the cutting, your incompetence is a, pushed on us. and it will gone to here where it's, what do you mean when you say cultural incompetence, these, you know, you know what to what type of testing might as well say a to and do, do eat i, i find the does that mean competency in may? so say it, yeah, and it will going to proceed with respect to women, to different that to the biggest, where to wait a minute, or because even in the iraq of our kink do we default most big offices in the king
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don't belong to women with land title and do a study that takes to eat. for instance, i can hold on, let me let, let me, let me, let me, let me, let the bundle women speak for themselves, opal footsteps as non just it's everywhere and then just begun to move on to get married. and when did she come out to see the people? she's not even allowed to just go around talking anyhow, that the queen of the kingdom of, of the saga. she's not even allowed to go talking to people. any holly, do you know that our queen can't even stay in the same kingdom with the king because we've been and supposed to be treated a sudden kind of way to maybe it's broken up by the probably, i mentioned the government, we do have people that but they've been talking about, but kingdom i think is missing point. okay. all right. all right, before we make this a debates about demand buses, women, let me come to you under because when we was speaking, you made the point that's look, what are we even defending? what's culture like the laws and rules that refund to include?
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came up with them. how far back did they go? tell me a bit about that. up as one of the, i believe code changed the way of life at the problem is that most of the attends are not talking about college and that 1st all you talk about it, it traditional way we talk about to, to watch. we were at, for example, like we may tell you that we are in the cartridge center because the couple of vets and, but codes hayes more than that. it's the food, it's what we say is still we talk. so when you look at africa, since what coordinates or those he has back and you look at to, you look for it, got to do what exactly are we trying to praise? of like, i mean, we're having this conversation in english 1st that has and 15 of codes, 15, both college i use language. and if we are having this conversation in english, uh, if most of us are wearing this gaps, which we do not even know why they came from noon to wearing the hides and skins.
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what are we still trying to defend? okay. alright, let me give henry a chance, henry, by the way, he's a veteran, generous and also an educator and lots of edition. just like to support what to make, what he has tested on the language. and that's really what's that's from. i think my concerns yearly is neglected language is did completed because of wisdom language is what i mean. can you say that? because yeah, in a compiler majority of the people don't speak english also. he me, they speak again to yes, to speak to the grand and what's the people you any complex because they've gone to, but that's what the definition of language is going to come with junk from kind of woods. uh cuz he's in room with the co enjoy the thought or the only income, but i never looked out the can't speak to the traditional indigenous language. how do you mind them with total speaking are totally uncomfortable. people seek you. i read a job. first of all, you're not indicated number 2, and because of that and the newest and along with these english is now coming in, it was a front desk. i mean already because coming. so they're over saturday. ever seen you started this ones. you must pass english to be see,
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to be seen on the bus. and so i am, yeah, the feeding, sorry for that. you don't find them in the i told easy to come, but as we got toward okay. alright. the critical, yes. the issue is people should emulate who they are and be proud and be what the language decode to just like language is the issue of choice. no one has ever been listed in this country for speaking to the language. no one has ever been that, is it for addressing what? oh the some things came because of bodies in cottage i. yes. you know, tradition is we've been having bodies like ways things. we've been having a tool that the woman is not supposed to eat to chicken eggs, but it does not do it any any way. it is not that we've been our lines on the, but anybody got it is, is tested. it won't mind is supposed to be treated like any other human being, but those, the more that needs smoke, i mean, yeah, just cross up. they can pull, people tend to fit the body, but the both us to preach the body goes well to make us make as the we are pushing
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the women to drill. right. okay. okay. okay. okay. okay. okay. love to settle this chicken situation once that. okay. because i don't want to talk about it again. yeah. let me give you a chance to respond because you raise your hand to get a, get me to of the whole thing cause oh, to tell you, i agree that it's, it has been a general put, i mean africa in uganda as well. we meant even as he stated on your reading, his argument, that's the female. he doesn't in positions, but trust me does female. he does us too much in their lives. why? because of the cost as to why that back then because of the previous codes as so kim saying that the remainder of actually being included, it has always been a general problem. go to any traditional home a will mind is marginalized. okay? but let me let, let me, yeah, let me ask and let me ask a question that henri is, you know, when we talk about culture, it's just the general evolution of, of people. so when you say previous cultures, when does a previous culture and then begin. now the previous call,
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so i would say is how they used to be here in the past days. right now it's an if alicia navigator era, the season is of this i never, i never knew should happening right now. so as africa issues and stuff, the blame game of the west time called sizing for wasting us. we have these very resources, we have the internet, we have all these things. how many times when we opened up the we can function color on off, we can function show that is green viral. no, no one is the by the, the problem is new to the west coast. so we need to check the exact plus the i get to point when to do one of the things i've had so much already is everyone is talking about the ones that think about the government see as a traditional address. and then the kinds of was the old tentative for me, but when these things are not even designed by going to to begin with they go, mr. wasn't designed by gun to and may that is it's material from. yeah, they measure you is from usually the india and even their material for the kinds ease from india. so one does force that has that's not even not traditional address
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. someone give it to what? the the, the, the so, so you see that's why it comes in. so it's them who i reading call tone, that. oh, and this is all they have told us, this is all they have told to us nothing else has been told to us. do you understand that right away from the culture and they drove us with them. so what we know, and now they're telling us he's not culture, he's on them. so the people themselves are reading cause before they bla, modernization, about language, just being a read it because i'm going in a session. let's talk about into marriages. which language of a child supposed to learn growing up. so these people who came before us eroded culture and now the blaming more than a session because all of no one has called to out to is go, may see them with shana that console. and if he's telling me today, you want us to wear gloves and look up, make it okay, that's the, that's henry henry henry, that's a good question. i just want to come to for
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a 2nd because there's an important point. the face is really raising that will also adapting a what to down version was some kind of culture. uh so what do you have to say to that, you know, looking to the future, should we blame young people for not taking on what we now know as our culture? i think we're not comfortable with the p, but we have to blame the international communities which has come up to unify as the quote and get to global who to, to now under equity. go mean, how do you want to put there a he said that to kind of depends protocol along with the sort of tool. so me, i was by this place for speaking my local which you know, those days there's no to put the address when you yeah. it but you're new thing to get that to a phone speaking. look along with the new compound. so yeah, that's what to complain. african along with these local with this budget granted. okay. that started. let me hear from katherine and then i'd like to get some thoughts from the back please. i would like to steps that to 1966 present. milton? no, but to a belief the kingdoms. so that was the beginning of the end as receipts. so when uh
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the kingdoms, uh balise that was later reinstated by it was 7 in 1993. so you can see the got the yes before not but to think i do show that kingdom is close. you don't know is your, can you, your princess, you're just there. right. and then when it's come, some something comes right. know tree established for example, the on coordinating the way i come from. so i don't know where the king is. i don't know as a princess, i know of a princess somewhere. i don't know where she english is mostly. oh, can you do connecticut? that's why you educated to not know about your culture. so for example, what i love now is what i find on the funding, the village, but that isn't necessarily what they practiced in the 1900, right? so it has been changed and changed. i like you're in the garden to always to has your code to and your kingdom and your t. i have none. right. okay. uh let me, let me, let me ask refund. important question here. uh, which is that? yes. what is the importance of these simple is ins of uh oh,
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you guys can see what need to have. oh no. so what is the importance of all of these symbols in culture because like you're saying, you know, the kingdom, does it have a place and more than this society, it does mean that you can, has a king, a king as the older rule. so it does have a pleasant modern society, but it doesn't have to be too rigid to change some of the practices you understand . we're not saying with culture should go away. we just think they should adapt to the modernization. i'm are, we are trying to adapt. they should not judge the ones who are adapting you understand. so now when i show up for apache in my high sleeve dress and dates which additional, but it shouldn't be a crime that i'm not wearing a good missy. you understand. we're just saying they do have a blessed in the modern society so that they should be ready to adapt. okay? because they don't look at what level do we adapt to? because it sounds to me like we want to do all the things that are easy, the closing the ceremonies around marriage and naming children. what about politics?
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what about medicine? yeah, somebody p a. yes. so wasn't supposed to be very good. so give me a me, according to me, i think like modernization to a good the best thing that does not affect go to really much because you can do your god. yeah. as long as you're doing, you can be with your phone. you can do anything which is more than as long as preserving your culture. we're going to get to a tradition of what you can dress and yet the additional well as you're using the internet as you own what's up you're doing. and then one down thing you want to do, you can, you can do anything like anything given the local dreams, the risk or the what. but it is even though we, we are both of these, it's of the guns why we're doing the on culture. because when you go to school, 1st of all, so wanted to speak english throughout, when did speak to a local language is a but didn't like the want to put an issue. so you'll be, we've all these see how you'd be like, and then there's this and then there's this thing of it comes when you speak up
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with guns, you speak, you look along with like i'm, i'm actually, i'm speaking how to live in someone's they just really like know me when i speak, i totally about them to tell me every time i speak i totally among but does maybe like so the thing is like bullying by follow up with guns, you saw it. i'll fix that along with, but then maybe you will get a new, a traditional food. i'm on your follow up. it sounds. maybe you're getting greens. they wanted to get chicken accepted. they wanted to get tips with. they didn't know before. when you bring your grins up are going to be like, what's yvette step smoking you, you see it's stuff it comes with contributing to the things you can do. but then those are the same thing. observe. yeah. oh, okay. i like that. all right, so you don't have to to stay traditional but also stay more than the what's on the views of the back the yeah, let's come here. so coach wiley the days before. oh, mine was expected to go back home quote, for the husband to go the trip. but this days there is
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a 6 to walk home and as to which walk that's been as to where to walk. so they come booklet and have just go buy food. then we also talk about the family, say teen parents these days. they grow up to look into that kids in english or their kids or somebody of that. yeah. and the one to maybe one which i really just the cognitive and couldn't get to that, you know, does the grandparents and that is a really a big problem. okay. so for you, it's about language, it's about social structures and sort of the rules in that society. i liked that there was some of the points here. i think we're speaking about the impact of width in addition to what i did highlights as your guidance. and when i said, want to look for the nice by adding equity by adding a, what is this part of our culture that is westernized issue and where did he dropped from the, from the western loads. we are looking at the implication to western life towards our very own live though we leave here in oregon to i think we're losing the
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contents of this topic. okay. alright. alright, let me, let me, let me, let me come back to give you for a 2nd, but before i do right, i think it's fair to say that so far what we are agreeing on is that the call to sort of seeps into one another, right? we adopt and we let go of some and we adults and we let go some right? and so now i wanted to talk about it in practical terms. here you are really defending tradition and culture. what are some of the things well for you, if they did not exist a totally new life? it just wouldn't be the same culturally. is to a major role to the elders, to make sure the children get to know the identity as the various tribes like may be my father, double jump dismissal, i need. so should i, the parents teach that you've been there language just as well as involved as they learn to english from school. so from home you have, there will teach them that language now coming to the kind of food we as africans need to appreciate all food as us. so now if you go around the streets of comp i left and go to annual turn on us for my like long which is under then food,
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then you will. how do you find the trait? and yet we keep seeing you at cochise dang culture. thank the very same person cooking these more done foods and doesn't even take the initiative to cook this local food is to complain about the erosion of culture by which time on who's not even in your heart. okay. but let me ask you, is it fair to expect? i don't know how long it takes to cook my locking, but some of my traditional foods, you need hours over the stove. does that make sense with the kinds of schedules that we have as time moved zone and as we evolve and p coordinator things, some of these things we want to have going to it should be let go cause i mean, why are we doing so have to keep some of these things. yeah. like we, it's important to keep some things, but it's important when those things are relevant. alright, but my question is if we allow so many things to die out and sort of full by the wayside, what's going to support rates us from europeans from asians, from americans? africa was set up to forget to go to. i don't know if they intended it,
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but they offer kind of setup. when most african countries usually have the twin city, which is usually more developed and you have as, as that people come in and start working to get at the moment you started mixing. it's so hard to maintain that coach when you, you'll mixed up. so it's always up to everyone. we use that tool to up to the mentoring codes that i told them. no one does that. okay, so how do we maintain cultural? i'll come to you, but how do we maintain culture in a way that doesn't feel or press the faith in a way that feels like you have a choice? if you want to wear your official clothes, if you want to wear whatever it is or it's whatever it is that you would be deducted by your family, by the way, what would happen if you told your family you're no longer wants to follow the customs and i wouldn't want to know what would happen. i really wouldn't want to know, cuz that would mean you feel getting way. why are your deserts and you know, people just want to be like the white people, which is meant to is not practicing the culture's. does it mean i'm not
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a super cool anyways, but how do we maintain called so we can constantly remind the children that okay, traditionally this is how we cook the smell. the smell is prepared like these traditionally and all that. but i don't have to cook, they send me every day for me to because the in the home, like there's some homes where am i talking like my home. my took a must be cooked. i took it when you played it comes with a stick of things in your hands. and after you've built your bells, you have to squeeze it. you're squeezing hot banana leaves. and yet i could just cook rice and supplies then. so let's make it. we can mention culture a no way that we have to understand that you are teaching the child, but you do not have to force the child to do what you're teaching them every day. it becomes a punishment. we will now set to look at the culture as a punishment instead of looking at it in its beauty. yeah. some verses of the back you the more than one of these 13 that's it's, it works for you quick. if i'm sick,
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i'll go to the hospital, they're giving me taps, but we bucks these my grand new. we'll just go to the bush, pick something that would work for him. there's no, i'm going to pick up and go to the motion, pick pets, because they have to go through the whole speaker and do that. sometimes we even feel like now going back through the quiz me. i'd have to stay and come up with a couple of days, so good. have everything. oh, good to send them out, get everything there for like a need. but then when you told me to go back to the village with granny, could, he's going to tell me to go to a good thing. we okay. so this is interesting. so in order for culture, 3 groups, that has to be hardship too much more than convenience is, is not good for culture cream to kind a. all right? as we conclude is, can you please move this way and move it? as we conclude, i want to ask a simple question, how do we make sure that we're not losing the best possible culture to west and i they show to globally. so let me start with you, henry. yeah, i think we need to sort of, you uh, our curriculum, our curriculum. nothing. instead of going to ki, i in uganda, but focusing on africa as a coordinate. the black pupils, you forgot to leave us
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a bit though, at black people we need do curriculum that raises assess things to black people. it's very unfortunate because i don't want to know for america, india, or whatever, but which country in europe and countries i've adopted, i've got a new cottage, i don't know whether it's the one twice ever seen yours. then that is, even though is why using for election, you know, for your, i understand it best, you know, so you monitors, for example, you have been to best den with us out addition to your motors. so my concern is why really go ever seem to there was, than what, as if we do, we do not exist. i've tried it. so i, we need a new set of bus that promotes our own indigenous culture in digging us in order to induce us exist as and above. oh, the block of people. all right, so a kia, how do we retain our african identity and culture even as we participate in the global? well, the best way to do this is let's accept that this a lot of change happening as us weekends get something that we identify ourselves
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with. what we believe as we know, that is that the way we eat the way we dress and have each moving forward. and this comes from the roots of our parents right at home. let's stop with blooming that were sent call. so you have called say's beauty for like ladies and gentlemen, how would you through somebody told you what causes a do you know, as long as causes between you to accept as an mc was because they'll be the on bus it does. if we want to see it all right, face, i think maintaining culture sets with you. the person is supposed to each and every one of us. we will have called his have seen growing up. and if we want to maintain these causes, we carry them on. you and your family should work to seal culture the way you want to. but as you practicing your culture, you should also remember that the world is going more desperate. and finally, under the beginning, we did say that you said, you know, what is it to preserve, having had everything that's been said, have you changed your mind to left? when we say that for 10 coats as being influenced, we do not have to forget that african coach,
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hazel se influenced people. it was swept like to do. people are listening to a lot of up for beads. chris brown. is there anything, god forbid, some music and no, because they are listening to what africa is doing, and they're trying to do it. so we are, as we are being influenced us the influence in someone. all right, thank you very much. well, we did ask if the applicant culture is being erased or being threatened by westernization. and the answer today is of culture is a process of doing a taking. but what i did here as well, is that what i mean not new to more set in another way. he who leaves the culture is a slave. thank you for watching. the, the bullet holes wherever, once rage is decked out
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