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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 23, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the, the, this is deal of the news live from berlin, global a harris secures enough delegates for the democratic presidential nomination. little more than a day after being endorsed by us present 5 to take over the campaigns of defeat. donald trump, the vice president, brace fundraising records and becomes the presumptive nominee. also coming up in the program, thousands of hailstones fleet, another so called safe. so in the southern garza, after its reward of a new offensive feels or he says militants are using the own velocity of refugee camp stage attacks on israel, the
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air, and to remember lynn. thank you very much for joining us. on the 1st full day of our campaign, us vice president kamala harris, has become the democratic parties, presumptive nominee to replace present joe biden. that's after she received pledges from enough delegates to win the democratic nomination actually took over his campaign headquarters in delaware, harris got more than just an endorsement from the current president as a speech to campaign workers since j barge and abruptly entities election campaign. the vice president seemed energetic. he plays the president who is pulling in and speak of certain, some craven isolation. i love joe, in jail. we really do. they truly are like family the other way. and we know you are still there. you're not going anywhere. i
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love you. after the emotional passing, the ph thomas went off to have it public, an opponent leaning into her background as a public prosecutor. she said she'd taken own perpetrators of all kinds. creditors who abused women, fraudsters, ripped off consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. so hear me when i say, i know donald trump's type, the it was in the a day earlier that president barton abandoned his big somebody election quickly giving his endorsement to have it. since then, the number of prominent democratic endorsements for the vice president has been growing longer by the hour in the list includes for my house speaker,
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nancy pelosi bill and hillary clinton and a widely anticipated arrival for the nomination, california governor, governor newsome. he was also among names floated as potential running mates. encouraging doesn't michigan. governor gretchen with mountains and pennsylvania, governor judgeship pay the both states a critical to winning electrolyte to november. it's looking increasingly such and the terrace will be the democratic candidate that is only the fast title. so in the next $106.00 days, we have work to do. we have doors to knock on. we have people to talk to, we have phone calls to make and we have an election to win. the vice president has allowed them to do list that includes choosing a venting mate under building a campaign effective enough to defeat donald trump. charles cook chad as
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a senior fellow at the council on foreign relations in washington. i asked him earlier what by decision to withdraw from the presidential race means for u. s. foreign policy as well? i think the many allies around the world in europe, ukrainians themselves thought very highly of biden, and they are sad to see him go. that having been sad, i think it became apparent over the last couple of weeks since biden's performance in the debate. that the gap between buying and trunk was growing by the day, not just in the swing states, but in states that used to be relatively safe democratic states. as a consequence, many leaders and brought many democrats here in the united states. felt that by them had no choice to step down because you needed to clear the way for a new democratic ticket, better place to defeat trauma. what europeans are really worried about what the premiums are really worried about is that trunk will come. he will again straighten
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the transatlantic alliance as a consequence, they want to see the best democratic ticket for the possible take on donald trump. let's stay with the democratic ticket. there was a possible one in any way by them. it has in the last 3 years, been a strong supporter of ukraine and a key ally in israel's war against the moss. would you expect harris to continue the same policies if she were to be elected or broadly speaking? yes, i don't think there's a lot of ideological daylight between the vice president harris and president biden, that having been said, i do think that whoever wins the november election, we will probably see a new approach to ukraine. and that's because it looks like a stalemate is immersion. it looks like if that still made settings and they'll be an opportunity to try to move toward a ceasefire and a diplomatic effort. i see that coming either from the democrats or from the
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republicans. but one thing that the democrats have very good been very good about is forging consensus, working with allies, not doing things over the heads of ukrainians. that's not what we're hearing from donald trump and j. the vans. they appear ready to throw you crate onto the bus or the stain in that point, if i may, for a 2nd, harris has painted her campaign as a choice between stability on her side. and chaos of donald trump is re elected to america's international partners. viewed the campaign in the same terms to i think, broadly speaking, yes, i mean that the for trunk years that i lived through here in washington and that europeans lived through abroad, were very unsettling. they were very difficult. president, trump is a on predictable person. nobody knows what trump 2 point oh, would look like,
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but it may be more unsettling than trump. one point though, he's talked about dismantling the deep state. he's talked about slapping high terrace on china. he may do more to dismantle the order that the united states, its allies in europe and asia have built together more over. i think many americans, myself included, are worried about the future of american democracy. i mean, let's be honest. trump is a convicted felon who attempted to overturn the 2020 election what he could do to american democracy if he comes back to the old office. nobody knows, but it's very worried. i think that's one of the reasons. so many people are now railing very, very quickly behind comm harris. right. let me say you want to leave us there or leave it there rather that were charles cookie and a senior fellow at the council on foreign relations in washington dc. thank you very much for your analysis. is
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a brief look now and some other stories making headlines around the world. so the head of the u. s. secret service has admitted the agents and failed to protect donald trump from an assassination attempt in pennsylvania. earlier this month, speaking to lawmakers in congress directory, kimberly cheetos said she to full responsibility for any autism security. but she refused to call to calls to resign from both democrats and republicans. and just numbers. the, your opinions, top diplomat, joseph morales, has move next months, informal meeting of u foreign ministers from budapest to brussels. the decision was in response on gary and prime minister victor or bonds, trips to russia and china, and his country's resistance to supporting ukraine. russian american journalists also quote them a she ever has been sentenced to 6 and a half years in prison. after a rapid and secret trial and for for us funded, were you free or free with liberty? she has been accused of spreading false information about the russian army. go to
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michelle says she's innocent. israel has confirmed the desk of 2 more hostages and goes up. they were held together in hon. unice and are believed of dine several months ago when the israeli army was operated in the area. israel says $116.00 hostages or their bodies still remain in gaza after being abducted on october. the 7th 1000 of the palestinians have fled to save stone and garza. after these were the military ordered them to evacuate, a head of an expected defensive, their israel's military, declared the almo, while seen in re of gauze on it's kosta, saves on the main central palestinians. to take refuge there. now it says milton fighters have been using it to launch attacks on israel, and that it's too dangerous for civilians to remain. or the once again, hundreds of people forced to evacuate this time, these rating and a tree ordered gardens to leave an area, had designated
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a humanitarians and they took what they could carry and hurried to escape the lot. we were making breakfast for our children. and as we had been saved for a month, not only to be done by shells warning leaflets and marchers in the streets. we went out some kind of you could see what people looked like. look at the crowd, all were being displaced to the 15th time on the israel began shelling and as strikes and phone units off the ordering. evacuations . it said these areas had been used for new detect militants. the mass run health ministry reported at least 70 people being killed and more than $200.00 wounded. all of
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a sudden the fights are just struck and houses were targeted was left because 1000 on the ground. the guns as overwhelmed hospitals received a large number of casualties on monday, some unable to operate the cause of the new offensive. we cannot, the became the united nations and to national release agencies and says, there is no safe place left in garza. but these families have no other option. once again,
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they have to move to get away from the next is rarely striking. right, or, and traffic is once again on the rise in south africa. officials, they are st. poachers killed nearly 500 animals in 2023 and 11 percent jump on the year before to attack the heard scientists have resorted to a new tactic. that has its critics, states is making rhino is radio active in order to save them. this is a world fist. yes. what else? i mean. so that's why we, we use 2 tiny little radioactive chips into the whole. it's a painless process. this joint animal has been tranquilized, right? of ones are mainly used in asia and traditional medicine value, rivals the price paid for gold. so the idea is to the value of the ryan ahold of yours. the idea is to make a, make a look easy to attract a guy 3 borders. international crossing radiation seems that south africa's ports
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and airports can to take the treated horns. scientists have extensively tested the potential impact on the rhino is health as a off. the dosage is a fairly low level low enough that it will not impact on the animal itself in any negative way. but yet it is strong enough that it can be, can do 2 things. one is to range the horn, toe, t useless, not consumable. by and by human beings. this seems to poisonous 1st human consumption for whatever and leads people want. use this for the injection will need boosting every 5 years. if it's just stopped poachers have been going on for decades. bots have mostly failed. we tried to poison the homes that didn't work. a deal,
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honing doesn't work and nothing works. but this is something you're going to destroy. you can throw it away. and it picture flies people, you know, oh radio active. so we got to run. that's what we lumped. not everyone in the rhino willed supports. the idea. the scientists faced ethical hurdles paused by critics of the method. it's not clear what would happen if someone consumes radioactive own . despite all the criticism 20 live rhino is already passed as a project back, his hope the process can be replicated to save other spaces endangered by poaching, such as penguins and elephants. and here's a reminder of the top story we're following for you at this hour. on the 1st full day of her campaign, newest vice president come over here which has become the democratic party's presumptive nominee to replace present jo bikes. but after she received pledges
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from enough delegates to win the democratic nomination, and you're up to date and stick around. next we have a documentary exam, you know, online sports betting firms are caching and well, many of their customers struggle with gambling addiction. thanks for joining us. the growing up as a palestinian and driven on we don't expect much living with a bare minimum without civil rights and with no prospect. this is not a good environment. and i know my children and favorite shadow stats oldest good. on the w, the.


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