tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle July 23, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm CEST
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dealt with chatham house, we appreciate your insights. you're welcome. thanks so much for watching the who has the hardest job in the world. miners, strenuous and dangerous work deep underground. offshore oil, rig workers for that you need to be really strong and extreme weather conditions, mountain rescue workers, firefighters, perhaps or mine sweepers. none of the above. your heart has the most strenuous job in the world. it's working for you around the clock and a lot can happen as we learn from how tour week and your honda
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welcome to in good shape the as one of the 1st organs to start working. it's all ready clear. the heart is something special. a super oregon ready to tackle, greet challenges from now, one kid will supply the other organs with nutrients, with how the rest the transports oxygen to every single cell in the entire body. it also fights pathogens by transporting immune cells to a trouble spots. and it keeps communication going with the hormones. it constantly adapts to the needs of the other organs. it even speeds up, it's working phase 3 fold when needed. the heart is actually rather simple and essentially consists of 2 pumps. the right ventricle transports blood to the lungs
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for oxygen uptake. the oxygen rich blood enters the larger left ventricle and just pump from there to the entire body. the atria ensure a constant in flow and stabilize the pressure in the heart. as befits a super oregon, the heart is very muscular. the structure of its high enjoins muscle tissue is unique in the body. unlike other muscles, the heart muscle stimulates itself and the speeds on its own. but other organs tried to get in on the act and speed up or slow down its rhythm. by way of nerve impulses or hormones being on duty, 247 puts the heart under pressure leader release. and the higher the blood pressure, the heart of the heart has to pump. our lifestyle is a major influence on blood pressure and to heart health. lack of exercise, alcohol,
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nicotine and stress, can all take their toll. in the long run that can play strain on the heart muscle and blood vessels, which can lead to a wide range of problems including a stroke or heart attack. but our heart doesn't give up that easily. perhaps it's most important, superpower, is it stem? and if we take good care of our heart, it can beat over 3000000000 times in a lifetime, a record number compared to other models. and so even after pulling it's unusual night shift, it always starts the day full of energy, our heart, super oregon. we can be proud for simple rules can help you keep your heart healthy for the long haul. avoid stress, it raises your blood pressure and pulse and triggers inflammatory processes that damage your heart. don't smoke or stop if you already do smokers have
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a 65 percent higher risk of developing life threatening cardiovascular disease. exercise just 10 minutes of walking a day reduces the risk of heart disease due to a healthy diet. too much salt, sugar, saturated fats, and refined carbohydrates are bad for your heart. following these 4 rules does a lot to protect stuff, idaho, oregon site infections can also cause problems like line busy. johan at simon is only $34.00, but her heart is completely out of think that i'm exact. he told me mr. tim on. we need to examine your heart and couldn't put it under observation in cross stopped beating. and i was flabbergasted. that's when i realized that this was really dangerous. a cassandra scott has. the heart rhythm is
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controlled by a nerve, flexes the sino atrial node. it releases electrical impulses. they spread via the atrial ventricular or a v node. this causes the heart to beat and a regular made them. but in your honda gentleman's case, this conduction did not work properly. the condition is called an ac block. heartbeat's your ranking level, you can could stop at any time. when this happens, only a pace maker can restore normal rhythm. the doctor examined her heart and found the 1st clue as to the origin of the unusual symptoms. as to blink by the initial observation, revealed that there had been a slight diffusion which was just minimal fun, but which could have possibly indicated an inflammation of the power cardia. and the heart muscle most cuts notice on the size of 4 lock a few weeks earlier. you'll honda, tim, i'm on head suddenly felt weaker than she used to. she was barely able to work, but it still didn't worry her
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the she hope that her energy levels went bounced back. but soon afterwards, another symptom appears. and i always felt my chest here and thought, oh somehow it was really fluttering and fluttering a lot. a worries she went to her family doctor who performed an e. c. g and told her that her heart was completely out of sync, a life threatening emergency. johan simon was sent straight to the hospital because of her or with me, i've remained a mystery even for her doctor. is danielle honda to my mom, provided the vital clue is can i know someone who had a pace maker and years later he found out that he'd have lyme disease and that it had affected his heart. and that's why he was given the pacemaker. and i had that in my head and thought i should mention it to him. i had to tell them that i'd had a tick bite a few months earlier and had also had symptoms for which i haven't been treated.
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and who knows, maybe that had something to do with it. life is only of a stomach to 2 days after walking in the woods, you on it. so my mom found a tech on her back 5 of 2 weeks later i noticed that the spot hurts and have that. i took a look at it yesterday. we didn't really see much at 1st, but the next day it was red and i felt sick. i had a fever, a headache, and nausea home cups from out seeing if it kind of the 34 year old went to her family doctor. but she didn't identify the red spot as a kind of expanding rash, also known as a risk of a migrants. it was an unfortunate oversight because the ting might have transmitted the more really bacteria over time. those bacteria spread through the entire body, often affecting the joints or nerves. in rare cases,
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the pathogens reach the heart and effect the heart muscle that in turn causes an exaggerated inflammatory reaction. the result, the signal transmission is disrupted and the heart rhythm is affected. what's called line corditis, because corditis or inflammation of the heart is extremely rare. i've only seen that rarely in my career, you know, busy a rheumatologist scan. cal 1st often sees patients who are suffering from the consequences of lyme disease, discovered to late after a tooth bite. p advises, removing the tech as quickly as possible and observing the area closely. embrace them calling it's best to marketing your calendar, check it every now and then even after 2 or 3 weeks. and i always recommend checking in daylight because roches caused by checks can be so settled that you sometimes can see it in artificial light. so we're symptoms caused by mind, disease, constantine chaplain, ordered an antibody test,
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but it takes weeks to get the results. that's why he prescribes antibiotics immediately. it's the only way to stop the infection from getting worse. after 7 days and e c g showed that her heart was beating in a steady brute. them again. she didn't need a pace maker after all been fit. i'm healthy. i have energy. i can really do anything i want to. again, i still walk in the woods, i won't give that up, but i think i'm going to put a lot more emphasis on checking my entire body afterwards to make sure there are no text anywhere me visual design. this kind of take home for us. 3 weeks later, the lab confirm the diagnosis line, disease you 100 some of mine was home from the hospital by then. and fortunately, her heart did not suffer any permanent damage. the. the most dangerous kind of cardiac complication is a heart attack. it occurs when blood vessels are constricted or blocked completely
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. if it isn't treated quickly, part tissue dies due to a lack of oxygen. men have more heart attacks, but women die from them more often. the reason when having one women often feel abdominal or back pain, short of breath or nausea is symptoms. doctors don't always denies as heart related . this is because during their studies positions often only learned men, sometimes like severe chest or arm pain, overwhelming fear and fainting. these signs are considered typical, but they don't always signal a heart attack onto an invalid check is a soccer striker. the fact that he can watch a soccer game today is not a given. in august 2023, you suddenly collapsed during training. some time i didn't notice anything, i didn't feel anything as incomplete was a normal jane. i went through training and it just happened. and onsite and y'all might in direct,
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we put him straight into the recovery position with on her mind. but then we saw that he was getting paler and started panting insurance on us and then move out to the doctor. when the emergency doctor's a chest compressions, i've entered the cloud. i realized that it wasn't a dizzy spell, but that it was something really, really serious because of his costs. at the hospital, the 28 year old was taken straight to the cardiac cath lab. the doctors wanted to figure out as quickly as possible why he was in cardiac arrest. they suspected a heart attack and carried out imaging of his coronary arteries. as guns, all of his coronary arteries looked good, no constriction, no blockage. we wondered, why does he have the science of a heart attack, but no corresponding changes in his coronary vessels into that. and the next thing we thought of was broken heart syndrome. we carried out imaging on his left
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ventricle and confirmed sec diagnosis, which is the i can always sophisticated goodwin in broken heart syndrome or stress cardiomyopathy. the left ventricle is pumping function is usually impaired. the apex is usually dilated, like a balloon. a healthy left ventricle looks different. it's v shaped and pumps blood through the a order to the rest of the body. in a broken heart syndrome, the left ventricle looks like a japanese octopus trapped called a taco tubal. the disease was 1st described in japan in the 19 ninety's. this is why doctors also refer to a broken heart syndrome as taco to po syndrome. this pole, the broken heart syndrome presents like a quote unquote normal heart attacks of patients of sudden severe chest pain. sudden shortness of grad school, we're older people in particular, keel over and faint. and at 1st we can't tell the difference between a normal heart attack and broken heart syndrome and your patients. we make this
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distinction during a cardiac catheterization codes at the diesel and the site impressed during use categorized hard exam, doctor's diagnosed or i'm both sick with broken heart syndrome to him must not. and his team also found that he had a congenital disease of the heart muscle, which he wasn't aware of when you arrive here at the hospital, of course we wondered how we could have gone into ventricular fibrillation. we found to causes congenital heart muscle disease but also physical stress that led to broken heart syndrome a few times. broken heart syndrome often doesn't have any identifiable trigger, as was the case with auto and bowed sick. but emotional stress often plays a role of the looks like from physical stress. as we found in the case of mr. i'm poetic, emotional stress can also trigger broken heart syndrome. that can be things like the unexpected death of a partner or
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a beloved cat being run over in front of the house or with the single volcanic eruption, even if only on television. so along side physical stress, emotional stress can also lead to broken hearts in drugs and whole field. broken heart syndrome is treated in the same way as heart failure. beta blockers inhibits the effective stress hormones. inhibitors are used to relieve strain on the heart if the patient is suffering from fluid overload, there prescribed dire red x the on to an invoice. it responded well to treatment. but you'll have to wait a bit before he can go back to soccer training. he's in good spirits, so because it looks like he's on the road to a full recovery. most heart disease strikes people in middle age or later, but every year, almost one and a half 1000000 babies worldwide are born with congenital heart, defax,
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90 percent of them in low income countries. many of these children eventually die from their conditions, either as babies or later due to the consequences they have in industrialized countries. nearly all such children reach adulthood because modern surgical techniques can repair. what's wrong. modica is 2 years old and had heart surgery 2 months ago. talk to all of you. constantine is 13, and also has regular medical checkups. they all have a congenital heart defect, like milk, it's erickson now he got and constant teen around one point. $5000000.00 babies worldwide are born with a heart defect every year. many of them have heart surgery, s babies a busy time of the day, the parts we often see the patient several times and when they are 20 and tell us about their lives. and he thinks they are just like any young person. we're really
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happy about that and then we know what we're doing here is important, especially in the highest and tech modern interventions can save the lives of most young hard patients nowadays around 95 percent reach adulthood and haven't good quality of life. it's a huge step forward. there are different kinds of hard defects, or heart has to atria and to ventricles. sometimes the main blood vessels are reversed or have blockages. other heart defects affect the bones or involve holes between the ventricles or the atria. is venus and arterial blood mixes in the chambers that creates problems with the oxygen supply. today, many congenital heart defects are diagnosed early in life. a diagnosis can be made very early in the case of complex heart defects early means in the wound, although it has to be said that some heart effects only develop during pregnancy because heart defect was also diagnosed before birth. it's one of the most complex
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of all type of plastic, right, hurt syndrome, or h r h. as we were shocked, shocked. let's see if it's time attempting. we'd never heard about it before. so we researched. people try to figure out what it meant and what the problem knows as was perspective modeling. in this congenital heart defect only one ventricle is fully developed, venus and arterial blood mixed, and the patient can't survive without surgery. and hypo plastic left heart center, him or h l h s. the left ventricle is under developed in h r h as the right ventricle under develop memory. because 1st surgery took place when she was just 9 days old. her heart was reconstructed in 3 major surgeries before her 2nd birth thing. in the end, the functional side of the part took over the supplying of the circulatory system. venus and arterial blood were separated and her blood oxygen levels ordinarily normal. alexson is one of the
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1st patients who receive this form of heart surgery. he still has to get regular checkups because there can be later complications. these are these patients all risk developing problems in the long term. and this applies not only to have left hard syndrome, but also to all other complex heart defects into relatively simple congenital heart defects have see that these is those complications can develop over time without the patients noticing it. that's why it's important that they receive long term follow up care, which should be carried out at a cardiac clinic for by a specialist who is an expert on these issues. who might expensive. constantine has hypo plastic left heart syndrome, but he doesn't let that stop him and even takes part in sports classes. he knows how to stay within his limits. it's matt,
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i know that i can run as long as some other people. while i have a friend you've seen them to, he's not as fast as me either. so sometimes i'm glad when i'm a bit faster and not the slowest in the class. and i'm not the 1st to have to quit and there's not much as part of a clinical study. constantine will have an m, r i, and a stress test to find out how his heart is fearing. the research is wanting to know more about how complex heart defects effect everyday life and whether additional therapy is might be needed. konstantin wants to go scuba diving with his father, who is an active, unhappy, toddler, and motivates ethics and has become a doctor himself. in part because of his own experiences, where they told him a thought and of course you always think about the future and hope you'll stay stable and you make sure that you have the means to take care of yourself. but it's not like it's a worry at the top of your mind or anything with this or most with nation. studies
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show that most people born with congenital heart defense, needful, happy lives. thanks in heart to modern medicine. feeling satisfied is good for your heart, joy, happiness and love have positive effects on cardiac health as do good relationships with partners, family and friends. but the key to heart health is physical activity. british study recently found that by symmetric exercises are especially good for your heart. these involve flexing certain muscles and then not moving them or your joints for longer periods, like the core exercise called planking. those who find that to bore and can pursue the classics and stuff like jogging or playing soccer, playing soccer for health, g red versus team yellow. but this is no ordinary game and they have all,
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this is one of the players. she's an intensive care nurse who looks after people who are seriously ill her biggest worry ending up in the emergency room herself at some point for hard trouble and it's not unlikely the risk runs in her family and whatnot. as my mother developed a heart condition 20 years ago and had to get a new and artic valves, she's also had to have bypasses and has spent a lot of time in the hospital. and then it became clear that my father also has some similar problems, including high blood pressure and try to as often to some extent and impulse. so when you consider yourself and your family physicians, and if i'm you, i you wonder, wow, we little affect me to test. she wants to avoid heart disease at all costs. and that's why she made a decision a month ago. and they are now play soccer in the her own. she trains every week.
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teo card has been playing for a long time. he played soccer in his youth. then he had a heart attack 3 years ago. and there's had a stemmed ever since that change. do you think about it a lot and you always listen to your body. if there's a little something strange you wonder, is there something wrong again and so on. now he's stepping on the gas with fit kick soccer for the hard. here he's learned to let go of his worries. the training is also tailored to people with preexisting heart conditions. the trainer takes care to meet their needs. then you can make the task some more varied, but feasible, like playing with lighter balls, running shorter distance is not playing high balls. adding more balls from time to time. it's all things that make the game more feasible for the players. that way everyone feels more comfortable and secure, right?
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there's not just one ball, but several. one area of focus is coordination. that prevents frustration later in the game, especially for new players like under a 100 even the rules are a bit different, even the warm up, the goal soccer without injuries busty and trotter help develop this type of game. he is a trainee. cardiologist is, this is a soccer variant, far removed from competitive soccer to motivate people that is men and women with and without a previous soccer experience. to play sports again. and we have introduced special rules for this. so no tools, no headers, no high kicks. so that everyone, regardless of ability, has the same amount of time and funds. that's what's unique the project started a few years ago with just 2 teams there right now. so many teams that they have to
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set up their own lead to fit kick leak and very important, so wristwatch tape measure of suppose some other time on it before they start playing with the fit kick league, every player gets a health jag. and that's why they have the hard great monitors, so that they can look at their heart rate monitors during training and check for themselves whether they're training in the optimal item. if you keep your heart in the right range, you collect a little heart. the key to winning and if you improve your running performance compared to the previous month, you win points. of course we also want to encourage the teams that may not have run as much in the 1st month, but then more and more, and then next month. so that a positive spirit is created on today. of course that would also be hard for goals, but it's the exercise that counts burning more calories than usual. also even quitting smoking wins hard. founded by rushed. i
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was surprised by how clear the effects were for one thing and how quickly we were able to achieve them. i think those were the 2 points that impressed me. i just decided by sealants, i'll try it. and that's simply because they also showed us that the importance of exercise and training should be even more highly emphasized in our therapy. these can be true of understanding the top this works here during training. the teams have the rules down and 5 to with the what, what you can see is that the teams definitely play close to the ground. you move around about that. everyone gets the ball and that's a very positive concept. of course, the yellow team is doing very well now, and there's almost scored a goal. and so overall, the yellow team is probably a head. it doesn't really matter if it's the yellow, gray, or red, the heart always wins.
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you're watching dw, new who's coming to live from for lynn. camilla harris and makes her 1st campaign stop in the battleground state of wisconsin, as endorsements and donations flood and delegates are rallying behind. jo biden's, vice president to take on donald trump for the white house. also coming up on our show, china brokers the declaration between rival palestinian groups mosse and fata, on forming a u. z government the .
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