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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 24, 2024 6:00am-6:15am CEST

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the the, this is dw news line from berlin. he was vice president kamala harris kicks off for campaign to become president. with the democratic party nomination is gaining momentum with more endorsements from democratic leaders. also in the program a call for helping us state of illinois ends with the death of a black woman shot in the face by a police officer. he's now charged with murder and a case that's providing debates over racial bias and law enforcement. plus the latest climate milestone was sundays temperatures around the world, adding up to the hottest day ever recorded
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the . i'm here until in berlin. thank you very much for joining us. you was vice president kamala harris has hit the road with her new thing that did campaign for president. she held her 1st rally in wisconsin, which is one of the key swing states. she needs to help beat republican donald trump. in november. harris district came after president joe biden ended his re election campaign and endorsed her on sunday as camelot harris arrived in wisconsin with her party uniting in support of her sudden candidacy for the presidency. so wisconsin, i am told as this morning that we have earned the support of the mass delegates to secure the service attack. donald trump
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seeming to relish the clash of personalities with the man. she'll probably face on the election day before i was elected vice president before i was like the united states senator, i was elected attorney general of the state of california, and i was a court room prosecutor before them. and in those roles, i took on perpetrators of all time predators who abused women, fraudsters, ripped off consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i say, i know donald trump's try. republican lawmakers took aim at harris, highlighting the economic disruptions from the cove at 19 pandemic and russia's invasion of ukraine, which came during biden's tenure. remember,
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both of the persons running for president now have a record. they have both served in an administration here in the last, within the last several years. so you can compare how you and your family were doing on the 1st drop of ministration and how you and your families are doing now. nobody said there was a trump himself, did not mention harris on tuesday instead discussing last week's attempt on his life in a fox news interview together with his running make j. d. them. but harris will shortly be back in the spotlight on wednesday. that's when joe by didn't now back in washington, after ending his coven, self isolation is due to address the nation on his decision to drop out of the race in favor of his vice president. as with all the months ago until the us presidential election, we as political science as john mark hanson what he expects, the harris campaign to focus on in the coming weeks. well, yes, we're very close to the election,
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but one of the things we know is that most voters do not pay it very much attention to the election until after labor day. that's kind of the traditional beginning of the campaign season. so we're not really that far under there the, the experience that we're usually in, i think we're going to be hearing a lot of different messages, a lot of very focus messages from a couple of harris in the weeks ahead. and i certainly, she's already signaled that she is going to try to frame this as well as the choice between the prosecutor and the felon. to really put a focus on her record as a prosecutor is the attorney general in california and a senator from from california. and to contrast that with donald trump's well known legal was, i think we're going to hear a lot from her about abortion rights,
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about the broader issue of the freedom of individuals to choose for themselves in the most intimate areas of their lives. rather than like a government, whether it's the state government or the federal government decides those questions for them. all right, and finally, i think we're going to hear a lot about january 6. and i hope it's the democrats. we will frame that, particularly in the swing states, has not just a question of trying to overturn a legitimate election, but is a very personal thing where donald trump, i am the people around him. i tried to take away their boats and i tried to take away the goats and people in those states and said that they don't count because they weren't for they weren't for me. so was political sciences, john mark hanson in chicago, staying in the us now where there is growing anger of following a police shooting alarm black women in the state of illinois. authorities release his body cam footage,
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showing the low ins the leading to the fatal shooting. the woman, 36 year old sonya massey had called 911 to report, a suspected intruder. 2 deputies responded to one of them told massey to check on a pot of boiling water event. older trump the pot of hot water before shooting insurance. let's listen into the father of sony massey speaking after the release of the video. but you know what i want? i want justice for my baby. yeah. the highest constitutional law professor gloria brown. marshall of the john jay college of criminal justice in new york. what reforms are needed to better prevent and prosecute police brutality or the murder of george floyd in may of 2020
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triggered a lot of protests. it also triggered legislation. that's why they were wearing body cameras because of the protests that it taking place in this country. and also the legislation that was proposed, the george floyd justice and leasing act, which would have national criminal justice reform. that legislation or proposed legislation is languishing and congress. and so that's one thing that i think the general public is going to ask of whoever the next president united states is, especially if it's prominent here is the one the color that she make sure that that legislation is passed, that she does everything and in her power to pass the legislation, that reforms or criminal justice system, but we also have to put pressure on our prosecutors. as i stated this one case and, and george floyd was, there was a special prosecutor brought in. but there are 1200 cases where of the prosecutors in both cases across the country. so we must have pressure on our prosecutors to
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actually do their jobs, as rarely as they would prosecute someone who is a civilian, who would commit the same crime against another civilian. we have to have them prosecute the police who are so often killing on arms civilians with impunity. and profit tutor is doing nothing about it. not even seeking a diamonds, let alone i'm bringing charges and cases against these people. in the last one i have to make when there is a, a civil case brought that little case that's not criminal. nothing comes out of the pocket of a police officer in a civil case. tax payer money pays the victim's family. in a case of police involved civilian shooting, when is found that the person's rights were violated, not the police officers paycheck if the tax payers paycheck. so we have to have a way and that sends a message to police officers. they can not commit these crimes with impunity, and profit tutors must do their jobs. it was constitutional law professor,
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gloria brown, marshall of the john jay college of criminal justice in new york. now let's take a brief look at some other stories making headlines around the world. and the director of the u. s. secret service is that that was her resignation to following a field. assassination attempt or republican presidential nominate donald trump. kimberly cheadle said she took full responsibility for the security lapse that allowed the gunman to get within shooting distance of mr. trump edit campaign where our latino and i'm the director of the united states french president manuel mccaul has said he will keep the countries care, take our government in place until the olympics are over on the line from august. the 11th. the announcement came after the new popular front left as a lions said it had finally managed to agree on its own candidate for prime minister. after winning the most seats in july's parliamentary elections turned to rain and flooding has hit the philippines as ty, food gaming,
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barrows passed it on its way towards taiwan. the countries dental disaster agencies says at least 8 people have died and 800000 more have been affected by the storm. the philippine stock exchange here in manila, suspended, trading in many schools have closed the world health organization says it's extremely worried about a potential polio outbreak and gaza. it warned that traces of the virus has been detected in the territories wastewater. and that the dire sanitation situation could align with the virus. just brent quickly there, all the attacks, the central nervous system causing paralysis and death and extreme cases for the bridge. oh, says a max mass vaccination campaign may be needed. jo english is with you guys. nations children's agency unicef, earlier, he told us how his agencies struggling to prevent the spread of polio and gaza. so
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we've already begun risk analysis and we will say working with the local community just to make sure that they are aware of the risk and know how to defend. but the reality is that we can give people another advice. but when you have 600 people, in some cases in costa sharing a single toilet, you know, there's a very different, very, there's a huge difference between knowing the risk, understanding the risk and so being able to prepare yourself and prevent the spread . and so ultimately, as i say, we need to be able to get to me being able to provide children, families with safe drinking or so with how to quit sanitation. you know, it's a sound reality, the portable, the toilet a one of the supplies that we've had, issues getting into the gaza strip, you know? and so we said this again and again, but bass. but pacing the only way that we will be able to guessing with the scale, if she monetary and support that is needed to prevent these kind of outbreaks. and to adjust the fusion is that the population is a sci fi, is a release of the hostages,
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and it's an end to these absolute horace that was drill english with united nations children's agency units. this sunday, the 21st of july was the world's hottest day ever recorded. that's according to preliminary data. on average global temperatures from the use climate monitor. it comes as heat waves in a wildfire is ravaged waves of europe and the united states. the plan is scorching world temperature records were shattered on sunday, on the house of stay, scientists of ever recorded globally. a preliminary days are from the use climate change tracking agency to permit cuz suggest the global average surface error. temperature was just over 17 degrees celsius. that's the warm since reco, it's begun in 1914. it's the 2nd consecutive year average global temperatures of birth through climate records and will not be the last of the planet. warming fossil fuel pollution, drives temperatures, to shocking you highs, copernicus,
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director carlo blonde tempo believes the world is entering on charter territory and that the current world record won't last long. now it's not going to be a, but it's our protection and that's what it looks like. it was the other a long record. so i guess. so it's a moment. it makes it, but in a sense is something we just stomach so much. that's something we need to get used to because uh, as the climate people are, i mean, as a consequence of increasing the nose guessing difference. here we are bound to see new record being broken the next few months and next year. huge climate change is causing longer, stronger, and more frequent, extreme weather events like heat waves and floods. extreme heat has wreaked havoc across many parts of the global economy already this year. disrupting air travel and power grids. the average temperature for the year through june 2024 was 1.64 degrees higher than the air of from the 18521900. last month was the hottest
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ever june. that's the 13th consecutive time, a month to set a new average temperature record. and we end the show with some good news for the environment at least the 1st black march, or would it be hatch and captivity is offering the hope for the endangered reptiles pcs. this is one that action, cambodia inmates, efforts, parents for rescue from the legal traitors. the black bars turtle is a fresh water reptile, nasal to south east asia. right now, this baby is just sick, centimeters long and weighs around 40 grams. that is being looked after by conservationist, until it's big enough to be released into the wild. and with that, you're up to date, but to stick around off next we have a documentary about the battle of they're doing a symbol of the horrors and futility of the 1st world war that's coming up next step for a short break on doc film. and remember, if you need more news on the go,
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you can always check out our website that's dw. com for all your latest news and business headlines and follow some social media for handles at the w news of air and tilt. and berlin, thanks for joining us. the, the the is, it is supple is power and key more people than ever on the move world wide and such a base in life. politically suggestive in cardboard. that's what i find out about baby story info, migraines, the.


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