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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  July 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm CEST

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the the, the, the news line from the benjamin netanyahu proposed to address the us congress in washington. thousands of protesters gathered outside the capital building as these very 5 minutes to 6 to balls, to support israel's war against from us. the pressure is also on inside the bill. the way faces a series of boy cops alone make is deeply divided overs handling of the world. the i'm so okay, welcome to the program. anyway, next in yahoo is preparing to address a joint session of the us congress. these live pictures from the us capital y b as
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rodney prime minister, is expected to call for more us support for these countries. walk ins time us is busy. it has been met with protests and boycotts from some democratic lawmakers. traditionally vice president. com la harris and would share such joint sessions for foreign dignitaries and her role as president of the senate to miss the speech though, because of vague reported scheduling conflicts, republican vice presidential candidate j d funds will also be a no show. let's bring it in. um, at least i'm list shawnee rezani here with me and reports and stuff in assignments in our washington studio a welcome both. let's start with you a step and why is this visit so controversial? a long courtesy attitude, the us attitude, and that means public attitudes as well as that of the administration has changed
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towards benjamin netanyahu towards the conduct us rate is really conduct of the war in gaza. i'm, you know, we're nearing, reported by how much lead to how some industry and guys are 40000 victims of the war there. and the u. s. public has grown really wary of those numbers and those pictures we have sort of tie in complete destruction of cities and urban centers in gaza. that is not that the u. s. and the administration does forgot or has forgotten why this all started. of course, the terrorist attack on october 7th, last year by how much into israel killing. a $1200.00 plus is or eighty's, but it is a big, it has become more and more difficult for the administration as well as for the public key or to a cab below support the actions of the war cabinet of prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu. not this speech now, which we will hopefully witness soon is literally never looked this test, at least for the experts and the politicians here. well waiting for that to hear. will the benjamin antonio go a full throw on the offense or will he are striking conciliatory tone? uh that needs to be seen in a few minutes. okay, lets pick up about with shudders honest. said what are you expecting to hear shawnee oh he set up on his departure that he will try to be very conciliatory. we'll try to be. yeah. talking about unity um try to bring forth the, the, uh, the essence of the alliance, the strong lines between israel and the america that we know for so long and wide still so important and why it's important for israel's enemies. after all this, these years to know this bond is still strong despite the and that will be very such a difficult year because of real deep divines and where the americans, especially this democratic administration stand and where israel stands on the war
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and gaza. so he will try to do several things. first of all, he will think a president biden for his support. probably he will try to bring the hor october 7th, back to memory of the world and the american. but other than that, he will of course, talk about the hostage deal and the importance of that. and what it means because we know it's a big agenda for bite and himself, but also i'm on republicans in, in the us. another topic, a little sick blue here about probably is the day after what's his vision for garza and for the past in a stay tuned aspirations in general, really the day i think we, we may hear when hearing some, some suggesting he will have to address that and will probably try to bring some concrete vision to that point. another topic of course is wrong. it's nothing else important topic and maybe the set, the normalization efforts with the saudi arabia's the sorry way be which was on the table before october 7th. and maybe so as i think that
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that's missing, let me know who now entering, entering the the chain. but these are life pictures of this. you'll see that these writing a prime minister is about to address the how the disjoint section of the house of a congress that stephan simons. i'm ahead of this page. why did speak of johnson issue of this invitation to to be frank uh to uh, to work against the by the registration. so uh that was uh, that was politics. uh, speaking johnson invited in benjamin attorney out. we'll hold this to address the joint session in the house, and the democrats said, refuse to sign on on this initially, and then case the little bit. i came. jeffrey's then signed on on the invitation, but more or less reluctantly. and that is in, from the perspective of mike johnson,
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the speaker of the house, the majority leader in the house, a, in a full and a search, the embarrassment of the by new ministration of the president joe biden himself. because as we know, joe biden and benjamin attorney, our are not on the best in relation at the moment. there is friction as trying. he pointed out why? because i that'd be, that'd be it was on joe. he's exactly elect to and now it doesn't look like any, any moments he's going to stop the signs for something that the of the rest will different into the proceedings and hear what you. so that's the site to this joint session. the us, the,
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this will definitely serve antonio for his main purpose, which is to address that is really crowned these really public. and the state himself as the strong statement that he wants to be seen in. and definitely this se, sending a vision, despite everything we've been seeing in the last month at the war and the disagreements with the administration. definitely something he's proud of is going to use for his campaigns. and his political means, the members of congress. i now have the high privilege and this thing done or presented to you, his excellency, benjamin netanyahu prime minister of israel, the
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speaker of the house. mike johnson. senator ben carton. not even later i came jeffries, senate majority leader, chuck schumer, senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell, senators, members of congress, distinguished guess this is speaker. i want to
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thank you for giving me the profound honor of addressing this great. so to all of democracy for the 4th time, the we meet today at a crossroads of history. our world is in the people in the middle east. you onto the axis of char confronts america is real, that our friends. so this is not a clash of civilizations. it's a clash between barbarism and civilization. the, it's a plus between those who glorified death and those who sanctify life the,
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for the forces of civilization to try. and america in this role must stand together the because because when we stand together something very simple happens. we were very lose the and my friends i came to assure you today a one thing we will when the
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ladies and gentlemen like december 7th, 1941 and september 11th, 2001 of tober 7 is a day that went for ever live in for me, it was the jewish holiday of some club to uh it began as a perfect day, not a cloud in the sky sizes of junk, as well as we're celebrating as an outdoor music festival. and suddenly at $629.00 m. as children were still sleeping, solving in their beds in the towns and people would see him next to a gospel southerly. heaven turns into hell. $3000.00 come up
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stairs, stormed into israel. they butchered 1200 people from 41 countries, including 39 americans. proportionately compared to our population size. that's like 29 eleven's in one day. and these monsters they re women. they'd be headed men. they burn babies alive. they killed parents in front of their children. and children in front of their parents. they drag 255 people, both living and dead into the dark dungeons of gaza. israel is already brought home a 135 of these hostages, including 7 or afraid and daring rescue offers the
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wonder of those freed hostages, nor the money is here in the gallery, sitting near my wife sarah. in the morning the on the morning of october 7th, the entire world saw nose look of desperation. as she was vitally dr to gaza. on the back of a motorcycle. i met doors mother the or
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a few months ago. she was dying of cancer. she said to me, prime minister, i have one final wish i wish to hug my daughter nor one last time before i died. 2 months ago, i authorized a breathtaking come manual rescue operation. our special forces, including a roy officer named are known zamora, who fell in this battle. rescued no. on 3 other houses. the no i think was one of the most moving things
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when no was reunited with their mother. lee, your and your mother's last wish came true. no, we're so thrilled to have you with us today. thank you. the very hostage families are awesome. who with us today, including the, all the bus and the all be about is the grandfather of those 2 beautiful red headed boys, the big bus boys, toddlers and they were taking hostage with their mother in law's sorry, and particularly ours son. the entire family was taken hostage to beautiful red,
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her children, taken hostage. what monsters and with us also is this. i am whose son, your tom bravely escaped from us. captivated with 2 other israelis and tragically, they were killed, making their way back to our lawrence. we have with us also the families of american hostages. there, here the, these families have been jude is beyond words. i met with them again yesterday and i promised them this. it will not rest until all their loved
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ones or home. of the, as we speak, were actively engaged in intensive efforts to secure their release and i'm confident is that these efforts can succeed. some of them are taking place right now. i want to thank president barden for his tireless efforts on behalf of the hostages. and for his efforts to the officers families as well, the
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i said president barton for his heartful support for his room after the savage attack on october 7th, he rightly called come us, shoot evil dispatch to aircraft carriers. so the middle is the total wider war. and he came to his room to stand with us during our darkest hour. a visit that will never be forgotten. the other one is an officer and is really power troopers. his family emigrated to israel for me to help you in the early hours of october 7th. i'll be far heard the news of how mazda is bloody rampage. he put on his uniform, grabbed his rifle, but he didn't have a car. so he ran 8 miles through the front lines of garza to defend his faithful.
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the you hear that right? you run 8 miles to the front lines, killed many terrace and save many, many lives before we all honor your remarkable heroism. and other is rarely is whether it's here today and he's standing start up right next to right. that's 2 of you 5. this is master sergeant, are shuffled, but here's the
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all she wants is a veteran soldier from this really muslim community rugs on october 7th, shelf 2 killed many tears. first, he defended his comrades in the military base and he then rushed to defend the neighboring communities, including the devastated community of keyboards. very like osh off the oh my gosh, are of the muslim soldiers of the idea of fought alongside their joys, drew's christian and other comrades in arms with tremendous bravery. the
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3rd hero lieutenant, also silver is also here with us. the also a far as an officer of the 10 court and he was wounded in battle. he was wounded in battle. what protecting his fellow soldiers from a grenade? he lost his right arm and division in his left arm. he's recovering and incredibly within a short time also will sort of return to active duty as a commander of a tank company. the
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i just learned there was a 4th year over here. the attendance unit on jonathan, been humble, who lost the leg and guys and continued to fight the my friends. these are the soldiers of israel on about on vaulted on
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a freight the . the bible says, i'm killing of the cool. there's so rise, like lot of the reason, lot of times the lines of judah, the lines of as well, the ladies and gentlemen, the men and women of the idea of, to come from every corner of this valley societies that we have visited, every color, every creed left their lights, religious and secular,
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all are imbued within dom little spirit of the maccabees. the legendary joys warriors of antiquity with us today is this here light or the father of one of those maccabees. this is father escaped the holocaust and found refuge in america. as a young man, you feel moved to his room and raise a family of 8 children, named his eldest son, marcia. after his late father, moshe became an exemplary officer and one of our lead commander units. he served with distinction for 2 decades, while raising 6 beautiful children of his own. on october 7th, my share of volunteer to return to come back. 4 weeks later, he was killed when a booby trap mind exploded in a total shaft. right next to a mosque. and his sons funeral, your seal said this if the state of israel had not been established after the
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holocaust, the image in graves in our collective memory would have been the photograph of that hopeless jewish boy in the warsaw ghetto. holding his hands up in the air with nazi rifles pointed at him. but because of the birth of his relatives, he continued. because of the courage of soldiers like my son marsher, the joys people are no longer helpless in the face of our enemies. the yes him, him please. why so we can honor your son sacrifice. and i pledge to you and to all the moving families of israel, some of whom are into the fault today. the sacrifice of your loved ones will not be
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in vain. the it would not be then because for israel never again must never be an empty promise. it was always remain a sacred vote and after october, the 7th, never again is now the, my friends defeating our brutal enemies. requires both courge and clarity. clarity
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begins by knowing the difference between good and evil. yet incredibly magic, many anti israel protestors many choose to stand with evil. they stand would come off, so they stand with rapists and murderers. they stand with people who came into the people the same into a home, the parents or the children, the 2 babies in the audit in a secret added. they murder the families, the parents, they find the secret latch to the hypnotic, and then they murder the babies. these boats are so stand with them, they should be ashamed of themselves. the,
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they refuse to make the simple distinction between those who target terrace and those were the target civilians between the democratic state of israel and the terrace dogs of hamas. we recently learned from the national security director, director of us director of national intelligence that yvonne is funding and promoting entry as real protests in america. they want to disrupt america. so these protestors burned american flags even on the 4th of july. and i wish to salute the fraternity brothers at the university of north carolina,
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the american flag for the american voters. the for all we know you're on is funding the anti israel posters that are going on right now outside this building. not that many, but they're there throughout the city. while i have a message for these protesters when the tire and softer on who hank games for trains and murder, women for not covering their hair appraising, promoting, and funding.


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