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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  July 25, 2024 2:02am-2:30am CEST

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a mazda tax, it is launched, thousands of bits of and drones against us. $80000.00 of our citizens in northern israels evacuated their homes, becoming effectively refugees and their own land. we have committed to returning them home. we prefer to achieve this diplomatically, but let. okay, we got into that from benjamin netanyahu to go live to the white house, and joe bought a brand new link for florida street. check mouse, frank, franco, roseville, with my buyer. just your objective peer reviews office. i love my country more in the, in my life servers are present in the defense of democracy, which is a stake, i think is more important than a title i draw strength. i find joy in working for an american people. but the sacred task for affecting our union. it's not about me. it's about you,
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your families, your futures, it's about we the people. we could never forget that. and i never had i've made it clear that i believe americans have an inflection point on those rare moments of history. and the decisions we make now turn on are afraid of our nation and the world for decades to come. america is gonna have to choose between moving forward or backward between hope and hate. between unity division. we have to decide do we still believe in honesty, decency, respect, freedom, justice, and democracy. in this moment, we can see those we disagree with not as enemies are, but as far as the federal work can we do that of this character in public life still matter. i believe it though,
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they answer these questions because i know you are the american people and i know this. we are a great nation because we are good people. and he would like to meet his office. i promise to always level with you. to tell you the truth, the truth sacred cause of those countries larger than any one of those of us are cherry that cause cherish, has so much cause of american democracy itself. what you 9 to protect you know, originally x has become clear to me. i need your 9 my party in this critical and better. i believe i recognize presence, my leadership in the world. my vision for america's future. palmer, the 2nd term. nothing. nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy.
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that includes personal ambition. so i've decided the best way for it is a pass the tours from new generation as the best way to unite our nation. now there is a time and a place for long years of experience and public life. there's also a time and a place for new voices. fresh voices? yes. younger voice that time of places. on the next 6 months, i'll be focused on doing my job as president. i means i'll continue lower costs or hardworking families to grow our economy. ok, defending our personal freedoms on our civil rights from the right to vote to the right to choose or keep calling out. hate extreme is clear. there is no place, no place in america, or political violence, or any violence or period i'm going to keeps,
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keeps speaking now to protect our kids from guns on our planet, from climate crisis. and as the ex essential threat, our k 40 my for my cancer moved shot. so we can and cancer as we know it because we can do it on a call for supreme court reform. because this is critical to earn democracy. supreme court before you know how to keep this 4 key to ensure americans remain strong, secure in the leader of the free world. and the 1st president of this century to report to the american people at united states is not a war. any work in the world will keep rallying the coalition of proud nation. so stop taking over ukraine, doing more damage. ok, nato stronger. and i'll make it more powerful and more your and i, any time and all our history keep to a, to say for allies of the pacific. you know,
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when i came to office, conventional wisdom was a china we never used would have never been past the united surpass united states as not the case anymore. and i'm going to keep working in the war and guys bring home all the hostages to bring peace and security to them, the lease to end this war were also working around the clock to bring home america is paid on just a tape all around the world. you know, come so far as buying all your ration on that day. i told you i was, i stood in the winter, we're still in a winter apparel and winter possibilities. apparently, the possibilities were in a group of where we were in a group of worst pandemic, and essentially the worst economic crisis since the great depression. the worst attack on our democracy since the civil war. we came together as americans.
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we got through it. we much stronger and more prosperous and more secure. today we have the strongest economy in the world, creating nearly 16000000 new jobs. the record wages are up place, it continues to come down. racial wells, cap is the lowest, has been and 20 years. we're literally rebuilding our entire nation urban, suburban world, travel communities, manufacturers come back to america, relating the world again and chips and science and innovation. and we finally beat big farm after all these years to lower the cost of prescription drugs procedures. i'm going to key for these, make sure we lower the costs for everyone. imagine more people of health care today in america than ever before. i sign my most significant loss, healthy millions of veterans and their families or exposure, toxic materials you know,
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most exhibit climate law ever ever in the history of the world. the 1st major concepts you on 30 years today, violent or violent crime rate is, have 50 or low process occurred. our border border crossings are lower today. when the previous administration left office. i've kept my commitment to a point. the 1st black when we did the stream quarter united states of america. i also kept my commit tevin administration. it looks like america very present for all americans. that's what i've done. ran for president 4 years ago. because i believe and still doing that, the sole american or the state very nature of who we are with the state. that's still the case. american idea. idea stronger than the army. bigger videos or possibly dictate or
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a tire most powerful id in the history of the world. that idea is that we hold these truths to be self evident. all crazy in dobb market are certainly dealing with rice, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. and never following of up to it to the sacred idea. we've never walked away from it either. and i do not believe the american people walk away from it. now. just a few months, the american people choose the course of america's future. i made my choice. i made my views now. i like to thank our great vice president. come on wires. she experienced she's tough. she's capable. she's been an incredible partner, may, leader for our country. now the choice up to you, the american people, you make that choice. i mean, the words have benjamin franklin. i am on my wall here in the office,
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outside the bus from dr. king and rosa parks. it says our chavez, when ben franklin was asked, emerge from be coming back to the convention, going on for the founders. have given america a monetary public, frank and we response was republic. if you can keep it right public, if you can keep it. whether we keep for republic is now in your hands. i felt all american to spend the privilege of my life service patient for over 50 years. no or else on earth. could a kid with a stutter from minus began his grand pennsylvania clermont tower. one day should behind the rest of the test. in the oval office press united states. here i am so special or a nation of promise and possibilities of dreamers of doors. the ordinary americans
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doing extraordinary things are getting my heart and my soul to our nation. like so many others. i've been blessed 1000000 times and return the loving support of the american people. i hope to have some idea of great. all the great thing about america is here. kings and dictators do not roll people's history is in your hands. a powers in your id of america lies in your hands just as a keeps face to face. remember who we are with united states of america. and there simply nothing. nothing beyond our capacity. we do it together. when its act together, preserve right democracy. god bless you, law may god protect our troops. thank president of the
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united states just live and live from the out of the office in washington dc. now the w bureau chief and his full joins us for more on a very short turnaround, anus welcome the i've role. how did you write button speech? this 10 minutes, very sorted, was amazing how much it was focused on himself and his legacy and tell a little he really talked about a kind of the harris. he endorsed her as his successor, but he only basically had 2 sentences for her that she was a grade c, p to him, an incredible partner and a grade lead or for the country. so he definitely didn't use this speech to look forward to give her a pushing the race, but to really secure his legacy. he did talk only little about why he made
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this decision. he said that he believes that it's time for younger uh for the next generation for younger, more energetic politicians, but he didn't spend a lot of time on his decision making and it definitely they didn't explain why it took them so long to withdraw or took drop out of the presidential campaign or election. so he mainly spend a probably 8 of these 10 minutes to talk about once he has come accomplished. and of course also that he wants to use the remaining 6 months in his term to fulfill what he's stalled. it's to lower costs for hard working family to grow the economy. he votes to keep defending personal freedom and civil rights. so a very big word directed speech i shall say, and very little of her it's for the present possibly. um, most likely presidential candidate of the democratic party. you talk about the
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breadth of what do you have to cite any speech, quite rightly. the speech was supposed to be about locksley, him explaining his decision. but there was one of those moments in this that i picked up on when the president tried to set the saying, if he's an organization and filed lots, they did seem somewhat the best explanation or reminder of just why perhaps he had to make this decision that he's struggling to get these words out still even when trying to explain his decision. that is true. and i mean he was reading the teleprompter too. it was a very short speech, very simple sentences. so he definitely is struggling. and i think this speech where the data most and mainly was kind of underlining the decision that he was the right decision for him to step down. and that kind of probably was also a last minute decision. so he, you know, there, there weren't any big follow it's,
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it wasn't as bad, of course, as we saw him during the debate. but it definitely wasn't. the president read no from 3 or 4 years ago. and it definitely wasn't the man of whom it would say, man, why does it doesn't to just go for another 4 terms. he kind of proved with this performance that it is the right decision. but the kind of past on this towards to the next generation, you can tell that passing the torch to a new generation and the vice president couple of harris. i'm quoting john f kennedy as he did so. i wanted, do you think he passed the torch in time? well, that's a good question and we only will know probably on the election day november 5th. but it is amazing what's happened to this country ever since he dropped out of the race. and ever since he endorse coming to harris as his successor,
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especially of course, in the democratic candidate, so much energy here, tens of thousands of photos risers through. it's a little different system here then, and many other countries who have to register us so you can vote on the election day. so that's a huge momentum which is built around kind of the heritage. she gave a pretty impressive speech. she is a huge success. uh, on a tick tock and on other social media platforms, which of course is important to win over the younger voters. and everybody is hoping that everybody, i mean, everybody from hurricane, from the democratic party, is hoping that she also will be able to win bags of orders from the black community from the community. there was a consistency stow as voters, which are so important for the democrats at 2226, your at the white house. it's also interesting to see how a former president donald trump tries to attack her. he just finished
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a speech before joe biden spoke, and he said, well, i will take her. and i, i do know, i don't vote how will i won't hold big, just because she is a black woman. we shall see how this works out. so definitely interesting times and there is a sort of a relief here that's some at least know there is some excitement in this phrase which was kind of so predictable and boring this to him and everybody know so well kind of running again against each other. so it's kind of a new time here in the selections circle, and we shall see. it's a little bit more than a 100 days away from this election day on november 5th. and sure it's little bit like a honeymoon. uh, this kind of hers now, but her starts definitely. what's impressive, this is the the house kind of find this. got that energy. now the rice has got a new energy to it. as you point out, i wonder what to we now expect from the last 6 months of the bottom presidency.
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i mean, um, he definitely will uh, work hard on the issues. uh you know, uh which matter to him, but of course he is kind of a lame dock. i mean a congress is more divided than ever. it will be nearly impossible for him to pause new legislation, but of course he will definitely try to kind of open on or make it possible for a coming to harris in case she begins to fulfill what he sold so much wanted to fulfill. you know, that was a doing this kind of heartbreaking of use. he gave and he tried to convince the public of the audience that he is the only one that he's the only 133000000 people around the world. a skill facing front of hung up with no improvement since the previous year. that's according to the latest annual report from the us food and agriculture agency. this amounts to one in every 11 people in
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the world with africa being with defective. journalist in kenya have joined with nationwide protests against if it's to stifle a media afraid of media union se report as a pain shot at the gas and beaten by security forces. while covering anti government protests. more than 200 people have been killed off the heavy rains triggered too much slides in southern ethiopia. rescue is a working to locate survivors. as relief groups struggle to bring into affected areas. around 14000 people have been moved to safety because of the risk of movement slides. it's to, to pick them up on one of a few of these deadliest recorded disasters. generalist samuel get it. you joined us earlier from the gulf or region in southern a few of you and said his impressions with us. and let's be seeing our trucks
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heating to this small villages. we're just half an hour away from the village. we're spending the night here and we're going to join them. see what has been happening in this villages early in the morning. uh, but uh, toners uh, villagers tell us that there are so many people that have died. the official number you mentioned was also if monday morning money people have perished and the local government is going to be updating us, how many more people have died and how many bodies have been recovered and so far, but it's being one of the biggest uh, much light disaster. so as you said in ethiopia, the village is of a under developed. it has though functioning roads. um there's no electricity. we're not able to travel at this time, for instance. uh, that's why we're spending the night in a town just before it. and it's difficult,
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um i, we need to cuss about 6 hours to travel from a so do which should have taken us perhaps one or 2 hours. it's a difficult road of this. there has to be a smooth one of the most neglected villages in ethiopia. and this image is uh, we're seeing now, you know, screen is a glimpse of what the village is all about according to the villagers. and we're going to see what's been happening. i report tomorrow. that was general, as samuel gave that you reporting from a few of you there. well to offer and kindly has my land full on tie. one time soon as old would ready devastated the philippines, killing at least 13 people and causing widespread destruction. in taiwan, at least 2 people have been killed. the storm has now passed out into the taiwan strait and is expected to hit southern china lights are on thursday. air is in the
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stones pop up, preparing for land for. meanwhile, recognizing tiwana still working to save more people from the resulting floods. with gusts well over 200 kilometers an hour. typhon came a churned of tie one eastern coast, gathering strength. the storm took its 1st victim in taiwan. before it even made land phone, a motorist crushed by a falling tree. international traveler scrambled to leave the island rushing to book another, a more expensive tickets. after hundreds of flights were cancelled. thousands of people were evacuated from regions threatened by mudslides. ty, once president urged most of the country to stay put under the safety, fast, safety, fast digit. thanks for everyone. likes all do our best tens of thousands of tie when a soldier's many who were participating in the countries annual war games are on
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call for relief. efforts in the philippines square came, he struck 1st flood waters in some places reached several meters. hundreds of thousands of people here have had to flee their homes. go tomorrow, but we've been sleeping with the rain stuff today in the morning. and we will come out around 5 in the morning as to select waters and to the home. rescuers here are raising to save lives. i don't. my mom is still people left behind my wife. i cousins and relatives stood in a hurry and i'd like to have them rescued because the water does reach the floor and it's all nice under that edition. many or sheltering at this school in the capital manila. others at this church. people say they've lost everything. i see it very said we're going to have to rebuild and start from the beginning and
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but at least we have saved some money. that's all that is important that we were able to evacuate immediately. jamie is impacted as being felt here and across the range with china, also pricing for the store. now before we go to the international olympic committee has announced the hosts of the 20302034 winter guides to be, or the fall. se fronts will highest in 2030 with the event split between helpline ski resorts and the city of niece. the project will need to be signed off by the incoming french parliament and prime minister following recent elections. 2030 full games will be hosted by salt lake city capital of suicide. utah wants the sole candidates of the i see for the reverse the decision.
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if us officials continue, it's ongoing feud with the world and he does agency and with that you're up to date. i'll see you again at the top of the out. don't forget the website is there and social media channels for more. at any time you native, i'm asking you how the in berlin c as in the,
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the enter the conflicts own with tim sebastian in the early hours of february 24th just over 2 years ago. you came in joe. listen carefully, i'm mistaken. both on the russian this i'll probably think the city see me up on the money and go, woke up, went out and reporting in real time how you can use as it falls on a daily basis. context on d. w. age tells nice story that
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people use planned dedicated to me. i am not too dumb to time the odyssey tricks the meltdown did in 45 minutes. on d w, the this video change the word. it says us so to is killing civilians in the rock. after posting it's julia songs became a wanted 9. 14 years later the we can expound it is fine and the general is done doing the traces, the stories of a soldier under volley for off the attack. they speak to each other for the 1st
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time. a captivating story about this struggle for forgiveness. i'm sure. guardians of trees, julian, his terms and the dark secrets of war starts july 27th on d. w. the. in the early hours of february 24th just over 2 years ago. are you kidding you enjoy listing care hub, be unmistakable sound. the russian missile targeting, he's 50 and he believes that need to be lying in a fit with a russian bullet in his head. but it didn't happen. instead, any upon the money and co woke up went out and began reporting in real time, how you can use access full of full on the daily hourly basis. his new book cold, i will show you how it was found. the 1st 3 months of most goes invasion and his remarkable you love affair with his own country.


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